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9 months ago

We're strangers these days (but that has to be enough)

damn your love, damn your lies - series masterlist here

We're Strangers These Days (but That Has To Be Enough)

pairing: roy harper x reader (gender neutral)

length: 1.3k

genre: angst (happy ending to come <3)

warnings: ex bf roy harper but I promise they're gonna get back together (eventual happy ending), reader is kinda stressed and unwell, reader also wears glasses, hopeful ending here

a/n: is this any good bc you know sometimes I can't tell

We're Strangers These Days (but That Has To Be Enough)

You ignore the first knock on your apartment door. You know who it is. You know because it's always him, and because the sound of his fist against the wood of your door is something you've heard so many times. You don't bother turning the volume on your TV down - he knows you're here and he knows you're ignoring him. Whatever.

But he knocks again, a heavier, more insistent sound. This time you pull yourself up, walking listlessly towards your door to pull it open.

"You ignoring me now, sunshine?" Roy drawls, leaning against your doorframe.

"What do you want this time, Roy?" You sigh. Usually, by this point, he'd flash that stupidly smug grin of his and let himself into your home. This time, however, is different. This time, he looks you up and down briefly, frowning a bit as he takes in your state - messy hair, undereye bags, and oversized clothes. He shrugs.

"I think I left something of mine here. Lemme come in and take a look?" He walks in while he says it, not waiting for an answer.

"We've been broken up for months, Roy. Eventually, you're going to run out of fake belongings to come over here and sniff around for," you say as you cross your arms. Roy just grins in that annoying way of his.

"You mind if I check the bedroom?" he throws over his shoulder as he heads down the hall. You hear your bedroom door open and you rub a hand against your forehead, trying to ward off your oncoming headache as you slouch down onto your couch. You know he'll be back out as soon as he's had enough of pretending to search for something that doesn't exist. 

Your nails tap against the arm of the couch as you wait, time stretching on as you strain to hear any sort of sound from him. He's in your bedroom, shuffling things around and opening and closing drawers. The door of your closet slides open and your heart clenches - what you're hearing now is no different than what you heard when he lived here with you, when this was home for the two of you. You dig the heels of your palms into your closed eyes and try to rid the word from your mind. Home.

"What the hell happened in there?" is what Roy finally says when he leaves your room, sitting down next to you, close enough that his thigh brushes against yours. You straighten and stand at the contact, huffing and moving to stand in front of him. 

"What are you talking about?"

"It's… a mess in your bedroom. I've never seen it any way other than spotless." Roy points out. You scowl at him.

"You've lost your right to comment on my living situation," you say icily. "And you've overstayed your welcome - again." Roy settles further into the cushions, arms crossing to mimic yours as he looks you up and down. You glare back - you'd never been the one to break during fights with him, and that isn't something you're planning on changing now.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," he says finally, his voice dropping to a gentle murmur. You reel back and touch the frames on your face.

"I wear contacts," you point out.

"Not right now."

"Why does it matter?" You pull the glasses off and move to toss them onto the coffee table. He catches them, though, and you curse his vigilante reflexes as he turns them over in his hands.

"I've never seen you like this," he muses. You shift on your feet.

"Like what?"

"Not… put together. Not all dolled up." Your glare turns lethal at Roy's words and he blinks up at you.

"Thank you," you reply sarcastically. Roy rolls his eyes, your bite something he's intimately familiar with. He stares at you, then, sizing you up in a way that makes you straighter subconsciously, a hand running through your hair.

"We lived together, you know," he says lowly.

"Yes, I'm aware."

"I never saw you like this," he points out. You step away from him, moving to sit in the armchair tucked in the opposite corner of your living room.

"No one sees me like this," you remind him. Roy huffs and stares down at the glasses still in his hand.

"I know," he says bitterly. "That was the problem, wasn't it? You never let me really see you."

"You saw more than anyone else," you defend, but even now, your posture straightens and you smooth down your shirt. Roy glares at the movement.

"It was never enough," he says eventually.

"I was never enough," you correct him.

"No," he shoots back. "You were - you were everything to me. But you didn't… you couldn't let me be anything to you." His hand tightens around your glasses and he puts them on the coffee table quickly, rubbing his palm up and down the denim covering his thigh as he thinks of all the other things he almost broke between the two of you.

"You were… more to me than I ever could've told you," you say slowly, your voice quiet as you keep your eyes trained on the floor. Roy sighs, rubbing a hand against his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he offers, an olive branch extended. "I shouldn't have dragged this back up. I just… what's going on with you, sunshine?"

"Nothing," is your quick response. He arches a brow.

"You don't look well," Roy points out, wincing internally as your glare snaps back to him.

"That's none of your business anymore, Roy. You lost the right to care about me when you left me."

"Come on, don't be like that…" he pleads as you stand, heading to your front door. He trails after you, just like he always has - just like he always will. "Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean you're not important to me still."

"Goodbye, Roy," you say pointedly, standing next to your door with your arms crossed. He plants himself opposite you, matching your glare.

"What is wrong with you?" He huffs. "Why won't you let me in? Why won't you let me help you?"

"I don't need -"

"But I can -"

"Please don't, Roy," you soften in a way that throws him off balance, your shoulders slumping as your hands bunch the fabric of your shirt. "I don't want to fight with you… I don't like it."

"Neither do I, sunshine," he says softly, uncrossing his arms and relaxing his posture. "But I'm worried about you." You smile at him, but it's a small, sad thing that makes his heart break a little bit more.

"I'm ok, Roy," you say quietly. He sighs and steps towards you. You let him, to his surprise.

"I know you are. I know you can handle this all on your own, but… you don't have to. I'm here, still - always." You don't respond to him, your eyes big and glassy as you look up at him. When he leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead you let him, your hands reaching to brush against his shirt, almost like you want to hold onto him.

"Time to go now, Roy," is what you say instead, but your voice is missing its usual bite. Roy steps away, opening your door and looking back at you one last time before he leaves.

"Oh…" he says. "I didn't get what I was here for. That, uh… thing that I'm missing. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find it next time I come around." The grin he flashes you makes you huff as he closes the door behind him. 

Rubbing a hand over the back of your neck, you walk back to your living room to slump into the couch where he had just been, your glasses sitting abandoned on the coffee table. As you pick them up, you eye the messy fingerprints he's left on the lenses. Somehow, you find they don't bother you, and you toss the glasses back onto the table without cleaning them. Oh well - you can harp on him about it next time he comes around.

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3 years ago
Oh My God ... I Found The By Far Best Number Plate In The World ... And That Is Only Topped By The Fact

Oh my god ... I found the by far best number plate in the World ... and that is only topped by the fact that it’s from the Czech Republic ... 

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3 years ago

This hurts on so many levels, so many...

Since I’ve become known on here for making lists here’s a list of comic panels that make me so horrifically and inconsolably upset that I wanna rip my own face off

(fair warning a lot of these involve child death because this is dc we’re talking about)

1. Dick comes back from a mission in space and finds out that Jason died

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

The New Titans #55

2. Bruce promises a dying Steph that he will ensure the baby she gave up “will never want for anything”

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Batman: War Games (2005) Act 3 #8

3. This specific artist’s version of Bruce holding Jason’s body

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

(I can’t find the source no matter how hard I look I’m so sorry)

4. Bruce hugs Damian’s torn Robin uniform to his chest shortly after Damian died

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Batman and Robin (2011) #18

5. Roy wonders if Lian’s last words were “daddy help”

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal #1

6. Also, Roy saying “love you, Lian” when he thinks he’s about to die

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

The Flash 2021 Annual vol 1 #1

7. Donna snaps her zombified baby’s neck

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Blackest Night: Titans

8. Barbara gets frustrated with Cass’s inability to read and calls her stupid

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Batgirl (2000) #54

9. Bruce beats the Joker while yelling Jason’s name

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Batman: Knightfall vol 1

10. Alfred promises 8 year old Bruce that he’ll teach him how to use a rapier “like Zorro” if he agrees to go to his parents’ funeral

Since Ive Become Known On Here For Making Lists Heres A List Of Comic Panels That Make Me So Horrifically

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7

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6 years ago
 , . .

Много лет обдумывала свою версию Красного колпака и отбросов, теперь я готова показать её. Вот первые концепты Роя.

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2 years ago

Jason is me

Jason, winding down from a half hour rant: So, yeah, I have strong opinions about chocolate pudding.

Roy, tired: I know you have strong opinions about chocolate pudding Jaybird, you have strong opinions about everything. I just asked if you wanted some.

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2 years ago

Jason is still me

Jason: I can’t go, I’ve used up all of my energy for today

Roy: We literally just woke up???

Roy: All you did was say good morning

Jason: Unbelievable! That’s the thanks I get for participating in human interaction

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11 months ago

football team rankings (my faves)

ok so I’ve seen a couple people do this and it seemed fun so I wanted to try.

Here goes:


Melbourne Victory 


Bayern Munich




Real Madrid




Inter Miami

no hate pls


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5 months ago


1152sstuff - Ultimate Bayern Fan
1152sstuff - Ultimate Bayern Fan
1152sstuff - Ultimate Bayern Fan
1152sstuff - Ultimate Bayern Fan

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Do you have a reading list recommendation for comics with Roy Harper? Also I love your blog ❤️

Yes! The short version is that you should pick up anything written by Devin Grayson or Judd Winick, who are the best and second best Roy writers out there IMO. The longer version is this:

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #85-86, a.k.a. “Snowbirds Don’t Fly” and “They Say It’ll Kill Me...But They Won’t Say When” by Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams: This is the original Roy addiction storyline from the 70s. It’s definitely dated but once your brain adjusts to Bronze Age art and storytelling it’s absolutely brilliant and gorgeous and heartbreaking. It’s also a groundbreaking moment in comics history for its unvarnished and sympathetic portrayal of drug addicts. And of course it’s probably the most important thing that ever happened to the character and hugely pivotal for his relationships with Ollie, Hal, and Dinah.

The New Teen Titans (1984) #20-21 by Marv Wolfman and George Perez: Roy discovers he’s a father and meets Lian.

Batman Plus Arsenal by Devin Grayson and Rodolfo Damaggio: A one shot but there’s so much good character stuff in here oh my god.

Arsenal #1-4 by Devin Grayson and Rick Mays: There’s a plot about Vandal Savage trying to harvest Roy and Lian’s organs but mostly this is a deep character study and exploration of Roy’s relationships with Ollie, Dinah, and Connor, and UGH it’s so freaking good.

The Titans (1999) #1-25 by Devin Grayson and Mark Buckingham: If you like team books with lots of complicated feelings, you need to read this. I pretty much draw all my headcanon about Roy’s relationships with Donna and Cheshire and his own self-destructive romantic tendencies from this series. It ran for 50 issues, but the first 25 by Grayson are the good ones - there’s more Roy stuff in the back half of the series but it’s a different writer and simply not as good.

Green Arrow (2001) #16-21, a.k.a. “The Archer’s Quest” by Brad Meltzer and Phil Hester: Full disclosure: I don’t actually like this story, but it’s a pretty major Ollie ‘n’ Roy teamup adventure and most people like it more than I do. The art’s good! Roy pets some puppies! *shrug*

Outsiders (2003) #1-33 by Judd Winick and Tom Raney: Do you want Roy as a super badass emotionally intuitive leader and A+ dad who is EXTREMELY homoerotic with Dick but also very much enjoys being topped by dangerous ladies? Well, this is the book for you!

Green Arrow (2001) #32 by Judd Winick and Manuel Garcia: Roy and Connor go out for a night on the town and discover that they do actually have things in common despite being very different people. It’s a crime that we don’t have more Roy and Connor team ups but this one is A+.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) and Red Hood/Arsenal by Scott Lobdell and various artists: ...Sigh. Look. These are bad comics. They are actively terrible. BUT they are the source of the Jason/Roy relationship and like so many bad comics, they steer so hard into macho nonsense that they just wind up being homoerotic. Also you should pick up Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25 and Annual #2 if you want to cry about how much Jason and Roy love each other and how Roy’s dead now. SIGH AGAIN.

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9 months ago

And that's not even acknowledging the actual, very real, murder suicide attempt of UTRH. (Or whatever the hell was going on at the end of his btfc era, because I generally refuse to acknowledge btfc!Jason). He needed to be put on suicide watch like yesterday, but then again we've seen what happens when DC heroes try to get support for their mental health...

glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands
glitter-stained - Ink stained hands

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9 months ago

Let's build Jason a bookshelf !

Pride and Prejudice - homeboy is an Austen fan canonically, we need at least this one.

Hamlet -do I need to say more? Do I?

Water for the elephants: He won't admit it, but the book reminds him of Dick, and he reads it any time he misses him. It's angsty enough to maintain a front while actually being a romance with a satisfying ending.

The Outsiders: It's not just that the story is relatable and really well written; it's the themes of loyalty, grief and heroism, and the imagery and hopefulness shining through, and it's the way Johnny reminds him of Roy and sometimes, after Roy's death, he will close his eyes and picture the two of them together in an abandoned church, in that quiet space safe from the war raging outside, reading Gone With the Wind while Roy provides uncharitable commentary about the characters' decisions.

Under The Whispering Door (TJ Klune): This one was gifted to him by Tim because "the main character is an asshole ghost, I thought you might relate." Of course, these idiots could talk to eachother about emotions and go to therapy, but why do that when you can bait your brother into reading a story that will help him process a bit of his relationship with his own death and the family? The worst part is, it worked great, and Jason is so upset that it became one of his favourite books. (The part about the stages of grief is scientifically inaccurate, though. He would know.)

A compilation of TS Eliot's works: Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of TS Eliot and Jason, but every time I reread one of his poems, I think about Jason and I'm sad. The Hollow Men, in particular about the fallen soldiers from WWI, hits so hard as a Jason poem, especially when you consider he lived through the explosion but died of smoke inhalation.

Flowers for Algernon: After losing Bizarro, Jason rereads it often, sitting on rooftops, every time the sky is bright enough to see the stars. He reads it out loud, and the words burn his tongue and taste bitter every time every time, but he likes to pretend his friend is listening, and feels a little less alone.

The Oresteia: This one belongs to the list Jason has read many times and should probably read less, because he projects the tragedy onto his real life and it's a bad influence that comforts him in the idea that he was doomed from the start and might as well burn the remains of the bridges with his family. Good luck trying to pry it out of his hands though! He also loves the idea of being seen at his worst, in the midst of all his hopelessness, and being loved anyway, cradled with unwavering devotion.

Frankenstein : He's a huge Mary Shelley fan, both as a person and a writer. As for Hamlet and the Oresteia, he definitely projects maybe a little too much of some of the characters, but hey, not everybody can brag that they relate to the Creature on such a visceral level.

What else would you guys add?

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1 year ago

where can i watch the arsenal games here in australia?

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3 years ago

Jason, talking to Roy unaware that Y/n’s in the apartment as well: Hello fellow idiot

Y/n: Hey Jay

Jason: No, no, not you, you’re not an idiot

Y/n: You underestimate me


Jason: Okay I get it. You’ve had a hard time lately, you’re stressed, seven people died-

Y/n: Twelve actually

Jason: Not the point. Look they’re dead now and really whose fault was that?

Y/n: Ours!

Jason: That’s right: no one’s


Roy: Truth or dare

Y/n: Dare

Roy: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room

Y/n: Hey Jay

Jason blushing furiously: Yeah?

Y/n: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Kori

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5 years ago
Some Soft Boys Chilling Eating Hamburgers
Some Soft Boys Chilling Eating Hamburgers

Some soft boys chilling eating hamburgers ✨

I like to pretend HiC is not cannon and that they are still a duo. Thanks.


Update: I’m surprised at how many ppl continue to rebblog this… It warms my heart❤️ thank you!!

I learned how to use the liquify tool so I fixed some mistakes. Thought I might share it whomever wants a better version of the fanart.

Some Soft Boys Chilling Eating Hamburgers

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5 years ago

I learned how to use the liquify tool so I fixed some mistakes. Thought I might share it whomever wants a better version of the fanart.

I Learned How To Use The Liquify Tool So I Fixed Some Mistakes. Thought I Might Share It Whomever Wants
Some Soft Boys Chilling Eating Hamburgers
Some Soft Boys Chilling Eating Hamburgers

Some soft boys chilling eating hamburgers ✨

I like to pretend HiC is not cannon and that they are still a duo. Thanks.

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6 months ago

Please dont scroll this post i need your help to save my life

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨My campaign is going slow please don't leave me I need help to achieve my goal day by day I feel like it is difficult to achieve my goal🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Donate to Help Ebrahim yosef hamad, organized by Ebrahim yosef hamad
My name is Ibrahim Youssef Hamad. I once had a home, but it was completely destroyed. … Ebrahim yosef hamad needs your support for Help E

My name is Ibrahim Hamad, and I live with my wife and our four children in Gaza. We have endured tremendous suffering due to the bloody war imposed on us, losing dear family and friends members. We have been displaced multiple times searching and seeking safety and secure , now we find ourselves living in a tent on the street without healthy food or water after our house was completely destroyed by bombing , in addition I have lost my small business after the warplane destroyed the store .

We appeal to you for support during this difficult time. We are in desperate need of your help to rebuild our home and restart a small source of income to support my family . I believe that generosity knows no bounds, and compassionate hearts can make a significant difference.

Your donation will be a beacon of hope, lighting our way through these dark times. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in our lives.

Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life
Please Dont Scroll This Post I Need Your Help To Save My Life

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@aces-and-anime @interfacefox @cosmic-collective-system @finnslay @muchmossymess @rez-urrection @walking-polyp @bibyebae @autisticexpression2 @bisexualchemistry @violetclowns @ @feefal @mobydyke @ @sleepyseaslug @ @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @morallyrainyday @taviamoth @olovelymoon-slow-answers @jannahswaiting @el-shab-hussein @longlivepalestina @beesofink @curi0uscreature @orchidvioletindigo @sunclownsblog @selamat-linting @girlinafairytale @ragingbullmode @theneutral-zone @thevalaxy @fairuzfan @opencommunion @gorillawithautism @seafoamwoman @emathyst9 @three-croissants @iznabl @nabulsi @sar-soor @appsa @akajustmerry

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6 months ago

@heritageposts 🚨🚨Urgent call🚨🚨 My heart hurts 😭 💔 Can you save my life 🙏 🙏 Repost my pin post🙏🙏 Donate if you can 🙏😭 My campaign was verified by 90ghost and northgazaupdate Butterfly Effect Project line #475

Donate to Help Ebrahim yosef hamad, organized by Ebrahim yosef hamad
My name is Ibrahim Youssef Hamad. I once had a home, but it was completely destroyed. … Ebrahim yosef hamad needs your support for Help E

@nikoco11 @humanvictim @7amadalr @kaapstadgirly @palestinegenocide @palestaine @bibyebae @manrota66 @annoyinggiantfestivaluniver-blog @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @flowerishness @thetitancurse @vivisectionv @helppsds @communistchameleon @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl @awetistic-things-main @gentl3m4n @awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @northgazaupdates2 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @nabulsi27 @nabulsisoap @kyra45 @kyra45-but-animals @commissions4aid-international @occupationsurfer @ibtisams @sayruq @evelyn @evelyn-art-05 @sar-soor @90-ghost @90-sclrtan @lady-raziel @helppeople98-blog @helppeople

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