Hq Nekoma - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago











Featuring frustrated kenma, tired kenma, kenma complaining about gravity and kenma calling the Nekoma team his friends ❤😌

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4 years ago
Hi, Welcome To Hell, Where Here You Have An Order Of Kidnapped By Nekoma Here As Part Of The Kidnapped
Hi, Welcome To Hell, Where Here You Have An Order Of Kidnapped By Nekoma Here As Part Of The Kidnapped

hi, welcome to hell, where here you have an order of kidnapped by nekoma here as part of the kidnapped by hq collab, courtesy of the miki mouse whorehouse. other participants here. banner by @undermattsun <333333333333

contains: lime, stalking, poor grammer, excessive use of emojis, disturbing amount of mcr mentions (how many will yall find?), weird plot, wattpad style sexiness, lots of eye rolling, and omg why’re they so obessed with you?

word count: 1.8k+

note: this was so fun to write. omg and you don’t know how much i had to push through wanting to trash this shit. or go back to edit. but the rule was no editing ahhhh anyway, here. hehe oh and one last thing,

🏐comment or ahare if you liked it lolz🐈‍⬛

Hi, Welcome To Hell, Where Here You Have An Order Of Kidnapped By Nekoma Here As Part Of The Kidnapped

(e/c) : eyecolor

(h/c):hair color

(y/n):youre name [the main character 💕😱✌️😋💞]

(f/n):first name

(l/n):last name


running, running, running

youre foot gets caught on something, causing you to fall. you wipe the dirt off your face and continue to run turning the corner and making it down the long street, the darkness black with barely lit streetlights. behind you a honk sounds in the disabled followed by cheering. (sentence sound weerd💀)

plz plz plz no! i don’t want do die, i dont wanna-

“oof!” you say aloud as you collide into something hard yet soft. you land on your butt, groaning in the process.

“are you lost babygirl” says a voice that sounds like kuroo. opening my eyes you gasp.

it is kuroo!

(omg guys can you imagine? honestly, because what if it isnt gerard way or any 2 dimensional fictional character i dont want it ✋)


youre day started ordinary. going to school at the local university. (and not being chased down by vicious volleyball cats.)

you had friends and even a crush. his name was jack. jack was the most popular boy on campus. he was dreamy and tall and all they girls wanted him. but he wanted you. (at least you think because you and jack were in a relationship in your head where you guys get married and shit😍).

“excuse me,” said a soft voice from behind you. you jumped, causing your hands to hit the desk. brittney, the popular mean girl, rolls her eyes, whispering to her friend about you. you stick up your muddle finger at her. she was so fucking obsessed. with her stupid hair and dumb “designer” dog purse. and the way she says vegan like vëgāñ. like bitch the word isn’t gucci. ugh you hate her.

turning, you’re met with the face of a huy you’d bever seen before.

“wow he’s actually cute! with his golden eyes and long pee yellow hair.” you think, youre cheeks getting hot. he had on a jersey which was weird because youd never seen it before. it was red.

“um...do you have a pencil?” his voice was soft as he failed to meet your (E/C) eyes. [he so wants you]

you smile before turnig around making sure the air flows toward him to make him smell your coconut and watermelon shampoo from your (H/C) hair.


[2 hours later]

“hey who’s that guy staring at you?” youre friend asks while cramming a hotdog in her mouth. mayonnaise dribbles down the corners of her mouth making you cringe. her and her weird food tastses.

(seriously who eats hotdogs with mayonnaise? she looks like shes sucking….LOL NVM)

“probably jack,” you shrug stabbing at your salad. ugh he was soooo obsessed with you. i mean who wouldn’t be. anyway, youd kill for a berger right now. [[okay but whys that word kinda hard to spell XDD)

“um no, it doesn’t look like jack.” your friend says, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. she has literaly hearts in her eyes. what a whore. literally every guy she sees she wanna ride his jock🙄

you turn, looking around around some before feeling a hand clamp down over urs.

“dont make it obvious!” yeah says the one drooling. ignoring her you turn your head around 270 degrees, immediately locking eyes with a guy with white hair and a middle part. she was right, he definitely wasn’t jack. he had on the same uniform as that weird guy who sat behind you in the lecture. and he was staring at you… o.o

(you know that scene in twilight where edward kept staring st bella like a creeper, yeah,)

you turn back around, youre cheeks hot (not those cheeks you weirdo) . you are not hungry anymore. just creped out. suddenly youre hAirs stands up at attention when your eyes flicker up to meet a pair of narrowed, almost catlike eyes from across the courtyard. this guy had the same uniform along with the small cluster he was standing with. he had a blonde mohok (mohock? )

(edit: mokawk im so dumb XDDDDDDD)

they were all looking at you in fact. you dropped youre fork and stood.

“stop looking at me!” you call. ong was everyone obsessed. you get it, you were hot but jeez, they could at least be discreet.🙄 everyone around you gave a weird look, even your friend. they wish thry could be you. the main character ugh

you stormed away from the courtyard , steps uh lined to the beat of the black parade. 🖤 (the chorus obvi)


[3 hours later]

“are you sure you dont wanna go to the mall with me?” your friend asks while walking. you role your eyes.

“no because you do the same thing everytime. go to spicy matter and pretend your edgy just so you can catch the eye of that 27year old man who works there who wheres the same tshirt of a cat with 3-D glasses every day .”🙄 his name was like todd or wilson or leondray or something. he also picks his nose and wipes it on the your villain life sweatshirts.

“no i do-“

“and you don’t even like my chemical romance. look im going home.” with that, you spin around in slow motion in the opposite direction and leave her standing there with here mouth open. (so badass😻)

“ill have you know i totally love your bleached love!” she yells. [thats why shes a whore🖕)


(should i continue or…. do you huys even like this lol???? comment or something 🙀✌️💞😝😱😜🖤)

anywaysss, its cold outside. maybe you shouldn’t have worn some half decent version of what avril lavigne would wear. you pull down your black tutu skirt over your shredded tights as the skull chain jangled against your boot laces. you stick your hands in the pozket of your red denim jean jacket, rolling your eyes at the low hanging clouds above. what a life. ((you’re so the main character.))

its getting dark all too quickly which was bad because you still had another 45 minutes of walking to do. the streets were empty on this part of town and in your opinion, just creepy. you put your favorite black kitty headphones on and go to your comfort playlist which is duh, fall out boy, your mind muddled with thoughts of maybe being whisked away by patrick. (a story for another time im afraid…😋)

you were walking all of 5 minutes when something catches youre eye. from the corner of your vision, you see a flash of red duck behind the upcoming building. weird. or it wouldn’t have been had it not have been the same color red thats been plaguing you all day, like from those stupid jerseys. you quicken your pace as you pass the corner.

it’s completely dark now and you slow because you think you’ve missed a step aling the way. scoffing you roll your eyes🙄. how did you not know where you lived. the situation seemed all the conviencing for anything weird or bad to happen.

you suddenly hear a quickened patter of footsteps behind you. whipping around, your eyes scan the pitch darkness but come up empty. because of the pitch darkness and the fact you cant c because its dark and its hard to look in the pitch darkness bc its black. (dark)

“hello?” you call, walking boldly in the direction you heard the weird footsteps in. silence. and then you hear a cat meow. but it wasn’t from a cat. you would know because you had 8 (do you guys wanna know their names???) it sounded like a man making a cat sound. scin pricking you turn away just in time to see a white van sitting idly in front of you. you start at it and it at you. (a part of you was expecting it to say kacchow or something idk. why else would you be staring at some weird van at night?)

turning, you began walking in the opposite direction, ignoring the menasing rev of an engine. you start to trot. you hear the engine growing louder, closer. omg. you didn’t want to be dead!

now you turn the corner & brake out into a full run, dropping your dinosaur purse.

your foot gets caught on something, causing you to fall. you wipe the dirt off your face and continue to run turning the corner and making it down the long street, the darkness black with barely lit streetlights. behind you a honk sounds in the disabled followed by cheering. (sentence sound weerd)

plz plz plz no! i don’t want do die, i dont wanna-

“oof!” you say allowed as you collide into something hard and soft. you land on your butt, groaning in the process.

“are you lost babygirl” 😏 says a voice that sounds like kuroo. opening my eyes you gasp.

it is kuroo!

then your vision turns to darkess.


[a/n whose your favorite character so far, leave a comment LOLZ)

you here mumbles Around you as you groan. when you do the sounds stop.

the bag was taken off your head finally as your eyes adjusted to a dank dark smelly room. you started to strugglle when kuroo stepped forward, his actions slow and menacing. he ripped off the tape.

“OW YOU ASSWHIPE” you scream, tears stringing to your eyes. he laughed.

“your an asswipe” said the dude with the mocock. the one with the long piss blonde hair nudged him before turning to you.

“lets introduce ourselves so she wont be scared of us anymore. we’re apart of the nekoma volleyball team. im kenma kozume.”

“whatever. im taketora yamamoto.”

“hi im lev haiba. and your cute,” he wiggles his brows. [gross as IF]

your quiet as the rest of the guys introduce themselves until it circle to kuroo. he doesn’t bother to introduce himself because you already knew him.


he was youre ex boyfriend 😱😱😱😱

[omg who saw that coming???? anyway sorry this part is short, i fell asleep as like my third nap today bc depreshun lolZ]


[A/N: at the end theres a lime so bbe warned omg]

“(f/n) are you still scared?” sunflower head (needless to say i keep her in check) moved closer until he was like in your face. his breath smelled like root beer and wintergreen.

“y-yeah? now that i know the name of my kidnappers what im supposed to be at ease now????!” he scoffs.

“we didn’t kidnap you” he said as he tightens the rope wrapped around your body.

“yes you did!”

“no we didn’t.” mohuk guy was going through your bag.

“im literally tied up!”

“so you don’t run away.’ lev says cooly. checking the rope at your feets.

“that’s kidnapping!”

“believe what you want (f/n).” kenma shrugs. the others behind him are in cat masks, arms crossed. they to have a red jersey. [favorite colors blue btw💙]

you turn to look at kuroo, your ex.

“did you miss me?” kuroos hand brush against your cheek and for a second, your iz soften. you remember back when loving him was so easy. back when you were dumb teenagers. back when life was easier. when falling in love didn’t hurt. but he hurt you… because he wouldn’t get “ugly” tattooed on his chest 🙄 (if he doesn’t do this he doesnt luv you omg 🖕)


“but you loved me,” he said softly.

“no i dont love you. i wont!” you start to struggle against the ropes and the guys try and hide their laughter at the site. kenma runs his fingers along your neck while lev squats in front of you. kurro tits your head to the side his lips pressing against your lips, his tongue ramming into your mouth with force.

“its ok. you’ll learn to love me. no…” you moan loudly as kenma bites your neck. (omg hot vampire much😍)


the end.


[[GUYS please telk me what you thot? i worked REALKY HARD on this and WOULD LOVE to here your THOTS . :333 any wayz,,,,,,,buy guys, see you l83r!! (lol not reallybc i dont KNOW YOU and were ONLINE) 💝💓🧡🙈👊🤲🤗😜😙😍🥰😍😌]]

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