Id In Alt - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I've been given peer validation to post ocs

A reference sheet for a minecraft character. Their name is Fazed, and appear similarly to the artist. Fazed is an androgenous white person with red eyes. They have short light brown hair covering one eye, pierced pointy ears, and facial scars. Fazed is wearing a thick red jacket, a torn black shirt, patched black cargo pants, and black and red combat boots. The text next to them reads:
"Fazed- solitary, paranoid, doomsday prepper, fisherman, human?, borderline cannibal..."
Underneath the text is various inventory items and a small chart of their relationships with other characters. 
There is an enlarged photo of their hand which reads:
"scarred + bloody hands+ nails".

behold. minecraft be upon ye

A digital drawing of the Minecraft character Fazed. They're in the "baby girl pose" (laying on stomach, feet up behind them, one hand on face and the other at a limp wrist position). They're smiling a little creepily at the camera.
A sketch of MC!Fazed (Minecraft Fazed) at a desk with a candle and a book. They're studying the book which contains a fantasy language in it. Fazed has one hand on their head and the other is laying on top of the book.
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed. They are sitting at a table and looking past the camera. One hand is in a fist on the table and the other is on their chin, with the thumb resting at the corner of their mouth. There is blood coming from their mouth down their chin from pointed canines. There's also blood on their thumb, on the fist, and some drops on the table. While the majority of the drawing is monochrome, Fazed's eyes and the blood are bright red.
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed. They're wearing a chest plate and some armor on their thighs. They're floating and holding a book. A speech bubble reads "Hang on, I'm almost there. Scaling your walls rn."
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed. They're wearing armor, and holding a pickaxe and sword while looking to the left. The armor has 2 sets of red goat like horns on the helmet, pointed rib bones on the chest plate, 2 cloth banners hanging from each side of the waist, and red soles on the shoes.
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed. They're wearing a black tank top and neutral colored sweatpants. Their arms are covered in different scars- bites, slashes, and stabs. Their feet are wrapped in bandages. They look determined as they practice a fighting stance.
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed. The camera slightly looks down on them putting on their helmet with horns. Their eyes are closed. The sketch is only from the bust up.
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed from the bust up. They're in their usual clothes and looking down at the grown. Text next to them reads: "I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot."
There is a ghostly image of a fish behind them, with a small heart.
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed from the knees up. They are facing a wall and have both hands in fists resting on the wall while they hang their head. There's text with an arrow pointing at Fazed. The text reads: "Wants to talk about family so bad but can't for security".
A digital sketch of MC!Fazed and several other individuals in a family portrait. Fazed, in a suit, is standing next to a woman with dark hair and tanned skin who's wearing a white blouse, red apron, brown corset, and green skirt. In front of them from left to right are 8 children. Their names are at the bottom reading: Circes, Zi, Milk, Star, Otter, Charlotta, Angeloue, Auka. Each kid has a distinct look but they all have some traits reminiscent of their parents. 
Simple descriptions of each kid, left to right:
Light brown hair in low pigtails, blue blouse, pink skirt, light skin, pointed ears. Dark short hair, tan skin, black and white striped shirt, black pants, fin ears. Afro puffs with 2 braids, dark skin with light patches, brown and pink lolita style dress, glasses, fin ears. Light brown hair in side ponytail, white shirt, yellow pants, light skin, glasses, pointed ears. Short brown curly hair, tan skin, scars across nose and on neck, light blue dress, pointed ears. Dark brown shoulder length hair, tan skin, scars on cheeks, white blouse, blue skirt and white apron. Brown hair in a ponytail, glasses, orange sweater with gray stripes, umber pants, fin ears. Tall, darker skin, large scar on cheek and nose, dark brown hair covering one eye, white shirt, black vest and pants, pointed ears.

Anyway send questions about this little freak I'd love to talk about them and their many secret bases.

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1 year ago

Okay, at this point, I'm not even sure what to think of my own theories anymore and if this makes any sense AT ALL but WHAT IF

What if Aziraphale not only was very aware of how much the words “I forgive you” after the kiss would hurt Crowley but WANTED his words to hurt Crowley – to make it easier for both of them to leave.

Let me elaborate. Gifs inclusive!

I was just listening to the song “Hot Mess” by dodie and one part of the chorus especially struck me:

Make it ugly, put on a show Hack it that I hate you so that I can let go

Essentially, it’s about how the narrative voice of the song is trying to hate their partner in order to let them go. The idea behind this is that if the breakup is worse than it needs to be – i.e. if one person is being tricked into hating the other person – it’s easier for them to stop loving them.

What if Aziraphale is doing this to his relationship with Crowley?

We know (thanks to Rob Wilkins) that, after the kiss, Aziraphale is trying to comprehend what's happening and that he wants Crowley to do it again.

But he doesn't say any of that.

Aziraphale after the kiss. He is avoiding Crowley's gaze, breathing shakily and searching for words. He starts with: "I..."

In this 10-second-long eternity after the kiss, Aziraphale is clearly struggling for words. He is not even looking at Crowley but focused on an undefined point in front of him as if he can't bear to meet his gaze just yet. He is completely overwhelmed.

Aziraphale is still breathing shakily. As he looks up to Crowley, he takes a deep breath.

When he dares to look up, he takes one deep breath. Of course, we can only speculate what is going through his mind. For the sake of this meta, I'm going to propose the theory that at this moment, Aziraphale realizes how hopeless their situation actually is.

Their love for each other is undeniable. Both of them said that they wanted to be together, even if they used different words to describe their desire. But while Crowley wants to fight their battle against Armageddon from the outside, Aziraphale wants to change Heaven's system from the inside. And behind these approaches lie such deep-rooted beliefs about, well, everything, that they pose an obstacle they can't overcome. Not yet. Not through running off together. Not even if their love is 6000 years deep. It's the epitome of tragedy, really.

Aziraphale knows this. He knows that in this situation, this will only hurt more the further they go. So he takes a deep breath. And he decides to do the excruciating thing neither of them wants to do but that needs to be done:

He ends it.

Aziraphale says: "I forgive you."

Aziraphale knows about the harmfulness of his words – these specific words of all the things he could have said or done. Even as he is saying them, he looks as if it physically hurts him to do so. His eyes seem to be full of pain, maybe even regret. But how else will he convince Crowley to do what he can't, how else will he make him let go?

Aziraphale looks after Crowley, breathing heavily, on the verge of tears. Eventually, he looks down.

When Crowley leaves, Aziraphale doesn't attempt to stop him again. No matter how plainly this breaks his heart, no matter how he's barely holding himself together. He lets him go.

In German, there is a saying that could literally be translated to: It's better to have an end with terror than to have terror without an end (Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende). I think it fits this particular reading of the scene quite well. In Aziraphale's mind, their relationship would result in such agony that they would hurt even more. By ending their relationship before it has even begun, he is trying to protect both of them – making the pain great but definite instead of ongoing.

Does that sound plausible to anyone?

I myself am still quite unsure how to feel about this interpretation of Aziraphale's reaction, so I would love to hear some thoughts on it! <3

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5 months ago

Help save Marha's Family

An illustration of a young woman in a hijab with "Help save Marha's family" written to the side.

Marha @freepaleatine95 , like a lot of people on this site is a student. She was studying computer engineering in Gaza until her home, her university, and dreams were destroyed by Israel's attacks.

I am sure you have seen many posts like this, and will see more as the anniversary of October 7th approaches. I ask of you to continue to look, to keep eyes on Palestine, to read their stories, and of course to share and donate to their campaigns.

Marha reached out to me and asked me to create a post for her and support her campaign. I ask you to do the same.

Donate to Please Save What's Left of My Family, organized by Marleen Tipu
Hello my dears, I hope you are well. Please help me. I, Mahmoud Baalou,… Marleen Tipu needs your support for Please Save What's

Vetted by 90-ghost (different account, same campaign)

$18,956 raised $50,000 as of October 6th

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5 months ago

A whole year without life and we are still suffering

A full year of death

A whole year of suffering, a whole year of displacement

A whole year of famine

@ibtisams shared my friend 💝

Help save Marha's Family

An illustration of a young woman in a hijab with "Help save Marha's family" written to the side.

Marha @freepaleatine95 , like a lot of people on this site is a student. She was studying computer engineering in Gaza until her home, her university, and dreams were destroyed by Israel's attacks.

I am sure you have seen many posts like this, and will see more as the anniversary of October 7th approaches. I ask of you to continue to look, to keep eyes on Palestine, to read their stories, and of course to share and donate to their campaigns.

Marha reached out to me and asked me to create a post for her and support her campaign. I ask you to do the same.

Donate to Please Save What's Left of My Family, organized by Marleen Tipu
Hello my dears, I hope you are well. Please help me. I, Mahmoud Baalou,… Marleen Tipu needs your support for Please Save What's

Vetted by 90-ghost (different account, same campaign)

$18,956 raised $50,000 as of October 6th

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5 months ago

@butchdarling shared friend ❤️

Help save Marha's Family

An illustration of a young woman in a hijab with "Help save Marha's family" written to the side.

Marha @freepaleatine95 , like a lot of people on this site is a student. She was studying computer engineering in Gaza until her home, her university, and dreams were destroyed by Israel's attacks.

I am sure you have seen many posts like this, and will see more as the anniversary of October 7th approaches. I ask of you to continue to look, to keep eyes on Palestine, to read their stories, and of course to share and donate to their campaigns.

Marha reached out to me and asked me to create a post for her and support her campaign. I ask you to do the same.

Donate to Please Save What's Left of My Family, organized by Marleen Tipu
Hello my dears, I hope you are well. Please help me. I, Mahmoud Baalou,… Marleen Tipu needs your support for Please Save What's

Vetted by 90-ghost (different account, same campaign)

$18,956 raised $50,000 as of October 6th

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1 year ago

[first two images have id in alt]

[third image description: a screenshot of a tumblr tag saying "you did her name is earth.". End description.]

i feel like if you stabbed an angel the blood trail would look like this

An iridescent oil spill on a road.
An iridescent oil spill on a road with a rough halo-like shape.

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1 year ago
Schematic drawings of Pantera, a leopard-like mech. One drawing shows the outer features while the second shows the chambers inside. Labels point out the navigation platform on his head, the flame tanks in his mouth, the throne chamber on the front of his chest, the heart chamber in the mid-chest, the furnace chamber in his belly, and the fuel tank in his pelvis. A prayer below the diagram states: "Protector of all that trust in Thee, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, increase and bestow upon us Thy mercy". A red stamp showing a stylised leopard covers the bottom right corner.

Something to make up for all the text heavy posts lately lmao I've finally done what I've been threatening to do for half a year and made a nice reference pic for myself showing what goes on inside this guy

Pantera is very old - almost three centuries old, and one of the very first holy beasts ever constructed. His systems were upgraded many times over the decades to improve performance, efficiency, and reduce the number of crew needed, but the archaic original construction proved a barrier against true modernisation. Even still he was highly successful in his time and participated in over a hundred hunts. This schematic is accurate for the 15th rebuild of Pantera.

The bottom image shows the vital fuel lines as well as the typical crew count and communications systems between each occupied chamber. The throne room seats two, but can fit more apprentices around the seats if they all squeeze in tight.

Starting with the navigation platform - this is open to the air, beneath the curve of Pantera's helm. The navigator sends up the appropriate communication flags and maintains a collection of charts. There is a cluster of gravity-fed tubes which can convey messages to the throne chamber. The navigator's apprentice will use cords to pull up returning messages (i.e there's no suction tube, this is manual). For quicker communication, the navigator can direct using heading degrees using a pull-cord system, pointing the knight in the right direction.

The throne, heart, and furnace chambers are all densely interlinked and must be perfectly in sync to avoid disaster. The heart directs fuel to the 100+ engine cylinders in and around Pantera's hull (not pictured) using its own engine, which is powered by its own fuel tank independently from the larger tank in the pelvis. The heart cylinders are controlled manually by the enginesmith in the forward position - by constricting the action of the heart cylinders, fuel from the furnace can be rerouted to where the knight indicates more power is required. It requires a gentle touch as prolonged fuel starvation in a cylinder-driven pump can induce additional stress. Operating the heart is, visually, somewhat like playing the piano, with each key a separate cylinder governing a pump that sends fuel somewhere.

This fuel comes from the main tank, where it is stored in its unexcited state. The tank has a movable floor which ensures there is always sufficient pressure to feed the furnace. Smiths in the furnace chamber operate the valves that allow the gravity-fed furnace to fill. There are eight open wells which receive fuel, four on either side of the central walkway, and each can be excited independently as needed, depending on demand. The fuel is excited by dropping in a spark. On contact with the ignition source it enters its excited state, and turns from a thick, clear oil to an incandescent orange liquid which ignites when mixed with compressed air inside an engine cylinder, similar to common rail diesel engines. In this state it also powers the nerve cords that interface with the knight's dialogue, which is ultimately what lets the beast to move with lifelike rather than mechanical motions.

The knight does not quite feel the beast's body as their own but they do feel it as an extension of themselves. Their dialogue informs them where power is needed for their current manoeuvre, and in turn they pass that along to the heart workers and so on. There are several levers in the throne chamber, one of which is the fire handle that tells the heart workers to redirect fuel straight to the mouth. Two tanks can fill with incandescent fuel allowing for two subsequent flamethrower sprays before the tanks have to replenish. This is the most fuel-costly manoeuvre on board so aiming must be precise.

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1 year ago

Tips for writing and drawing amputee characters: Stump Scarring

This was something I had originally intended to mention in this post but felt it deserved its own separate post.

A lot of people, when drawing and designing amputee characters, draw their characters with these big, gnarly looking scars all over the stump. I get why people do this, but in reality, most amputees have stumps that look more like this:

Two cartoony illustrations side by side of an above-elbow amputee's stump, The image on the left belonging to a white person, the one on the right belonging to a black person. on both, there is a small jagged line across the bottom of the stump. On the black stump, the line is a slightly darker tone than the rest of the skin, but only slightly. On the white stump, the line is also slightly darker with a slightly pinker hue. On both, the line, a thin incision scar, is very subtle and has faded with time.

The only scarring that is inherent to amputation (meaning most amputees have) is a very thin line right at the tip of the stump that comes from where the stump was sewn shut. After 5-10 years though, these thin incision scars will fade to be nearly invisible in most folks other than the indent it usually leaves in the skin.

Of course, there are exceptions! My own legs are covered in heavy scarring like the pictures below.

Another image of the same two stumps, side by side, this time drawn with large, burn-like scars covering the stump and part of the chest. These scars, despite being bigger than the first two images, are the same colour as the smaller scars.

but typically, you only see this in amputees who lost their limb in ways that required them to also need skin grafts, such as from a burn (fire or acid), gangrene, some types of rapid-onset sepsis, or particularly brutal animal attacks.

For context, I used scars from meningococcal as reference here.

I think this is another reason a lot of people, particularly in 2D comics and animation, cover their amputee character's stumps, because they think all amputees have scars like the ones in the second image and I'll be honest, that's a lot to draw when you're drawing it over and over again, but unless your amputee also needed skin grafts bcuase of their injury/illness, their stumps will look more like the first images.

Fun fact: on particularly pale skin, scars can change colour depending on temperature. scars have less circulation and the blood vessels are closer to the skin, which means if you don't have a lot of melanin, your scars can turn a grey-ish purple colour like so:

A single image, this time of just the white stump with the large burn-like scars. This time, they are a slightly grey-ish purple tone.

This information is brought to you by an especially pasty white person in the southern hemisphere (where it's winter atm) who's scars haven't seen the sun since june lmao.

A quick final note: If you look up "burn scars" or any other similar type of large scarring on google a lot of what you get are fresh scars, so they're going to look different than the ones here. On pale skin, large scars like the ones above start out very dark red and will fade to look more like the images here. The same is true for dark skin, typically fresh scars will be much darker in colouration and will fade to be closer to the natural skin tone with time, though on both, they will always be very visible. Some types of scarring on darker skin tones can cause the skin to become lighter, but they don't usually turn entirely light pink like I've seen some folks draw. This is why it's so important to look up references of the type of scar your character has AND how that looks on their skin tone.

And as always, listen to POC and seek out the recourses specifically made by them, especially if you're drawing characters with darker skin tones. Their lived experience will always beat my "what I found through internet research and from talking to friends"

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1 year ago
Anonymous said: Anon hate. // OP replied: pithy reply
Anonymous said: Is it true? // OP replied: i’m so glad someone finally asked about this! i’ve seen several posts about it on tumblr and x (formerly twitter) but no one is talking about this right now. several people have said it’s true. here is a firsthand account you weren’t there for. here is a screenshot and a tl;dr to spread info faster. if you actually watch this tiktok it’s so obvious that it’s true. i can’t believe you would even ask me this—google is free, dumbass. if it’s not true, it feels true. block me if you disagree. if you don’t reblog this, it really says a lot about you as a person tbh.
aphetalia said: Did you know? // OP replied: omg nooo!!! but now that i do, i will make sure to repeat this—except worse and paraphrased—to spread awareness! without verifying your claims at all ofc! i had no idea—thank you for telling me so that i can uplift voices!

accidentally made a triptych

Anon hate - Is it true? - Did you know? 

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1 year ago
Illustration of a blue wolf head biting down on four titanium hearts with eyes on them.

This love is unbreakable [re-draw]

Art blog / Linktree

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