Hunter Needs A Hug - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Day 7 June of Doom: What Happened? (Stumbling) (tw panic attack, identity crisis)

Day 7 June Of Doom: What Happened? (Stumbling) (tw Panic Attack, Identity Crisis)

This had to be a nightmare... this couldn't be real. But that way Belos had looked at him, the branches snapping under his feet, the underbrush snapping at his legs and tearing holes in his pants. This wasn't a dream. This was all too real. All Hunter could do was run. Run as far as he could. His legs stung and ached, and he was struggling to breathe.

Eventually he couldn't run anymore, stumbling to a stop before collapsing onto the floor. He was crouched down on the muddy ground, breathing heavily. Everything was fuzzy and he felt so light headed and overwhelmed. Belos he... he never cared... all these years... all the people he hurt, *killed* for that man...

Everything was a lie. He had never given two shits about Hunter. He was just a replaceable puppet, something once Belos was done playing with he could cast away without another thought. Hunter felt sobs wracking his body, hot tears running down his face. He could feel Flapjack nuzzling against his neck, trying to get him to calm down, and while he appreciated it it only helped a little. Not enough to stop his hyperventilation and the tears running down his face.

He had no meaning. He wasn't some important "Golden Guard", just a replaceable pawn. Hunter wasn't even a *witch*, just some monster that shouldn't exist, just like the basilisks hidden in the deepest cells of the palace. He couldn't even go back to that palace. Belos knew he was in there. He would kill the boy the moment he got back, that was fully what he had intended to do back in his mind. He had nowhere to go, no one to turn to, nothing to-

"Breathe, little prince." A voice said, and Hunter felt a hand on his shoulder that gently pressed him down to be sitting. "Breathe with me, yeah?" Darius said in a voice Hunter hardly recognized from his usually mocking voice. Hunter looked up slightly, tears still running down his cheeks, still shaking a ton.

Then he felt arms wrap around him, and he came to the realization Darius had hugged him. He felt Darius's breathing, felt his heartbeat. Hunter let out a choked sob, burying his face into Darius's shoulder. It was hard to steady his breathing, but the sound of Darius's heartbeat was weirdly grounding, and once the boy could think straight he started trying to match his breathing to Darius's.

Darius gently rubbed the boys back, a look of concern on his face. How long had it been since Hunter had ran from the Owl House? How long had it been since his life came crashing down on him? He had no idea. He just stayed in Darius's firm embrace, his panic subsiding into fear and guilt. Then Hunter hugged back, sniffling quietly, never wanting to move from the new embrace.

Never wanting to face the truth.

Day 7 June Of Doom: What Happened? (Stumbling) (tw Panic Attack, Identity Crisis)

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Day 8 June of Doom: This is your last chance (drowning) (tw death, drowning, body horror, sUicide(?))

Day 8 June Of Doom: This Is Your Last Chance (drowning) (tw Death, Drowning, Body Horror, SUicide(?))

No, no no no! Hunter frantically tried to claw his way through the mounds of mud eating away at his mind, but no matter what he couldn't free himself. Like he was trapped in how own mind, forced to watch as he hurts his friends. He felt the pain throughout his body like a thousand fire bees stinging him all at once, like a slitherbeast tearing him open and eating him from the inside. Hunter could feel the mucky trendels digging their way under his skin, slithering through his veins and wrapping their way around his galdorstone heart.

But he could say nothing. Do nothing. Just suffer in this husk of himself, watching in horror and Belos's control forced him to launch Vee backwards with one of his now terribly distorted arms. He watched through a lens of blue as Flapjack allowed Luz to use him, and his sister launched herself at Hunter before wrapping the boy in a tight hug.

"I know you can hear me! Fight, him, off!" Luz pleaded. Hunter tried to struggle against the goop again but it just tightened its grip amount his skin, around his mitchmatched organs from being a grimwalker. Posessed Hunter threw Luz off him almost into the water, causing Hunter to try even harder to regain control of his mind again and escape this mucky prison of horror and pain.

Then he saw Flapjack. Pecking around the twisted horns on his head that dug into his skull, tweeting frantically in a frail attempt to help. Hunter pleaded the stupid bird would get away, before Belos could do anything with Hunter's body to hurt the bird. But it was too late. He watched in utter horror through those tinted blue eyes as he grabbed Flapjack tightly, prompting a pained squeek from the poor bird.

"You wouldn't want me hurting your precious palisman, would you?" He hissed in that demented half Belos half Hunter voice. "Oh wait. I don't care, what you want. Goodbye Evelyn." He said coldly, before his fist tightened around the palisman and a terrible cracking sound of Palistrome wood cracking and snapping echoed across the clearing.

No. He just... Belos just... with an extra strong push through the muck Hunter regained partial control, fighting against himself and letting the poor bird go who weakly glided over to Luz. Hunter could feel the goop eating at his skin like acid, any part the terrible muck claimed burning like a thousand fairy bites.

Hunter fought ferociously against Belos's control, run by sorrow and fury at Belos for everything he's done, all the *people* he has hurt. He needed to end this, once and for all. This was his last chance. Once the boy had regained control, it took more willpower than he normally had. But he persisted. He had to end this. Even if it killed himself in the process.

"You know what I'd like Belos?" Hunter hissed through gritted teeth, taking a shuddering step forward towards the edge of the water. "I'd like to leave the Emperor's coven, a-and never step foot in that throne room again! I'd like to study wild magic and carve palisman. I'd like to attend Hexside, as a regular student, and play flyer derby with my friends!" Hunter shouted, stumbling forward and falling to his knees at the edge of the water, his control over his own body starting to flicker again. He grabbed the titans blood vial in his trembling hand.

"But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never, hurt anyone, again!" He snarled, hurling the titans blood into the water in front of him. Hunter was immediately shoved out of control painfully, Belos's rage easily taking back over as he bellowed "No!"

Hunter knew he couldn't swim. That was proven when Luz had tried to bring the hexsquad to the "pool" and Hunter had almost drowned, thank Titan Willow was there. Hunter also knew Belos would go after the titans blood, no matter what. This was the only way he could finish this, once and for all. Kill Belos, and take himself out in the process.

Belos, still in full control of Hunter's body, lunged forward and dove into the water. Then he sunk. Then he felt water fill his stonesleeper lungs. His vision darkened at the edges, and if he did regain any control at all it didn't matter. Hunter only had one thought before everything plunged into darkness, and he finished his final mission.

Im ready.

Day 8 June Of Doom: This Is Your Last Chance (drowning) (tw Death, Drowning, Body Horror, SUicide(?))

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Day 10 June of Doom: Can you hear me? (Phone call) (tw mention of death, nightmare)

Day 10 June Of Doom: Can You Hear Me? (Phone Call) (tw Mention Of Death, Nightmare)

Luz lay awake late in the night. She had been doing this unfortunately often. Two weeks ago she had done it, she, she had killed Belos! She finished this, she saved *everyone*.

So why did he still haunt her in the night, stalk her in the shadows of her mind? She sighed quietly, scrolling through fanfiction as she had been doing since eight.

No one else should be up as far as Luz knew. Camila always got to bed at a reasonable time, Vee fell asleep the moment she lay down, and Hunter... well Hunter as far as she knew had started sleeping a but more.

Either that or he's been fake sleeping far better when she gets the random urges to go check on her brother in the night to make sure he's okay.

Luz was honestly worried for the boy. He was already traumatized by Belos and his entire life enough before the fateful night Hunter swore he heard voices, begged for Luz to believe the blue eyes he promised he saw at the edge of the forest.

Of course she hadn't fully believed him. Why should she? Belos had been killed by the Collector, and he was most likely just being paranoid. But he wasn't. If she had just stuck with him, believed him, maybe he wouldn't have lost his partner in crime Flapjack that night.

She knew Flapjack was his first friend. No one in the palace really liked him based on what he said, and the little cardinal palisman had stuck by his side throughout all of the horrors, all of the painful nights.

But now he was gone. And as much as he tried to hide it, hide the pain it brought him to look in the mirror and see the jagged scars jutting across his skin, his warm brown eyes, she could see he was hurting. Belos may be gone now. But he would forever haunt him.

She was startled when her phone started buzzing, dragging her back to reality as she saw the little icon at the top of her screen. Hunter was calling her. Camila had gave him one of their old phones, he remembered how confused yet happy that made him.

Why was he calling her? She checked the time on her phone. Almost two in the morning. Luz hesitantly picked up, turning the volume down in hopes to not wake up her sister. "Hello?" She murmered, hoping he had just accidentally sleep called or something.

So when he answered the little ball of dread in her chest grew a bit. "H-hey..." she heard him mutter through the phone shakily. Something wasn't right. His tone was off, and his voice trembled when he talked.

"Hunter? Is everything alright?" She whispered into the phone. Hunter had gotten his own room in the Noceda house after Camila had cleared out a spare room they had been using as storage for years. The room was at the other end of the hall, closer to Luz and Vee's room than Camila's.

"C-can you come here?" She heard him ask quietly, his voice shaking a lot and she could have swore she heard him sniffle. Luz immediately got up from her bed quietly. "Of course, I'll be right there." She said in a slightly soothing tone. She could tell something was wrong.

She quietly padded over to his room, his door shut. Luz opened his door and shut it as quietly as she could behind her.


Hunter felt like he was falling indefinitely, memories swirling around him. Every flashback painful, but familiar. He had been dealing with these stupid nightmares since he was young. It wasn't a big deal.

That was until he felt something tug at the strand of his hair that fell over the side of his face. Flapjack. The bird was no more than a glowing silhouette of his precious bird. "F-flapjack!?" Hunter said, startled.

No, oh Titan no. Flashbacks flooded his mind, him trying desperately to escape Belos's control, the feeling of palistrome wood shattering under his hand, the sensation of water filling your lungs.

Light flashed across the Flapjack silhouette like lightning, jagged cracks appearing on his body oozing that terrible bright green palisman blood. A bloody X across the birds face. Than a loud crash. Than everything disappeared.

He woke up with a start, looking around frantically. He was in his bed. His house. He was okay. Hunter let our a shaky breathe he didn't know he was holding. Hunter couldn't stop the slight trembling of his hand, the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes.

He couldn't handle this guilt anymore. This was all his fault, that Flapjack was gone, that Belos had hurt so many. Hunter shakily picked up his old "phone" from hid bedside table. As far as Vee had taught him it worked kinda like a scroll.

The phone lit up faintly as he swiped right to get in, still not having the mental capacity to remember a password and clicked the phone app. He only had three contacts. Camila, Vee, and Luz. Hunter didn't want to bother Camila, she had already done so much for him, he should let her rest.

Vee was an option, but she was most likely asleep. And while they were warming up to each other she probably wouldn't want to help with his silly nightmares. That left Luz. After a moment of hesitation, she pressed the little green button next to her name.

The phone rang quietly for a couple moments before he heard her pickup. "Hello?" She said, her voice sounding a bit drowsy which sent a bit of guilt through Hunter, thinking she had been asleep. "H-hey..." she murmered in response, choking up the words he had planned to initially say, his voice wavering slightly.

"Hunter? Is everything alright?" He heard her ask with a tone of gentleness through the little phone speaker. He paused, trying to come up with a good answer. *It's okay to ask for help. Don't feel bad about it* Camila's voice chimed in his head.

"C-can you come here?" He squeeked out, disappointed with how pathetic his own voice sounded. "Of course, I'll be right there." She said, before hanging up. He let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm his slight shakiness before she got here.

He watched as Luz cautiously entered his room. Hunter was sat up in his bed, watching her carefully with those warm brown eyes that were somehow so his but so out of place. He watched Stringbean trail after her, the adorable little snakeshifter causing a bit of envy to crawl into his mind before he shoved it away.

She went over and without hesitation crawled into bed next to him, sitting down next to him. They shared trauma, the pain of loss, betrayl, and manipulation. The silence spoke better than any words either could say.

Hunter felt like crying. It was his fault Flapjack was gone, if he had just been more careful, if Flapjack had chosen a better owner than maybe-

His thoughts were cut off as Luz pulled him into a side hug, wrapping one arm around him tightly. "'s not your fault..." she said gently, like she could read him mind. He glanced away, resting his head on the side of her arm, only able to do so because he was half laying down and she was fully upright.

Neither said anything else that night. They didn't need to. Her small gesture of comfort was enough. Hunter drifted back off into sleep and into a much more peaceful dream full of flowers and Willow. Luz fell asleep to, drowsily passing out and taken in by sleeps warm embrace.

Day 10 June Of Doom: Can You Hear Me? (Phone Call) (tw Mention Of Death, Nightmare)

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Day 11 June of Doom: I'm not okay (alternative prompt) (mentions of death and abuse)

Day 11 June Of Doom: I'm Not Okay (alternative Prompt) (mentions Of Death And Abuse)

Luz took Hunter's hand in hers, dragging him out of the house. "H-hey! I don't wanna-" he squeeked, but was cut off by Luz rolling her eyes.

"You've been hiding inside all day Hunter, you need to touch some grass." She said with a hint of sarcasm, but her intent was genuine.

Hunter groaned, running a hand down his scarred face as Luz yanked him out the door and shut it with her foot behind them.

"And, there's a pretty place I've been meaning to show you near the lake anyways." Luz rambled, holding on firmly to Hunter's wrist, him stumbling to keep up.

It had been a week since everything ended. Since they got back to the demon realm, since they finished off Belos for good. And it had been... hectic, to say the least.

Camila had given Luz the weak off from school to help out with fixing the Boiling Isles, Vee easily filling in for her while she got her bearings and tried to fix things up. It would be a lot of work with the condition the place is in...

Hunter had been helping too obviously. Using the newly made portal, curtly of King, he had been switching between staying with Darius and Camila. He loved his friends and the Boiling Isles, just... too many memories for him to process at the moment.

He tried to keep up as Luz scampered down the diety path towards the lake hidden in the forest behind the shed. Hunter remembered him and his friends came down here while they were stuck in the human realm, playing around in the water and having a picnic by the side.

The thought of being remotely near water sent a shiver up his spine. Thankfully Luz took to a different route which included climbing up a steep slope. Thankfully, due to Hunter's experience and Luz's adventurous nature they both managed fine getting up the slope.

Luz gently pulled him over to an overlook of the lake. The view was beautiful, the view of the forest and lake below them.

"It's... beautiful." Hunter murmered, his eyes shinning slightly. Luz glanced over at him with a small smile. He hadn't shown much positive emotion since he was possessed and...

Luz sat down in the soft green grass, brushing a hand through the small wild flowers and ground cover. Hunter copied her, sitting down pressing his back gently against hers.

Both looked out at the scenery, birds twittering to one another, the wind brushing through the trees. Both Luz and her brother were just wearing socks, having run out of the house without another thought.

Hunter had been acting really disconnected since the Halloween hayride, since Belos took him over, since he killed Flapjack. Of course he was happy, Belos was gone! It was finally over, him and his friends, they could live peacefully now!

So why was that pit of guilt gnawing at his heart feeling worse than before? Why did he just want to sleep all day, yet he never slept because of the nightmares that plagued him.

"Hunter... you've been acting odd lately. I-... I know it's been hard... I just, are you doing alright?" Luz murmered, glancing back at him a bit worriedly.

There was a long period of silence where neither spoke. Hunter contemplated the question. Was he alright? He should be. Everything was far better than before, the Boiling Isles was saved! So why did he feel so terrible, like something was missing?

Luz nudged him in the back gently. "Hunter?" She questioned, leaning her head back a bit to look at him better.

Hunter dug his nails into his palms. He should keep it hidden. She shouldn't have to worry, she's already been through so much. But Camila's words rang in his head, "Refusing help may hurt them more in the end".

"I-... I'm not okay..." he murmered. Another pause.

"So much has happened... i- I should be happy, shouldn't I? We finally defeated Belos, we're safe now... but somethings eating at my heart a-and it hurts and I know it shouldn't but-" Hunter cut himself off when Luz took his hand in her own, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

"Take it easy Hunter. I get it, it's alright." She said gently. "You... didn't get much time to process Flapjack's death... it makes sense that it hurts..." she said gently, resting her head against his.

"It'll take a while to feel alright again... losing someone hurts, and the grief won't go away... but with time, it'll be easier." She said, shutting her eyes.

Hunter sighed quietly, tearing up a bit. "I don't want to burden you all... w-we have to fix the Boiling Isles, and I just-" Luz cut him off with a gentle squeeze to his hand.

"Don't worry Hunter..." she said gently, opening her eyes and gazing out at the view.

"We have all the time in the world"

Day 11 June Of Doom: I'm Not Okay (alternative Prompt) (mentions Of Death And Abuse)

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

You know that one Hunter diary from one of the owl house livestreams? Yeah-

You Know That One Hunter Diary From One Of The Owl House Livestreams? Yeah-

Why did I find this part so funny 🥲

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7 months ago
There Is No Way This Man Is Not Addicted To Caffine-

There is no way this man is not addicted to caffine-

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5 months ago

I have no idea what possesed me to do this. Don't flop plsssss I took way more time than I should for this result 😭👍

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