Imperium - Tumblr Posts
Ok wait..
Imperialism - a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military FORCE / rule by an EMPEROR
Imperialism... Imperium?? It's literally in the name that Beatrix's system is corrupted

Mind-Inquirant Cerebro-Dominari Techpriest Serebrine
in service to Inquisitor Anexka of Ordo Xenos as her chief "intelligence collector", sometimes quite literally in the matter of extracting the brain-data of the prisoners of the Inquisitor. Commission art

Death Korps of Krieg Banner Bearer by mossacanniba
Anyone know what Chapter this is? All I can tell is it isn’t the Absolvers.

by Mikhail Savier

Deathwatch: First Founding
by Michael Phillippi
What’s crazy about manufactorums is that this entire structure is probably dedicated to building one component of a single item. Hell, the entire planet probably makes something completely inconsequential to the war effort like signal flares or canteens, maybe even something as simple as bandages. And there are THOUSANDS of worlds, just like these, doing the same thing for centuries.
It’s a Sisyphean task that never ends, and the fruits of such pointless labor will never be seen by even the planet’s higher ups. That’s what makes it grimdark. That’s what makes Warhammer 40k what it is; an endless task that can never be completed, and if it ever is, it only ends one way:
With the end of everything and everyone.


DISCLAIMER ( I don't condone these actions whatsoever and believe all drunk drivers should be purged for the betterment of the imperium )
My personal insight of Warhammer 40k, my objections, likes, and an alternative perspective to the objections to the franchise and why, and hopefully an alternative solution.
My Take on Warhammer 40k Or A Potential Original Work inspired by 40k
Part 1: Setting up the Game Board

DISCLAIMER:What you are about to read is a radically different take on Warhammer 40k which will most likely be its own thing, so I ask do not take it seriously a Warhammer AU fanfic,for that case consider this a concept made out of boredom and faith, but should you take it seriously, see it rather a prototype of an original work with its influences as placeholders.
Plus this contains Christian theology ala Tolkien and Lewis in terms of world building. Its not complete and not perfect so pardon me if I don't touch on things like the Orks or The Old Ones.
Thank you for Reading.
While overall I'm not that into Warhammer 40k, there are things among it I do like such as space elves, space gods, space church, space demons, blocky armored human super soldiers. So I kinda want to do my take on the Warhammer 40k universe which will be its own thing(which I have notes on). Most of my inspiration comes from Tolkien's Lengendarium and CS Lewis' Ransom Trilogy/Space Trilogy(which terminology from both works will be borrowed) combined with the theology of my Catholic faith.
When coming up with these sorts things, I always ask myself questions such as
"What do you want from this? Why from this? And what's the merits of this?"
Which then I turned to CS Lewis on how he came up with ideas such as Narnia which he asked himself a speculative question, so I did so myself;
"Supposed 40k had more clear lines of Good and Evil ala Lord of The Rings and existed in a Christian Theological setting and Man, Eldar, and Tau were the big good and the three were created by God in his image; what would all of this put together look like?"
So let's start with my take on The Warp

The Warp itself is a gigantic cosmic ley line between the Materium and what would be referred to in CS Lewis's Space Trilogy as "Deep Heaven" where the triune supreme deity of this universe, whom we will call for the sake of this AU Triad, wells with his heavenly legions.
Triad is known as one Deity in Three Persons;
The Emperor-Of-All-That-Is(Aka Eru Iluvatar, The Old One, or The Father)
The Celestial King(Aka Urendi Maleldil, The Young One, or The Son)
and The Breath of Life(Aka The Flame Imperishable, The Third One, or The Spirit)
In this theology, the Gods in Warhammer akin to Valar of Tolkien's Middle Earth or Oyéresu and lesser warp enties akin to Maiar or Eldila who are assigned to guide and watch over mortal species and planets, the most unique being the pantheon of Powers amongst the humans, Eldar, and Tau.
Now in this beginning, there was the War In The Heavens started by the 5th Chaos God, who's vaguely implied to be Satan/Lucifer, hell for the sake of what little 40k this resembles, lets dub him Malal/Malice
Who The Eldar know as Morgoth formerly Melkor
and The Tau know as The Bent One formerly The Shinning One
and his four elite subordinates

Slaanesh who we know as Asmodeus on our planet
Nurgle who we know as Beezlebub on our planet
Tzeentch or who we know as Leviathan
and Khorne who known to be some kind of malicious demon of wrath(haven't come up with who)
and all of them were driven back and confined to certain planets
Nurgle and Slaanesh and their repsective legions were confined to the home planet of of the Aeldari
Khorne and Tzeentch and their minions were bound T'au the planet
and Malal was bound to Terra with his legions with a far greater seal.
However the planets they were bound to were home of three species that were all of the "Imago Dei", The Aeldari, Tau, and Humans respectively, the humans being the youngest
So 5 "gods" plotted to corrupt these species and use them as a means to spread their influence throughout the Galaxy and beyond when they become able of space travel.
One by one these three races fell, Malal tempted the first parents of Man first, then Tzeentch and Khorne temped the first parents of Tau, and finally Slaanesh and Nurgle tempted the Aeldari.
But Triad has plans for these races and did not intend to leave the galaxy to suffer, these plans began with the redemption of these three species
But as the Fall started through Adam’s race, the redemption had to also begin through Adam’s race.
So for the sake of each world and each life, The Celestial King came to Terra and became a Son of Adam.
From there he carried out a great task that rippled across the cosmos, and not only redeemed the children of Adam and Eve, but made them fully warp and fully matter, just as The Celestial King became Fully God and Fully Man. Which I will go into detail in part 2 with The Emperor of Mankind, the human race and their role in this AU.
After this, the newly ascended King departed for the Aeldari and Tau planets where his mere arrival redeemed the two races.
With things set into motion, The Celestial King departed back to his father in The Heavens.
History of the three races transpired, and accumulated in the Age of Strife where The God-Chosen Monarchs arose to bring order to their respective races and come together to conquer and civilize the Galaxy.
Coming soon in Part 2: Man, Eldar, and T’au: Three species of One Image

Local Rogue Trader who went from being a femcel to being a Goddess. She's more evil in the main universe because she didn't get a sexy priest who likes to start cults for fun as a bf and her prophet
If Dragons Rising erases Pixal from existence I’ve decided its because they knew she would be too powerful. Imperium’s whole thing is using tech for evil reasons, you think Pixal wouldn’t blow the place up from the inside in, what, a month? You think she wouldn’t hear about how technologically superior Imperium boasts themselves to be and immediately crack her knuckles and decide she was going to upstage them as dramatically as physically possible? You think she wouldn’t try to show them what REAL advanced tech looked like? Beatrix would want her dead on sight by the second week.
And, also, y’know, Pixal has, like, the weakest morals out of everyone on the team. Zane’s a close second after the whole Never Realm thing, but Pixal gives no shits about being the bigger or better person. Imperium has insulted her, insulted her fathers ideals on being kind to tech, and is also just a massive bitch. Get in the Samurai suit loser, we’re toppling a monarchy.