Illidan Stormrage - Tumblr Posts
My warcraft hyperfixation is suddenly back and why was it triggered by the guy that is gone in space with no signs of coming back and we dont even know if he is alive
yall when is Illidan coming back, we need the Stormrage family reunion 😭😭

“The Legion will know of this Victory, and they will fear you, my Illidari”
Harbingers - Illidan
![Young Illidan[3]still Cant Find His Face But This One Is Better Then I Drew Before](
Young Illidan[3] still cant find his face but this one is better then i drew before

You wish to know the difference between the demons and us?

Illidan Stormrage. Young. Don’t ask me why does he looks like this, just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Warcraft Men and How Much I'd Trust Them With My Drink
Khadgar: 10/10. He would put a ward on it. He would be so good with holding people's drinks. He has a lot of experience from holding Medivh's drinks.
Anduin Lothar: 6/10. He won't p0ison me, but he might drink it, or if he's already drunk he'll drop it.
Llane Wrynn: 9/10. He's a very nice man and he won't p0ison me, but he's not very good at seeing when people aren't actually good people (Looking at you, Sargeras in Medivh)
Medivh: 7.5/10. I trust MEDIVH with my drink. I do not trust Sargeras with my drink. Also I feel the need to mention that Medivh is amazing and I love him.
Belo'vir Salonar: 8/10. He's a very nice man but he has a small tendency to a$$a$$inate people.
Rommath: 8/10. Same reasons as Belo'vir.
Gul'dan: -10/10. I will hand him a glass of champaign. I will get the bl00d of Mannoroth.
Illidan: 5/10. I leave for two minutes and he's drunk flirting with a completely uninterested Khadgar.
Anduin Wrynn: 3/10. He'll get k1dnapp3d while I'm gone.
Mathias Shaw: 0/10. He's gonna see the chance to 0ff me and take it. I love him tho.
Flynn Fairwind: 2/10. He'll drop it because he's wast3d.
Genn Greymane: 0/10. I get a bad vibe from him. I don't know why.
Wrathion: 7/10. I love the boy, but he's an idiot who makes terrible decisions. Still better than Sabellian for Aspect, though.
Nielas Aran: 10/10. One of the few people who actually cared about Medivh, and that's all I need to say.
Moroes: 10/10. See Nielas' answer.
Edwin Vancleef: 8/10. I don't work for the Kingdom of Stormwind so we're all good.
Durotan: 9/10. I just get chill vibes from him.
Thrall: 5.5/10. He's probably h1gh as ba||s.
Halduron Brightwing: 5/10. Manwh0r3.
Lor'themar Theron: 3/10. I don't like him. He should listen to Rommath more.
Baine Bl00dhoof: 7/10. He seems nice but is not particularly effective.
Orgrim Doomhammer: 1/10. No.
Velen: 10/10. Will see if someone is going to p0ison me and stop them.
Turalyon: 0/10. I get suuuuper sketchy vibes from him. I think he's in a cu|t.
Malygos: 7/10 pre-insanity, 4/10 mid-insanity, 0/10 post-insanity. I play a mage. He seems sweet before he goes crazy, and when he's crazy he's a giant spider.
Kalecgos: 9/10. Will find a powerful mage and sleep with them immediately, somehow managing to keep my drink in his hand the entire time. I like him.
Nozdormu: Yes/10. He will put it in a pocket dimension.
Murozond: See Nozdormu.
Magni Bronzebeard: 10/10. I f*cking love this guy.
Brann Bronzebeard: 8/10. Easily distracted by shiny objects.
This got way too long, so I'm gonna have to stop here.