I Swear Im Going Insane - Tumblr Posts
Only 686 boops left to boop…
no because i started watching hannibal a week ago and for some reason i was under the impression that the guy who plays will is called mads mikkelsen and the guy who plays hannibal is hugh dancy. i don’t know why and i don’t know how i thought this or what brought it but i did. and now it’s been a week and i’ve been scrolling on tumblr for HOURS and the whole time i’ve been like “wait why is everyone calling them by the other’s name??” and eventually i logically came to the conclusion of “ohhhhh this is probably some inside joke in the fandom that i don’t know about yet! that must be why.” but i couldn’t find anyone talking about why they were doing this and was getting increasingly confused and annoyed and frustrated. i eventually accepted this and was just like oh well i guess i’ll just never know. but THEN i saw a tweet from the official account of c2e2 and the post also had the names the “wrong” way round. so i was like WHAT THEY’RE IN ON THIS TOO???? then it dawned on me…hold on a minute…i never actually found out who was who. so i looked it up and ITS TRUE???????? LIKE WHAT???? so this all happened like 47 seconds ago
anyways that’s the story of how i somehow gaslit myself into thinking hugh dancy was mads mikkelsen and mads mikkelsen was hugh dancy. it is also 12:48am and i need to sleep go now if you couldn’t tell
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
I teased this idea before but this much of a hot mess is hard to fix
Day 9: Clan Wars
Clan Wars is hot garbage. There is no better way to describe it. It's just a mess.
Change 1: Leveling
Clan Wars is actually very different from the main game (shocker, I know) and one of the main differences are the decks. In Clan Wars, you have four decks that can only be used once every battle day. But each card in those decks use the levels the person playing with the deck has for those cards. Most f2p players only have the resources to upgrade their main deck, which means a grand total of 12 severely under leveled cards will be in the clan decks. This is such a dumb system, and it would be much better if all cards in Clan Wars were level 11, aka the "challenge level".
Change 2: Boat Battles
Remove boat battles. They are not fun and half the player base doesn't know they exist.
Change 3: War Battles
So another big difference between the main game and Clan Wars are the battles. There are two ways to battle; boat battles (which I said just to delete), and the event challenges. Clan Wars is basically the only place you can play Clash variants like touchdown or infinite elixir against people besides your friends. But only a few of these are available at a time. I propose a different system. Players can choose between any variant available in Clan Wars today, or they can play a different mode that picks the variant for the players. The picking mode would award much more progress in the war than a game where you pick the mode, do you can design a deck specifically for one mode and play try your hand at that, or use a general deck or something you are good at to see if you can win the harder random mode challenge. Also remove the three deck game. It's not fun, and random variant mode can just take its place.
Change 2?: Boat Battles
Ok so the reward system for Boat Battle wins is actually pretty cool, but the actual games are horrible, so I'm going to try to fix this, but it may still be trash.
So in Boat Battles the levels matter a lot more. Not only are your troops levels the same as their actual levels, but your king tower level also affects the Boat turrets. So just like before, everything has to default to level 11, except the turrets.
A level 11 turret is kinda trash, so they get a rework. Boat defences now use tower troops instead of turrets. The tower troops are the exact same as they would be at level 11, expect for the health, which is 3x what it is in regular games. Each boat defense also produces elixir at 1.5x regular elixir production speed, but they all have 4 less card slots, so use those wisely.
Boat Battles are already pretty hard, usually taking multiple decks for a full clear, but I probably made them so much harder by upping the elixir production of Boat defences, so I'm giving the attacker more time (3:30 to be exact) and every minute will higher the player elixir production.
Lastly, because card levels don't matter, Boat defences should now all be worth the same and should need to be attacked in order. But if one Boat defense has already been attacked, it has to be finished off before you can move to the next.
Change 4: Aesthetics
The theme of Boat Wars doesn't really fit with the rest of Clash Royale in my opinion. There are at least a million different ways you could solve this, but in my opinion an aesthetic change is needed for Clan Wars.
Let's see if this Clan Wars 3 idea is as bad as the other two.

What have I created….
Her name is Prism Dust….so yea enjoy her
(First horse too!)