James Barnes X Y/n - Tumblr Posts
Pairing: Boyfriend! Bucky x Female! Reader
Word Count: 690
Summary: bucky wants to try something new in the bedroom, wanting to film you so he can watch it during his long missions away from you. lights camera, action…
Warnings: fingering, overstim, smut implied, petnames, swearing, bucky licks ur cum off his fingers 0_0, daddy kink, subspace, pornography, praise kink

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Play Along (Smut)
Warnings: unprotected smut, little it’s bit of exhibitionist kink if you squint (Wrap before you tap), i think that's it (let me know if there's more)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are assigned together on an under cover mission and things aren't what you thought they'd be
A/N: This was my first time writing smut so be gentle with me. Reader does use female pronouns
Main Master-List

Jogging down the corridor of the building, Y/N glanced down at her watch. Late, of course. One of the top four most skilled Shield Agents, in espionage and yet punctuality is not her forte, at least for debriefings that is.
Picking up her pace to a sprint she glanced at the numbers written along the meeting rooms before stopping at room 407, straightening herself out before opening the door. As the door opened she was met by the glaring eye of Nick Fury, who stood at the head of the long table before glancing around the room, noticing Natasha, Clint, and Bucky all seated at various points around the meeting table.
“Well look who decided to grace us with her presents” he started. “What happened, get caught up talking to the level 1 agents again?” He followed her as she took a seat next to Bucky. Giving him a light nudge and smile, to which she was met with the same smile and light nudge back.
“Ya know I was gonna lie and say that but honestly Nick, my alarm didn’t go off so my 20 minute desk nap became a 25 minute desk nap. To which I apologize” she hummed, grabbing a case file from the center of the table.
From quickly glancing at the file Y/N let out a whistle “Damn I pity the poor soul who’s doing the deep cov-” she stopped looking around the room, noticing everyone was staring at her with an amused smile on their face. “You’re fucking kidding me?!” she shrieked “You’re sending me in deep cover to Strasbourg?!” she moved to lean against the table.
“You and me both L/N” Bucky matched her enthusiasm.
“Why are you sending us?! No offense Barnes, but do you remember what happened the last time we did deep cover together.” Bucky smirked at her response, remembering. “Yeah Y/N we remember, Laura and I are still trying to buff out the dent in the gun you borrowed, besides are you afraid you’ll have to play real Wife to your Work Husband?” Clint smirked watching as Y/N pointed across the table at him, pointing her finger accusingly.
A blush spread across her and Bucky’s faces as she pointed back to Clint “We are no different than you and Natasha, besides that was not my fault” she moved to point to Bucky before poking him in his shoulder “I told Bucky not to grab the bathtub when he chu-”
He pointed back at her, “Me?! You told me to gra-”
“REGARDLESS of the damages done to any weaponry or safe houses, Barton and Romanoff are too well known in Strasbourg. Hence why you and Barnes are the only other two agents qualified for the job.” Fury tapped the table causing a projection to appear in the center of the table.
“L/N, meet Emilia Carver otherwise known as “The Eye”...she sees everything and is one of the most elusive ghosts in Europe.” The projection showed a lady of similarity to Y/N, of course there were a few things off about the two but for the most part they could have been related. Clicking the next slide it showed the same girl lying on the ground in some room.
“Last week Barnes and Barton found her dead in bunker just off the coast of Naples, you will go in her place with the Winter Soldier to secure a package.” he clicked the slide showing a man “This is Nathan Lark, we have reason to believe that he holds sensitive information about the inner working of our black-ops team and their current locations and targets, secure the package and then the missions over”
“That's all great Fury, but how long? Because I made plans to go to Disney with the family” Clint glanced up from the file.
“For you and Romanoff, a few weeks. You’ll just be on stand by working comms and technicalities. For L/N and Barnes, a month at the least.”
Dragging her eyes from the screen over to Bucky they locked eyes for a moment before Y/N spoke “Won’t it look odd, The Eye and the Winter Soldier together?”
“No” Bucky spoke before Fury could “I’ll fill you in on specifics on the way to Strasbourg, but for now…” he swallowed “the two had a shared history…” he looked back down to the file.
A laugh left Clint “Sure if that's what you wanna call it Bucky” looking over to Clint, Y/N furrowed her brows before looking over to Bucky who just shook his head.
“I’ll tell you later”
Y/N just nodded looking over the file once more before letting out a sigh before closing the file.
“When do we leave?”
Looking out the window, Y/N tapped her foot against the floor of the train as she readjusted the sunglasses that had slid down her nose. Her focus shifted from the window to Bucky who had taken up the seat beside her.
The two sat in silence before Y/N spoke first, “So what did you mean, by The Eye and The Winter Soldier have history?” she watched as Bucky avoided her gaze.
A laugh came from the intercom before a groan filled Y/N and Bucky’s ears “What fun conversations always start when you ask an assassin how they know another assassin”
Pulling his own intercom from his ear, Bucky let out a sigh. “Hydra used to loan The Winter Soldier out to do freelance work… a way to keep a steady floor of money without using the governments” he leaned over pulling Y/N’s intercom out from her ear as well. “I met Emilia on a loan out both of us were doing. She was going to work from the inside and I was gonna work from the outside making sure she was clear…. Hydra thought we worked so well together that they kept loaning me to her on missions.”
He groaned before fully turning to face Y/N, “Listen… we are both professional agents so I’m just gonna be straight with you L/N. Emilia and The Winter Soldier used to be an item among the Assassin and Ghost community. So when this train lands in Strasbourg we have to be all in 100% to this… we were very….” he struggled with the words to describe the strange relationship.
“Physically forward” Y/N guessed
“For lack of a better word, yes”
“Is that how Clint knows?” she cocked her eyebrow
He nodded before placing his intercom back in his ear. “Something like that”
Following Bucky’s actions. “Did you two have a nice conversation?” Clint’s voice hummed.
“So what was she like?” Y/N moved her head to look back out the window.
“Forward” Bucky immediately shot back
“Is that gonna be our word of the day?” Y/N smirked before letting her thoughts trail for a moment, “If you two were so widely known, are we sure that I’ll pass as Emilia?”
“We’ve got you covered Y/N” Natasha's voice followed in her ear along with the clicking of a keyboard “We wiped all previously known images of Emilia from all possible databases, they’ll have to go with it.”
“Thanks Nat.” “Just doing my job…” Y/N could feel Natasha’s smirk “ we’ll touch base with the two of you in a few days about what to do next. For now, get to the hotel and establish yourselves.” With those last words Natasha and Clint clicked off the intercoms leaving Buck and Y/N by themselves as the train approached its destination. Standing from his spot, Bucky grabbed down both of their bags from the overhead holder before handing one off to Y/N.
“Oof.” she groaned “What did you pack?” she readjusted her grip to hold the bag with one hand,
“The basics” he pulled out a pair of sunglasses for himself before he slipped them on before he took Y/N’s free hand in his leading them off of the train and onto the platform.
Looking around at the platform Y/N took in her surroundings before leaning over to Bucky, “You’ve got fans.” she hummed motioning over to a pack of men seated at the small cafe, they kept looking between her and Bucky, then other to the exit of the platform.
Unlacing his hand from hers, he slung his arm over her shoulder before leaning down to whisper in her ear. “The true welcome for wanted assassins” Y/N smiled chuckling.
“If we leave, are they gonna follow us?” She bent her knees slightly to set the bag she held on the ground before she turned her body into his, wrapping her arms around his neck still smiling.
“More than likely.” He glanced around pulling her closer to his form.
“I suppose we have to play along with everything now don’t we?” she leaned up to his ear. “Let the games begin” she unwrapped herself from his form going back to pick up her bag “So what are the chances we get to the hotel without a fight” she laced her free hand back into his.
“About a fifty-fifty chance.” Bucky pulled her towards the exit watching as the group of men stood up from their spot, walking towards them. “Make that thirty-seventy” he glanced over his shoulder,
“How about twenty-eighty” Y/N gripped his hand a bit tighter motioning to the two men who walked directly in front of them.
Gripping her hand back, neither of them said a word as the group of men that surrounded them, brought them to an SUV.
“Is this really necessary?” Bucky huffed as they stopped in front of the vehicle.
“Just get in the car” one man said, taking the bags from Bucky and Y/N’s hands, before Bucky could comment back, Y/N opened the door to the car.
“Oh come on Soldier. What's a little fun?” she chuckled getting into the SUV, with his eyes still trained on the man Bucky climbed into the car.
The two sat in silence snuggled close to one another as Y/N glanced over her shoulder. “You know Barnes, I don’t think I’ve seen you be this touchy with anyone. Even at office parties” she mumbled
“Like I said, very forward…” he hummed. “So did you get a chance to look at how many cars there are?”
“one car in front, two behind,” she tucked herself further into Bucky’s side. “Who did you piss off the last time you were here?”
“That's… a very long list, at least we’re heading to the right hotel” he looked down at Y/N’s hand as he took it in his hand. “Who do we have to thank for the escort?” he spoke to the driver and passenger, never taking his eyes off of Y/N’s hand.
He was only met with silence as the car pulled up to the hotel. Getting out of the car first, the men who had followed them formed almost like a pathway into the hotel, stepping out first Bucky held his hand out for Y/N to help her out.
“Go inside and go to the second conference room to the left” one of the men said.
“And if we don’t?” Bucky challenged
“Go inside” He repeated before Bucky pulled Y/N into his side as they walked into the hotel following the instructions of the goons.
As they approached the conference room Y/N stopped Bucky’s hand before he could open the door.
“What if we’re being made?” Y/N’s eyes widened as she whispered her grip on Bucky’s arm tightening
“We haven’t” he placed a hand over hers
“But what if we’re about to be and whoever this is knows what the real Emilia is like” she bit the inside of her cheek.
“Y/N we’ll be fine” he gave her a soft smile, he placed a hand on her shoulder “You ready?” Y/N nodded to him, as he opened the door.
Creeping into the room, they were met with a chuckle.
“Emilia Carver, I haven’t seen you since you were just a girl.” the voice called.
Eyes flying to the front of the room, they landed on a woman, older, graying dark hair, and cold eyes.
“Dorthy” Y/N breathed out, Bucky’s eyes flickered between Y/N and the woman.
“You know Dorthy Underwood?” Bucky looked between the two.
“Now, now you’re not the only person I’ve been in contact with.” Dottie stood from her spot. “Like I said I haven’t seen her since I was a girl.” walking over to Y/N she pulled her into a hug “I hear my Goddaughter is in town and you think I’m not gonna pay you a visit” she squeezed her shoulders “Now let me take a look at you” pulled away she examined Y/N.
“My Emilia I haven’t seen you since you were ten and now look at you” she took a strand of Y/N’s hair and twirled it around her finger “Such a sophisticated looking young lady, I hope you’ve been treating her well Soldier” Dottie glanced over to Bucky “Because if I hear that you’ve been mistreating my goddaughter, I would be very very unhappy” Bucky stiffened his stance
“He’s treating me just fine” Y/N smiled, eyeing Bucky “I assume you sent the escort, you scared the crap out of us”
“Oh my dear didn’t mean too, now go relax” she turned her attention back to Y/N “I hope the two of you don’t mind I upgraded your room” she smiled. Letting Y/N walk back over to Bucky “The two of you are here on business?” “Yes.” Bucky took Y/N’s hand back in his hand, squeezing it tightly “You as well?” He watched as Dottie nodded “My Emilia would you give me and the Soldier a moment please?”
Stepping out into the hallway Y/N made a mental note to tell Clint and Natasha of Dottie’s presents the next time they spoke.
Watching as Y/N left, Bucky turned his attention back to Dottie who walked over to him. “I mean what I said, just because I haven’t seen her since she was a girl doesn’t mean I don’t still care for Emilia, as I said she is my goddaughter after all” she took the time to look over Bucky’s attire, the classic half leather jacket/vest he donned, she reached up to fix the collar of his jacket. “I know of your relationship with my Goddaughter, how you two have your public relations and your interests together, all I ask… not while I’m in the hotel” she pulled on his collar. “I know that I can’t stop the two of you from whatever it is you want to do” she let go of his jacket walking back over to the other side of the table “but I am always aware…” she motioned to the door that he could go.
As he opened the door to join Y/N in the hallway Dottie called out to him “I hope the two of you will join me for dinner at some point” before he closed the door and led Y/N over to the elevators.
One of the men from before closed on the elevator for them before he spoke “Floor 14” before the door opened and Bucky and Y/N stepped in.
As soon as the doors closed and the two were alone Bucky signaled for Y/N to be quite before he pulled a small device out from his pocket and scanned around the elevator before he stopped it.
“How the fuck do you know Dorthy Underwood?” He turned to Y/N.
“I’ve read the Shield files on her. Did you know that she was Emilia’s Godmother?” Bucky shook his head “Do you think she’s gonna be an issue?” “I hope not, our records show she had no history with the target but we’ll have Nat and Clint double check…. When we get to the room we have to do a bug sweep” Bucky ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
“This is Emilia’s godmother. Do you really think she’d bug the room?”
“We’re not in the Shield room anymore, besides she's not the only one in the hotel who could be watching us.” Bucky moved to press the button to start the elevator back up.
After an hour-long sweep of the hotel room, they had found two bugs they couldn’t rid the room of. A microphone and camera placed all the way up on the chandelier of the room. It wasn’t easy pretending to look for bugs the camera noticed but somehow Bucky and Y/N did it.
Relaxing back onto the couch, her legs bend into it as she got cozy, Y/N smiled for the camera signaling over to Bucky, pulling him to her, her hands roamed his chest as she leaned into his ear
“We need to have Nat and Clint track back the bugs, maybe they could disable the mic and put the camera on a loop” she whispered, Bucky let out a chuckle as one of his hand moved to hold her waist and the other went to gently rub circles on with his thumb on her thigh that rested closest to him.
“What you don’t wanna play along anymore Y/N” he joked leaning into her neck,
“I mean unless you wanna play so far along you have to fake fuck me” Bucky’s movement against her thigh came to a halt “Bucky?” she whispered again “Please tell me tha-”
“Like I said Y/N” his voice became so low Y/N could barely hear it “Very public relations” he moved to look her in the eyes.
“Even if there were bugs in the room?!” she quietly shrieked, he just nodded. Y/N let out a small groan resting her forehead against Bucky’s “Its just faking it right?” Bucky nodded again before he spoke.
“We don’t have to Y/N” he started “He cou-”
“No, we gotta make sure this is believable right?” she cut him off
“Y/N…” he grumbled “You have to understand the stuff we would do…. It…” he paused “It could be a lot, and I don’t wanna hurt y-”
Taking his face in her hands, Y/N’s fingers danced along his jaw as she pulled him into a heated kiss shifting to straddle his lap. Pulling away from his reddened lips she leaned back to his ear “I’m an adult Buck, I’ll tell you if it becomes too much” Bucky nodded before recapturing her lips in his.
His hands continued to roam her body before hovering just above her ass as they continued their heated makeout. Y/N pulled her lips from his before moving to kiss down his neck “you know you can squeeze it if you want” she mumbled “If we’re faking this, we might as well give the camera a show”
Taking her word for it, his calloused hands squeezed Y/N’s ass, gripping onto it for dear life as she kissed her way down his neck leaving an array of hickeys in her wake.
Letting out a groan as he heard Y/N lips part from his skin, Bucky moved one hand to hold her by the small of her back and the other to wrap around her leg before he stood.
Letting out a squeak, Y/N kept her face buried in the crook of Bucky’s neck sucking a deep purple spot onto it.
Making his way over to the bed, Bucky paused just before his knees hit the edge before he turned around to sit back down, “Do you like this shirt?” he mumbled onto Y/N’s skin.
“What?” she hummed without paying attention.
“Do you like this shirt?” he watched as Y/N struggled to answer the question
“It- it's a shirt I don’t really know ho-” before she could finish his hands reached up to the top collar of her shirt before his grip tightened and ripped it down the back.
Letting out a gasp Y/N recoiled from Bucky’s neck gripping onto the fabric that now struggled to stay upon her shoulders. Taking a few moments to collect her thoughts before she looked at Bucky with a smile on her face struggling off the shirt, leaving her in her bra before she dove back to him, capturing his lips.
Had she known she’d be having fake sex with her hot co-worker she at least would have worn something other than her granny panties and her ratty travel bra.
Placing a hand on her back, Bucky flipped Y/N over so her back was rested on the bed before he started to strip away at his own clothes as Y/N discarded the rest of her’s. She turned to crawl upwards to the headboard, and so she could hide the blush that covered her face knowing that it would only intensify watching Bucky strip.
She was halfway to the head board before she felt the mattress dip and a cool hand on her waist, turning she was met with the casual smirk that rested upon Bucky’s lips. Which were now red and swollen from how hard the two had been kissing before.
Pulling her in for another kiss, Y/N shifted so her back once again rested on the bed before Bucky pulled away, grabbing a cover from the bed and pulling it over the two of them. He moved to her ear whispering softly. “I’m gonna pinch your waist, and that's when your gonna-”
She cut him off “Oh Mr. Winter Soldier sir, you’re so big” she laughed in a fake high pitched voice.
He laughed, dipping his head down to her neck. Her arms wrapped around his form, one going to hold his shoulder and the other to the base of his neck. Feeling the pressure on her waist, Y/N let out a small moan for the camera before burying her face into his neck. Bucky followed after letting out a groan as he started to shift to make it look like the bed was moving ever so slightly.
This motion continued for a few moments before Bucky let out a frustrated groan in Y/N’s ear.
“Buck are yo-”
“Don’t talk Y/N” he mumbled
“Bu-” she tried to continue
“Fuck it!” he hummed “I’m just gonna fuck you” his voice deepened
“What?!” she shifted
“Y/N, I like you… and this” he groaned again at the thought “Do you like me too because I really like you and I would be lying to myself if I said that I haven’t thought of beneath me like this but if you don’t like me and I have to continue to fake this then-”
“James.” she stopped him moving to hold his jaw “I trust you” she smiled widely.
“Great” before either of them could utter another word Bucky’s head dipped down to devour her lips as his hand moved to tear away at her bra and panties. Earning another gasp from Y/N, taking the opportunity at hand Bucky’s tongue explored Y/N’s mouth. A low moan came from the Bucky as he took in everything.
Her body.
Her scent.
Her taste.
One hand was brought up to cup her face as the cool metal of the other trailed down between her legs, lightly ghosting over her heat before they slowly circled her clit.
Letting out a breathless moan Y/N’s hands gripped at Bucky’s shoulder.
“Buck please…” she whined into their kiss “I need you” she pulled away to rest her head against his.
Letting out a chuckle he nodded, moving to sit up he slid his boxers down, allowing Y/N to throw the remains of her bra and panties from the bed. As soon as Bucky had thrown his boxers off he leaned back down, attacking Y/N’s neck, and teasing her heat. Letting her slick coat his dick before he whispered in his ear.
“Remember what I said earlier, if its too much-” She shook her head “I believe those were my words” she hummed placing a light peck upon his lips. “Show me what I’ve been missing soldier”
A smile graced his lips as he bent back down to support his weight on one arm before he guided himself into her entrance, slowly.
Groans and moans filled the air as they adjusted to the new feeling each was given. Y/N’s hands squeezed at Bucky’s shoulders as she tried to relax onto his size, and Bucky’s head hung low kissing along Y/N’s neck as he was overcome with the feeling of plush and warmth.
“Are you okay” he kissed the shell of her ear as she nodded “Are you sure”
“Y-yeah” she stuttered “You-....You’re just…. A lot” she hummed trying to form words, she could feel Bucky smile against her skin as one of her hands moved to tangle her fingers in the hair at the base of his neck. She would never tell this to Bucky’s face but she almost missed his long hair… the thought of gripping onto it as he made her feel euphoric.
“Y/N?” she was pulled out of her haze when Bucky whispered her name, lightly kissing along her jaw. “Are you still with me Sugar?”
A smile overtook her lips at the nickname before she spoke. “I’ve never been better” she pulled him back in for a kiss.
Growing bold, she moved her legs from framing his waist to wrapping around it and locking at the ankles before she pulled him even closer, allowing him to bottom out.
“Fuck!” ripped itself from Bucky’s throat as he pulled away from their kiss resting his forehead against hers. “Fuck, you….you” he chuckled slowly, almost painfully pulled his hips back from her before snapping them back into her.
Moans tore out from both of their mouths as he rocked back and forth into Y/N, her grip at his waist tightening with every thrust. His metal arm rested her hip bone lightly holding it down as the other went to tangle itself into the hair at Y/N scalp lightly tugging at it.
“If I had know… that fake fucking… Oh SHIT!” Y/N moaned as his vibranium hand moved from her hip to circle her clit.
“You were saying Sugar?” he smirked with a shit eating grin
“Fuck Bucky!” she moved to bury her head into the crook of his neck “Oh god Buck, don’t… god don’t stop please” she whined into his neck.
“I don’t intend to do” he kissed the side of his head, resting his head against hers.
Y/N’s feet moved to unlock her ankles before sliding down to his ass, feeling, guiding him as he fucked into her. As if she could pull him even closer if it were possible.
As Bucky’s actions continued his thrusts grew more erratic as he neared his end, moving his hand to pinch at Y/N’s clit a scream ripped from her throat.
“I wanna feel you Sugar” he hummed as Y/N let her orgasm wash over her, Bucky moaned feeling the way her body shuddered beneath him as her heat clenched around his dick before his end overtook him as he gave one more thrust into Y/N.
Pulling his face away from her, he moved his hand from her hair to cup her jaw, prying her away from his shoulder. He entangled their lips into a soft kiss, allowing both of them to slowly come down from their highs before he pulled out of her and collapsed at her side. His arms moved to wrap around her waist tugging her into his body he continued to kiss down her neck and shoulders as Y/N placed her hands on his shoulders to steady her racing head. She chuckled.
“What were you gonna say earlier Sugar?” he hummed as he kissed back up her shoulders and neck.
Moving to rest her head against his chest she snuggled into him before she whispered “Well I was going to say, if I had known that a mission like this would lead to fake fucking, lead to real fucking… I would have requested a mission like this from Fury a while ago”
He laughed, moving to adjust a few pillows under their heads.
“I hope whoever’s listening and watching had as much fun of a time as we did” Y/N laughed at his words before her eye’s closed, as she drifted off to sleep.
Smiling to himself Bucky traced a pattern along Y/N shoulder as she slept, chuckling before he too closed his eyes. His final thought before sleep overtook him was that this was going to be an interesting mission after all.
possessive (b.barnes)
pairing: soft!dark!bucky x fem!reader
fandom: marvel - masterlist here!!
summary: bucky doesn’t share, especially when it comes to you.
word count: 1100
warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, sub!reader (bordering on little but no regression), reader calls bucky daddy, bucky is a prick but also soft

You’ve never been in a more devoted relationship than the one you share with Bucky; sure, you know it’s intense and maybe a little wrong how possessive he is over you, but how could you ever care when he treats you so well? He gives you anything you could possibly want, showering you with affection at all hours of the day and spoiling you with gifts. Not to mention how pleasing he is to look at - six foot five of thick muscle carved by the gods themselves, yet still so caring and gentle. Really, could you have found a better man?
He’s so devoted, in fact, it doesn’t even occur to you when he’s cancelling plans on your behalf and distracting you every time you try to leave the house; not until your friends are complaining that they haven’t seen you in the longest time. He neglects his own friends, always saying that he doesn’t want to even look at anyone but you. You don’t realise the lengths he’ll go to to keep you trapped in his little bubble, locked away from the outside world. Keeping you where it’s just you and him. Forever.
So when you’re all dolled up and ready for a girls’ night with Natasha and Wanda, you know Bucky has an excuse on the tip of his tongue. Unfortunately for him, you’re riled up and already prepared for an argument.
“Bunny…” he calls as you saunter past the bedroom door in search of your favourite pair of heels.
“What, baby?” you answer, fluffing up your hair and making sure your pale lipstick and mascara are pristine. He pads into the bathroom behind you, surprisingly light on his feet for such a huge person, and snakes his arms around your waist, pressing his chest flush to your back. His chin rests in the dip of your shoulder and he kisses your neck, purposely pressing his growing hard-on into your back. The sight of you in the mirror - short black dress hugging every curve and ridge on your body just right, smokey eye makeup accentuating your features and hair styled and billowing around your face - is enough to drive him insane and want to take you over the sink right then and there.
“Bucky, no,” you scold, elbowing him and sliding out of his grip, “You got yourself all worked up on purpose so that I wouldn’t go. Take care of yourself.” Your voice is determined, a steel and grit behind it that he hasn’t heard from you before. He needs to up his game.
“Bun, please,” he moans, “Can’t do it by myself. I need you, angel. Please.”
His breathy whines catch you off guard; Bucky, your towering, terrifying boyfriend that brings grown men to tears, is begging you. He uses your surprise to his advantage, forcing his lips on yours and muffling your protests. By the time you wrench yourself away, your resolve is crumbling and Natasha and Wanda are almost forgotten.
“You can’t do this every time I want to do something fun,” you huff, pushing at his chest indignantly, “‘s not fair, I’m not gonna have any friends left.”
“You have me, don’t you? Or am I not enough for you anymore? You don’t want me anymore, hm?” He pouts, actually pouts, crossing his arms and turning his back to you.
“Bucky, you know that’s not what I meant,” you object, already stepping towards him.
“It’s fine baby, go out. See if I care,” he spits with as much venom as he can muster, the quivering of your bottom lip enough to make his chest ache. This is for your own good, he reminds himself.
“Wait, daddy-,” you whimper, reaching for him again. Your retreat into subspace means he’s already won and he knows that. He smirks to himself, hardening his expression before turning back to face you.
“What are you still doing gaping at me like an idiot, hm? Fuck off, brat.”
Tears well behind your waterline and you grab for him again, only for him to move out of your grasp.
“Stop it,” you murmur quietly, the tears silently spilling over and down your cheeks, “You’re being mean.”
“I am,” he assents, “Because you’re being an entitled brat and you hurt my feelings.” He advances on you slowly. “You think they love you like I do? Huh? No one will ever love you as much as I do!”
“‘m sorry, daddy,” you babble desperately, grabbing his black henley in your fist, “I don’t wanna go, wanna stay here with you.”
“Really?” He cocks an eyebrow skeptically as you cling to his towering frame, crying into his chest; he makes no move to reciprocate, knowing exactly which buttons to press to keep you needing him. To keep you attached and obedient. You’re his and his only and you should know that by now.
“Please, daddy. Don’t be mad. Don’t need anyone but you.” Your voice is muffled through his shirt and your makeup is already ruined, streaks of nude pink lipstick and black mascara smeared down your face. Bucky coos, lifting your chin and forcing you to look at him.
“There’s my good girl,” he praises, thumbing your cheek and spreading more makeup along it, “Where’s my good girl been? Thought I lost you, poppet.”
“I’m sorry,” you sob, guilt gnawing at your chest as he finally hugs you back, “Don’t leave me.” You hear yourself begging and at any other time you’d be mortified. But you’re so deep into your subspace that the only thing your fuzzy, dazed brain wants is daddy.
“Never, bunny. Daddy forgives you, okay? I’m just sad ‘s all.” His brows furrow, and he knows it's cruel to make you feel so awful for something that’s not your fault, but he can’t help but push you to the edge.
“Daddy, wanna make you feel better,” you sniffle, pawing at his chest, “Please, ‘m sorry for bein’ so bad. I feel so stupid.”
“Shh, none of that,” he croons, kissing your forehead; you relish in the feeling of him so close to you, his warmth and familiar scent making you dizzy. You wrap your arms around him; your head only reaches the bottom of his chest but still you press yourself further until you’re hanging off of him. He chuckles, hoisting you into his arms and bouncing you lightly, rasping a low “clever girl” into your ear.
“Love you, daddy. I’m sorry,” you cry.
“Love you too, poppet,” He soothes you with quiet words and touches until you’re pliant in his hold, gazing up at him with so much love and affection. You don’t even realise he’s manipulating you. And he has you right where he wants you.