Inspiring Words - Tumblr Posts
Which is why I choose to block at least 90% of the people that send me hate.
I don't have time to allow them to stamp all over my life, like they seem to think they can.
It's a matter of perspective, because you can allow them the satisfaction of bothering you- or you can choose happiness.
After eight years of experience, there's nothing these people hate more- than when you choose to shrug them off and pretend they don't exist.
React to nothing and respond to very few, if any ~
The older you get, the more you choose calmness over drama and distance over disrespect. You prioritize your peace, mental health, and happiness - over everything.
Letting people be wrong about you or a situation while keeping your peace and focus is the most misunderstood power move you will ever make.
Don't make the mistake of being so understanding and forgiving that you overlook the fact that you're being disrespected.

They say, "A place where someone still thinks of you, that's a place you can call home."
~Jiraiya (Naruto)
When you continuously swim by the waters of people that don't have the depth to understand you, you will eventually drown in all of their misunderstandings of you. You don't have to keep diving down to reach people who consistently cut the air from your authenticity.
via ig@/third_eye_thirst

"There is no death, daughter. People die only when we forget them,
If you can remember me, I will be with you always."
Isabel Allende, Eva Luna
I read a comment today and may this reach the people who need it rn๐:
To feel and learn to let go. Any state of mind, thought or emotion is going to pass, don't get attached to them. Life is a bunch of fleeting moments, today happy tomorrow deeply sad. Accepting this as normal helped me. We ain't problematic. We are just deeply feeling. And that is a beauty and disaster in one. But let yourself feel, cuz life is all the good and the bad, and be proud of what you've been through and survived.
Not many could!
You know those feelings you can't feel?
Just feel them maaannn! You got thisโฅ๏ธ๐

Let it end.allow it to escape your grasp. if it is meant to be yours it will find it's way back to you. choose peace. give yourself permission to breathe a little easier in it's absence. resist the urge to try to control the outcome. all will be okay.
via ig@//warpaintjournal
Nothing that's meant for you will ever pass you by and you can never mess up something that is already yours !!
And remember folks real healing starts when you don't want to forget but want to be okay with remembering instead...
So keep feeling and keep healing!! Do not bash yourself for going back to it.
The only way out is through๐
Self-sabotage comes in the form of making irrational excuses for people who consistently hurt you or let you down. never fall into the habbit of allowing your kindness to be misused by anyone who knows how great your capacity for forgiveness is.
Cut the cord energetically when it adds more noise than peace to your spirit.
There is nothing more romantic than walking back into your life after being gone for so long, finding routes that lead you back to yourself when the map in your life isn't legible, remembering who you are again after misplacing all the keys that lead you back home.
remembering who you are is the greatest love story:โ -โ )

... Therefore it is meet
That noble minds keep ever with their likes,
For who so firm that cannot be seduced?
(Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene 2)
So it's an age old thing to keep in check the type of people you decide to pour yourself into huhh:โ -โ \. You can literally feel your energy being drained when you're around people you shouldn't be around!

People mistake your kindness for weakness not knowing the amount of pain it took to remain this calm. The amount of torture it took to develop this level of empathy and perspective.
They have no idea the level of strength it takes to stay kind after the hell you've been through. If only they knew your other side is just as extreme...and after you reach your breaking point,
...weak is the last thing they'll remember you forโ
People using others to feel good about themselves then wonder why they're constantly having identity crisis when people leave them.

you're not even your own person and you're trying to join your life with selfish can you really be???

If I cut you off, I'm not waiting for you to come to your senses. It means I waited too long. It means I'm done. It means stay away from me.
remember and recover >>> "forgive and forget"
Never be embarrassed at your ability to communicate clearly, vulnerably and authentically: it's a skill many people haven't developed. In fact, the recipients of the paragraphs should be embarrassed if they let their ego get in the way instead of being brave enough to do the same.
I don't wish embarrassment on anyone but a little understanding would be good:โ -โ )

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"all sins are attempts to fill voids"
-the void better never be filled if sins are what it takes to be whole โงโห๐ฉตโฉ โห๐
Everyone wants something real until they meet someone whose real standards challenge them to be real consistent, real considerate and real committed.