Misumi Ikagura - Tumblr Posts
Izumi: Yeah, it's kinda easy to take care of 24 actors.
Misumi: *runs on the walls and ceilings*
Hisoka: *sleeps on the floor while eating marshmallows*
Homare and Citron: *composing a poem with Citron making creative words*
Banri and Juza: *fighting as usual*
Taichi and Kazunari: Um, director!
Izumi: Yes?
Kazunari: We should run outside.
Izumi: Why?
Taichi: We accidentally set the dorm on fire...
Sakyo: I'll go park the car. Go get a table for us.
Taichi: Yessir!
*a few minutes later*
Taichi and Kazunari: *runs out of the restaurant, screaming while carrying a table*
Homare carrying Hisoka: Sakyo, start the car!
Misumi: Chikage and I brought chairs too!
Sakyo: You idiots! Put them back!
Sakuya: Want to hear a hard riddle?
Muku: Sure!
Sakuya: A rooster laid an egg on the roof, which way did it roll?
Muku: ...down???
Sakuya: N-
Masumi: Who cares about which way it rolled, it would be a scrambled egg by then.
Misumi: No, the rooster told me that it doesn't lay eggs.
Tsumugi Bday Messages that I absolutely loved:

Don't be shy...do it!

I swear that I love this pair and their interactions!

Well, he's not wrong-

He said this in the anime. He said it again. Will you please just tell him that you not just love his acting but him also?
I just have this thought:
Who is funnier?
Citrun(Citron and Tsuzuru) or Summer Troupe?
Tenma: Let's start practice at four am tomorrow.
Kazunari: What?! No!
Yuki: As if, hack!
Kumon: I'm sleepy.
Misumi: My triangle hunting ends at five. :(
Muku: Okay! :D
Tenma: ...this is why Muku's my favorite.
I wanna be hugged by Misumi so bad. I think that he gives the best cuddles.
Watch "【A3!(エースリー)】4周年記念PV" on YouTube
Okay. Where the hell are the tissues!
Aww Misumi, I love you too!

Finally I have a Valentines date this year! :D
Muku: There are rats in the basement!
Misumi: Meow. :3
Misumi: *trying to climb on the roof to do a backflip on the trampoline*
Muku: *tries to stop him*
Kumon: *cheering him on*
Kazunari: *records the whole scene*
Tenma and Yuki: *looks at each other*
Tenma and Yuki: We need new troupemates.
Kazunari: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Muku: I burned my tongue once...
Tenma: I dropped a hair dryer on my foot.
Misumi: I was playing with the kitties too roughly and got scratched.
Kumon: I accidentally stabbed myself on the hand with a pencil during elementary.
Yuki: I have emotional scars.
Taichi: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Banri: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Taichi: The three of them saw it, Ban-chan. How do you explain that?
Banri: *points at Tsuzuru* Sleep deprivation. *points at Muku* Paranoia. *points at Misumi* No one knows what he sees.
Sakyo, holding his and Izumi's child in his arms: Are you sure about this?
Izumi, looking at the Company smiling innocently: We can trust them.
Kazunari, arms outstretched: Come to Uncle Kazu!
Sakyo, holding the child tighter: No.
Banri: Come on old man, when was the last time the two of you relax and go out on a date?
Izumi: See? Besides, they're all so mature already!
Banri and Juza: *start fighting*
Taichi and Misumi: *accidentally break a vase*
Tsuzuru: *groans* So close...
Sakyo: *hands the child over to Omi and Sakuya*
Kazunari: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Misumi: Tubular AF!
Muku and Kumon: Mood to the max!
Tenma, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Yuki, annoyed as well: If they breathe, they're a square.
Sakuya: Why are Tsuzuru-san and Kazunari-san sitting back-to-back?
Muku: They had a fight.
Chikage: ...Then why are they holding hands?
Misumi: They get sad when they fight.
Muku: I-I'm p-probably g-going to end a four year relationship!
Misumi: Oh no...
Kumon: Oh dear, I'm so sorry... Are you okay?
Muku: What?! It wasn't mine!
Tenma and Yuki: *fighting in the kitchen*
Kazunari: Don't they fight all the time?
Store Worker: Would someone named Yuki Rurikawa please come to the front desk?
Yuki: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points at the rest of the Summer Troupe*
Kumon and Muku: We got lost. :(
Misumi and Kazunari: It was because Tenma got lost first.
Itaru: Hey, Tsuzuru fainted again.
Kazunari: ...!
Masumi: What's new?
Itaru: The entrance hall.
Omi: He's fainting almost everywhere isn't he?
Misumi to Kazunari: Let's go get him!