Im New Here - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago

Heyo it’s me guys, it’s my first time on tumbla here because it wouldn’t let me look at posts without that forsaken login wall confiscating every scroll I take like if it was some lunchable at a military school anyway I’m probably gonna end up regretting this post don’t expect me to post much, or idk

Heyo Its Me Guys, Its My First Time On Tumbla Here Because It Wouldnt Let Me Look At Posts Without That
Heyo Its Me Guys, Its My First Time On Tumbla Here Because It Wouldnt Let Me Look At Posts Without That

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1 year ago


hi sorry i forgot tumblr existed for like a month, but thanks for all the cute love and support i've never gotten anything like this so consistently with art on other platforms <333

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I just wanna make little drawings and funny things :)

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1 year ago

No clue how this works but do you ever think about other people's day, today may be the best moment of their lives, someones going through a life changing moment for better or for worse, or their having a calm boring day

It's a weird rabbit hole to fall into

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introductions of a sort

Introductions Of A Sort

Hello strangers on the internet!

After years of lurking on the outskirts of the tumblr-sphere, and only ever dipping my toes in to test the waters, I have finally caved and created one of my very own. Though it is the year 2023 and far past the tumblr golden age of my generation, there seems to still be a thriving community of creatives and dreamers on this corner of the internet that I have long craved to be a part of. And now I am! ᕱ__ᕱ

I've been a reader my whole life, and a writer for a good bit of it, consuming and creating mostly fiction/fantasy. In recent years, however, my focus has been more so on academia than creative pursuits. This is for good reason, of course, I am a college student after all. But writing skills are like muscles; the less you use them, the more you lose them.

A few weeks ago, before the new semester started, I had an idea, a scene that I wanted to write. In the past few years, it had become a habit to simply brush ideas to the side because I was too busy with school. But it was still summer break, I had nothing else to do that afternoon, so I sat down to write something for fun.

When I tell you I struggled, I mean I struggled. I didn't even finish writing out the whole scene idea before I slammed my laptop shut because I was getting a stress headache. I was stretching out muscles that had been ignored for 2 years, maybe more. It was honestly quite ridiculous how exhausted I was after less than 30 minutes of writing.

So, when I was given the assignment to create a blog/social media about anything my heart so desired in one of the writing classes I am taking this semester, I jumped at the opportunity to start building back up those barely used creative writing muscles once again. And that brings me to right here, right now, on this very tumblr page.

This is already quite long for a first post so I'll try to wrap things up quickly from here on out.

If you haven't already picked up what I've been trying to lay down, this blog will serve as my creative writing gym, a place to build back up the muscles I have lost. I'll be posting once or twice weekly with updates on my progress, which may include any writing I've done, inspiration I've found, enthusiastic analysis of writers/pieces I admire, and any other tidbits I believe pertain to my writing journey, such as character design, etc.

My current goal is to come up with a cohesive outline for a novel, including characters, setting, and plot, by the end of the year (December 31, 2023). It may prove to be too ambitious, but go big or go home, right?

So, whether you are in it with me for the long haul, stick around for just a little while, or are simply fellow humans passing on through, welcome, friends, to my writing blog. ᕱ__ᕱ

Just remember to dot your j's and cross your t's!

~Clementine J Quincey🪷

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inspiration, privilege, and a new character ✨

Hello friends!

This is my first update on my writing progress - just about a week after my first post (give or take a few hours)! I’m still not entirely sure how to go about writing this even as I am in the process of doing it. So, first and foremost, apologies for any awkwardness or stiltedness. Please bear with me as I continue to figure this blog thing out! ᕱ__ᕱ

A quick overview for those of you who want to speed through my rambles and get to the good creative development bits: This week I wanted to gripe about the fickleness of inspiration, discuss unrealised privilege, and give some details about a character I am developing! 


Okay, let's get the complaining out of the way first. Inspiration is so annoying!  Ideally, I would have a steady, gentle flow of inspiration, so I’m able to take my time to pick out the good ideas and discard the rest. But, noooooooo. Instead, my brain decides that I get one of two extremes most often: either I’m overflowing with inspiration, stuck, unable to even process the sheer volume of ideas that are floating about my brain, or my idea stores are dryer than the Sahara desert. It’s so frustrating!!!!!! Is this just a me thing? Do other writers deal with this? Ugh! I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

I bring this up because this week has been really dry for me. It just figures that as soon as I buckle down and decide to commit to working my creative writing muscles once more, my brain decides that - nope! no ideas for JP this week!

I did eventually get hung up on one idea, during a conversation with my friend about how much we both love morally grey characters. They are just so fascinating to read/think about! When we were having this conversation though, my friend ended up doing a google search on moral alignment charts and this was the first image she clicked on:

Inspiration, Privilege, And A New Character

Now, regardless of your opinions about the comic book characters on this chart, what caught my attention was the top left corner. Upon seeing everyone’s favorite boy scout in red and blue spandex, I remarked, “Clark Kent seems like a good guy and all, but lawful good characters are so boring.”



(Thus, an idea was born.)

A lawful good character that I, at the very least, don’t find boring. What an inspired idea! I rolled the idea around in my head for the next two days as I made my way through classes and finally (while I was taking a shower of course because the best ideas are shower ideas), I decided that I would rework and expand upon a character I had already started creating. One of the characters from my failed creative writing attempt from over the summer. 


Because I have to make things terribly difficult and overly complicated for myself, I decided that I wanted to stretch out my graphic design muscles as well and draw my character. But I had a very clear vision of her in my head and wanted to bring her to life for you all to see. It mostly went well, which is good, seeing as I am still quite the novice in most artistic endeavors, until I got to her hair. My character is some type of fae creature (perhaps an elf? I haven’t determined that part yet) and has dark skin. I was originally going to give her straight hair, but ultimately decided that there was no reason she couldn’t have more textured, coily hair, so I set out to try and see if someone had created an accessible brush, or at least a tutorial on how to make one, to help me with drawing out my character hair. 

I found zero. My style is generally on the simplistic, cartoon-like end of the realism spectrum and I was going to style my character’s hair into long bubble-puff twin tails, so the brush type I was searching for wasn’t terribly complicated. And what about braids? I wasn’t able to find a single brush or tutorial for making a textured hair brush that was easy to search or accessible to me. So, I said screw that and ended up figuring out how to make my own. 

It is insane to me how some forms of privilege are so invisible until they smack you right in the face. I am white. I was able to find several downloadable brush options and tutorials on how to make brushes for straight hair. But not a single one for coily, textured hair, or even hair put in protective styles. It’s truly baffling, and I recognize even that feeling as a little privilege on my part because I’ve never had to think about it until this past week.

Inspiration, Privilege, And A New Character

I’m glad I made the decision to give my character textured hair.


As I stated before, I like to make things difficult for myself and of course with the snags I had drawing my character, much of the time I could have spent writing her was eaten away. However, here are some key details I hope to develop further:

Her name thus far is Ailidh (eyy-lee)

She is some type of fae folk (perhaps an elf - that’s what she started as but I may create my own magic system/world lore so who knows)

She is a noble 

Not royalty I don’t think (I’m fairly certain I don’t want the fae folk to be a monarchy)

Her family is very high ranking though (enough so that they may be part of a ruling class - perhaps and oligarchy type situation - they care for the fae living in there neck of the woods at least)

She is engaged (ooo drama!)

She does not want to be engaged

Ooo plot!

She is skilled with herbs and healing (and also poison) but terrible with weapons of any kind

She is very indignant that her parents send her around with more bodyguards than both of them have combined

She loves her parents and her fellow fae and has a strong sense of loyalty and duty

That, unfortunately, is all I have for now. Hopefully it wasn’t too bland. ᕱ__ᕱ Some world-building crept out at me as I was coming up with her character and story which is very exciting and gives me all sorts of new inspiration! At the very least I have 2 new characters to come up with (her fiance and a surprise). ᕱ__< But, I feel this has been quite long enough (4 pages of the doc I used to draft this on) and so I shall leave you all here for now. Kudos to those who managed to make it here through all my rambles!

And remember, dot your j’s and cross your t’s!

~Clementine J Quincey🪷

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1 year ago

…is it safe to come out?

been meaning to get tumblr. shocking, i know. but everywhere else is on fire basically so it's best to hide here haha

will probably post here most often but don't count on it, life's a bitch enough without socials

content will consist of fandom junk as well as personal projects, so lets se how this goes i guess

see ya 'round losers 👋

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1 year ago

Introduction post

Hello, My name is Blood and this is my blog. I write and may do drawings from like time to time.

What I do:

Fanarts, oneshots, headcanons, character x reader, character x character and all of the sorts. I may also take some requests so don't be shy!

What I don't do:

Any kind of 18+ content won't be made here, so don't even bother. I may go to the gore side of things bit those will have warnings and there will be no sexual content in this Blog!

I write for:





Jesse Cromeans


Bubba Sawyer

Jason Voorhees

Freddy Krueger

Welcome home:

Wally Darling

Frank Frankly

Eddie dear

Julie joyful

Barnaby B. Beagle

Howdy Pillar

I'll get more characters and fandoms as I get used to the app. Hope to see you all soon ^^

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1 year ago
Snow White And The Seven Dwarves.
Snow White And The Seven Dwarves.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

While she isn't my favorite Disney Princess, I can deny that her legacy is one of the most important ones for film and animation.

Keep Moving Forward

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1 year ago

Hi, I'm Ray ^^

Hi, I'm Ray ^^
Hi, I'm Ray ^^
Hi, I'm Ray ^^
Hi, I'm Ray ^^
Hi, I'm Ray ^^

Idk what to write here ◑﹏◐

Well I'm an artist with a lot of fandoms (but rn i draw a lot of fnaf)

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5 months ago

I just made this tumblr account

Hello everybody

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5 months ago

About me

Hey friends. I’m Lynn and obviously I’m kinda new here. I had a Tumblr back in high school when it was wild but now I’m back!

Roman Reigns is my current drug of choice so I’m looking for fanfic recommendations. But I also wanna read Mayans MC fics. Please send them my way!


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7 years ago
Well Guess This Is My Greeting Picture. Hi.

Well guess this is my greeting picture. Hi.

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7 months ago

Info! ✭



My name: Aston.

He/they (she" is also possible, but not desirable)

Like: Draw, fandoms, my friends, games, films

Hate: Basic DNI, + ruzzianz and beloruzians.



FNAF, DDLC, Roblox, invincible, i have no mouth and i must scream, cry of fear, Університет Чупарського, fight club, brawl stars, Deadpool, Scott pilgrim, Hannibal, cry of fear.

(And more) ➷

And.. I don't understand tumblr to be honest.

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