Belos Wittebane - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Day 7 June of Doom: What Happened? (Stumbling) (tw panic attack, identity crisis)

Day 7 June Of Doom: What Happened? (Stumbling) (tw Panic Attack, Identity Crisis)

This had to be a nightmare... this couldn't be real. But that way Belos had looked at him, the branches snapping under his feet, the underbrush snapping at his legs and tearing holes in his pants. This wasn't a dream. This was all too real. All Hunter could do was run. Run as far as he could. His legs stung and ached, and he was struggling to breathe.

Eventually he couldn't run anymore, stumbling to a stop before collapsing onto the floor. He was crouched down on the muddy ground, breathing heavily. Everything was fuzzy and he felt so light headed and overwhelmed. Belos he... he never cared... all these years... all the people he hurt, *killed* for that man...

Everything was a lie. He had never given two shits about Hunter. He was just a replaceable puppet, something once Belos was done playing with he could cast away without another thought. Hunter felt sobs wracking his body, hot tears running down his face. He could feel Flapjack nuzzling against his neck, trying to get him to calm down, and while he appreciated it it only helped a little. Not enough to stop his hyperventilation and the tears running down his face.

He had no meaning. He wasn't some important "Golden Guard", just a replaceable pawn. Hunter wasn't even a *witch*, just some monster that shouldn't exist, just like the basilisks hidden in the deepest cells of the palace. He couldn't even go back to that palace. Belos knew he was in there. He would kill the boy the moment he got back, that was fully what he had intended to do back in his mind. He had nowhere to go, no one to turn to, nothing to-

"Breathe, little prince." A voice said, and Hunter felt a hand on his shoulder that gently pressed him down to be sitting. "Breathe with me, yeah?" Darius said in a voice Hunter hardly recognized from his usually mocking voice. Hunter looked up slightly, tears still running down his cheeks, still shaking a ton.

Then he felt arms wrap around him, and he came to the realization Darius had hugged him. He felt Darius's breathing, felt his heartbeat. Hunter let out a choked sob, burying his face into Darius's shoulder. It was hard to steady his breathing, but the sound of Darius's heartbeat was weirdly grounding, and once the boy could think straight he started trying to match his breathing to Darius's.

Darius gently rubbed the boys back, a look of concern on his face. How long had it been since Hunter had ran from the Owl House? How long had it been since his life came crashing down on him? He had no idea. He just stayed in Darius's firm embrace, his panic subsiding into fear and guilt. Then Hunter hugged back, sniffling quietly, never wanting to move from the new embrace.

Never wanting to face the truth.

Day 7 June Of Doom: What Happened? (Stumbling) (tw Panic Attack, Identity Crisis)

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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So my friend and I were talking about the new episode, and they pointed out something that made me realize something else. Long post btw that will contain spoilers for FTF.

So well all know that Raine gets possessed and Belos uses their body to manipulate the Collector. But something that I didn't notice until my friend pointed it out and I rewatched the episode was that it was actually foreshadowed

In the first two minutes when Raine's rhapsody played in the background it looked like it was playing because of Eda and Raine and because Raine started simping for Eda's harpy form. But still, out of all the music that's been used, why would they use Raine's rhapsody when Raine didn't even know the Collector existed? And they showed the Collector and Raine in the same scene, not only that but they showed Raine very clearly seeing the Collector. All of this was foreshadowing.

So My Friend And I Were Talking About The New Episode, And They Pointed Out Something That Made Me Realize

The next time we see Raine, they're a puppet along with the rest of the coven heads. And when it shows the coven heads about to attack Eda, Raine is focused on specifically, and their glasses shine

So My Friend And I Were Talking About The New Episode, And They Pointed Out Something That Made Me Realize

At first I thought that was just because Eda wanted to visit Raine and their glasses shined for dramatic effect. But rewatching the episode, there are a few other specific moments where their glasses shine.

So My Friend And I Were Talking About The New Episode, And They Pointed Out Something That Made Me Realize

When they got possessed by Belos

So My Friend And I Were Talking About The New Episode, And They Pointed Out Something That Made Me Realize

When Belos was going to find the Collector with their body

So My Friend And I Were Talking About The New Episode, And They Pointed Out Something That Made Me Realize

And when Belos was telling the Collector that they're in danger.

Not to mention why would Odalia use them to help her with the other puppets when she's never even talked to them? And why wouldn't she choose Darius, an obviously much stronger witch physically and magically (love the bard coven and Raine but Darius can do a lot more with his magic than Raine can with their's) especially when they were shown to have known each other as kids? Certainly she knew that Darius was a coven head.

So My Friend And I Were Talking About The New Episode, And They Pointed Out Something That Made Me Realize

All of this was foreshadowing. Odalia using Raine to help her like Belos used Raine to help him. Raine's glasses shining every time the glasses are in full view from when we first see them as a puppet to when Belos uses them to manipulate the Collector, and Raine's rhapsody being used as the background music when they woke up from the draining spell and saw the Collector for the first time. All of this was foreshadowing to them being possessed.

Side note: I think the reason Belos chose Raine and not Odalia was because Odalia wouldn't fight against him if she decided to and also because since Raine is a puppet and the Collector has never interacted with them beforehand, they don't know Raine's personality and don't know what to expect from Raine. He does know what to expect from Odalia though, and although Belos didn't know that, I think he still got the basic idea because Odalia was obviously conscious and not a puppet while Raine obviously wasn't conscious and was a puppet. Plus they know that Raine is a coven head. But the idea that Belos just has higher standards than Odalia is way funnier so forget what I just said.

Anyways, this whole theory is probably a stretch, but personally it makes a lot of sense to me and this show has great and subtle ways of foreshadowing as seen as early as season 1, so I just think this was just the show being clever with its foreshadowing again.

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The Babies Look So Cute In This Oml

The babies look so cute in this oml

Also I cannot believe that this was the official piece of dialog they put into an official storyboard- bro I'm dying over here

The Babies Look So Cute In This Oml

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I hate Belos but I gotta admit those AU's where he's got a frenemy relationship with Luz and Hunter are kind of interesting

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3 years ago

Can we just talk about how Belos is such a well written villain!!??

Can We Just Talk About How Belos Is Such A Well Written Villain!!??

Like so much has been revealed about this dude now, but there are so many unanswered questions!

He’s the perfect amount of mysterious. We know he’s a human now. We know he’s Philip. We know how powerful he is.

But we have no idea what his deeper motives are. We know what he wants, but we have NO CLUE why he wants it.

We’re able to make so many theories, without having the answer given away to us before it’s the right time.

I honestly think I can say he’s on my list of top favorite villains

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2 years ago

owl house brother and witch lover

I just watched hollow mind and my mind is running wild with ideas I thought of 

I like to think that belos and his brother came from a very well off family and the witch was a rebellious bad girl 

which is cool because her relative eda started the bad girl coven 

anyway he was a kind boy that loved animals he would often drag his brother

 out of the house with out permission to play in the near by forest he wanted adventure and he found that adventure the day they found the witch 

she loved how he was kind to her even thought everyone else was scared and wanted her to be executed so she latch on to the only person that was on her side in the strange new world she was in where everyone wanted her dead

 she took him flying and told him about all the different creatures and places she had seen 

he showed her how to dance and she learned how to wood carve from him I 

think there relationship was like the song up town girl by billy Joel and a whole new would from Aladdin but reversed gender’s 

i thought of really cute nicknames they would call each other she would call him rich boy and he would call her witch girl 

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2 years ago
Did End Up Too Much Cuella And Not Enough Belos. Tried To Colour It, But Something Went Wrong. Used Too

Did end up too much Cuella and not enough Belos. Tried to colour it, but something went wrong. Used too thick pens and wrong colours. Looks like just a brown haired Cruella without make-up.

Still, I like to belive that Belos sleeps with hair rollers.

Did End Up Too Much Cuella And Not Enough Belos. Tried To Colour It, But Something Went Wrong. Used Too

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2 years ago

Philip/Belos reaction to possessing Hunters body.

What do you think went trough Philip's head when he possessed Hunter and changed his outfit?

" I will not dress like a stupid Golden guard geek…………Hey wolves..nice. I like wolves."

" I can't scare kids in this silly outfit….dark, wolves..wolves are scary….(ties around waist).. much better.. Hello Luz"

"my nephew can sew???? since when? this is good. wolves, He got good taste. (showing of his nephews sewing skills)" :)

"this kid is so scrawny, why didn't I take better care of it? It is so short. His body hurts more than my old one…why does everything hurt??? Im so tired. Does it ever sleep?"

"short hair feels weird…changing it"

(can understand Flapjack while possessing Hunters body and Flapjack just insult him, threatens him and annoys him non stop) FJ: "GET OUT OF MY WITCH YOU ****** ***** **** ** ** **** ***** *** ******* !!!!!!!" Belos: "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!"

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2 years ago
I Saw This And Immediately Thought About How It Fits Caleb And Philip`s Story So Well. This Is What Happened
I Saw This And Immediately Thought About How It Fits Caleb And Philip`s Story So Well. This Is What Happened
I Saw This And Immediately Thought About How It Fits Caleb And Philip`s Story So Well. This Is What Happened
I Saw This And Immediately Thought About How It Fits Caleb And Philip`s Story So Well. This Is What Happened
I Saw This And Immediately Thought About How It Fits Caleb And Philip`s Story So Well. This Is What Happened

I saw this and immediately thought about how it fits Caleb and Philip`s story so well. This is what happened at eclipse lake or wherever Philip and Caleb fought. Caleb as Varian (bad-guy turned good-guy trying to help not so good friend/brother who is having a breakdown) and Philip as Cassandra (won`t accept that they are doing bad stuff and have blue and black magic-form).

Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure - Nothing left to loose.

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