Idk What Else To Say - Tumblr Posts

If you’re ever feeling sad, just remember that you’re someone’s favorite character. Somewhere in an alternate dimension, you are yourself, but you’re a character in something, and at least one person considers you their favorite.

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3 years ago

I've had this idea for a while now and was like but digital art is hard for me. Then I thought physical art exists so here is a quickly drawn comic

I've Had This Idea For A While Now And Was Like But Digital Art Is Hard For Me. Then I Thought Physical
I've Had This Idea For A While Now And Was Like But Digital Art Is Hard For Me. Then I Thought Physical
I've Had This Idea For A While Now And Was Like But Digital Art Is Hard For Me. Then I Thought Physical
I've Had This Idea For A While Now And Was Like But Digital Art Is Hard For Me. Then I Thought Physical
I've Had This Idea For A While Now And Was Like But Digital Art Is Hard For Me. Then I Thought Physical

Bonus Todoroki

I've Had This Idea For A While Now And Was Like But Digital Art Is Hard For Me. Then I Thought Physical

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6 months ago



KKKQQUESTION:: will you make any more content, art, or generally any stuff with your oc's Mia and Salem???

Asking bc im so curious cuz I LUV EM SOMUCHH AUGHHHH :'3

@pawl3ss Ik that’s you ;)

But I would love too but I have something that’s called

✨laziness and procrastination✨

KKKQQUESTION:: Will You Make Any More Content, Art, Or Generally Any Stuff With Your Oc's Mia And Salem???

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2 years ago

You know what? I'm just gonna do this out of pure boredom.

Hiya, I'm rainyskys but I'm also known as Tatiana. I don't care what pronouns you call whether it's she, he, or them but just don't use any names or pronouns that might make me uncomfortable. I'm fine with nicknames like hun, sweetheart, Darling but for the love of god please do not call me mommy or anything like that, just no. Same thing with pronouns, just don't.

Some info about me, I'm person who's willing to try new things like listening to new genre of music or activities or i can just be an open ear for anyone to listen or talk to. but i can't always be an open ear because i have a life of my own but i am willing to speak to anyone, just be chill and all really. Irl i am a completely different person than i am with the internet which I'm sure lots of you can relate- i am a quiet and shy person irl but online with friend's I can be really talkative. Having to chat with others through voice can be difficult for me to handle because people can be scary- but I'm lonely so i want to be able to make friends. Texting is no big deal but i still have difficulties because people but it isn't that bad unless i make a typo then yeah, I'm going wild.

Some hobbies I do. I love to sing during my free time which is a lot or I sing to friends and give them free concerts but it's rarely I ever get to do that for them. Singing is one of the only talents that I have currently. Back then when I was younger I used to play violin but it's been years so I'm Rusty at it. besides that, singing is how I help manage my emotions and cope. I don't know how to say it but.. let's say, whenever I feel down and I have nobody to talk to I sing. I put my emotions into my voice which really helps a lot because I'm somewhat distracting it? But also I'm able to sing it in a way how I feel like let's say mad or happy. I really do not how to explain it I just hope you can understand it.

Writing. Y'know when you're just laying down in bed and you're just making up fake scenarios in your head? Yeah, that's what i do but i write it down. Writing is one of my favorite things to do because it's just fun to make up and think about things like a crazy criminal story or rivalry. I have wrote down some story's just for fun and oc's i made based off of me or i just make. I'm willing to listen to anybodys story's or oc's and just listen. It's not that i want to steal ideas to reassure you but it's hard to find people who'd do this kind of thing with you. I currently have only two friends who do this with me. The reason why there isn't much is because people just don't understand us or because they aren't really interested. In other words it's just fun to do and talk about.

Last but not least, some facts about me? Idk.

I used to have difficulties going to sleep so how i fixed that was i used to listen to alot of lo-fi. The reasoning why was because it's music smooths me to sleep like a lullaby so i guess why that was because at that time i was going through stuff and alot of people especially my friends say that i am a baby (in a good way) or a literal pure child.

This sounds bad but i am a really picky eater so i haven't tasted alot of food that you guys might know like Chinese food or Mexican food but I'm really trying my best to taste new food. Its icky and it sucks because theres alot of foods i see and think "they seem tasty" when in reality i (most of the time) know that i might not even like it or won't even try at all. It sucks but I'm trying and I'm kinda glad because i get to figure out what kind of food i like and don't. If you got any questions or recommendations please feel free to ask me, I'm willing to try new kind of foods.

Rock music. I dunno if its just me but Whenever i listen to rock, a part of my body like my hand or legs start shaking. Its not a bad thing but it's a good thing because the music hypes me up so much that a part of me starts shaking with excitement or i just start shaking without any reasons.

I'm pretty sure some people do this but i love to hug or cuddle something when going to sleep. It's just so comforting even when you're that much of a lonely person. Usually i cross both my arms and legs to sleep but that's when I'm in a car or somewhere else than my bed. I dunno but it just helps me sleep when I'm without a hed. Cuddling or hugging something either makes me sad or happy or both because one, lmao lonely, two i just like being held in a embrace so it makes me happy and three, lmao why not both?

It's currently 12:19 AM and I'm kinda tired. It was fun making this because I'm hoping to meet new people and even make some friends and if that doesn't happen oh well, I don't mind. What I'm thinking is since this account is friend-free of all my other friends I could just post whatever I want. I don't know why I don't post things with my friends following me but I'm planning to use this account to just post random things mainly my thoughts late at night. Kinda like a Journal. Whelp I'm drained.

Before i log off i just wanna say goodnight to you people and sweet dreams. good morning to you people i hope you had good sleep. Good afternoon to you people i hope your day goes well. Most importantly make sure to eat food, not junk food. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and love yourselfs. You need it.

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6 months ago

missed it yesterday but national teddy bear day!!! this is my wife :3 he’s like half as tall as me and this is my only picture of him

Missed It Yesterday But National Teddy Bear Day!!! This Is My Wife :3 Hes Like Half As Tall As Me And

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10 months ago
Another Pixel Art Of Spamton

Another pixel art of Spamton

Updates on IELTS: overall I got a 7.5 out of 9 (got a 9 for reading, very proud of it hehe), and even though my initial reaction was "I'm a fucking failure", apparently (according to my dad), it is a pretty impressive score, given the fact that I wasn't really preparing for the test and instead spent all of my time shaking in fear (very productive indeed). My next task is to apply to the university I've chosen and... well, hope for the best :)

Btw, on the day of the test we had snow in Latvia, very convenient (no it's not, I fucking hate cold weather). But it was very interesting to see flowers covered in frost and snow.

Another Pixel Art Of Spamton

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2 years ago
A Fanart Of Cameo! Plz This Took Me Forever-

A fanart of Cameo! Plz this took me forever-


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8 months ago

personality disorder symbol

Personality Disorder Symbol
Personality Disorder Symbol

a symbol for personality disorders in general rather than a specific disorder, like how the infinity symbol is often used as a symbol of all neurodivergent disorders

i do know that PDs are neurodivergent, i just wanted to create a symbol that encompassed all personality disorders specifically

the lightbulb represents personality, state of mind, and coping mechanisms due to trauma

the sprout represents growth and hopes to destigmatize these disorders, as well as healing from trauma. the sprout can also mean growing and thriving in places you arent expected to as a "fuck you" to ableists, if the healing symbolism isnt to your liking.

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7 months ago

That moment where you come to front because the host is not so you your brothers discover the reason you formed at

This is kinda cool for us, we get that splitting is shit but we were fucking blank fragments who now have a purpose that's cool???

Awesome, making me and my siblings our profiles and such

Do you want to see some intros from us?? We're kinda attached to Tumblr so we don't mind that at all, we might be the first intros, and maybe the only intros, here in our main blog lmao

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