Very Long Post - Tumblr Posts
The people of Gotham could do nothing but watch in horror as the Joker killed Dr. Fenton on live TV. The doctor had moved to Gotham a little over a year ago and quickly made a name for himself by setting up clinics and shelters in the seedier parts of the city. Many had warned him of the dangers, of the criminals that would potentially target him but he didn't listen. He continued his work and soon wormed his way into the hearts of many. That's why he made a great target for the Crown Prince of Crime. Because his death would be absolutely devastating.
And it was, until someone pointed out that the good doctor seemed to be twitching behind the Joker as his gloated to the camera. That twitching soon because full on squirming and the citizens could only watch in shocked curiosity as Dr. Fenton eventually twisted out of his restraints. Then he bent down to pick up a metal pipe lying on the ground and crept towards the Joker. Understandably, many were terrified. Why wasn't the doctor using this chance to get away? People began screaming at the screens for him to escape but he just got closer. Finally he was right behind his captor and brought the pipe over his head. In one fell swoop he brought the pipe down with a satisfying crack that all could hear.
"I usually keep pretty strictly to my hippocratic oath," Dr. Fenton said. "But for you, I'm willing to make an exception."
He then proceeded to drag the Joker out of frame by the collar. The live feed ended soon after. Later, when the police arrived. Dr. Fenton was found causally sitting on some steps outside the warehouse. As they got closer, they realized the steps were actually the Joker, alive albeit barely.
Fantasy Discrimination, and The Implications
A post on my dash reminded me to share some more writing advice, so here is a very good article by @mythcreantsblog , about how to make sure you're not dehumanizing a species or culture in your writing, which is a good guide on how to avoid accidentally writing racist or ableist tropes:

In particular, I want to talk about the ever-present racist trope in a lot of fantasy and scifi fiction, and that is the decision a lot of creators make where the villains are not just a single person, a faction, or a kingdom -- *its an entire species* who is not only the villain, but are outright, inherently *evil*.
To start out, here's a political cartoon by Tom Gauld you've probably seen all around tumblr with the name cropped out:

[ID: a political cartoon by Tom Gauld, showing two identical cities and boats mirrored on a river, each with a purple or yellow flag; one side is labled "Our Blessed Homeland, Our Glorious Leader, Our Great Religion, Our Noble Populace, Our Heroic Adventuerers", The other side is labled "Their Barbarous Wastes, Their Wicked Despot, Their Primitive Superstition, Their Backwards Savages, Their Brutish Invaders. End ID]
This political cartoon is a very good tool for testing your writing for the trope of demonizing/glorifying your fantasy/scifi species.
Let's use a classic example: your fantasy setting is made up of the following species: Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs.
Your Elves are a long-lived, ethereal people who live in secluded, perfect cities, all of them tall, blonde, and blue-eyed, who are extremely wise and making plans that can stretch out over dozens of human generations, and they're the deciders of 90% of politics in your world. Your Dwarves are a short, squat, species who spend their lives working in forges, mines, and laboratories, tirelessly toiling (because they enjoy the hard work, of course!) and selling their products to the Elves who are their largest and wealthiest customer base; Dwarves work hard and studiously for decades at a a time to complete a piece of work in order to fufill the intricate orders from their Elven customers, which is how the majority of them provide for their families, working 16 hour shifts each day for decades per order. Your Humans are far more seperated, and often live on the fringes of what their longer-lived compatriots consider "Civilized Society", often living as Subsistence farmers and hunters, not out of choice, but often due to poor land and lack of resources; the wealthiest of Human cities are usually the capitals where the royals reside and may live in luxury with rich markets and high-quality products and running water, but the vast majority of Humans live in small, poor villages that must rely on traveling merchants to sell what produce and livestock they can spare from their farms in order to buy the supplies they need to live out another year. Your Orcs.... well, they don't really live anywhere, do they? Orcs strongholds can only maintain their grip in hellish wastelands where living is nigh impossible, with all food and water only obtained from outside sources; occasionally, Orcs will attempt to establish base camps in more fertile land, invading neighboring Human, Dwarf, and Elven territory to do so, who quickly unite to expel these vile, dark, brutish invaders lest they steal their daughters, destroy and taint all of the natural resources and steal the few jobs available to the Humans in Dwarven and Elven cities as manual labour and servants.
And Now, take a step back from this world, and take a long, hard look at these species (outside of humans who are just kinda there in the middle and the only ones capable of change because Humans Are Always Special) and societies and what ideas are being reinforced here, especially when the above descriptions are framed as Hard Facts which are both Just and True?
(archived read-more Here)
Elves are morally superior and are always Perfect and Correct,
Dwarves are happy to spend their entire lives toiling in the forges and mines to please their Elven patrons,
and Orcs are Evil Monsters who will rob, murder, and rape any hapless victim who comes their way, so it's better to slaughter them all on sight and kick them out of your cities and towns, and this is the 100% correct morally right choice every single time and the narrative and characters themselves support this?
Did you spot them already, or does the above just seem like a cool, fun fantasy world where Elves are the cool wise good guys and Orcs are the devil's army and can be used as canon fodder any time your main character needs to mow down some enemies for a Badass Scene?
Let's retrace our steps a bit, shall we, and examine this "perfect" world through a critical lens?
When your elves are all portrayed as Perfect Ethereally Beautiful Blonde and Blue-Eyed wise leaders of the civilized world, what idea is being reinforced here? Who does it harm, and what real world ideas is this mirroring and enforcing? Who is going to have their own biases reinforced by this narrative?
When only the longest-lived people are allowed to decide politics, what group biases are being enforced? Is portraying "young people" as "being incapable of making political decisions" as a correct, logical choice in your story something you wish to enforce? Are there any real world issues this trope mirrors?
When your Dwarves are all Happy Workers and Slaves, bound to and reliant on the superior Elves to live, spending the majority of their life purely in service to these Superior Beings while happy to do it, what idea is being reinforced here? Who might see themselves in the plight of the Dwarves and feel alienated and insulted by the Dwarves happily slaving away in the dark? Who might have biased ideas reinforced by seeing the Dwarves treated in such a way?
When your Orcs are portrayed as evil, dark skinned, brutish savages who will kidnap and rape poor helpless women from the "pure" species, when Orcs are incapable of creating anything of their own and can only steal, what racist messages are being enforced and upheld? Who are the real people and cultures being demonized when you perpetuate this? What real world peoples and cultures have faced *decades of propaganda framing them as such*?
If you spotted these harmful messages in the initial indented description, good job!
But if you didn't, it's time to find and read critical reviews and essays written by marginalized communities of works that include these damaging tropes, because if it your Evil Species are Weird Aliens, because when you characterize and describe your Evil Species, you are undoubtedly going to be drawing heavily on your own internal biases of what makes people Other and Wrong.
Are your Evil Species all dark-skinned, physically-strong and animalistic? Congrats, you have just regurgitated centuries-old racism that justifies slavery, segregation, and discrimination *to this day*
Are your Evil Species all nomadic ~cannibals~ who are incapable of creating anything of their own and have to loot and steal from others to have anything of value? Congrats, you are once again regurgitating racist propoganda that has been used against countless cultures and minorities for centuries.
Are your Evil Species reknowned for kidnapping and raping the women of your Good Guys in order to create Evil Twisted Halfbreed Offspring for ....uh, reasons? Congrats, once again, this is literally just racist propaganda being reinforced by your writing.
Anything you come up with to make your Species Inherently Evil is going to most likely be something that is weaponized against real world minorities that you are now reinforcing with your writing, from racism to ableism to queerphobia and all the ways they intersect.
How do you fix this?
It's incredibly simple!
Don't make an entire Species be Inherently Evil.
They need to be just as varied as real living people.
Your Species should not be a Monolith, let alone of *Evil*.
Your Species should not have their only "decent/civilized/kind people" examples come from ""crossbreeds"" [and this term itself should be used only by bigots as a deragatory term] or random orphans who were raised by one of the Good Species(tm)-- this is how your story starts advocating for *eugenics*, which is not something you want to do!
So, instead of having an entire Species be "Inherently biologically" Evil, consider instead:
Making your villain group diverse instead of all one Species.
if your villain group is a Species Supremacist, they're probably still going to have underlings and lower castes who do their dirty work, or have been taken in by the cult ideology.
Making the villains of this Species be a small fraction of a larger whole, who are part of a violent cult, ideology, or political party that not only puts them in conflict with your main characters, but also with the rest of their Species.
Having your main character or their friends be the same Species as your villain group, and they represents the vast majority of the Species, instead of hailing them as "the Paragon of Goodness who emerged somehow pure from of a species forged in hell" or anything similar.
You should also sit down and not only think about the harmful, racist tropes that would come from writing Inherently Evil Species, but also consider:
Why do you want to include an entire species of people who are inherently evil in your novel?
Is your novel gaining anything for including these tropes uncritically?
Does it make it a better, more interesting story to include these tropes uncritically?
What message are you trying to send with your story?
Does including these tropes uncritically in your story *undermine* your intended message?
Another trope in the opposite direction, is talking about "Oppression" and "Fantasy Racism" from the perspective of a character who is part of the oppressed minority, only to spend the entire novel talking about how your Opressed Class are Literally and Factually threats to the population that "discriminate" against them, usually by being rightfully wary in their prescence.
if the Oppressed Minorities in your story in anyway resemble the Orcs in Bright, the Predators in Zootopia, or the Khajiit in the Elderscrolls, where the Racism these peoples face in based on hard proven facts that these people have been and still are threats to most of the population..
... you're less writing a story about how "Racism Against Vulnerable Minorities is Bad"
and sound more like you're saying
"It's bad to be "mean" (afraid of) Nazis who literally want you dead and who can kill you with impunity and no consequences."
If you are writing a story about Fantasy Discrimination, and the basis of your Fantasy Discrimination is based on *cold hard facts that your narrative supports and upholds*, instead of actually basing it on and talking about what leads to discrimination in the real world
(xenophobia and the fear+hatred of The Other, economic gain, mainly),
then you are not making the progressive stance that you think you are, and instead are enforcing the ancient propoganda that racism is based on fact, that racism is "for a good reason", and you need to take care that you are not upholding this idea in your works.
Instead of making an entire Species of people a trope of Wise Good Guys or Evil Incarnate, consider using *Factions not Races* for your groups, and think long and hard about the implications of your world's politics and how it mirrors our own world, especially in ways *you may not intend it to.* If your story is meant to be progressive and inclusive, but your villains are an entire race of black orcs who slave and rape the good guys species, you need to go back to the drawing board.
I was rewatching @phisnom 's toxic sona rating stream and I noticed that there wasn't a yellow one
That and I just wanted to make a toxic character

Current state:
A taller toxic slime who is more feminine in appearance. She is not a very social person but she is capable of drawing the attention of many people online. She is naturally curious and obsessed with the mystique and paranormal. She has adhd and is prone to stimming, her most common stim being hand flapping when happy or excited. She can often be found studying the anatomy and behavior of Phi.
Once a young paranormal investigator, Tracie had been documenting her discoveries in the form of livestreams. She had been looking into many different types of eerie rumors and occurrences, and recently, she had decided to try and solve the mystery of what she had called "the slime zombie". The rumor had told of the corpse of a person who fell into toxic waste haunting an abandoned facility. The facility turned out to be real, now all she needed to do was find out if the zombie was real too. As she wandered through the facility documenting all that she could find, such as a room full of monitors, she couldn't help but feel like something was watching her from the shadows, possibly following her. She made her way to a much larger room with large tanks filled with different neon colored liquid. As she leaned on the railings to get footage of the sight, the frail metal couldn't support her weight and it snapped, sending her falling. It was dark. Slowly, she started coming to, but she felt different. As she slowly opened her eyes, she saw a green silhouette staring down at her.
Also I know Phil said that Phi isn't attracted to anyone

My thoughts on the Inside Out teaser trailer

So, you probably didn't know this, but Inside Out is my FAVORITE Pixar movie! It came out when I was eight and the story resonated with me for reasons, that at the time, I didn't realize topic for another day.
So when I heard that they were making a sequel to the movie, I was.... hesitantly excited.
I'll admit, I was skeptical at first considering the fact that the previous Disney sequel I watched was Wreck it Ralph 2 (which I didn't like), I was a bit concerned when I heard that the guy who wrote The Good Dinosaur was directing.....
But after seeing the teaser, I think I'm actually really hopeful about this! If this turns out to be even decent, I will be putting Pixar back on the pedestal it fell off of years ago. The fact that Elemental was pretty good too also helps lol.
In regards to the trailer itself, IT'S GREAT I LOVE IT I AM VERY EXCITED NOW!!! I don't wanna speculate TOO much, but....
One of the new emotions that will be introduced is called Ennui. Ennui is defined as "boredom, a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction".
Now, when I heard that definition, my first thought was ".... so under stimulation? Sounds kinda tistic lol"
And then I started thinking more, maybe a little too hard about it and I might be reaching, but considering the fact that for a split second, you can see Anxiety the little skrungle shaking their hands like it's a stim arrfbjdsvu

So yeah, really looking forward to it!
Ok, I'm going to talk about Ollie and Lucky Against the World and No Flash Photography Please because I cannot stop thinking about them and I will lose my mind if I don't tell. I love them so very much and both proects are still very much in development. Against the World is still developing their personalities and the puzzles and Photography is still missing most of the cast.
Despite Against the World being around for.. a while, I haven't done a whooole lot of work on it and there's a lot that needs to be done. I am so very excited to work on both projects more!!
Right, so the infodumping.
So Against the World is a about these two families that grew up together and they're joined to be like one big family and they go camping for Ollie's birthday one year and while they're out, Oliver (Ollie) Hightower and Elliott (Lucky) Wilkinson, do a little birthday photoshoot for him. So while they're walking around, they see these arrows on trees and they weren't there last year, so obviously, being a couple of 19 year olds, they decide to go exploring! It leads to this staircase, and they take a few pictures before chilling on top of it for a little bit, before being attacked by somthing they don't quite understand. When they wake up, they're in this bright, colorful world. So they have to try to navigate this new world, where they start changing, it gets harder to remember the real world, they meet strange people, and everything seems to be against them. At the same time, their siblings have to try to talk to the town's cryptid to solve the mystery of the stairs and help Ollie and Lucky escape. The kicker? Time moves faster in the stairs world than real life! And the cherry on top? They can only talk to them at night, AND they can't let their parents know!!
During their adventures in the stairs puppety world (the stairs world is puppets btw), they encounter a house. So Ollie and Lucky go up to maybe get help with something. This is where the two stories meet.
In No Flash Photography Please, a group of puppets in the stairs world just finished a show, and need to think of something new fast, to entertain the world around them, to buy their safety. They have no ideas, so they sit around a table, brainstorming and idea bouncing. Something important to note about the stairs world is that people usually encounter the houses when they've forgotten most of their real life. So, the newcomers are immediately accepted as a house member without a problem. Due to this, the house gets crowded really fast! So while filming a show for the world, the Photography crew are also working on building their little neighborhood. Also important to note that the camera is a puppet. And they can duplicate themself, and can not ever stop recording. So there's a knock on the door, while the household is having breakfast. They open the door and see Ollie and Lucky, and as per usual, they try to welcome them into the house. Usering them to sit down and get something to eat. Ollie and Lucky decline because they're going to leave soon, but they just need help with something. So this little exchange gets physical. Just a lot of grabbing to get them to come in and shoving away. In the big mess of everything, there's a flash of Lucky's camera, and then a thud as it falls, and Ollie and Lucky retreat. This has never happened before, and so they're all very much confused. So they pick up the camera and the printed picture and see that the people in the camera don't match them. They take another picture, with flash, and compare it. It once again doesn't match. It's the same pose, but different people. So obviously, this becomes the show. Solving the mystery of the camera, even though no one really cares why it's different.
I don't have a lot of the cast of Photography figured out yet, as it's a lot newer than Against the World. But I was going to lose my mind if I didn't tell someone. Also I kinda want proper documantation of it. According to my logs, I started Against the World on May 13th, 2022. And Photography on March 15th, 2023. There's a whole lot I need to do, but perhaps I'll be able to share the journey with my tumblr as I go!! I really wanna draw all of the Against the World cast, make the rest of the Photography cast, start learning animation and anatomy, and start learning how to sew!! So I have a lot of very big projects going on right now!! On top of job hunting, moving out, and my Luigi cosplay!! AND wanting to get frogs!!
Obviously, some projects are less important than others, but they all hold a special place in my heart, and I do hope to achieve them all. I am so very excited to get stuff done and share my progress!!
I wanna ramble about my little stories and characters but that means I have to work on them and I don't have the spoons for that.. sob sob.. (/silly)
If anyone is curious about any of them, I can give a little blurb!! Most are newer ideas and haven't been smoothed out, so I'll probably be making stuff up as I go. But making stuff up is writing!!
I talked a bit about Ollie and Lucky Against the World and No Flash Photography Please here. Those are my oldest stories I think. Against the World (oalatw for short because that's a lot of typing(no I don't know how to pronounce that, haha!!)) is definitely the one I poured most of my heart in. I haven't done anything for it in a bit, and I still need to fix up my characters, but I think about them a lot. A new development is that Jasper really likes collecting bolts and screws and others of that sort. Like, whenever Lucky goes to the hardware store to buy stuff for Marsh's robotics club or the sudden passion projects of Bonnie, Skye, and Ollie or even for their camera repair shop, Jasper will come with. Jasper got them special store time walkie talkies just for when Lucky is running to the hardware store. Cause Lucky and Jasper are the only ones who like going! Ollie disappears down the paint isle never to be seen again. Bonnie stares at the lamps like she's a moth in heaven. Skye just doesn't like going. Marsh sits in the cart the whole time. And Holly is banned from the hardware store. Wren and Wilbur (the parents) stopped going after Lucky took over the trips and just leaves them a little list of the things that they need and some money.
Lucky actually does most of the shopping in the house. The parents are busy with work, Ollie and Bonnie and Skye are all doing in person college, Lucky is "doing college from home" (*cough* dropped out and hasn't told anyone *cough*), and Marsh and Jasper and Holly are all going to their own schools.
Occasionally Colin stops by with some goodies and treats, but he doesn't really do the shopping. Colin is Wren's ex. He's the dad of Bonnie, Ollie, Jasper, and Holly. I could go on about their wacky family past and whatever Colin is going. But I won't because I want to talk more about Lucky's job(s).
So in this world, it's customary for kids to live at home through college or stay with family in a different town, rather than move out or get dorms and stuff. The dorms are only for people who do not have family where the college is, or who NEED to leave. The kids who are doing school from home usually get at least two part time jobs because the only course load is notably lighter than the brick and mortar course load. (Disclaimer, I have not gone to college, I am pulling this out of my ass.) So Lucky used to be in college for mechanics/engineering. That is usually a brick and mortar course, but Lucky started college while they were still in high school, so they were allowed to be online, and just never moved over.
Lucky works for the Snowthorne library, and Cat's Eye Cafe(a silly joke because they are cats and when Wilbur met his wife Elena, she gave him a Tiger's Eye stone), which is their dad's little coffee shop. In addition to this, Lucky runs a little at home repair shop to make a bit more money. So they'll fix things like toasters and game consoles. They specialize in cameras, and they have worked on things like cars and fridges. .. For some reason. For the bigger jobs, Lucky will go to the client's house and do their little repair stuff. So Lucky needs to run to the hardware store quite often.
Oh! And another reason Jasper likes going to the hardware store is because he is trying to learn how to make his own ghost buster equipment. .. it's not going so well, but they're trying!! Marsh and Lucky help him a bit. Marsh doesn't really specialize in that kinda stuff though. He does a lot of bot fighting type stuff. Cause it's cool.
Can you tell I like Lucky? I like Lucky a lot. I have also rambled for FAR too long, very sorry about that. I gotta work on spreading it to smaller thought dumps more frequently. Rather than one massive blurb once every blue moon. Haha!!
It’s All A Fucking Joke, Right
In the few months I’ve been modding at fuckyeahasexual and touring ace Tumblr, there’s been a very. Steady. Stream of info that detail horrifically abusive situations and overall poor mental unhealth. Two a week in the inbox if I’m lucky, usually around seven-ten.
And there’s been so many, I can officially categorize all 500+ of these kinds of asks and submissions into an extensive bulletlist of Why Asexual Exclusionary Radicalism Is Incredibly Toxic And Shitty;
Coming Out To Family, Friends, And Employers
“My parents keep telling me that I’m something else, and it’s making me doubt my sense of judgement, not just about my sexual identity, but also about everything in general.”
“My family, friends, and co-workers keep referring to me as an inanimate object in a manner that’s clearly meant to humiliate and devastate me. Nothing I say will get them to stop.”
“My parents vocally/bodily forced me to undergo medical examinations, some of them concerning my sexual organs, many of them concerning blood tests and other trauma-centric procedures.”
“My family is intervening with my private life by changing my schedule to include exercise, socialization, friend influences, and whatever they think can ‘change’ me.”
“My friends/co-workers no longer respect my bodily boundaries when I came out to them, because they no longer see me as someone who should be respected. They regularly touch, fondle, grope, and prod me without permission, and/or verbally harass me, and don’t take my objections seriously.”
“My family, friends, and co-workers no longer just harass me, but also anyone I’m currently dating because they view my significant other as pathetic, underserved, or even being abused.”
First Few Days Of Dating
“My date got irrationally angry and confrontational when I came out to them, in a manner that made me fearful.” (SO many of these.)
“My date immediately lost any respect they had for my boundaries, no longer asked for consent, and {tried to} force themselves upon me.” (A lot of these, too)
“My date tried to verbally circumvent any boundaries and issues I confessed to, and it made me feel like I was in danger.”
“I didn’t come out to my date at first, and when they found out, they radically changed their behavior in an attempt to control and manipulate our new relationship to their benefit.”
Long-Term Relationships
“My partner has forcefully and radically changed our long-term relationship after finding out about my asexuality, and I’m now trapped and controlled in a way that I wasn’t before.”
“My partner broke up with me/is fighting with me because of my asexuality, and trying to make it seem like I’m hurting them. It’s made me doubt myself and my ability to trust my own intentions.”
“My partner is slowly changing from what was once supportive of my asexuality, and I’m wondering when I have the right to be worried and when I’d be overreacting. I’m aware of the worst case scenario, but I also worry that I’m being selfish and childish - which are things I’ve been told all throughout my asexual experience.”
Self-Care And Self Development
“I don’t trust my ability to say either yes or no in sexual situations, and this has extended to my life in general. I don’t feel comfortable in my ability to self-determinate.”
“The lack of authority, definition, and schooling of the concept of asexuality has made me very uncomfortable with what I think I am, and that uncertainty haunts me every waking moment.”
“I think it’s too late/too early to tell if I’m asexual, but the longer I hesitate, the worse my mental health and emotional wellbeing gets. I’m effectively stuck.”
“I see no benefit in coming out, or even identifying as asexual. There’s no positivity, role models, or supportive community for what I consider a big and scary part of my overall identity.”
“I think this was sexual abuse, but I’m wondering if I’m just being selfish and childish.”
“I think I was treated badly by my parents/friends/partner, but I’m wondering if I’m just being selfish and childish.”
“I want to believe that I’m deserving of equal freedom and human respect paid to other, not asexual people, but people tell me I’m being selfish and childish.”
“No one encourages this part of me. And that makes me feel forgotten and abandoned in general.”
Shut the fuck up about your petty beef with tumblr bloggers and youtubers and Archie comics or whatever. I literally do not care, I can’t care. I see these messages every goddamn day - this post was written and drafted a month ago, and I very easily compiled most of this bulletpoint list from scratch, just by eyeing what I see in the askbox and what comes across my dash.
‘Ace discourse’ anger is empty and so meaningless. This is what I see by being part of this one 17k follow asexual ask blog for maybe half a year. I am so Done with all the faux rage posts and all the false positivity about how it’s ok to NOT be ace and all the acephobia that falls perfectly in line with the gaslighting typical of acephobia-101 while also having the audacity to claim it not so.
This is what’s real and I want to bleed it into your goddamn eyes.
How Prime Has The Potential To Be A Great Psychological/Lovecraft Horror
I know, I know, all of you are probably looking at this thinking I lost my mind.
But let me explain and show you how it could be a horrifying experience.
First, all of you are probably commenting on how Sonic is a family friendly franchise, but that doesn't necessarily mean EVERY media of Sonic SHOULD be this way. There are some family friendly franchises with mature and more serious spin-offs or adaptations.
So Prime can be a good start to deviating from it's other media's. But I'll get to that later, I should probably explain how it can be, and in a way is, a psychological and Lovecraft horror, more than just another cartoon. At least to me.
1. (Psychological) Exploring The Character's Emotional Trauma and Internal Conflicts Is a Different Approach to Most Sonic Medias

While most Sonic media's focus on action and saving the day, Prime takes a different approach. Instead of just being action and "Sonic saving the day", Sonic completely breaks his home, unintentionally shattering everything, including his friends. Shadow is also inadvertently dragged along, using a Chaos Emerald to save himself from the blast, but ending up trapped in the void.
If the variants being shards of the main characters is true, then Prime is working to deconstruct the characters, but some variants caught my eyes. There's Rusty, a robotized Amy, which sure, that's cool, but remember Amy's first known introduction in the Sonic CD? I only remember some parts, but wasn't Amy kidnapped by metal Sonic to be robotized or something? Another obvious variant is Nine, who was basically abused for being different, only this time Sonic wasn't there to help him? And Dread, a greedy Knuckles, kinda reminding me of how Knuckles was tricked by Eggman so the Doc could steal the master emerald?
Something just seems a bit more about these variants.
1. (Lovecraft) The Variants Situation if The Shard Theory Is True

If the Shard theory is true, then the variants existence is a nightmare.
Imagine having flesh and bone, imagine having thoughts of your own, imagine having a backstory of your own; only for it to be revealed that everything, your body, your thoughts, your experiences; your existence, to be a mistake. You weren't supposed to exist, and if the putting it back together = Shattered Space disappears is true, then you're doomed to die.
Doomed be mashed together with other shards, to be pieced together into someone you don't know, and will never meet. Your very existence is a lie, something that needs to be fixed with your death.
Yeah...not a pretty picture, is it?
2. (Psychological) Sonic's Emotional Turmoil

Sonic suffers a lot in this show. No, I don't mean the physical pain, that's a gag, I'm referring to the emotional suffering, which is very much there.
Sonic is horrified by these events; breaking his home, shattering everyone he loved and cared for, having to experience hatred, scorn, and hostility from those who look so much like his friends; from people who don't recognize him, and having to witness or hear about his friends suffering, being unable to really do anything about it without being met with apprehension.
He's clearly not enjoying any of this, or having any fun, at all.
2. (Lovecraft) The Paradox Prism Is Unsettling Itself

What is the Prism?
We know it's powerful as hell, being able to rip apart reality, and possibly time, and is capable of creating new spaces. But what else is it capable of? Where did it come from? Why is it here beneath the Green Hills Bedrock?
Whatever it is, it's the one in control after Sonic breaks it, ripping apart the world, throwing Sonic through dimensions, trapping Shadow in the void, and even responding to certain contacts.
It's glow almost seems like it calling, beckoning for someone to find it, to use it, to break it.
3. (Psychological) Shadow In The Void

How is Shadow doing in this void?
All memes aside, it's clear he isn't taking everything so well. As when he first makes contact with Sonic, he sounds despondent and absolutely devastated, stating: "It's broken! It's all broken!". His voice is slightly shaky when he does so too. But in his final contact with Sonic, is him furious and violent.
From his first contact to his last furious one, Shadow's mental state isn't exactly stable. Being stuck in the void doesn't help anything either. Some development happened to Shadow off screen, one I really hope we'll see.
Yeah, Shadow is not having a great time either. But development can never be fast, it takes time, which brings my next theory in mind below.
3. (Lovecraft) The Void

Ending up in the void is something I'd choose death over. Mainly because, when thinking about it, it's something nobody would wish on their worst enemy. Which makes Shadow being there so much harsher.
The void is an empty space, nothing but shards surrounding you, you're alone, with nobody to talk to. You're alone with your thoughts. But the scariest thing would be how long it must seem.
From what we've seen so far, time runs differently in the Shattered Space, the void can't be any different. It could've been years to Shadow, but time doesn't seem to run in the void, only in the Shattered Spaces. If anything time seems to pause, or just stop working in the void. It doesn't exist there.
Shadow definitely isn't having fun, especially when you consider his alliance with Rouge and Omega, and even worse, his promise to Maria to keep the world safe.
4. (Psychological) Nine Being A Part Of Tails Says Something About All Of Us

One of the things talked about a lot is how Nine, if the shard theory is true, was a part of Tails to begin with. This bitter, jaded, violent, desperate, traumatized, in pain child was a part of the happy, jolly fox we all know and love.
But, if the theory is true, Nine having been a part of Tails all along speaks about how there's a hidden side in all of us. All of that bitterness, cruelty, selfishness, trauma, denial, desperateness, and love/touch starved hope is in all of us. But we try to deny, to hide, to avoid acknowledging it, which only makes it never go away, or makes it worse.
It isn't just Tails that denies it though, which is a whole other thing of itself...
4. (Lovecraft) They Can't Be By Each Other's Side, Both Are Doomed To Be Alone In Some Way

One of the saddest truths about Prime is that Nine and Sonic can't be by each other's side, they can't be there for each other: no matter how much they don't want to be, they have to be alone. Sonic is from a universe that's now destroyed, thrust into the remains of his actions face-first, he can't connect with these variants of his friends, and is emotionally alone.
Nine is just a part of the universe Sonic can't stay in, so there's no chance of them ever staying by each other's side, he's alone in both ways.
The universe, the shards won't allow it, thrusting Sonic from Nine via shard or by Sonic himself. Not to mention the inevitable fate that Nine has to face along with his fellow variants.
Their entire relationship is a world of inevitable pain.
5. (Psychological) The Dark Matter, Symbolism, And Complex Themes Of Prime

There's no denying it, at its core, with the sprinkled moments of unease and signs of deeper depths in the first batch, so far Prime's setting up a dark story, one filled with harsh tragedy. Pretty much every character suffers and is going to suffer even more in the second batch, the aspects of Sonic that save the day, Friendship and Hope is actually deconstructed in this show, showing how friendship can become a means of escapism and can't really save the day, and how hope can instead damage someone to denial.
Sonic is without his friends here and the friends he made out of the variants is going to be shattered once they find out the truth, so friendship can't be used, and his hopes to fix the world are...almost desperate, like he doesn't want to acknowledge that maybe it can't be fixed.
Another thing is that Prime actually has a lot of symbolism hidden in it. The Grim being a literal landscape of escapism, Nine's nine tails, the variants themselves being representations of different traits, the palm tree being a symbol of desperate hope, and more.
The final thing is the early complex themes in the show.
The inevitable fact that the variants has to die to restore the world is a very grim one, but it shows how painfully insignificant and meaningless they are in the grand scheme of things. They’re just shards that need to come together. That’s the universe for ya.
The use of "Man vs. Self" in this show instead of having Sonic just save the day and defeat bad guys
The exploration that there's a dark, sad, traumatized part in all of us
The need for balance in everything
The exploration of desire vs need, and most importantly:
Selfishness vs selflessness.
5. (Lovecraft) The Grim Is A Lovecraftian Horror Of Itself

The Grim is hauntingly beautiful. The sky is every color of blue, filled with stars, the ground is orange and endless, and silver crystals jut out of it, some partly buried.
Look at how small and insignificant Nine and Sonic looks here, how vast the Grim is that you can't see where it ends. It's truly an unsettling wonder. It looks unsettling and it is unsettling, not at all an ideal place to live in.
There are no trees, no water, no signs of any life. Nothing. You're alone, surrounded by absolutely nothing. The only thing there is you and your imagination.
Why isn't there any variants here? Why is it so empty? Why doesn't it end?
There's no answer except your own thoughts, speaking much louder now that there's nothing to distract you from them. You're alone, an insignificant speck in a vast world of beauty and isolation.
Paranoia would kick in, you'd think you heard something, but there's nothing there.
That's what the Grim is, it's nothing but you, there's nobody here, there's nothing here, this place never ends, it's the physical representation of isolation, of perfect escapism.
And that couldn’t be more terrifying…
~French Nobility/Royalty Titles~💗🤍💗🤍
French Nobility

Who are the nobility?
In France, nobility was a quality of the individual, a legal characteristic that could be held or acquired, and conferred some rights and privileges; such as levied taxes in times of war (since the nobility was supposed to fight for the sovereign), or since the 17th century, only weaker taxing exceptions. Also, a number of military and civic positions were reserved for nobility.
How is it inherited?
Nobility was usually hereditary only through the male line; a nobleman could marry a commoner and keep his nobility, but a noblewoman could not. When the nobility was hereditary, even though it was transmitted through the father, a higher percentage of noble blood or a higher number of noble generations in the family could be important as well.
How is nobility acquired?
By Birth. Usually from the father since 1370 (only exceptions are nobility in Champagne until the 16th century and Bar until the French Revolution). Bastards of nobles became nobles when legitimated by letters of the sovereign until 1600, after that a separate act of ennoblement was required (except royal bastards, they were always nobles even with no legitimation).
By Office. Depending on the office, the holder became noble either after a number of years in office or immediately. This kind of nobility could be personal or hereditary for 2, 3 or more generations. Here we have nobles for fiscal offices (tax courts and state auditors), “noblesse de robe” (for judicial offices, members of the parliament or courts that have been in office for 20 years), “noblesse de cloche” (municipal offices, the mayors of towns), administrative offices (the places on the household of the king and the secrétaires du Roi) and military commissions (since 1750 officers reaching the rank of general would receive hereditary nobility).
By Letters. Meaning, by royal grant, meaning that the king could always ennoble whoever he wished.
Could nobility be lost?
Yes it could. You lose it by failing to your failing duties (this was called “déchéance”, kind of like Athos in The Musketeers BBC series); by practising forbidden occupations (called “dérogeance”), like commerce or manual crafts or farming someone else’s land (farming your own or the King’s land was ok). Funny that medicine, glass-blowing, exploitation of mines, maritime commerce and wholesale commerce was acceptable. Also, if you were a woman and marry a commoner, your nobility is lost.
What about the titles?
To bear a title you had to be noble. And a title is a rank attached to a certain piece of land. So, there could be nobles with no titles.
Duc. A duke (from the Latin dux, “leader”) was originally the governor of a province and a military leader. He was the possessor of a “duché” (a duchy).
Comte. A count (from the Latin comes, “companion”), originally an appointee of the king governing a city and its immediate surroundings. He was the possessor of a comté (county) or a high-ranking official in the king’s immediate entourage called Counts Palatine (palace counts).
Marquis. Originally the governor of a “march”, a region at the boundaries of the kingdom in need of particular protection. He was the possessor of a marquisat (marquessate).
Vicomte. A viscount was originally the lieutenant of a count, either when the count was not at home or then the county was held by the King himself. He was the possessor of a vicomté (viscounty).
Baron. Originally a direct vassal of the king or another major feudal lord (a duke or count or so). The possessor of a baronnie (barony).
Châtelain. A castellan was the commander in charge of a castle. Few chastellanies survived with the title or “Sire” (sir).
Prince. Possessor of a principauté (principality). This title was not the same as the rank of Prince and did not give his possessor precedence at the court.
Seigneur. A lord, possessor of a lordship.
Chevalier. The equivalent of a “knighted” or a member of certain chivalric orders or the head of the King’s guardsmen. Not the same as the rank of Chevalier.
Wait. Titles and Ranks are not the same?
No, they were not. Because French people are crazy and this could not be easy at all. Let’s say that there were two kinds of “titles”: the ones linked to the fifes (the feudal real estates, meaning the duchies and counties, etc) and the personal ranks.
Fils de France/Filles de France. The sons and daughters of the King.
Petit-fils de France. The grandchildren of the King through the male line.
Prince du Sang/Princesse du Sang. A Prince/Princess of the Blood was a legitimate descendant of the King but was not part of the immediate family. Meaning that they were not Fils neither Petit-Fils de France.
Prince/Princess Légitimé. The legitimized children of the King or other males of his dynasty.
Prince Étranger. A foreign prince naturalized and recognized by the French court.
Chevalier. A rank assumed ONLY by the most noble families and the possessors of very high dignities in the court. Note that the ones with the title of Chevalier and the ones with the rank of Chevalier are addressed differently.
Écuyer. This rank (squire) was the one of the majority of nobles. It was a member of the nobility with no title.
How are they addressed?
For this section I’ll use an example name, so each way of addressing will be very clear. Let’s use the Marquis de Castelnau: Philippe-François d'Albignac.
The simpler way to address a noble is using Monsieur, Madame and Mademoiselle: here, we would address Philippe-Françoise simply as Monsieur.
But of course it cannot be that simple, you could not be sure about who and which Monsieur, Madame or Mademoiselle you’re talking about. So, there is a simple formula: Monsieur/Madame + de + last name or house = Monsieur de Albignac.
But you can also refer to someone by their title and not their last name: Monsieur/Madame + le/la + title = Monsieur le Marquis.
And you can be even more specific, since we wanna know, are we talking about the same Marquis? You’d use: Monsieur/Madame + le/la + title in full style = Monsieur le Marquis de Castelnau.
Those are the general ways, but it can be very tricky or specific according the rank and title. Here is another helping guide:
The King. Majesté, Your/His Most Christian Majesty, Your/His Majesty, Monsieur Le Roi.
The Queen. Majesté, Your/Her Most Christian Majesty, Your/Her Majesty, Madame La Reine.
The Dauphin (the eldest son of the King). Monsieur le Dauphin, His/Your Royal Highness, Monseigneur le Dauphin, His/Your Royal Highness Monseigneur le Dauphin.
The Dauphine (the Dauphin’s wife). Madame la Dauphine, Her/Your Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness Madame la Dauphine.
The Fils de France. Referred by their main title, except the Dauphin. I.e. Monsieur le Duc d’Anjou.
The Filles de France. Referred as Madame+their given name. Except the eldest daughter that was called Madame Royale until she married, and then that style is used by the next Fille de France. I.e. Madame Victoire.
The Petit-Fils/Petit-Filles de France. Addressed using their full style titles.
Prince du Sang/Princesse du Sang. Usually styled by their main ducal title, but other more precise titles were also used. It could be used: Monsieur le Prince, Madame la Princesse, Monsieur le Duc, Madame la Duchesse, and so on. In writing only the style Serene Highness was used.
Prince Légitimé/Princesse Légitimé. They took last names according to the branch of the House their father belonged and after the legitimization they were given a title. Males were given titles from their father’s lands, and therefore addressed as Monsieur and the title or last name; females were given the style of Mademoiselle de “X”.
Prince étranger. Basically addresses as Haut et puissant Prince or Your/His Highness. They are tricky to address, since they could have ANY other kind of title (literally any, from Prince to Chevalier, everything in between), then they could be called according to their first title and/or as Highness. Let’s take the example of Hercule Mériadec de Rohan, Duke of Rohan-Rohan; he could be addressed as: Monsieur le Duc de Rohan-Rohan, His Highness Hercule Mériadec de Rohan, His Highness Monsieur le Duc de Rohan-Rohan, His Highness Monsieur de Rohan, Monsieur de Rohan.
Other words to keep in mind to address nobility:
Monseigneur. Used for those of very high office and noble blood, like the Dauphin, cardinals, etc. Usually used only for adults.
Excellence. Ambassadors, foreign dignitaries.
Eminence. Mostly for cardinals, along with Monseigneur.
Monsieur le Chevalier. ONLY used when Chevalier is the rank.
Chevalier+last name. To address those who are knighted members of chivalric orders.
Sieur. Like Sir in English. Usually used for property holders that are not noble. It is used as Sieur + de + name of the land.
Gentilhomme. Used for ANY noble, from the King to the last écuyer.
I hope this works for you @meltingpenguins :D
There will be a second part on English Nobility.
Are fedoras really that bad?

Cookie Reapers AU - Midnight Conversation (it's a bit long)

Yeah, y'all really deserve a long overdue scene from the actual story. After all, I don't think you guys got to see how some of our favorite cookies act in this au.
You can tell when I started inserting and then said "screw it i'm editing all the expressions"
Idk i'm incredibly sleep deprived
Ask blog is always open!
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Reblogs are appreciated!
If any of you read my works on ao3/seen my random Twitter ramblings, then it’ll make more sense to y’all but anyways: Trish shares a similar face to Doppio and Donatella, while the hidden anger issues and slightly sharp green eyes are from Diavolo, I’m so sick like Trish is combination of all three of her parents and it’s so obvious that she’s got all the pretty genes from them too and she’s also lost all three of them- *sobs*
Doppio has a heart shaped face, it’s basically both cute and childish yet also holds a faint hint of maturity, something Trish has for her own face too. While Donatella has a more oval model like face, which Trish also has and why she resembles them both the best facial wise. Trish has faint freckles from Doppio and Diavolo (but mostly Doppio) then has sharp green eyes from Diavolo but they seem soft due to the genes she’s gotten from Doppio and Donatella, definitely has her mother’s mouth shape too, just a bit more plump.
Plus Doppio has a more curvaceous figure, a total difference from Trish’s body, who had a similar figure but with more petite curves and slight athletic build, yet still passable in a way. Diavolo as a woman (Diavola) would share the same figure as Doppio, but more curvier compared to Donatella’s slim model like build.
Friendly reminder that I also write Doppio and Trish having a similar weight at 45kgs/99lbs, but there’s a slight difference, so Trish is 45kgs/99.208lbs at 5’4 (her canon height) while Doppio is 45kgs/99.210lbs 5’3 but that’s if you want to get extremely technical, I do it for simplicity.
Then there’s Doppio as a teenager (17-18) who stood tall at 4’11 and weighed about 42kgs/92lbs while Diavola, when taking control, was around 5’3, weighing in at at 45kgs/99lbs, this would later change when Doppio is in her early 30s, standing at 5’3 and weighed 99lbs while Diavola would be 6’3 and weighed 57kg/125lbs.
Before anyone says anything…just know that Trish inherited her anger from Doppio (and Diavolo) it's just a fact, like if Trish is angry enough, she's gonna throw a scalding hot honey bun at you and laugh while recording you or insult you so bad, you would cry like a newborn.
I rambled a lot, sweet Jesus, but thank you for coming to my ted talk of how I see Doppio, Diavolo/Diavola, Trish and Donatella in my own way, hahaha!💕

This is from September so it’s a little old but I digress-
Like without context it seems so weird…but with context it makes sense like Araki fucking fumbled so bad by not making Diavolo and Doppio milfs, we could have had it all…but evil dilfs is also very delicious and more fitting to the plot…BUT MAKING EVIL MILFS IS MY SPECIALTY I WILL NOT LET YOU FOLKS GO HUNGRY BECAUSE MOMMY DOPPIO AND MOMMY DIAVOLO WILL GET US THROUGH LIFE MY BROTHERS WE RIDE AT DAWN RAAAAAAAAAAUGH-
But making Doppio and Diavolo women feels so good and more fitting cause Giorno was supposed to be a chick too yet I just love to humiliate Giorno/Gianna in many ways by Doppio and Diavolo/Diavola, it’s a very delicious flavor and I think the blonde little shit weasel needs a lesson in humbling “I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream” you are 15 SIT DOWN GO STUDY OR GET A JOB YOU EMO
But anyways Doppio has the spectacular bust size of a DD cup, small waist and good hips to give birth, Diavola has E cup tits and her curves are more prominent (just a little bit more so) do you see? But when Doppio gets pregnant/has her baby (or babies) her tits go to be an E cup with a bit of tummy squish (got me violently frothing and shaking😮💨) along with the c-section scar on the lower abdomen (cause of Trishie🫶) and Diavola’s tits would bump up to an F cup, am I unhinged? Yes! But do I love women and support their rights and wrongs? ALSO YES!
Plus there’s Doppio as a teenager (17-18) who had a bust of a C cup and whenever Diavola took over, she was D cup. If I was to add Donatella, she’s definitely a B-C cup as well and with Trish, she’s a C cup, because she’s supposed to resemble Doppio/Diavola way more than Donatella, do you see? It’s all in the genes and how they act based on my last post *pushes away chalkboard* now, that’s enough on my ted talk, my loves, stay tuned for more unhinged info and stay gorgeous, mwah!
glad that im not popular enough to have an evil shadow version of my blog that exists just to make contradictions on my posts
Some words to use when writing things:
RWBY Saints of Remnant Notes: Arthur Gray(Watts); Mad Scientist, Unethical Businessman, and Conniving Rat

Part of The Emperor-Verse
Now this follows up my AU Jacques Schnee and SDC and my AU Adam Taurus, which focuses on their common foe, Dr. Arthur Gray aka Arthur Watts.
I honestly loved Arthur regardless of my gripes with the FNDM's appraisal of him, his design, personality, his color palette, and weapons(neat pistol and rings) hit all the right notes for me and I do feel he along the rest of WTCH didn't really meet their full potential from what I've seen, Cinder and Hazel I have more unorthodox ideas for.
But for Arthur? I feel like the 'Mad Scientist' thing wasn't explored enough, and back when this was a V3 reboot, I had Arthur manipulating Jacques into hating the Faunus(framing the White Fang for his wife's death) but now with the hard reboot and remember Arthur's motivation in canon got my noggin jogging
What if instead of the SDC being the corrupt big business, Arthur had his own mega corporation that was part of the corrupt North instead, and part of something even more sinister?
Thus, I came up with his AU Counterpart, Dr. Arthur Gray, genius roboticist, biologist, and CEO of GigaWatts Incorporated and The Grand Master of the Northern Rite of the mysterious Freemason-Like fraternal organization The Lumen Society ran by Grand Mistress, Professor Salem.
Basically, GWI has taken over most of Atlas in the sense of supplying companies with tech, their own high tech products ranging from domestic, law enforcement, security, and even medicine.
Even Atlas Council and top brass of Atlas military are hiring Arthur to develop their military tech. Despite James Ironwood's protests and continuous vouching for Dr. Polendina instead, who he is supporting in his own department.
Not to mention, the factories are known for unethical labor practices towards faunus, which gives Arthur brownie points for the anti-faunus sentiment in the North, along with countless of corporate CEOs vying to make deals with him and his seemingly wondrous technology.
And with the link to my AU Jacques Schnee link, this corporate machine is crushing smaller companies, SDC among them, under its grey steel boot
Basically, GigaWatts Incorporated is like OCP from Robocop

And even then that itself is nothing for the more unholy role it has for The Lumen Society, or its true name...
The satanic cult known as The Brotherhood Grimm. Whom Arthur's role is developing technology and occult research as they plot to resurrect The Black Empire that nearly destroyed the world in Ragnarok thousands of years ago with Salem as its Black Empress
But we'll get to that later
Arthur is currently tasked to recover an ancient ritual to “transcend” humans and Faunus into “The Grimmborne” or as Arthur calls “The Objective Man”(a reference to CS Lewis's That Hideous Strength)
And with Cinder infiltrating Beacon Academy as a teacher, Arthur finds a team he believe are suitable for experimentation. Though there is complications I will get to later.
He's the same as his Canon!Counterpart in many ways, snobbish, arrogant, passive aggressive(which I intend to show in the pissing contests he gets in with Jacques) but among some things, some which I will leave out for another post, he represents hyper-rationality, pragmatism and luciferian mind and the modern obsession to rationalize everything and destroy anything that can't.
"The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits." - GK Chesterton, Orthodoxy (1908)
You see, Dr. Gray hates personal and subjective feelings and certain emotions and the concept of the supernatural. He sees them as icky and disgusting things that sully intelligent and rational minds and their judgement of intelligence and "worthiness" instead of basing such things such as statistics, logistics, scientific method and what else he deems to be "real information", and he absolutely despises the concept of The Stoyteller and The Author Allfather as "Ancient Superstition" and he honestly hates both humans and faunus saying "both are subjective animals" which the Grimmborne aka "The Objective Man" shall replace.
He basically uses anti-faunus sentiment in the North to "keep the monkeys fighting each other" while he uses his tech and company as a means to get The Brotherhood's tentacles in The North
And when it comes to Jacques Schnee. There's very bitter history between the two, and Arthur may had some involvement with Mrs. Schnee's death. But Jack has no evidence. And even if he did, the majority councilmen and upper-class North are so corrupt Arthur is pretty much untouchable.
Now his allusion, he has two which is why I changed his last name.
His primary allusion is James Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes novels, but his secondary allusion is The Rat King from The Nutcracker and rat, mousetraps, and mazes are recurring theme with him and his aesthetic along some steampunk. Cuz rats have grey fur and grey is Arthur’s primary color.
It’s also to note he is something of a connoisseur of wine and cheese.
But combining James Moriarty and The Rat King, Arthur also alludes Professor Ratigan of the children's novels The Great Mouse Detective which was also adapted into a Disney Movie(and one of my favorites), and like him, he hates being called a rat among other things, but I'll save that for the story.

and tidbits of Weston from CS Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy(Out of The Silent Planet, and Perelandra) and CA Rotwang from Metropolis but that will come later when I introduce his 'daughter' Maria Gray(which those who know the movie can guess who she is)
Now for his semblance, I call it "electrified malice" which he can channel his repressed disgust, resentment, rage, hate, distain, and while lotta suppressed emotions into lethal green electric energy which he can direct either everywhere from his body like a live wire or from his hands ala Sith Lightning(I mean he is like Palpatine in a way)

The problem is, once he focuses in either spot and his emotions are intense enough, he becomes drunk with his malice which in turn takes him a while to stop, which will cost him dearly in the long run.
You'll see.
My Take on Warhammer 40k Or A Potential Original Work inspired by 40k
Part 1: Setting up the Game Board

DISCLAIMER:What you are about to read is a radically different take on Warhammer 40k which will most likely be its own thing, so I ask do not take it seriously a Warhammer AU fanfic,for that case consider this a concept made out of boredom and faith, but should you take it seriously, see it rather a prototype of an original work with its influences as placeholders.
Plus this contains Christian theology ala Tolkien and Lewis in terms of world building. Its not complete and not perfect so pardon me if I don't touch on things like the Orks or The Old Ones.
Thank you for Reading.
While overall I'm not that into Warhammer 40k, there are things among it I do like such as space elves, space gods, space church, space demons, blocky armored human super soldiers. So I kinda want to do my take on the Warhammer 40k universe which will be its own thing(which I have notes on). Most of my inspiration comes from Tolkien's Lengendarium and CS Lewis' Ransom Trilogy/Space Trilogy(which terminology from both works will be borrowed) combined with the theology of my Catholic faith.
When coming up with these sorts things, I always ask myself questions such as
"What do you want from this? Why from this? And what's the merits of this?"
Which then I turned to CS Lewis on how he came up with ideas such as Narnia which he asked himself a speculative question, so I did so myself;
"Supposed 40k had more clear lines of Good and Evil ala Lord of The Rings and existed in a Christian Theological setting and Man, Eldar, and Tau were the big good and the three were created by God in his image; what would all of this put together look like?"
So let's start with my take on The Warp

The Warp itself is a gigantic cosmic ley line between the Materium and what would be referred to in CS Lewis's Space Trilogy as "Deep Heaven" where the triune supreme deity of this universe, whom we will call for the sake of this AU Triad, wells with his heavenly legions.
Triad is known as one Deity in Three Persons;
The Emperor-Of-All-That-Is(Aka Eru Iluvatar, The Old One, or The Father)
The Celestial King(Aka Urendi Maleldil, The Young One, or The Son)
and The Breath of Life(Aka The Flame Imperishable, The Third One, or The Spirit)
In this theology, the Gods in Warhammer akin to Valar of Tolkien's Middle Earth or Oyéresu and lesser warp enties akin to Maiar or Eldila who are assigned to guide and watch over mortal species and planets, the most unique being the pantheon of Powers amongst the humans, Eldar, and Tau.
Now in this beginning, there was the War In The Heavens started by the 5th Chaos God, who's vaguely implied to be Satan/Lucifer, hell for the sake of what little 40k this resembles, lets dub him Malal/Malice
Who The Eldar know as Morgoth formerly Melkor
and The Tau know as The Bent One formerly The Shinning One
and his four elite subordinates

Slaanesh who we know as Asmodeus on our planet
Nurgle who we know as Beezlebub on our planet
Tzeentch or who we know as Leviathan
and Khorne who known to be some kind of malicious demon of wrath(haven't come up with who)
and all of them were driven back and confined to certain planets
Nurgle and Slaanesh and their repsective legions were confined to the home planet of of the Aeldari
Khorne and Tzeentch and their minions were bound T'au the planet
and Malal was bound to Terra with his legions with a far greater seal.
However the planets they were bound to were home of three species that were all of the "Imago Dei", The Aeldari, Tau, and Humans respectively, the humans being the youngest
So 5 "gods" plotted to corrupt these species and use them as a means to spread their influence throughout the Galaxy and beyond when they become able of space travel.
One by one these three races fell, Malal tempted the first parents of Man first, then Tzeentch and Khorne temped the first parents of Tau, and finally Slaanesh and Nurgle tempted the Aeldari.
But Triad has plans for these races and did not intend to leave the galaxy to suffer, these plans began with the redemption of these three species
But as the Fall started through Adam’s race, the redemption had to also begin through Adam’s race.
So for the sake of each world and each life, The Celestial King came to Terra and became a Son of Adam.
From there he carried out a great task that rippled across the cosmos, and not only redeemed the children of Adam and Eve, but made them fully warp and fully matter, just as The Celestial King became Fully God and Fully Man. Which I will go into detail in part 2 with The Emperor of Mankind, the human race and their role in this AU.
After this, the newly ascended King departed for the Aeldari and Tau planets where his mere arrival redeemed the two races.
With things set into motion, The Celestial King departed back to his father in The Heavens.
History of the three races transpired, and accumulated in the Age of Strife where The God-Chosen Monarchs arose to bring order to their respective races and come together to conquer and civilize the Galaxy.
Coming soon in Part 2: Man, Eldar, and T’au: Three species of One Image
Hey, It’s Mochi here, I want to say thank you to everyone who actually saw my ‘help’ and not porn related posts, and to the two people who liked my poem… If you read it you would’ve seen a very clear message of something I had been planning since I was around twelve. Some details, I’m half Mexican, I’m bisexual and a boy, I’m 19 and a rape victim of two separate people, my dad and my babysitter. Actually three after yesterday (July 15). This is obviously a rant. I’m gonna be honest, I can barely afford my dorm right now and the money left goes to my stepdad and mom for “Bills” bullshit btw, they live in a four bedroom three bathroom house that’s bigger than the entire east dorm building of my collage, and always buy name brands and luxury shit like jewelry or TVs but then get mad at me when I stay longer than a few hours when I visit. My older sister Lily however lives with them rent and job free, keep in mind I’m 19 and she’s twenty three, I make peanuts at my job which I got fired from because my mom told my boss about my “mara ju wanna problem” (Yes that’s how she says it) Which was actually medicinal for my epilepsy… so I failed the piss test, tried reasoning with the manager and failed. Rent is due in about 13 days give or take, which to give you an idea is 630$ if you pay on time but somehow the website to pay it is always “under maintenance” on the due dates so with the late fee I pay around 700$ guess what I have in my bank acc…$273.47 no I’m not starting a fucking go fund me or anything, I’m not white enough for that pity shit, speaking of which, hi I’m half Mexican, but I’m still about as white as provolone cheese. Which makes it worse because my mom refuses to teach me Spanish even though she’s fluent, somehow “forgot” to get me registered when we entered so guess who’s the only one in the family with a green card instead of citizenship papers… Can’t hang out with white ppl because they confuse the fuck me with their weird fucking travel mugs, makeup and other bullshit, can’t hang with the Mexican chicks cus I’m too much of a fag, can’t hang with the white guys because guess the reason (Hint, it’s because I’m a fag) can’t mess with the Mexican dudes because… want another fucking hint why? It’s the same reason as before. There’s no fucking halfy’s at my college at least. I play in a band… guitar, bass, drums, you name it I play it, because I was forced to by my stepdad until my fingers all started bleeding. Guess who was kicked out… go on… guess… apparently after five fucking years of being the lead singer and being openly bi I was suddenly “too gay” so they took my best friend instead and they all fucking left me to go to cali, goin to cali was my idea mind you. p1, p2 should be right under
Short DPXDC Prompts #232
Danny starts as a low level intern in Wayne Industries and is very concerned when people keep referring to him as Tim and keep asking him to sign papers and attend meetings that aren’t remotely in his job description.