Like Pls - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

people who only use conventional social media are so funny bc they’ll casually be like “can I see your tumblr??” are you Insane. this is no instagram or twitter. this is my vault of secrets

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10 months ago

I recently had a conversation with some new acquaintances who had only read TMI, and we somehow got to a point where one of them said that shipping parabatai would basically be like incest- I didn’t have the heart to tell them what the Dark Artifices are about 😭

TSC discourse I saw on twitter I never thought I'd see: People saying that shipping Heronstairs is incest.

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1 year ago

Jus wanted to come here to show u guys this-

Tagging jul cus she gotta see this @jaeyunology

Creds to the actualy owner, video not mine.

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5 months ago

tall, brunette, sleeper build, long, straight hair/modern, shaggy mullet and a few meaningful tattoos scattered around, a pretty smile, amazing sense of humor, good listener, absolutely whipped, touch obsessed, detail oriented, good with kids, super smart gf when?????????????????????????

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3 years ago

Shipping bts members

When are we going to talk about the fact that a lot of people ship the bts members with each other because it's easier to believe that they are gay than that they have a girlfriend

I have nothing against shipping as long as it doesn't turn hateful and obsessive. When I say I ship jikook or vmin then I mean it as 'I appreciate their moments together' and not 'I must proof that they are gay and having a secret relationship', that's just harmful

Reality is that yes, they could be gay and yes, they could all have girlfriends, we won't know unless they tell us. And if the thought of one bts member dating makes you miserable, you should really reflect on yourself and think about what that means.

I'm literally waiting for the day one of them reveals that he is dating someone, so we can finally get a fandom cleanse

Shipping Bts Members

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1 year ago

my roommate won’t turn off her lights pls girl it’s 2 am they’re so bright 😭

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3 years ago


The Proof That Perfection Exists.
The Proof That Perfection Exists.
The Proof That Perfection Exists.
The Proof That Perfection Exists.

the proof that perfection exists.

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4 years ago

I do not want to get upset or snap, but many people are losing their patience, me included.

Honestly the one of the greatest tragedies of this decade is how the dream smp fandom tags their stuff.

I’ll put this lightly: it is being seen as greatly annoying and distressing to see spam and improperly tagged posts. It is spam, it is clogging up posts, it is rude and ignores basic internet ettequite.

Please, I am begging you, do not use #minecraft or #mineblr. You have #dream smp, #dsmp, and #mcyt.

For the love of everyone and yourself, use YOUR tags and YOUR tags alone.

Okay to reblog

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5 months ago

my sister was talking about shapes and she said "what you gonna do when i pull up with the geography"

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6 months ago

yall i posted chap 2 like two-3 days ago😭😭 yall not fuckin wit it no mo??

Amber ── .✦02.

Amber .02.
Amber .02.

✦ Summary: In which Esme and Hoseok fall in love but of course with love comes trouble especially when you're dating an idol.

Series masterlist| previous| next


 "BEEP BEEP!" I hear my phone alarming me to get up.

    I groan sitting up straight while rubbing my eyes taking in all my surroundings, I stretch my body and grab my phone from its charging pad. I check the time "5:04" it read; I unlock my phone responding to any missed texts from people then go on checking my socials eventually watching a few TikTok's during the process.

"Lemme get up" I speak to myself getting up off my bed and heading to my bathroom to take a shower and do my skincare once I'm done, I go into my closet to pick my airport outfit, wanting to wear something comfy but won't get me overheated.

After choosing what to where I put on the clothes, put my boho braid in a wrapped bun, and do light makeup.

Amber .02.

Once I'm dressed and ready I decide to go Jasmine's room to make sure she's awake and ready. As I get closer I hear sexyy red blasting, "LANCEY LANCEY I'M GHETTO AND I'M FANCY."

"Jaz what time is Yoongi picking us up?" I yell over her music.

"6:30, oh shit we have to go." She checks her phone.

"Ight get ya stuff so we can head out," I say as I make sure that I have everything on me.

Jaz meets me at the door and we head downstairs to the front of the apartment complex to meet up with Yoongi.

"Hey baby, hey Esme get in" he greets me and Jaz, kissing her on the cheek in the process. I noticed that the other dude he mentioned that would be joining us wasn't in the car.

"We're meeting up with my friend at the airport," Yoongi says taking notice of me looking around.


   "Ok guys we finally go to the airport and we already did all the procedures and stuff, so now we're just waiting for our flight to be called". I say as I hold my camera in front of me.

    "That boy over there is fine" I look to where Jaz is looking, and I see it's Yoongi.

"Girl that's Yoongi," I say looking at her with a deadpan expression.

"I know that's why I said sum, LORD my man is so fine!!" I look at her with disgust and as I'm about to say something I hear Yoongi's voice.

"Esme this is Hoseok the friend I said was coming on the trip with us". I look over to see a tall guy in a black hoodie and sweatpants with a mask on.

"Nice to meet you" his deep voice fills my ears, and before I can respond the airport announcement of our flight is being heard.

We grab our things and head our way to the boarding area, I look at my ticket trying to find my seat, and as I make my way over to my seat I see that it's Hoseok, yoongi's friend sitting on the seat next to mine.

   I say excuse me to him as I make my way to my window seat. once seated I take out my blanket, neck pillow, laptop, and AirPods trying to get as comfortable as possible so I can edit the video from yesterday, but before I begin I turn and tap Hoseok's shoulder. He looks at me taking one of his earbuds out.

   "I didn't get to greet you back so I just wanted to say it's nice to meet you too! And um, also I have a quick question um I'm a YouTuber and I'm gonna be recording some clips I just wanted to ask if that's ok with you?" I awkwardly ask.

   A smile forms and his face. "Yeah of course as long as my face is censored or not In the frame, I'm cool with it!"

   "Oh okay, great i hope we can become friends during the trip!" As soon as I got his approval I take out my camera to update my fans on what had happened so far.

   "Okay, guys so we boarded the plane already and we all met up and since it's a 10-11 hour layover plane flight I might get airplane food before I go to the next one, I might record if I feel like it, but other than that I have my little set up to edit the video yall probably gon see uploaded already and yes I'm in business class cus I wasn't gon pay for no first class this trip already cost an arm and a leg but yeah that's it for the update, BYEE!" As I finished talking I felt a pair of eyes watching me so I glimpsed to see where it was coming from and I saw that it was Hoseok staring at me. I ignore it continuing to act natural.

   I get comfy in my blanket, put my Air Pods in, and take my laptop out so I can edit yesterday's video and post it by today.


I watched her talk to her camera just admiring her beauty, I stared for so long that I didn't even realize she had finished talking and had already put her camera away. I know Yoongi said he was bringing one of Jaz's friends along but I didn’t think she would be this gorgeous.

I open my phone to text yoongi.


Hoseok: BROO

Yoongi: What happened??

  Yoongi: and hurry up I'm tryna enjoy my time in first class with Jaz

↳Hoseok: y'all in first class??

Yoongi: Yea, you thought I wasn't gonna treat ME and MY girlfriend to first class on a trip that was originally for USSS??😀

Hoseok: ok see ntm she invited me and I accepted cus who the fuck do I look like declining a trip to Hawaii??😒

Yoongi: ...

Hoseok: yeah oh ok ANYWAYS why you ain't tell me jaz friend was fine??

Yoongi: Cause I have a girlfriend, and I don't even look at esme in that way

Hoseok: But anywas she asked me if I minded that she was recording for her YouTube😛

Yoongi: That's it ..?

Yoongi: go kys .😐


Hoseok chuckled a little after reading the last message Yoongi sent before closing his phone and deciding to sleep till the flight was over.


"Now Landing!" I hear the second flight intercom say. I stretch my arms Waking up from the nap I took after I finally finished editing my video and posting it because I procrastinated on the first flight.

I grab my things and get up from my seat waiting for people to pass so I can leave.

I see a text from Jaz that Yoongi and her are waiting at the food court for me and hoseok so we can all eat a quick little meal before heading to our hotel. I notice everybody's left the plane by now and I look down to see Hoseok still sleeping which was crazy to me because he slept the whole time during the first flight, I shake him a little to wake him up and he jumps up a little.

"Hey get up everybody left," I tell him.

   "Oh my bad." he apologizes.

"It's alright, I didn't wanna just leave you here for the flight attendants to wake" I respond doing one last check to make sure I have everything, then we make our way out to meet Jaz and Yoongi at the food courts.

"What took y'all so long?" Jaz says looking up from her phone.

"Hoseok was sitting next to me and fell asleep so I had to wake him up" I explained to her.

"Yall were sitting together?" Jaz asks slyly with a smirk on her face.

"don't evenn," I say not even entertaining Jaz because once you give her an inch she turns it into a mile.

"what should we get?" yoongi asks as he and Hoseok make their way back from wherever they were.

"Wing stop!" Jaz and Hoseok shout.

"Ok let's go" I responded as we made our way to the restaurant and then got into the line.

As we get in the line waiting for our turn Jaz whispers to me, "Think it was a coincidence that his seat was next to yours for BOTH flights?"

  "Yes..? Jaz I know what you tryna hint and I'm not falling for it."

  "Girl he's probably single and think about it we could be best friends dating BESTFRIENDS like that would be so cute." she gushes.

"That would lowkey be cute-"


"girl I'm not even ready for a relationship" I roll my eyes at her.

yeah, I'm not ready for a relationship last thing I need is a 2.0 version of him...

By the time Jaz was done gushing to me how cute it would be if I and Hoseok dated before I knew it, it was our turn to order, we took turns saying our turns telling our orders, and eventually, it was my turn and I say what I want.

"Will that be all?" the cashier asks me. "Yeah that's all let me just get my wallet," I say as I look for my wallet but I can't seem to find it which would be embarrassing, I panic a little looking over at Jazmine who purposely didn't bring her card knowing that yoongi would pay for all her expenses.

As I was about to speak I heard a voice speak up before me. "I'll pay for her." I look over at Hoseok with a shocked expression. He hands over his card to the lady and he looks at me and I whisper a small "thank you" feeling a little embarrassed that a guy I barely know is already paying for my meal.

   We all go and make our way to a cleared table and sit down and wait for our order.

   Yoongi and Jaz start conversing between themselves, leaving me and Hoseok in an awkward silence.

"Thanks for paying for me you didn't have to. I decide to break the silence by thanking him.

   "It's alright your order wasn't even that much anyways, but if you really want to thank me, thank me by giving me your number so if I'm ever in a situation I know who to call," He says with a smirk

   I can see what he's trying to do but I exchange my phone with him anyway putting his contact name as "Future sugar daddy🤪"

   As this whole exchange is going on jaz and Yoongi are silently watching which is never good.

"Here's your order" We look up seeing the lady bring all of our orders handing each one to their person. Immediately jaz takes out her iPad that Yoongi bought for her to watch a show on Netflix, and Yoongi joins her shortly after. I look to my right seeing Hoseok texting someone, and I decide to take my camera out trying to get as much footage as I can.

"Ok guys we just got off our last flight its late as fuck but we decided to eat cause were hungry and now we're eating, oh and this's what I got." I turned my camera showing hoseoks face a little before quickly putting my camera down to show my food.

when I'm done recording, I put a mental note to edit an emoji over his face.




Taehyung: who's number??

Hoseok: oh I ain't tell yall BUT I'm talking about yoongis girlfriends friend

Hoseok: when I tell y'all she is so fineee wait till I find her socials matter of fact yoongi send over that @

Jin: why I ain't get invited to y'all vacay🥲

Hoseok: Your literally in Korea??

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

A/N: I combined this chapter and chapter 3 just because the ending on this chap felt chopped 😁 and don't forget to like and comment!! (Ignore the corny tweets💀😭) Words:2108

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4 years ago

Idea. Send me an ask with ur favorite song, I’ll listen to it no matter what and tell you what our first date would be.

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2 years ago

Heyo it’s me guys, it’s my first time on tumbla here because it wouldn’t let me look at posts without that forsaken login wall confiscating every scroll I take like if it was some lunchable at a military school anyway I’m probably gonna end up regretting this post don’t expect me to post much, or idk

Heyo Its Me Guys, Its My First Time On Tumbla Here Because It Wouldnt Let Me Look At Posts Without That
Heyo Its Me Guys, Its My First Time On Tumbla Here Because It Wouldnt Let Me Look At Posts Without That

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2 years ago

i need someone to write the most angsty, heart wrenching, and tear inducing eddie fic rn.

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3 years ago

what is this "minor-coded" bs

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6 months ago

Incorrect quotes because I love these:

At the end of iron flame:

Violet-in Xaden’s room,telling him in an outraged tone sliced through it: That’s dishonest, Disrespectful, and deceitful.

Xaden:..So… your in?

Violet-blinks at him: I thought that was clear

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5 years ago

Hey friend, how are you today?? I hope youre well!!

hey hi! i love this

this is nice pls reveal urself anon

i’m trynna be f r i e n d s

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