Homare Arisugawa - Tumblr Posts
Homare: Hisoka consider this, what if you have ten marshmallows and I ask for one?
Hisoka: Ten marshmallows...
Homare: Oh. Well what if I forcibly take one?
Hisoka: Ten marshmallows and your corpse...
Chikage: Oh dear, we ran out of money. We should steal.
Homare: What?! We should not do such disgrace!
Chikage: Why not? I stole things without other people knowing.
Homare: Hisoka-kun, talk to him!
Hisoka: I wanna steal...

Caption: Group A using reindeer puns and Tsuzuru slowly wanting to be reclaimed.
Banri: Here's a fun Christmas idea, let's hang a mistletoe but instead of kissing you have to fight underneath it.
Sakyo: We are not doing that.
Hisoka: Mistlefoe...
Homare: No, Hisoka-kun.
Homare: Stop it! Do you never want me to talk to you both again?!
Homare: ...what?
Tasuku: Hang on, we're considering.
Homare: Since when is babysitting Hisoka my job?
Homare: I just wake him up when he's asleep, feed him his mar-
Homare: Wait! Oh dear me! That's exactly my job!
Homare: You can't sleep your problems away!
Hisoka: Watch me...
Izumi: Yeah, it's kinda easy to take care of 24 actors.
Misumi: *runs on the walls and ceilings*
Hisoka: *sleeps on the floor while eating marshmallows*
Homare and Citron: *composing a poem with Citron making creative words*
Banri and Juza: *fighting as usual*
Taichi and Kazunari: Um, director!
Izumi: Yes?
Kazunari: We should run outside.
Izumi: Why?
Taichi: We accidentally set the dorm on fire...
Sakyo: I'll go park the car. Go get a table for us.
Taichi: Yessir!
*a few minutes later*
Taichi and Kazunari: *runs out of the restaurant, screaming while carrying a table*
Homare carrying Hisoka: Sakyo, start the car!
Misumi: Chikage and I brought chairs too!
Sakyo: You idiots! Put them back!
Hey Liber, why aren't they canon?

Just look at them!

They know-
Kazunari: T is for the love of my life!
Sakuya: S is for scriptwriter!
Itaru: U is for understanding big bro!
Taichi: Z is for zealous!
Omi: U is for unique!
Homare: R is for radiant!
Muku: O is for outstanding!
Kumon: O is for observant!
Citron: N is for never gonna give you up!
Sakuya: Never gonna let you down!
Taichi: Never gonna run around!
Kazunari: *brings out congratulations cake* and dessert you!
Tsuzuru: ...you did you best. Thank you.
Kazunari: Do, a deer, a female deer!
Taichi: Re, a drop of golden sun!
Muku: Mi, a name I call myself!
Homare: Fa, a long, long way to run!
Tasuku: So done with you guys.
Sakuya: I was looking forward to La...
Watch "【A3!(エースリー)】4周年記念PV" on YouTube
Okay. Where the hell are the tissues!
Homare: Roses are red, violets are blue-
Tasuku: If you finish that poem, I'm gonna hit you.

You are not incapable of feeling emotions, you are not a broken cyborg. You are unique. I love your poems! :D
Homare: You're short.
Yuki: Wrong.
Homare: It's impressive that such strength and ferocity can be contained in such a small vessel!
Yuki: Right. It will be even more impressive when I am done making short pieces of you.
Homare: I'm not that dramatic.
Tasuku: When I asked you why you were wearing a bejeweled tiara, you quoted the entirety of Shakespeare's 'All of the World is a Stage' monologue with Sakuya from 'As You Like It' and then you broke down crying.
Tasuku: And you know what the scariest part was? You were sober!
Homare: Tsumugi will be here tonight as the sun casts its last shadow on the earth and the crescent moon is risen upon the eastern ridge.
Hisoka: Zzz...
Tasuku: So like, 9 o' clock.
Guy and Azuma: Yes.
Tsumugi: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Tsumugi: Socks are Feetie Heaties.
Hisoka: Forks are Stabby Grabbies...
Guy: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.
Azuma: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.
Homare: Stamps are Lickie Stickies!
Tasuku, annoyed: You are disappointments.
Sakuya: Where's the rest of the Winter Troupe?
Tasuku: They're playing hide-and-seek for some reason.
Sakuya: Where?
Tasuku: ...I don't think you get how this game works...