Mick Rory - Tumblr Posts

Axel Walker And One Of Those Guys He Does Not Love At All
Axel Walker And One Of Those Guys He Does Not Love At All
Axel Walker And One Of Those Guys He Does Not Love At All
Axel Walker And One Of Those Guys He Does Not Love At All

axel walker and one of those guys he does not love at all

or, alternatively:

mick rory and that annoying kid he absolutely would not die for

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Mick Rory In Rogues #1 Art By Leomacs And Mat Lopes
Mick Rory In Rogues #1 Art By Leomacs And Mat Lopes

Mick Rory in Rogues #1 art by Leomacs and Mat Lopes

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11 months ago

OK but think about it.......

Plot twist, yeah..........

Mick is right

Coldflash happen somehow anyway

Barry and Len and Mick are in prison at the same time AU except it’s Mick and Len being totally baffled by how this doe eyed gangly kid is not only completely avoiding being harassed but somehow whenever anyone starts to act out and they’re anywhere within eyeshot of him, they just. Have an accident. Mick is convinced Barry Allen is the Antichrist or something. Len thinks the truth is way more interesting than that. 

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10 months ago

Mick: *sighing loudly* why r you both like this? You're perfect for each other in yer own, stupid way n please continue, but... just why?

no but do you think after learning more about barry's history, len ever looked back on his first flirty one-liner from the train like *closes eyes* "does your mom know you're out past your bedtime? jesus. why did i say that. why the fuck did i SAY THAT"

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10 months ago

That's very.... her, I cannot lie

Felicity Holding An Umbrella For Mick, A Dynamic I Do Not Understand But That I Enjoy (requested)
Felicity Holding An Umbrella For Mick, A Dynamic I Do Not Understand But That I Enjoy (requested)

Felicity holding an umbrella for Mick, a dynamic I do not understand but that I enjoy (requested)

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9 years ago

Killerwave Plotbunny

Ronnies dies and Caitlin is of course extremly sad.

On the funeral the Rouges are there (Len, Lisa, Mick, Hartley, Axel, Mark, Roy) and are very supportive telling them, they won’t pull a hiest for a while, so they can calm down.

Hartley even hugs Caitlin and Len offers her a drink (she accepts).

Mick tells her that he reall liked Ronnie as an enemy, because fire. And how cool that guy was.

Much later there is some kind of galerie. And Team Flash is there for various reasons. And they do no want to be there. It’s from Hartleys parents and everybody who has money is there, so the Rouges went too, in order to look out who’s their next target.

Cisco is miserable when he sees them, because they were supposed to pull a heist, so they would have an excuse to get out of this.

Barry notes that he’d be okay if they would do something small or against criminals.

And then Caitlin joins in and she is so done with this thing at the moment that she points out, that Hartleys parents are here. And their home is unoccupied and that they might still have the same codes.

And Mick totally smiles at that.

So he notes to Len, that he could go around and observe the rich, because he’s the one that decides anyways.

And in the meantime the rest of them would go to Hartleys childhood home and get everything that is portable.

And well they do that. And when they come back sansa Roy, they tell them, that Roy stayed there to pull the alarm, but Mick and Mark had to do something before that.

And well a little while into the evening the Rathways go to a podium to announce something and suddently Misses Rathaways dress bursts into flames.

And while everyone is freaking out there is someone screaming that he can help, but she has to stand still. And Mr. and Mrs. Rathaway actually stand still only to be hit by a gigantic rainstorm over their heads. (Best greetings from Mark).

After that the alarm in the Rathaway house gos off and Team Flash has an excuse to leave (the Rouges started to flee, as soon as Mark soaked Hartleys parents.).

And the Rouges are outside and laughing their asses off and Caitlin is laughing so much with them, she clutches her sides. And it’s the most she laughed since Ronnie died. And Mick smiles at her.

(You could do it with Mick/Hartley or Mark/Hartley too.)

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8 years ago

Heatatom ficlet

Light spoilers for Legends of Tomorrow season 1 and episodes 1-5 of season 2 It starts with Ray asking Mick to teach him how to fight. He could have asked Sara or Amaya, but he is not sure if they could help him. They fight so different from him. Ray can throw a decent punch, but he isn’t an assassin and he doesn’t have an ancient totem so he goes to Mick.   Who laughs at him. He doesn’t really laugh, it’s more mocking but he’s willing to help.

Hand-to-hand-combat was never him major strength. He isn’t bad at it and against normal people he is a great fighter, but against people like Sara or Mick he has no chance whatsoever. It doesn’t help either, that they know how to fight dirty, while he doesn’t. In theory he does, but he doesn’t have any practical tricks, that could be handy in an actual fight.

And Mick is apparently fine with training him. And he tells him without remorse that Ray is a pretty shitty fighter. Ray knows that, he isn’t used to fight without his suit, that’s how he ended up asking Mick for help- which he tells Mick. And Mick shrugs it off, asks why him. Ray tells him the truth. Sara is the best in hand-to-hand-combat from all of them, but he is not an assassin and he has neither the time nor patient to learn that. Also he’s pretty sure he would fail miserably even trying. Mick on the other hand knows how to fight from actual fighting. Mick doesn’t say anything to all of that and asks him to show him, how Ray would throw a punch and then starts laughing at how bad Ray is. And tells him that he’s not sure how Ray ever fought anyone. But he’s willing to teach him. And that’s really all that Ray wanted. Also he really expected to be laughed at. At least he’s better in hand-to-hand-combat than Nate who just punches everything.

Mick is a surprisingly good teacher. But that doesn’t stop them from fighting. Ray is not somebody who likes to fight period, but fighting with Mick is always dangerous, there is always that slight chance of him going rouge. Which he never does with Ray and after Ray noticed that he is absolutely screaming back at Mick if he thinks Mick is wrong. Which is usually isn’t when it’s about fighting but mostly when it’s about morals Ray thinks. But if it’s about morals they tend to be on very different sides and with morals there is usually a huge grey zone. So Ray isn’t sure he could honestly say that Mick is wrong, he’s just not on the same side as Ray.

At some moment in one of these fights it happens. Ray can’t tell afterwards how or what exactly happened but he is pretty sure that they had sex. He had sex with Mick Rory. He can honestly say he has no idea how that happened. Not the tiniest little bit. But there he is, pants halfway down, shirt ripped panting on the floor of the training room. Mick is next to him in the same state. Ray breaths out loudly, swallows and stands up. He has no idea what to say but he’s also pretty sure that starting to jabber like usually would do the opposite of helping so he just heads out of the room.

Mick acts like absolutely nothing happened and it drives Ray nuts. He starts training with him anyways and it end with a fight and the fight ends up in sex on the floor. And Ray is again not sure how. But he knows that it’s not exactly normal to act like nothing happened and then have sex again, so he tells that Mick. In between the jabbering about experiences with other guys in college and summer camps and save sex ed. Mick just laughs at Ray and tells him that he didn’t say anything because he doesn’t see the point in talking about it. He isn’t like Ray; he doesn’t need to talk about every little thing in the world. Also: he didn’t think that Ray would be this good. Ray takes the compliment and tells himself that Mick is right and that you do not need to talk about everything.

But he isn’t Mick. He needs to talk about things. And he needs to talk about it with Mick, because he is definitely not going to be the guy that sleeps with another crew member again. Even if it is true.

So the next time Ray tries to talk about it. Of course after it happened again. At least they made it out of their pants and into Micks bed this time. Ray knows Mick is not the type to talk about feelings, he doesn’t even like to say the word feelings, but Ray needs to talk about this so he starts babbling. Mick doesn’t stop him, he doesn’t say anything either, just looks unimpressed at Ray when he finally comes to the point and tells him that they just had sex for the third time, as if Mick did not know that already. Mick tells him to not make a big deal out of it, it’s not like they were off going to get married, it was sex, pretty good sex, but sex. And Ray shuts up about the whole topic again.

He doesn’t talk about the sex he now quite regularly has with Mick either. Because Mick is right, this isn’t a relationship like his an Anna’s was. Or his and Felicity’s not even like him and Kendra, who was at least part of the Legends. So he scraps the topic complete, enjoys the sex and learns how to fight.

Until it becomes more. Well until Ray notices, it has become more. Because he started stay longer after sex and talk to Mick. Talk with him about their mission, the other Legends and what was before they were on the Waverider. It’s mostly Ray talking, but occasionally Mick lets something slip. Like a story about him in Juvie, or a job he did, nothing serious but it’s a lot of Mick and Ray knows that.

The topic of Leonard Snart does not come up until much later. Ray knows that Mick doesn’t want to talk about him, but at some point his curiosity was too big to not ask. Mick looks strange at him when he manages to ask, if he and Snart were a thing. It’s the first time Mick really talks about Snart longer than the occasional comment and it surprises Ray. Mick tells him about his best friend, that he lost, who was by-the-way only his best friend, nothing more nothing less, and Ray is honored by that.

The topic comes up again, mostly after sex. That and every other topic, but especially Snart. Because Ray knows that Mick misses him, he misses him too. The snarky comments and having always a perfect thief on hand were only part of that. He knows that no one in the crew wanted Snart to die, but Mick was his best friend and before the team, his only friend. Ray tells him, that members off the team think of him as a friend. But he knows he’s wrong, Mick isn’t a friend. Mick is family.

That realization of them being a family is something Ray always wanted in a team. He saw it with Barry and Oliver, but now he knows that they have that too. Only with less private lives and more screwing up. But it’s just perfect for him. Ray knows that Mick feels the same thing about the team. He would never tell Mick he knows, because god knows if the guy wouldn’t go through with the head shave threat. Well maybe he wouldn’t because he likes to pull at Ray’s hair to get him into a different position, but Ray doesn’t want to try it out.

After a particularly bad mission he stays over after sex. He doesn’t want to go back to his lone quarters and rethink about what went where wrong and what he could have done better. So he pretends to have fallen asleep and Mick lets him. Ray is very sure Mick knew he wasn’t really sleeping. But the next day he wakes up back on back to Mick and he feels safe and better and doesn’t think he needs to rethink ever minute about the last mission. He screwed up, they all screw up, but in the end nobody god hurt badly and most important: nobody died. So Ray lets it be. He thinks it might be Micks way of seeing things coming down to him.

Ray stays over more and more often. If the others know they don’t say anything, and Ray sleeps better with Mick next to him. Ray likes whatever they have. It’s nothing like anything he ever had. With Anna, Kendra, even Felicity it was about the future. About being together, moving together, getting married, having children and a dog. Mick is nothing like that. Mick is the present and that’s just what Ray needs. And he thinks that is what he needed all this time.

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6 years ago

Didn’t Know - Captain Cold

Leonard Snart x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,028

Summary: “Do you guys ever wonder if your doing more damage than good?” Reader asks Leonard

Authors Note: point of view changes to 3rd




Laying on my bed in my room aboard the Waverider. I haven’t been on the team for very long but Rip said I was needed, so I said ‘yes’. All of the team seems to rather enjoy having me. Sara is kinda like a big sister to me, Jax is a really great friend, Stein can be annoying, Rip is very bossy, Ray well I already knew him so we are good friends, and Kendra she’s really nice it’s been fun getting to know her.

Leonard and Mick, it’s so easy with them conversation just flows and we have things in common. But it seems that lately, they are very distant with me. It started after a mission a month ago we went on we all split up into groups of two. I don’t know what happened, no one does.

As I’m thinking about the team I wonder if they ever feel like I do right now.

I feel like I’m not really helping the team at all. Why am I even with them?

They don’t need my help. I’m barely even a help, they don’t need me. They don’t need extra weight.

“Knock, knock” I looked over at my door and saw Leonard leaning in the doorway

“Hey, Snart” I smiled a little. I don’t know why but I feel like I can tell him anything.

“What’s wrong kid?” he asked

“What do you mean, nothings-”

He titted, shaking his head side to side “don’t even try that on me kid. I know you better than that.”

“Yeah, yeah you do” I bit my lip before moving to sit up. Swinging my legs around.

He walked over and sat next to me “Tell me whats wrong”

“Do you guys ever wonder if your doing more damage than good?” I asked him looking down, knowing how he can easily readme.

Leonard gave a tight-lipped smile. He feels bad for her he knows all too well what’s going through her mind.

Leonard also couldn’t help but blame himself for how she is feeling. She feels like she’s worthless and unwanted.

“I mean I feel like everything I do somehow has a bad effect. An why am I here? You guys don’t need me, nobody's does. . .nobody ever has or ever will.” I whispered the last sentence to herself. But Leonard heard and he felt even more guilty.

A couple of missions ago the man they were after showed him and Mick that their new teammate is Snart’s daughter.

Leonard has been beating himself up since.

Even though it’s not his fault. He didn’t know about Y/n.Her mom never wanted kids so they were careful and she ended up turning him and Mick into the cops just for kicks.

He knows that’s one of the reasons she feels the way she does. Why she feels like nobody's ever gonna need or want her ever. Her mother abandoned her because she didn’t want a kid.

If he would have known about Y/n he would of done anything to find her.

“The team wants you. Me and Mick want you around. We need you. You help more than you know.” he told her but he could tell she didn’t believe him.

“You don’t have to lie to me Snart. I know where I stand.” Y/n looked down picking at her nail polish

“Obviously not” he stated turning to look at her. He tilted Y/n’s chin to make her look at him. “I know what your feeling, I’ve felt it before myself. A lot when I was your age.”

“Really?” Y/n looked at him quizzingly

“Yes, really” Leonard exasperated. “Look sweetheart there’s something I need to tell you, that I should have told you a while ago when I first found out.”

Y/n tilts her head not really understanding what he is gonna say next, but a little afraid also of what it could be.

“Does this have to do with the mission a while ago?” she asked

“Yes. As we all know he had the knowledge of all things. Your my daughter, Y/n.” Leonard spoke in a calm voice.

“W-what?!” she stuttered, confused by what was just said

“I’m your father. I didn’t know about you.If I had I would have did everything in my power to get you from your mother or found you after she abandoned you.” he explained. Grabbing ahold of her hand, moving closer to her.

“It’s ok, yo-you didn’t know” Y/n said softly, still processing

“No it’s not. That might be true but its not ok, I missed everything. Milestones, birthdays… I’m sorry.” Leonard apologized. He wishes he could have been there.

“Wellum I guess I’m gonna have to stop calling you Snart, huh” Y/n joked lightening the mood.

Y/n could tell that he took time to process this before telling her. Which was probably for the best.

“Yeah I guess so since you are one too.” he replied

“I am?” she asked with a wonder, and questioningly gaze

“Of course. By blood, DNA, looks” he nudged her shoulder “and obviously personality.” he smirked

“I’ve never had a last name before. Mom never gave me one. She said she didn’t want people to know me and her were related, and never told me who my father was. Just that no one would ever want or need me.” Y/n explained looking down as if she is ashamed of what she just said but in reality, just hurt from reliving it.

“I would have wanted you. I want you around now. I need you, Mick I bet will need you to, so does the team. If you are ok with it I would like to get to know you, as a daughter?” Leonard stated, pulling her into a hug.

“As long as your ok with it letting me get to know you as a father?” she said back at him

“I am” Leonard said confidently smiling down at her. Hoping he could make up for all he has missed, at least as much he can.Since he can’t go back and actually be there.

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3 years ago

My favorite Legends of Tomorrow character died in the first season then we got Nate. Mick grew on me. Now I’m addicted to this crap show that’s both amazingly shitty and cheesy but also extremely good at the same time.

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6 years ago

Sara Lance and Mick Rory’s Friendship gives me life.

They trust each other in dangerous situations.

Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.
Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.

Mick likes that she’s a bad ass and doesn’t interrupt her when she’s fighting until she invites him to.

Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.
Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.

She understands his general need to fight and keeps him in check…

Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.

and then gives him the opportunity to burn shit when she can.

Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.

He is 100% supportive of her bisexuality.

Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.
Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.
Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.

A healthy, non sexual, male-female relationship.

Sara Lance And Mick Rorys Friendship Gives Me Life.

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6 years ago
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW # 315Necromancing The Stone
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW # 315Necromancing The Stone

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW # 315 Necromancing the Stone

Are you still with me, Mick?

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8 months ago
(this Is Based On The Comics Between 1960 And 1985)
(this Is Based On The Comics Between 1960 And 1985)
(this Is Based On The Comics Between 1960 And 1985)

(this is based on the comics between 1960 and 1985) 🙇🏻‍♀️

I found it fun to do and I thought it might give ideas to the struggling fanfiction author (and I don't even have the same opportunity because I would also like to start writing some 🙇🏻‍)

I kind of abbreviated some of the information because I didn't really know how to word it ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

I'm not sure it's all true because the comics I'm basing it on are in English...I have difficulty understanding English 🙇🏻‍♀️ With that, I wish you a good day 🥲

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8 months ago
I Think You Can Guess How Much I Hate Failed Adaptations ...(And The Harley Quinn And Superman Series
I Think You Can Guess How Much I Hate Failed Adaptations ...(And The Harley Quinn And Superman Series

I think you can guess how much I hate failed adaptations 🤡🏃🏻‍♀️...(And the Harley Quinn and Superman series 🥸)

I'm posting this quickly just because I like to complain (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

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