Malygos - Tumblr Posts

Neltharion: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do? Malygos: Have everyone stand. Ysera: Bring three more chairs! Nozdormu: The most important ones can sit down. Alexstrasza: Kill three.

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Neltharion: *Accidentally hits Malygos in the face* Neltharion: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'* Neltharion: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Malygos: What’s wrong with you?!

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Neltharion: I can explain. Malygos: Can you? Neltharion: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.

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Alexstrasza: Can you please be serious for five minutes? Malygos: My record is four, but I think I can do it.

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Neltharion: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen! Malygos: Really? Name one law Neltharion: Don't kill people? Malygos: That's on me. I set the bar too low.

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*In the Shadowlands*

Neltharion: Top 30 reasons why Neltharion is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you! Malygos: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!

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Alexstrasza: Sorry it took me so long to bail you two out of jail

Malygos: No it’s our fault

Neltharion: We shouldn’t’ve used our one phone call to prank call the police

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Neltharion: Violence isn't the answer. Malygos: You’re right. Neltharion: *sighs in relief* Malygos: Violence is the question. Neltharion: What? Malygos, bolting away: And the answer is yes. Neltharion, running after him: NO-

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Neltharion: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume? Malygos: *chugs entire bottle* Malygos: It’s perfume.

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Neltharion: You often use humor to deflect trauma Malygos: Thank you Neltharion: I didn't say that was a good thing Malygos: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny

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Neltharion: Here's some advice

Malygos: I didn't ask for any

Neltharion: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me

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Neltharion: Am I in trouble? Malygos: Take a guess. Neltharion: No? Malygos: Take another guess.

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Neltharion: Okay, truth or dare?

Malygos: Truth

Neltharion: How many hours have you slept this week?


Malygos: ...Dare

Neltharion: Go to bed.

Malygos: I don’t like this game.

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Neltharion: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Malygos: What did you do? Neltharion: Nobody died. Malygos: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!

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Neltharion: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Malygos, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Neltharion: Neltharion: fsh

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Neltharion: You love me, right, Malygos? Malygos: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.

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I have an idea for a tiktok but I don't have the cosplay yet so I'm posting it here.

(In the amulet, the day Mikell becomes just another host)

Mikell Bright: Are we alone?

Jack Lumineaux, as that is what he has always been: For now. Maybe forever.

You wanna know a secret?

Adam thinks he made Bright, with all his rants and his hard won lessons. 'Excise your doubts, James!' 'Be what they fear, James!' Like everything was the same as when mom left.

But he didn't make Bright. You did.

(ALTERNATIVELY, in my Vyranoth redemption AU for Warcraft)

Sabellian wins and Wrathion runs away, then feels the need to prove that he isn't evil so he sacrifices himself to lock the Vault of the Incarnates with Iridikron's ghost inside. Between his vanishing and his reappearance, he goes to the Shadowlands and meets Malygos. They chat a bit, discover a bunch of similarities between themselves, and repair Malygos' view of the Black Dragons somewhat. Wrathion's first thought when the vault door closes is "I forgot to tell Mal where I was going" so that's why Vyra is talking about Mal.

Wrathion, locked in the Vault of the Incarnates: Are we alone?!

Vyranoth, in a visage that no one other than Malygos even knew she had: For now. Maybe forever.

Wanna know a secret?

Talonixia thought she made Malygos with all her rants and her hard won lessons. 'Excise your doubts, Mal!' 'Be what they fear, Mal!' Like everything was the same as when Galakrond taught her.

But she didn't make Mal.

Your father did.

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Please reblog this with your Alexstrasza slander! I want to know if I'm missing any of her major sins.

So far, I knw she has:

Killed a bunch of innocent blue whelps who had nothing to do with the Nexus war

Waved Malygos' mate's corpse in front of him as a taunt

Condoned, or at least covered up, the forced breeding of Nyxondra

So much child abuse

Literally gave no fucks about Malygos going insane. Like, he was there for 10,000 years and she didn't even think 'We should check on him' until, first, she needed him to do something to benefit her, and second TO MURDER HIM. Like, maybe if you actually bothered to care, the entire Nexus war could have been prevented.

Continued to destroy Black Dragon eggs despite finding out how to purify them. She doesn't even make an effort to regain the technology to purify them. 'Life' my ass.

Add your own Alexstrasza slander in comments and reblogs, please!

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I second this, give me Malygos.

Alright, gonna get some hate for them maybe, but Ysera should NOT come back

Death is already cheap in WoW. There are so many ways a person can come back, that when a character dies, its assumed not permanent. However, we get this entire stupid questchain in Ardenweld with Ysera and her shitty little wildseed, and oh no boo hoo, she’s gonna die for good because anima!!!111, or some shit, I don’t know, I did it once and didn’t pay attention because

Every. single. Shadowlands. Quest. Was dumb. Was really, really, REALLY dumb.  Shadowlands as an expansion was so hilariously mishandled lore wise that it’s just…it’s not even fair to talk about it. We all know. But even just taking the Afterlives, it was extremely dumb of them to have them encompass all realities. 

Anyways, back on Ysera: Ysera’s work was always outside of mortal structure, except if you are a druid with some merit. She worked during the Cataclysm, off screen, while the player did the real work, but…that was it.

She has really never been important, never had any reason to be beloved. I loved her in Day of the Dragon, and how Knaak personified her, but everyone loves to dogpile on Knaak, so whatever.

A better dragon to bring back would be Malygos. But nahhh. He’s

1: Male 2: was evil?

or Onyxia but

1: evil white woman 2: bones burnt?

Or Nefarian but 1: Evil 2: Old ugly model 3: Bones burnt

Whatever, I have no idea why Blizzard is so attached to a dragon that did fuck all for 10k years. The green flight is the least active of all of them, and really fucking boring.

end rant

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Vyranoth and Malygos lore Vyranoth and Malygos lore Vyranoth and Malygos lore Vyranoth and Malygos lore

Speak it into existence people!

They're siblings and you can't tell me otherwise. IDFK man I just want a Vyranoth redemption arc

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