Jack London - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.

Jack London [x]

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5 months ago

"O kızın sert bakan gözlerini gördünüz. Kendi başının çaresine bakmış bir kızın gözleri yumuşak olmaz."

Jack London

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5 years ago


Walt Disney Pictures’ action/adventure sequel to their 1991 hit White Fang (Randall Kleiser).

White Fang told the story of Jack Conroy (Ethan Hawke) and his adventures during the Klondike Gold Rush with the wolfdog of the title. White Fang 2 picks up with Jack now in San Fransisco having left White Fang in the care of his friend Henry Casey (Scott Bairstow). Nearly drowning in a boating accident, Henry is rescued by Lily Joseph (Charmaine Craig) of the native Haida village. Lily Joseph believes Henry to be the human form of a mythical white wolf sent to help her starving tribe. Henry decides to help the Haida locate the caribou while also dealing with a corrupt mining organisation who are exploiting the Haida.

Published in 1906 Jack London's White Fang was a partly autobiographical novel inspired by his experiences in the Klondike. A sequel to a film based on an iconic literary work is unusual. It also seems a little unnecessary, especially one that largely deals with a different set of characters.

His uncredited appearance, limited to the prologue, suggests that Ethan Hawke declined a larger role in the film. As his replacement Scott Bairstow is a somewhat bland leading man and looks like he would be more comfortable in a 90s boy band than in the Klondike. In fairness, the role demands little of him, other than looking pretty while carrying out some mild heroics. Meatier roles are given to Alfred Molina and Geoffrey Lewis as the bad guys, but in general the movie suffers from too much focus on the humans and not enough of the magnificent White Fang; the beautiful half dog/half wolf reduced to supporting player in his own movie.

White Fang 2 is not without entertainment value. Its old fashioned adventure story is pleasant but unspectacular. Those young enough to forgive its simplistic storytelling will enjoy it but older audiences will be wishing this canine caper had a little more bite. Worth a look, especially if you enjoyed the original but, ultimately a bit of a disappointment.

Visit my blog jinglebonesmovietime.blogspot.com for a longer, more in-depth review of White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf!

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1 year ago

"-O kızın sert bakan gözlerini gördünüz.

+Kendi başının çaresine bakmış bir kızın gözleri yumuşak bakmaz."

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-O kızın sert bakan gözlerini gördünüz.

‘’-Kendi başının çaresine bakmış bir kızın gözleri yumuşak olamaz.’’

                                                                                       -Jack London

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3 years ago

🖇️ -Hayatta her şey kötüye gidebilir, aşk hariç. Yeter ki bitkin düşen, bocalayıp tökezleyen zayıf iradeli biri olmasın, aşk hiçbir zaman yolunu şaşırmaz.

 -Hayatta Her Ey Ktye Gidebilir, Ak Hari. Yeter Ki Bitkin Den, Bocalayp Tkezleyen Zayf Iradeli Biri Olmasn,
 -Hayatta Her Ey Ktye Gidebilir, Ak Hari. Yeter Ki Bitkin Den, Bocalayp Tkezleyen Zayf Iradeli Biri Olmasn,

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4 years ago

If reading’s for you may I suggest something?

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6 months ago

If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading

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1 year ago
Classics Illustrated #80. "White Fang" By Jack London.

Classics Illustrated #80. "White Fang" by Jack London.

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