The Kiss - Tumblr Posts

Alright, we all knew it, don't act like this wasn't EXACTLY how we knew it went.

I hate to quote the Metatron but it was quite predictable

Good evening, I have a quick question. How often did you have to film the kissing scene until it you got the scene we saw in ep6?

Only once. And it took a lot less time than we had planned, because it was meant to have had a complicated camera move but once we had shot it the first time we realized that the complicated version would not be needed.

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1 year ago

they're boyfriends who are also my boyfriends and we kiss

the kiss is just so fucking sensual like the slight arch, the hair pull, the caressing of the beard. i love the way you can see how ross maybe goes to finish and starts pulling away and matty is like no no no kiss me properly like grab me 🫠 i also just will never be over how small and twinky matty is compared to ross who is so fucking daddy

The thing is, from the side it does look like Ross is maybe trying to pull away but from the angle that shows Matty's back (I posted it yesterday or the day before, should be easily traced) you can see that he's actually clinging hard and pulling Matty along with him, so... yeah 👁️👄👁️

Also yeah Ross is so big (and daddy) and Matty is so small and that does seem to tickle something in our cavepeople brains because I feel like we all reverse to primal status when we discuss that. I feel very seen in my being feral about it, so thank you very much 💖

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1 year ago

i'm s1 april ludgate with my gay bfs

Regarding the kiss, how planned out do we think it was? Like was it just supposed to be another robbers kiss? Seeing the way Jamie did a double take makes me feel like no one was expecting them to make out. And then George speaking into the mic laughing. I feel like a kiss was planned given we see matty signaling to Ross to come over, but I feel like they got caught up in the moment and making out was not planned. It felt like I was watching a scene in a romcom where they make two people kiss and they end up catching feelings lol.

Oh definitely, it 100% got out of hand. Yes it was premeditated, but no it wasn't meant to be THIS intense. I am willing to bet a lot on that actually 👁️👁️

Also about the whole thing reminding you of a romcom, it's SO TRUE. Like you have to kiss as a dare or a diversion or something but you figure out that, oops, you actually like kissing that person. Dear me. 🫠

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5 months ago
RadioHusk Week Starts On Monday! Mark Your Calendars! Prompt List From @meow-4-eva:

RadioHusk Week starts on Monday! Mark your calendars! Prompt list from @meow-4-eva:

!!!ATTENTION RADIOHUSK SHIPPERS!!! Me and @knightfire are hosting #radiohuskweek2024! The week will be from the 16th to the 22nd of Septem

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8 years ago

Alec beginning of season

Magnus: “It’s nothing to be ashamed about Alec” Alec: “I don’t know what you’re talking about”

To… Alec: “Screw this I’m kissing my boyfriend infront of all y'all!

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1 year ago

After rewatching the Final Fifteen over and over again, I don't think Crowley wanted to kiss Aziraphale.

Look. I know we’ve all read a lot of different readings of ✨the kiss✨ and why it happened the way it did. It’s just that none of the posts I’ve seen so far captured exactly the feeling I was reading into the scene, so I thought I might as well share my interpretation. Because I don’t think Crowley wanted to kiss Aziraphale, actually. I mean of course he wanted to, but– let me explain.

I brought gifs and a little more heartbreak :)

First of all, I do agree with most of the interpretations going around. Crowley wanting to change Aziraphale's mind? Totally plausible. Wanting to show him what he’s losing? Probably. Taking the last chance he might get to finally kiss him? Yes, please!

What I mean when I say I don’t believe Crowley wanted to kiss Aziraphale are essentially two things, one of them being that Crowley didn’t plan on kissing him. He planned on leaving.

We know this because it’s exactly what he does.

The moment I come back to over and over again is when Crowley puts on his sunglasses and heads for the door.

Aziraphale is looking at Crowley, saying: "Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever."
Crowley is slowly nodding, looking somewhere else before putting on his sunglasses. He says: "No. No, I don't suppose it does."

Look how close they are to each other. Usually, you would expect the kiss to happen in a moment like this. All it would take Crowley is to lean forward. If he wanted to kiss Aziraphale and change his mind, he would do it right there. But he doesn’t. He nods in a way that screams: Right. This is a losing game.

Aziraphale had just told him that nothing lasted forever (so why should he stay) and he already put back his wall of defense (the sunglasses). Of course, we can't tell for sure but everything in his appearance tells us that for him, the moment between them is gone. The only chance he had decided to take had slipped through his fingers. It is time to leave. So he does.

Crowley is walking past Aziraphale, saying: "Good luck."

Crowley does not stop until Aziraphale cries out his name and wants him to come back. He is not held back by his own desire but by his incapability to resist Aziraphale’s cry for help. Not that these things can’t be connected – but look at his body language, look how reluctant it seems, annoyed almost.

Crowley is stopping, turning back to Aziraphale. As said before, he is looking reluctant, almost annoyed.

It looks like he really doesn't want to stay. At the same time, he doesn’t want to hurt Aziraphale. He wants him to know that he cares. It’s not easy for him either. So he stays. Listens to what Aziraphale has to say.

Crowley takes a deep breath while looking out of the shop's window.

But it hurts even more. Crowley doesn't even bear to look at him. Aziraphale just doesn’t understand him, doesn’t understand the way Heaven works, even after all these years. At least, that’s what Crowley thinks. Everything that made the air around them vibrate, every nightingale that ever sang, is now dead silent. Crowley says so himself.

Crowley is pointing his finger upwards, saying: "That's the point." He is dropping his arm again. "No nightingales."

This is not him pathing the way for a kiss. This is him saying goodbye.

And then he says: “You idiot. We could have been –“

Maybe he doesn’t quite know what exactly he wants to say or maybe he does but he doesn’t know how.

“– us.”

Crowley looks desperate. He is saying: "We could have been ... us."

His voice is trembling. He lets the words linger in the room between them. Note how he is already speaking in the past tense. We could have been. But we’re not.

However, Crowley admits that the possibility of them being an Us was there, hence the possibility of everything that being an Us means to him. It drips from his toungue, every moment and every feeling he connects to the sense of being an Us. You have to remember the feeling to voice it, even when you do it to say goodbye.

And I think – we’re getting to the essence of this post – I think what happens is that Crowley gets overwhelmed by his own words, or rather: by grabbing his feelings and putting them into words, by the implication of them as an Us and everything he imagined it would have been for them. And what it means to lose it.

And I don’t think he consciously decides to kiss Aziraphale. I don’t think he wanted to kiss him in the sense that he didn’t want to take this step and actually do it. He had already lost.

(We could have been us but we’re not.)

They are still too far away from each other.

(We’re not. But we could have been.)

Eventually, Aziraphale averts his gaze, and turns his head to the side.

Aziraphale looks away from Crowley, presumably to hold back tears.

And this! This is the moment Crowley steps forward! Let me emphasize it once again because I do believe it’s crucial to Crowley's change of heart.

Aziraphale looks away. And Crowley snaps.

He snaps like a rubber band you pull at for too long, like the clip of a ballpoint pen cap you push too hard upside. It’s not a conscious decision. It’s a reflex. Like closing an app on your phone and opening it again directly after. Like someone calling your name and you turn your head in the direction of the voice. You don’t think about it. It just happens.

Crowley steps up to Aziraphale, grabs him by the collar and kisses him.

And I think Aziraphale looking away was the last straw that held the rubber band in place. The last thing that kept Crowley from falling once again. I genuinely don’t believe he would have kissed Aziraphale if the latter had continued to look at him. Too scary, right? Too real. Too close.

So this is the second thing I mean when I say that Crowley didn’t want to kiss Aziraphale. Of course, he wanted to but he didn’t make a deliberate decision. He just … gave in.

And when he pulls away, he knows that everything between them has changed. He waits for Aziraphale’s reaction, everything about him is tense.

Crowley is looking at Aziraphale. He is almost motionless, only breathing.

And if he dared to hope for anything at all, it surely wasn’t this.


Aziraphale is almost crying. He is saying: "I forgive you."

"I forgive you."

I forgive you for giving in.

Crowley is sighing, then turning away. "Don't bother."

Don't bother.

So Crowley does what he wanted to do in the first place – and leaves.

Crowley is leaving the bookshop.

He didn’t plan on kissing Aziraphale. He wanted to leave, maybe even to prevent this from happening. And when it happened, I don’t think it’s because of ulterior motives like changing Aziraphale’s mind or grabbing the opportunity as it presented itself to him.

I’m not saying these motives aren’t there – in fact, I pretty much believe so! I'm just saying that maybe he didn’t think about them when kissing Aziraphale and that he didn’t decide to kiss him because of that.

Maybe this is more than obvious to everyone else already and I'm stupidly rambling to myself. Also, I'm truly sorry if I overlooked another analysis of this.

I just don’t think there was time in Crowley’s head to reflect on any of his feelings.

I think he was just not holding back anymore.

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1 year ago

Okay, at this point, I'm not even sure what to think of my own theories anymore and if this makes any sense AT ALL but WHAT IF

What if Aziraphale not only was very aware of how much the words “I forgive you” after the kiss would hurt Crowley but WANTED his words to hurt Crowley – to make it easier for both of them to leave.

Let me elaborate. Gifs inclusive!

I was just listening to the song “Hot Mess” by dodie and one part of the chorus especially struck me:

Make it ugly, put on a show Hack it that I hate you so that I can let go

Essentially, it’s about how the narrative voice of the song is trying to hate their partner in order to let them go. The idea behind this is that if the breakup is worse than it needs to be – i.e. if one person is being tricked into hating the other person – it’s easier for them to stop loving them.

What if Aziraphale is doing this to his relationship with Crowley?

We know (thanks to Rob Wilkins) that, after the kiss, Aziraphale is trying to comprehend what's happening and that he wants Crowley to do it again.

But he doesn't say any of that.

Aziraphale after the kiss. He is avoiding Crowley's gaze, breathing shakily and searching for words. He starts with: "I..."

In this 10-second-long eternity after the kiss, Aziraphale is clearly struggling for words. He is not even looking at Crowley but focused on an undefined point in front of him as if he can't bear to meet his gaze just yet. He is completely overwhelmed.

Aziraphale is still breathing shakily. As he looks up to Crowley, he takes a deep breath.

When he dares to look up, he takes one deep breath. Of course, we can only speculate what is going through his mind. For the sake of this meta, I'm going to propose the theory that at this moment, Aziraphale realizes how hopeless their situation actually is.

Their love for each other is undeniable. Both of them said that they wanted to be together, even if they used different words to describe their desire. But while Crowley wants to fight their battle against Armageddon from the outside, Aziraphale wants to change Heaven's system from the inside. And behind these approaches lie such deep-rooted beliefs about, well, everything, that they pose an obstacle they can't overcome. Not yet. Not through running off together. Not even if their love is 6000 years deep. It's the epitome of tragedy, really.

Aziraphale knows this. He knows that in this situation, this will only hurt more the further they go. So he takes a deep breath. And he decides to do the excruciating thing neither of them wants to do but that needs to be done:

He ends it.

Aziraphale says: "I forgive you."

Aziraphale knows about the harmfulness of his words – these specific words of all the things he could have said or done. Even as he is saying them, he looks as if it physically hurts him to do so. His eyes seem to be full of pain, maybe even regret. But how else will he convince Crowley to do what he can't, how else will he make him let go?

Aziraphale looks after Crowley, breathing heavily, on the verge of tears. Eventually, he looks down.

When Crowley leaves, Aziraphale doesn't attempt to stop him again. No matter how plainly this breaks his heart, no matter how he's barely holding himself together. He lets him go.

In German, there is a saying that could literally be translated to: It's better to have an end with terror than to have terror without an end (Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende). I think it fits this particular reading of the scene quite well. In Aziraphale's mind, their relationship would result in such agony that they would hurt even more. By ending their relationship before it has even begun, he is trying to protect both of them – making the pain great but definite instead of ongoing.

Does that sound plausible to anyone?

I myself am still quite unsure how to feel about this interpretation of Aziraphale's reaction, so I would love to hear some thoughts on it! <3

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kiss me more (bokuto x reader)

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chapter 6: kiss

After leaving Osamu's restaurant, you followed Bokuto to an undisclosed location which strangely seemed to follow your typical route home. To your surprise, it basically was. He had lead you to the front of your apartment building.

"Stalker much?" you joked.

"Yachi told me" he admitted. Yachi seemed to do a lot of meddling in your relationship now that you thought about it. Not that you would complain, since all of it had turned out positive so far. You could only roll your eyes at her though, before going up the elevator to the roof.

You had never actually been up here before, despite having lived in this same building for a little while now. You could see lots of other skyscrapers and buildings. The night sky was beautiful, even while lacking in stars due to the light pollution. You thought back to the stars you had seen as a child, before you knew the constellations by name and could make up their shapes. You felt small again, and found yourself missing the clearer night sky you used to know.

Bokuto cleared his throat next to you, attempting to bring your attention back to him. It was clear you were in la-la land and needed to be brought back down to earth. You felt a little embarrassed for zoning out while on a date but he just told you he found it cute.

You quickly found yourself making eye contact with him again. It made your heart skip a beat, and you swore you could see his pupils dilate. Maybe that was just wishful thinking on your part. Time seemed like it slowed down as you stood there for seconds, minutes. Only gazing into those alluring eyes that were windows to a beautiful soul and bright personality.

You wished you could read his mind. Know what he was thinking about all this, about you. Your question was semi-answered with his next words.

"So beautiful" he whispered uncharacteristically. It was nice to know he was capable of being calm and quiet. His gaze on you was still intense. He placed his hand on your cheek and it engulfed half of your face.

Your heartbeat picked up its pace. You hadn't felt this way for anyone in so long. Honestly, you haven't felt this deeply for anyone ever. There was just something about Bokuto that was just so addictively attractive. He had an exciting personality and you never had a dull moment or conversation with him. He always knew how to make you laugh or feel comfortable. Despite first impressions, he was actually witty and his sweet disposition made it impossible for anyone to dislike him. He was outrageously sexy, of course, with muscles upon muscles (those back muscles COME ON) and a sculpted physique. His face exceedingly handsome with features that demanded the attention of anyone that met him. His short grey and black hair that you wanted to run your fingers through or brush and put into goofy little bows. It also could be his giant hands, present on your face right now, that you had both sweet and very bad thoughts about. But there was another physical aspect that might be your favorite: his eyes.

They were beautiful, golden irises that were almost always wide and happy. The entire world reflected in his eyes. You saw stars, galaxies, the universe. You saw your future in his eyes; a life with Bokuto and everything that would go with it. The anticipation of what would happen next was only amplified by the glimmer you saw in them.

You noticed him slowly bringing his face closer to yours. Your eyes naturally closed and you felt chills in anticipation. You were praying to whatever higher power there was that you two wouldn't be interrupted this time. Your prayers, thankfully, were answered.

When your lips met, you felt a warmth that filled your entire body. Your fingers and toes tingled, a weird sensation you hadn't experienced. When you pulled away from the first one, you only looked at each other for a few seconds before going back in for more.

The people you'd kissed before hadn't been nearly as passionate as him. You brought your arms up to wrap around him, while he moved his one arm lower. You weren't really sure how long the two of you were there, but eventually you broke apart again and just stopped to really contemplate what had just happened. You were in awe at the talent of the handsome volleyball player. He was in awe too, staring at you with the goofiest happy grin you had ever seen. It made your heart pick up its pace again and you wanted to kiss him even more. You decided against it though, and to just take this moment with him slower so that you could truly enjoy his presence.

"Bokuto, I don't know what to say" you broke the silence. You probably could have just not said anything, but the lack of conversation was driving you crazy.

"Call me Koutaro" he responded calmly. He still had that lopsided smile on his face.

"What?". You couldn't really believe what you just heard. He really wants me to call him by his first name?

"Koutaro. I want to hear you say it" he affirmed.

"Koutaro, I really like you" you told him truthfully.

"I really like you too (Y/n). You don't have to say anything else" he replied, diving back in. The two of you embraced tighter and couldn't keep your lips off of each other. Before it could escalate too far, you pushed away and reminded him that the two of you were on the roof of your apartment building, and that it really wasn't the best place to be intimate. Not to say there was really any place other than in your apartment or his that you would consider appropriate at this point. You were getting a little tired, but you didn't really want to say goodbye to him yet.

"Walk me back to my room?" you flirt. He happily obliges, and off the two of you go (but not before one more kiss).

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1 year ago
Francesco Hayez, The Kiss, 1859
Francesco Hayez, The Kiss, 1859

Francesco Hayez, The Kiss, 1859

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9 months ago
What Did You Think When You Love Me This Way?

what did you think when you love me this way?

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1 year ago

I just want to say that I genuinely loved season two of Good Omens. It was comedic, exciting, and heart wrenching. I wouldn’t change anything about it.

The angst filled kiss was true to both characters and furthered the plot. It’s not what I hoped for but I’m taking it and burrowing it away for later like a chipmunk.

This tv show has affected me, and isn’t that the point of media; to make us feel what we normal wouldn’t, to help us grow and empathize with the unfamiliar. In that sense Good Omens is incredibly wonderful to me since it has made not only me but countless others feel a little more alive.

I personally find that incredibly beautiful.

I Just Want To Say That I Genuinely Loved Season Two Of Good Omens. It Was Comedic, Exciting, And Heart

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1 year ago

Crowley putting on his glasses before kissing Aziraphale is heart wrenching cause in that moment he’s rescinding all vulnerability they’ve shared. He’s not only hiding his demonic traits that Aziraphale just clearly voiced his feelings on. But he’s hiding his own emotions too.

He starts to cry

Crowley Putting On His Glasses Before Kissing Aziraphale Is Heart Wrenching Cause In That Moment Hes

And then puts on his glasses

Crowley Putting On His Glasses Before Kissing Aziraphale Is Heart Wrenching Cause In That Moment Hes

Also Aziraphales face in the gif is breaking me, he knows he’s passed a point of no return.

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2 years ago

OK so I got these shoes

OK So I Got These Shoes

And they are basically inspired by the kiss by Gustav klimnt and hdndnfjdjdjjd they look so nice like I'm two seconds away from just dying it is so pretty I wanted to get the Claude monet one but they only have one size left and it was 36 which by the way is tiny like I'm a 39 and I was so sad but honestly rn I think this one is prettier

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5 months ago
All You Have To Do Is Stay A Minute
All You Have To Do Is Stay A Minute

All you have to do is stay a minute

Just take your time

The clock is ticking, so stay 🎼

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1 year ago
The Hand Is What Fucked Me Up. Its Just Such A Small Thing, But Such A Loud Detail. Crowley Pulls Him

The hand is what fucked me up. It’s just such a small thing, but such a loud detail. Crowley pulls him in, kisses him deep, and desperate, and anguished, and longing, and Aziraphale flounders. His hand quivers and moves without any idea what he’s supposed to do; he’s at a loss. He’s shocked, and confused, and the whiplash of going from trying to convince Crowley he’s gotten them everything they could ever want, to this. To everything he doesn’t know how deal with, and never expected. And yet. His hand stops. He plants it firm on Crowley’s back, and for just a moment, he presses into to kiss too. He know this is what he wants; he can feel it. That instant is everything, yet somehow it meant nothing, because it was only a terribly fleeting moment inside a terribly fleeting moment.

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