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201119 Hoseok’s Weverse Post
아미!!!!! 내일이면 앨범이 나오네용 너무 오래 준비해서 그런지 이미 나온 앨범 같아요 하하하하하 ::;; 사실 저희가 이 앨범을 표현하기를 ‘우리가 직접 하나부터 열까지 참여한 앨범!!’ 이런 느낌을 많이 드렸다 보니 너무 많은 기대에 혹여나 실망도 크실까 봐 ㅠ 단순하게 걱정이 들기도 합니다 @~@)
하나 분명한 건 다들 이 앨범을 만들면서 서로 웃고 즐기고 열띤 토론도 하며 의견도 맞춰보고 또 마지막까지 최종 검토를 통해 나온 앨범이다 보니
멤버 한명 한명의 온전한 온기를 느끼실 수 있는 앨범이 되지 않을까 라는 생각이 들어요
그것만으로도 저희한테도 아미 여러분들한테도 의미 있는 앨범이 될 거 같구요!!!
내일을 시작으로, 준비한 저희의 모습들이 하나하나 공개가 될 텐뎅!!!
지친 삶 속 작은 웃음과 힘, 2020년을 행복하게 마무리하는 예쁜 마침표가 되셨으면 좋겠습니다 !!!
-하루를 마무리하는 또는 하루를 시작하는 많은 아미 여러분들에게 방탄소년단 제이홉이💜
ARMY!!!!! The album comes out tomorrow*~ It might be because we’ve spent so much time preparing this album but it feels like an album that has already been released hahahahaha ::;; Honestly, because we described this album as ‘an album we participated in from a to z!!’ and gave you this impression, I’m a little worried @~@ that, as much as you looked forward to it, your disappointment might be that much bigger ㅠ
One thing that’s for certain is that while making this album, we all laughed and had fun, had heated discussions, put our heads together to reach agreements and is an album that has come out after we reviewed it until its very last stages so
I think this an album with which you will be able to feel the full warmth of every individual member.
And for that reason alone I think, to us and ARMY, this album will be meaningful!!!
Starting tomorrow, you’ll be able to see what we’ve prepared one by one!!!**
[I hope this album] can be a source of a little laughter and strength when you’re weary from life, and hope it will provide a pretty ending point*** that allows you to end 2020 happily !!
- Dedicated to the many ARMYs who are wrapping up their days or just beginning to start their day, by Bangtan Sonyeondan J-Hope💜
(T/N: * ** ended cutely + ***think: tying up prettily with a bow to bring a neat end to 2020)
Trans cr: Amy @ bts-weverse-trans © Please credit when taking out

jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan jake groan
His collarbones??? His shoulders????


Okay, Weverse is literally crashing and refusing to open. Like,, I need to see these mOMENTS—
Ahh Jungkook on Weverse... he’s so cute! Talking about Overwatch and asking us what we’re doing... :”)
