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Batman Vs. Robin #1 - Reunion (2022)
Batman Vs. Robin #1 - Reunion (2022)

Batman Vs. Robin #1 - “Reunion” (2022)

written by Mark Waid art by Mahmud Asrar & Jordie Bellaire

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Jakeem: Wait, hold on, let me get this straight.

*points to Roy* I already knew he’s kinda like your dad

*points to Neal* and Dr. Pole-watzit’s your uncle

*points to the Als* and you found out those two are your bio- dad and godbrother… exactly how many heroes and villains are you related to, man?!

Grant: Well, you probably won’t believe this,

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Batman Vs. Robin #1 - Reunion (2022)
Batman Vs. Robin #1 - Reunion (2022)

Batman Vs. Robin #1 - “Reunion” (2022)

written by Mark Waid art by Mahmud Asrar & Jordie Bellaire

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Please please please someone give me Obsidian singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Stargirl TV universe throwaway cartoon gag anything it would be so funny

Got Me Up Thinking About The Bohemian Rhapsody Jsa #2 Cover

got me up thinking about the bohemian rhapsody jsa #2 cover

(variant cover art for jsa #2 is by leandro fernández)

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