Innocent!reader - Tumblr Posts
I’ll keep you safe.

Homelander X Innocent!Reader (female).
This was request by the lovely @queenieheartsbitches, they requested that I do Homelander x reader fic where the reader will be naïve and innocent. This Fic will have a dark tone to it so please read at your own risk. I am so sorry it took so long, but it is what it is. if you enjoy please leave a comment about what you liked and don’t be afraid to reblog and reach out for some requests of your own.
Words: 2.4K
Summary: Homelander has the need to protect the last piece of innocence left in his life, keeping her away from the darkness that is Vought. He grew up with her in the labs that made him who he is today, yet they had completely different upbringings. But she is his, no matter what.
Warnings: Dub/Con elements, language, menstrual cycle and blood, manipulation, mentions of violence, Homelander basically using the readers naivety against her.
[Masterlist] - Part Two
The first few years of (Y/N)’s life was spent in a glass box; fitted with a bed, table, and chair. If she wasn’t being tested on or testing her powers, they kept her in that box. Food was passed through a slot to the side of the door, she had a limited number of toys that were her only friends for a while. She named them Bricky and Blocky, they were two dolls that didn’t have faces. In fact, they didn’t have any defining features at all, but she was attached to the two toys like no mans business.
When she was eight, her best friend entered her life, she called them Doctor Brookes. The Doctor was a smoothed face woman in her late thirties, with high cheek bones and hooded-almond eyes, her thick black hair was always kept up in a neatly wrapped bun at the back of her head with a pen always sticking out of it at an angle. The moment (Y/N) met the Doctor she noticed how tall and slender the woman was, she found the doctor breathtakingly beautiful. But there was something dark behind the Doctor’s eyes that always made her take caution with the way she spoke and moved. But the Doctor was the greatest friend (Y/N) ever had. Next to John of course.
When (Y/N) was nine years and eleven days old she awoke to pain in her stomach and blood flowing from her thighs, she did the only thing she could think of and screamed. After the hysteria was over, Dr Brookes came to the glass box and sat her down on her lumpy bed and explained how her body was changing, but it was different.
“Your body is changing, you will turn into a woman, but you won’t be like every other woman out there (Y/N). Do you understand?” The red lipstick was captivating, (Y/N) watched her mouth move as the words poured out.
“All the test we have been doing are making you better and your body is finally healing. You will become powerful little warrior.”
‘Warrior, huh no ones ever called me that before,’ her mind was racing as she thought of the days and years to come.
“Will it hurt?” Her voice was timid as she clutch Bricky and Blocky to her chest, her little heart was starting to ache with how fast it was beating.
“Of course,’ the doctors hand was places delicately on (Y/N) warm cheek, ‘but you will power through it. Won’t you little one?” Brown eyes bored into (Y/N)’s and held her gaze with a look that left a chill to run down (Y/N)’s spine.
“Yes Doctor.” White teeth came into view as the Doctor’s red lips were pulled up into a smile. There was a twinkle in her almond-hooded eyes as she clapped her hands together before standing up from her crouched position in front of (Y/N).
The glass door opened suddenly, and Doctor Vogelbaum stepped through his white coat twisted at the back and ruffled. He cleared his throat and beckoned Doctor Brooke to come over, quite words were exchanged before they both glanced over to (Y/N).
“Is she ready?” The man stalked towards the little girl sat on the bed and crouched down to inspect her, Doctor Brooke said something to him but (Y/N)’s attention was on the coldness of his eyes. She winced when he harshly pinched her round cheek and squeezed.
“Good, she’ll be a wonderful weapon for Vought.” (Y/N) shook her head violently and protested, “Doctor Brooke said I’d be a warrior!” His mouth pulled into a snarl and his yellow teeth were barred together, the anger radiating from his face made (Y/N) pull Bricky and Blocky up to her face.
“You little girl,’ the dolls were ripped from (Y/N)’s grip,’ will be the weapon we made you to be, you can pretend you are a warrior, but you were made to be a weapon.” Doctor Vogelbaum turned and walked away ignoring the wailing from the little girl trapped in the glass box.

“Can we go to the carnival later, I heard they had deep-fried chocolate bars.” His ridiculous cape blocked (Y/N)’s view of the TV screen. She sat, with her legs propped up on the glass table watching the trailer for Vought’s newest hero addition. But her vision got cut off when John came storming into the meeting room muttering about how ungrateful everyone was. As far as (Y/N) was concerned John wasn’t talking about her because she was always grateful, Doctor Brooke had taught her to always be grateful for what she had. No matter the circumstances. So, when John came in, tense and disturbed (Y/N) brought it upon herself to make the best thing in her life happy. And the carnival always made her heart fly.
“John,” her feet swung off the table and carried her to the Supe. His frame was tense, telling her all she needed to know, reaching out (Y/N) placed her hand on John’s bicep and gently stroked. Her effect on the man was visible even a blind man could sense the soft spot the legendary Homelander had for this woman. The man in question deflated and mumbled a quite “fuck”.
(Y/N) tutted and lightly pinched the man, “watch your language J,” she trailed her hand downwards and swiftly turned the hunk of the man around until he was facing her, without question she wrapped her arms around his torso and nestled her face into his neck. After years of getting use to (Y/N)’s behaviour John still tensed when she pulled him into one of her loving hugs. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around her body, he wasn’t in the mind set for physical contact right now but that was him, the woman in his embrace was nothing like him.
He was raised in a lab, constantly being tested on and his only comfort was a blanket and the occasional faces he saw, that reminded him that he wasn’t forgotten. His mind was drilled and filled with war strategies and how to win people over, his mind was not filled with empathy or love and affection like most people. On the outside he was what everyone in America needed, he seemed like he had the life he wanted and the people, he showed the world how happy he was doing his job and how grateful he was to save the people of the US of A.
But on the inside, it was a whole fucking mess.
Letting out a deep sigh, John dropped his head on top of (Y/N)’s, letting her heart calm his racing mind. The scent of her was soothing, it strangely gave him a comfort of home. He lost himself to his thoughts as he stood there with her in his arm, hearts harmonising into a domestic beat. He slowly remembered how different they were, two completely different humans and yet they fit together so perfectly – he seems to think so anyway. He couldn’t bare to let her go, when he first met her the thing that stood out to him the most was how vulnerable she was. Standing with the smile of a god on her face, (E/C) eyes wide and brimming with innocence that he knew would disappear quickly if she befriended him.
But he was wrong, they had known each other for a long time, and she is still the same wide-eyed innocent motherfucker he met when he was young. He didn’t know if it was the way he was conditioned when he was younger, but his saviour complex was completely different when it came to (Y/N). To this day, he refuses to let Translucent anywhere near her, he made that mistake once and the rage he felt was other worldy and the pain he left Translucent in was something the sadist in him was extremely proud of.
“John?” her voice was muffled, and it almost went completely passed his ears, but he heard it and recognised the discomfort in her tone. He then realised that through his mindless wonder, he had subconsciously tightened his grip on her. Breathing a quick ‘sorry’ he let her go and watched curiously as she scanned his face. He knew what she was thinking, (Y/N) didn’t hide her emotions as well as she thought she did.
“What is the matter now?” her hand gently caressed his cheek, the smile on her face grew slightly as she felt John lean into it. She could feel the tense jawbone constrict and relax as he exhaled softly, she didn’t even blink when she felt John’s hands come down to rest on her hip. She was use to these administrations of affection, something that other people had a hard time wrapping their heads around. She never understood why. But she just guessed it was just down to the past these two shared, the lack of a parental figure – but it was more extreme in Johns case. Nevertheless, she still understood the crave for any kind of physical contact, the need to be heard and held.
“I just. It’s nothing my Dove. I just want to hold you.” And with that he brought is forehead down and rested it on top of hers, (Y/N) looked up through her eyelashes and observed how relaxed his face was, no hints of the stress or burden that were holding him down when he came in. It made her happy to see that he was able to relax when it came to her, it made her happy that he was able to fall apart and trust her enough to put him back together. She was suddenly distracted by the fingers that were tilting her chin upward, even more taken back by the lips that pressed gently onto her own. She pulled back and looked at the man in front of her, a warmth slowly caressed her cheeks.
“Sorry, you just shocked me a little you didn’t ask like you usually did.” Her eyes were cast downwards, watching the floor sparkle in the afternoon sun. (Y/N)’s eyes stayed down when those same fingers came back to tilt her face upwards.
“(Y/N), look at me.” (E/C) shot upwards meeting a breath taking blue, “I’m sorry I forgot, I just need you to make me feel better, is that okay?” the man asking the question watched as the woman in front of him bit her lip before nodding her head. Gently, he moved his thumb upwards and rolled her lips out from the torture of her teeth, and gently rubbed it. He smiled wolfishly when (Y/N)’s face took on a flustered look and she nodded her head slightly, a breathless whimper slipped past her lips as John gently surged forward and captured her lips again. He cupped her face and brought himself flush to her, every time he does it, he never gets over the taste of her – sweet and innocent.
(Y/N) had to suppress the noises threatening to slip past her lips as she brought her hands up to Johns chest, she couldn’t tell if her heart was beating so fast it was making her ears ring or if it was John who was having this effect on her. But either way she loved it.
She remembered the first time he kissed her, he had just come back from a taxing recon and he was pissed – excuse the bad language, she listened to him rant and rave about the incompetence of people and how no one understands the extent of his job. And after all that he still was tensed she could practically see the muscle damage through his posture, so she jumped onto him and hugged him with everything she had. She didn’t know how long they were stood there, but what she did know was that one second she’s hugging The Homelander-earths mightiest Super, and the next his hand is holding her cheek and his lips are planted on hers. John knew that was her first kiss, she quietly asked why he had done it, and he explained how she - (Y/N) (L/N) makes him feel happy, healthy, and so much better.
“I love how you make me feel like everything is going to be fine, and I need this. Don’t you want me to feel good?”
And she didn’t want to make him feel hurt, and since then whenever he needs her, she is there.
Because she loves him, as much as he loves her, and she is willing to give him everything he asks for and so much mor-
“Ms (L/N), I need to borrow Homelander for a minute.” The voice of Stillwell projected loudly into the vast room, making (Y/N) jump back in surprise. Her (E/C) eyes looked at the woman standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and face scowling at the scene in front of her. She didn’t know what it was but Madelyn never like the two of them together in the same room, (Y/N) knew if she had it her way Madelyn wouldn’t have the two of them on the same planet.
“I’ll see you later Dove,” with a quick kiss to the forehead (Y/N) watched as the man she was just kissing practically skip out of the door, with tears burning at the back of her eyes she turned around and sluggishly made her way back to the chair she was occupying moments ago.
Laying back, she looks back at the screen, still showcasing the show she was watching. But her mind was casted to the pair that had just left the room, she knew deep down in her stomach that something was going on between the two of them. But her heart couldn’t handle that. Rising her hand into the air she could see the red wisps dancing around her hand, moving her fingers slightly she watched as the sun started to dim and not long after the familiar rumble of thunder announced itself. She absentmindedly weaved her fingers around, her focus on the television, but her attention every now and then would listen to the calming storm raging outside the windows. The grey clouds encased the city below, the thunder clashed loudly in the air as rain fired down.
(Y/N) smiled slightly and closed her eyes, listening to the storm outside. She felt at peace as she waited for her John to come back, she felt at peace as the storm inside her slowly started to dissipate.
(Y/N) remembered the words of Doctor Brooke, and how right now she felt anything but a warrior. But she knew that as long as she had John, she will be okay.

Homelander X Innocent!Reader (female). PT.2
So the original fic just received 300 likes and I said to myself if it get to that number than a sequel is coming. And here it is. This Fic will have a dark tone to it so please read at your own risk. I am so sorry it took so long, but it is what it is. if you enjoy please leave a comment about what you liked and don’t be afraid to reblog and reach out for some requests of your own.
Words: 6.2K
Summary: Homelander has found himself too drunk on (Y/N), so he took a break from the one good thing he knows hoping his infatuation will calm down. However, upon return. the sweetness he’s tried so hard to resist tempt him once again to dip his fingers in. She’s his opioid, and he’s her Sanctuary.
Warnings: Dub/Con elements, language, manipulation, mentions of VIOLENCE, Smut, Homelander basically using the readers naivety against her, Major Character!Death.
Bold italics are inner thoughts
italics are past events
[masterlist] - Part One
enjoy 619 xox
Home for (Y/N) was never really a place or a person. Home for her was more of a feeling, it was a deep, gut wrenching feeling that left her dizzy if she was too caught up in it. Because that feeling was always associated with a certain man, a man that flew with American pride upon his wide shoulders.
A man that had everyone’s eye and fingers follow him as he shot through the sky on his next quest to save a damsel in distress. But he was the very same man that did anything but save (Y/N), those who had the privilege of laying there tainted eyes upon the couple could vaguely see that red flags would plant themselves in their footsteps, but those same footsteps were washed away like footprints in the sand when (Y/N)’s laughter would echo of the pristine walls at Vought. The glimmer in her eyes would only grow stronger when she was in his presence.
The feeling of security and adoration drenched those around the two, the way she glowed in his presence was otherworldly. The air was alway light and free. (Y/N) was happy and safe, because now that feeling of home and personified into a being so beautiful and kind that she felt out of place if she wasn’t in his arms.
Her home was John.
And it could almost be said the same for The Homelander, there was a tether that yanked itself painfully whenever she was away from him, his brain and heart fluttering in confusion whenever she’d smile up to him with those damn (E/C) eyes. He was convinced it was nothing, so he let it be just that - nothing.
Four days.
He went four days without (Y/N) in his life, and regrettably it was by choice.
How stupid of him.
On the first day, he remembered how his whole body felt rejuvenated, his lungs were able to properly expand without fear of breathing her scent in. His heart felt healthier without the constant stopping and restarting. And his head - his head felt lighter than a fucking feather, no thoughts colliding together about what she was doing, if she’d eaten. He felt free. On the second day, time seemed to pass rather quickly to begin with; he saved a group of school children when their bus flipped on a bridge - their sticky hands left imprints on his suit, he also saved a bank from a group of protestors trying to bring attention to the fraud and embezzlement some CEO had been doing at a high end law-firm. He didn’t care what was going on, his record as of late had been pristine and he wasn’t going to let some whistle-blowing old man ruin that for him. However, come lunch time the hands on the clock seemed to slow down, with no (Y/N) to bring him lunch and ramble on about the day she had teaching children the importance of gardening and eating healthy, his mind came to a slow stop.
The routine they had been following for the past two years, three months and two weeks had just stopped, and he experienced something akin to a phantom limb. He knew she wasn’t beside him but his body automatically reacted, he could feel his pulse quicken with the anticipation of his (Y/N) walking around the corner any second. And he tried so hard to keep himself busy, but he’d catch himself watching the door waiting for his angel to come bouncing through any second. But those seconds turned into minutes, and those minutes turned into day three.
On day three he went to Madelyn, he sat in her office and watched her work for 25 minutes, he made mundane conversation with her. He watched her face, the way the corner of her mouth twitched and colour rushed to her cheeks whenever she’d look at the picture of her baby on her desk. He envied her, the feeling of being able to be so openly happy and in love. Having a person, no, the person that makes the pupils of her eyes dilated and her heart pound louder. It was sickening to him. He didn’t like jealousy a bit. He left her office with her sweet milk warming his stomach, and the post-orgasmic euphoria clouding his gaze. And as he walked into his room that night and caught his reflection he knew to himself that he could overcome this pointless infatuation, this disgusting vulnerability personified in the form of (Y/N).
“Your fucking Homelander, get a grip of yourself!”
And when the sun rose and its rays caressed the city of New York, John awoke with pride swelling his chest. And that pride lifted him high and propelled him through his morning. His shoulders were wide and taught as he walked his way down to the meeting room, hopes high and smile almost genuine as he walked past all the staff members scurrying around. His blue eyes shined with the new weightless feeling he had, like the stars were in reach for him and the air was light, ‘I should visit Madelyn more often’ as if the universe had smiled down on his, the woman in question came strutting around the corner, golden hair curled and caressing her face gently, skirt tight and hugging her ass and hips beautifully. The smile that graced her lips when she caught sight of him caused less than innocent thoughts to occur at the forefront of his mind.
“Homelander, you're a bit late this morning. I thought you would be in there already?” her voice carried itself to his ears, like honey it slowly trickled down and settled itself warmly in his stomach. He met her halfway as they both turned down the corridor leading to the meeting room, his shoulder shook as he chuckled at the mere notion of being late. So with a raise of his brow he replied back to her, “I’m not late, everyone else is just early. Anyway Ms Stillwell the meeting can’t happen until I have arrived.” Her response was a light laughter that made the pride in his chest swell further. She replied to him as they walked into the meeting room but all words were lost to him the moment his feet stepped past the threshold. It's as if he stopped functioning, his senses ceased leaving him exposed. But when they came back, it hit him so hard he felt like he was drowning.
He smelled her first, the sweet scent of coconut and home invaded his scent. It burst the pride swelling in his chest and instead pumped it full of regret and something heavy. His ears rang slightly as he registered her laughter, it was as if he had been going through withdrawal symptoms and had succumbed to temptation all over again. Her laughter echoed in his head making him dizzy, it felt too unreal, someone was playing a sick joke on him. (E/C) eyes, he could see her beautiful eyes from across the room, he could see the way they shined and scrunched up as she laughed at something Starlight said. He remembered that face she’d make, he would make her laugh over and over again just to look at that face.
Just once.
His gaze swept over her face, he could remember this feeling that sat itself deep inside of him when (Y/N) had to go away for a mission once. He couldn’t put his finger on that feeling, he himself had never felt like that before, but all he remembered was how intense it was.
So intense it made him act irrationally and kiss (Y/N).
He stole from her, her first kiss.
But at the same time she stole from him, because ever since then he felt like a piece of him was missing, but he felt whole again whenever he was with her. The touch of her skin, the softness of her lips is something that haunts him, like clouds with the sweetest taste. His mouth began to feel dry but simultaneously the taste of her flooded his tongue, the sweetness that just seemed to be embedded within his (Y/N).
His (Y/N).
“John?” His mind playing tricks on him again, he managed to go three whole days without hearing her voice invading his mind. He felt suffocated, the mere thought of being within a meter of (Y/N) sent goosebumps spiralling down his back. Fuck the idea of being the strongest hero on earth because right now he was about to give in to the weight of possibilities. The possibility of (Y/N) walking over to him with that captivating smile, the possibility of her not even looking his way.
The possibility of his (Y/N) leaving him without so much of a thought.
His heart swelled with the notions of these possibilities, it stuttered and felt close to breaking as he looked across the room to where (Y/N) was once standing. But confusion became apparent when he could make out the image of another man standing too close to his (Y/N). The apple of his eye soured and turned rotten when he witnessed the very same smile only reserved for his eyes spread across her face.
His eyes turned red with disgust, the feeling hot and an excruciatingly painful lump formed in his chest. Not a single element registered to him as his feet carried him over to them, his hand reached out and grabbed a hold of (Y/N)’s arm yanking her into his chest. He didn’t care for the whimper that left her mouth, no, his eye never strayed from the man in front of him.
He imagined the sound of the man’s screams as he broke each bone in his body nice and slowly so he could savour that harmonious sound of tendons and muscles ripping as the bones are wrenched out of their place. A smirk graced his face as he thought of the idea of burning a mark onto his face, or maybe disfiguring his face. Anything to keep him away from his (Y/N).
“John?” his mind reeled back as he focused on the woman in front of him, Madelyn’s eyebrows were furrowed in confusion which made the wrinkles on her face more prominent. He blinked once, and then looked over to where (Y/N) was standing to find that she and the man had both disappeared. His attention was scattered everywhere trying to understand what was happening, his vivid imagination had taken him by surprise.
He was losing his mind.
“Yes, sorry. What did you say?” his voice sounded strange, strained as he looked back down at Madelyn hoping for any kind of answer.
“I said I'll be needing your input from the last mission.” He couldn’t remember his last mission, he was too busy thinking about her. “Apparently there is something bigger about to happen. White men and their need for power,” Stillwell left with a scoff and left him standing in his own puddle of confusion. His mind was spinning, reeling because the only thing on his mind was the very thing he spent four fucking days trying to forget. Four days isn’t enough time to come down from the high he always felt with her.
She was his opioid and he needed to withdraw quickly before he falls down the rabbit hole again. Because something deep inside of him tells him that this time, there will be no escaping.
The sky turned sombre that afternoon, it turned grey as if it was mourning the loss of a friend, it wept for hours and hours drowning the people and nature below. The booming thunder vibrated through the whole city, shaking the building and sending a soft buzz through people's spines as it continued to mourn and weep. It grew darker and darker every minute making the people below scatter for any source of shelter - even if it is temporary, they were bracing themselves for an anxious night.
A constellation of light suddenly appeared lighting the dark world, they scattered themselves far across the trembling sky and struck the ground violently, this orchestra continued well into the late night.
Lifting her head up to the sky (Y/N) felt a smile slowly grace her wet face, she was in her sanctuary, at peace. The heaviness she let weigh her down for the past five days was being washed away by the rain that assaulted her skin with wet kisses. She breathed in deeply, feeling herself calm at the smell of wet grass, she could smell the freshness in the air from how high up she was.
John showed her this lookout point during one of their many lunch dates, he took her out for ice cream and a walk through the park. It was nothing new but she remembered it vividly because John was wearing civilian clothes, and it never fails to surprise her every single time. The way jeans hug his thighs and those white shirts accentuated his muscle and the small of his waist. He always complained about how uncomfortable they were, nevertheless he still wore them for her.
‘For me.’
She felt tears starting to surface at the memory, because that's all she had left now memories of the past, and she abused those memories until they felt real like she was still living them in the present because they were all she had for the past five days.
Five long excruciating days without the one human being she had by her side for so long. And for that she hated him, hated how he just left without some much as a word or a look, hated how whenever she saw him he looked like he was glowing, hated how euphoric he looked coming out of Madelyn Stillwell’s office with that stupid goofy smile on his face. And she hated him for the way her heart felt.
Weak, vulnerable.
That’s what Kevin called her, “You look pitiful, sitting here looking out the window, all you really need now is for a violin to start playing for you (Y/N),” she leant her head on his shoulder and cried for an hour before he forced her outside. And her feet lead her to this cliff overlooking the city below. She stood and watched the people walk beneath her going on with their lives, oblivious to everything going on around them.
At first she found it humorous, watching people scuttering about like ants on a mission. But that feeling came back to pull at her heart, the overwhelming feeling of something caused her to lose control for a minute as she tried to figure out what was going on with her. She was so lost in herself she nearly jumped out of her skin when water splashed gently onto her face, she wiped her eye out of habit but her suspicions were left unanswered when her hand came back dry.
Then slowly more water fell onto her face, it was a small spatter of rain, something she does unconsciously when her emotions are all over the place. But as she stood there watching as a few raindrops fell here and there, she realised that - within those tortuous five days not once as she had that breakdown that everyone was expecting her to have. She was so fucking tired with the eggshells everyone was walking on around her it made her feel claustrophobic, like the whole godamm earth was about to shatter.
She inhaled deeply, letting the scent of wet grass and concrete settle comfortably in her lungs before she closed her eyes and lifted her head towards the sky. The familiar feeling rushed through her body; as if a lover was slowly tracing her body with the tip of their finger, starting from her heart and expanding to her ten fingers and ten toes.
Not long after the first eruption of thunder came, and then the sky was engulfed in dark clouds and lightning danced across the sky in an intricate ballet. (Y/N) lost herself in this exact moment, the chaos brought comfort to her soul.
It was her sanctuary.
“I thought I’d find you here,” the deep timbre of his voice ripped her from the edge of euphoria, the thought of being at peace for the first time in what felt like forever was slowly and painfully slipping away. His cape of lies was waving violently and mockingly in the wind, she used to love the way his uniform looked on him. The way it sculpted his body and the confidence that oozed out of him whenever he wore in front of her.
Now, she could only imagine Madelyn’s hands clawing down his back and twisting the cape in her hands as he ruts his hips into her on the sofa in her office, mouth slack and eyes bleary in ecstasy. She can only hear the moans and groans leaving their mouths instead of the children cheering in joy at the sight of his cape. And whenever she looked at his stupid, fucking perfect face all (Y/N) could see was Madelyn’s lipstick plastered over his skin like she was marking her territory.
‘She can have him!’
Her heart was stuttering as her mouth opened and closed, struggling to find the right letters to form the words she wanted, she probably looked like a fish gasping for oxygen. She felt deprived of it right now; the lack of it was making her fumble over basic basic words and god did she wish she could pull herself together. She be damned if she spent another hour thinking about him, she already wasted five days. The deep vibration of his chuckle pierced through her and caused her whole body to cease; she lost herself momentarily in his bemused and vivid blue orbs. She felt at peace suddenly. Did she?
“Did you just laugh at me?” The tone of her voice shocked not only herself but him, it was a lot stronger than he expected. Hostile.
“Sorry, you just looked shocked that all, I know I've been gone for a minute-” she scoffed at the way he brushed past the elephant in the room.
“More like four days.”
“Yes, four days. But I'm back now. And I wanted to talk to you.” He stepped forward and placed his hand on (Y/N) shoulders. The venom she felt boiling under her skin was like electricity, she could feel the hair on her neck become rigid as the air thinned and the rain quieted down.
“No.” she whispered, her voice quivering as his scent assaulted her sense.
He leaned in closer.
“What was that honey?”
“Don’t you dare touch me!” her voice grew tenfold as a roar of thunder exploded in the sky, her breathing became rapid as she tore herself away from him and paced closer towards the edge of the cliff. Her hands anxiously gripped her hair, hoping to find something to ground her because the one thing - person, that did is now someone that poisoned her heart.
“(Y/N)?” His voice was enough for her to know the confusion he was probably swimming in but right now in this moment she didn’t care. She had to get everything off of her chest, the very chest that was about to cave in at any moment under the pressure of…of everything.
“You lied.” she surprised even herself with how calm her voice sounded right now. “You said that I was the only one for you, the only one who has kissed you.” She felt her whole body heat up as the next words left her mouth.
“The only one to touch you in that way.” she could see the way John’s body froze as those words left her mouth, his hand suspended mid air still trying to reach out to her.
“So, John, imagine the surprise when I find out that not only are you not in Kazakhstan but here in New York, hell in Vought.” her hands started to shake as everything came apart, the fortress she built for her stupid emotions - breaking, the block she built for the scenes she witnessed - crumbling, and the façade she had prepared for the confrontation - disintegrated the moment his eye latched itself onto her soul again.
She only just managed to pry him off. Only just.
“The deep told me that I was imagining things you know, I never really liked him because you always told me he was weird like Translucent. But he’s sweet, once you look past the obvious, Kevin is an honest guy.” she was ranting, her nervousness made her skittish.
“Who the fuck is Kevin?” he sounded offended like she was keeping a secret from him, something he never allowed.
‘Another red flag (Y/N)!’
“The deep! His name is Kevin, because unlike you I asked. Unlike you I'm not selfish and care about others!” it hurt to raise her voice; it was still sore from the days she spent weeping, “Unlike you I don’t lie to the people I love.” her façade was long gone now, in pieces at her feet along with the wish that it was all a lie, a game that everyone but her knew the rules to.
“(Y/N), please let me just explain-”
“No!” she charged forward as she cut him off, she stood closer to him this time within arms reach of him and yet she wasn’t focused on the familiar scent assaulting her nose again. No, she was focusing on anything but that. “Because I already know everything.”
(E/C) eyes bore into the labyrinth of oceanic blue, if eyes were a window to the soul then he had his locked and blinded a long time again because she now realised that glimmer she once admired was merely the reflection of her own soul, the one he latched onto and bled dry since the first day he met her.
“You told me that you only loved me, that you only kissed me. That you only touched me. So John imagine my surprise when I see you doing those, those things to Ms Stillwell. You lied to me when you said nothing was going on and I was stupid enough to believe you.”
Red filled her vision as the wisps slowly encased her hands, the rage she was feeling was otherworldly as the look of shock washed over his face. He thought he was slick enough for it to go unnoticed this whole time. She knew, deep down she knew. She just didn’t want their perfect bubble to burst.
“(Y/N), baby, let me explain.” his gloveless hands slowly, cautiously came up and caressed her cheek. He wiped the tear that trickled down, it felt loving. Familiar.
“I did it to protect us, to protect you.”
“I’m a warrior, John. I don’t need protection.” his grip grew more firm at her words, as the rain started to pick up again battering down against their naked flesh. Her clothes were sticking to her frame, so was his suit but he didn’t care because he came for one thing and he held it in his hands. Held her in his hands.
“From Madelyn you do, she's everything at her fingertips. Her and Edgar are close. She has a request and I follow.” he sounded desperate, like he needed her to understand and she did. She understood that everything that came out of his mouth was a fuckling lie and she had been manipulated to the point where Kevin called it Stockholm Syndrome without the kidnapping.
“The obsession he has over you is not as much as the one he made you develop, all he needs is to take you to a remote cabin in the woods and you have a classic case of Stockholm (Y/N).” Her feet swung solemnly in the air as she sat on top of the table, it was slowly coming together, the pieces of the well scattered puzzle were being found, and as it pained her to put it together she had to know.
A sob left her throat as she came to the realisation of how much she depended on ‘America’s No.1’ she spent almost every waking hour with him, she only just came to know The Deep’s name. Kevin, his name was Kevin Moskowitz and it was a really nice name. If John was still here he would be livid to find the two of them sat so closely, but over the past five days Kevin had become a breath of fresh air for her.
“It’s hard I understand, you spent a lot of time with him. But now that he’s not here clouding your judgement you’ll be able to see how fucked up it is.” her vision became blurry with the amount of tears forcing themselves out, she didn’t want to admit it but it was true.
“I love him, and I don’t know what to do.” she hiccuped as she wiped the snot from her nose with her wrist, she looked forward as she remembered everything she had been through in the past 76 hours. The moment she walked into the meeting room and saw John balls deep in Madelyn’s cunt is the moment everything halted. Her flight or fight reflexes kicked in a moment too late, because she can still vividly picture the look on their faces, the sounds they were making and the stench of sex.
But what traumatised her was the look Madelyn gave her, a look of victory, achievement. She knew what she was doing as she maintained eye contact as she kissed John, as she moaned loudly as she came for him. It was all (Y/N) needed to turn around and numbly walk out of there. And for the next 76 hours everything started to reveal itself too fast for her to comprehend.
“What do I do?” she whimpered quietly as she watched the sun shine through the window, she was surprised that she was able to maintain that small amount of control to keep the storm at bay. It was fitting really, the whirlwind of emotions inside her was crushing like a constant tsunami drowning her again and again, uncontrollably. And yet she was able to control everything outside perfectly, without a hitch.
“You look pitiful, sitting here looking out the window, all you really need now is for a violin to start playing for you (Y/N),” his voice broke her out of her realisation, she smiled as she looked over to him accepting her fate. And with that she felt the dam break again, because in all honesty the plaster she used to temporarily patch it up with was bound to come undone at some point. She let her head fall to his shoulder as she went through break down No.32 and there in that moment she was glad that Kevin was there for her, she was glad someone was there for her.
(Y/N) looked up at his devastatingly lucid blues, she could see her reflection as the lighting erupted in the sky. She looked ethereal with the way her eyes shone with tears, almost poetic.
Her hand came up to caress his cheek, her thumb stroking his cheek bone out of habit. It reminded her of that night, where she let him undo her piece by piece. Delicate kisses and hands traced her skin like porcelain, she was at her most vulnerable in that moment; bare for him, laid out on his bed with her heart practically in her hands. She remembered the words he whispered to her as she drowned in the most euphoric wave she had ever felt. The skills he had with his tongue and hands had her a whimpering puddle by the time he settled himself between her legs, the sweet stretch of him is something she never got used to.
But there in that moment, the two of them became closer than they had ever been. She realised in that moment the love and adoration she felt for this man was overpowering, catastrophic.
“You know John,” the hopefulness that shone in his eyes was almost pitiful, it tugged at her heartstring.
But she cut those off herself 76 hours ago.
“What my love?” His caress softened as he leaned in closer, their forehead touching.
“I can’t believe I was infatuated with a bastard like you.”
Her heart stuttered as the words echoed back to her, the venom in her voice was evident she could tell by the passive look that overtook his feature. Everything stood still for a second too long as his breathe stuttered as he exhaled.
“You don’t mean that. Right (Y/N)?” His question was left unanswered the first time. The softness in his voice petrified the woman in question. But she remained firm.
Suddenly, without warning that loving hand slid down from her cheek and nestled itself against the side of her neck. His thumb ran firmly up and down the length of her trachea.
He applied pressure as he asked again, “you don’t mean it baby, do you?” He whined as her eyes narrowed, daring him to continue. He let go when he realised what he was doing ‘this is no way to win her back.’
He mumbled an apology and carded his fingers rough through his hair, but gave up as the rain continued to battle against him. He paced backward, his hand settled on his hips as he rambled anxiously, hoping anything he said could at least please (Y/N).
“Your right I shouldn’t have lied, but you have to believe me,” her face told him it wasn’t working.
“I’ve always wanted what’s best for you,” not this either.
“I need you to trust me, what I did-“ or this.
“(Y/N), please! I love you.” His eyes widened when he saw her look up at him. Her (E/C) eyes appeared crystallised with the tear that houses themselves in her orbs. He sucked in a sharp breath as she came closer to him, her bottom lip trembling as she opened her mouth to confess her love and come back to him.
“Fuck you.”
‘No, no! That’s not right!’
He surged forward before he thought twice about his movements. Hands wrapping around her beautiful neck he squeezed hard, rage filled his vision as he watched her eyes. Her bewitching eyes stared into his. His mind was floating on the edge of fantasy and reality, he needed her. His (Y/N).
‘It’s okay my love, you just didn’t know what you were talking about’
Her hands clawed at his wrists clambering on for any kind of purchase, her ears were filled with the sounds of her desperation to breathe, to live.
The storm around them grew angrier, thunder screeched as it tumbled through the sky, the rain turned abusive with how hard it hit the ground. (Y/N) closed her eyes, feeling the burn of her lover's hand on her neck getting tighter and tighter with each passing second. Unexpectedly a flash of light causes her eyes to open, lighting strikes the ground around them. In a dance, illuminating the poetic end to its master. Each strike shook the ground they stood on but he didn’t move, no he knew that no matter the pain he put (Y/N) through she would never hurt him.
And she knew the same.
So without a thought she put her hands down, and let the last breath leave her wrecked body. Her battered soul sagged in relief as the fight she had been dragging her body through ended. She didn’t care anymore, the warrior’s armour had broken and an arrow had pierced her heart and wrenched it out her chest. That pain that she thought was eternal, faded away as each millisecond passed.
She closed her eyes and was finally at peace.
“No, no, no, no!” He dropped her in terror. He stared at his hands as he came to the realisation of what he’d just done.
‘No, no, no!’
John dropped to his knees and quickly grabbed (Y/N)’s head and placed it on his chest, he wailed as her limp body fell against his chest. This wasn’t supposed to happen, how did he lose control so quickly?
“(Y/N)?” He gently tapped her cheek, watching as her skin rippled at the small force. He couldn’t see properly with the rain invading his vision, how did he lose control so quickly?
“(Y/N),” his voice grew quiet as he wiped the water off her face, she looked so peaceful. So beautiful.
But the disfigurement of her neck screamed at him, taunting him for what he did to his love.
His (Y/N).
“Shhh, my dove. It’s okay,” he right hand caressed the back of her head as he fell backward and sat onto the floor, his left arm wrapped round the rest of her body as he gently rocked back and forth, whispering her favourite song under his breath.
He needs the distraction. Because how did he lose control so quickly?
“‘I've got sunshine on a cloudy day, When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May.’” Warm arms wrapped around her waist as she finished mixing the eggs. A smile graced itself onto her face as she turned her head to the side, a laugh followed the kiss that was placed sloppily on her cheek.
“What song are you singing, dove?” His voice vibrated through her whole body as he walked around the island and sat opposite her, to admire his favourite view. She gasped as her (E/C) eyes snapped to his face, her covered in a look of offence.
“You don’t know my favourite song?” She waved the whisk accusingly at John, a smile replacing the offended look plastered on her face when he got egg remnants on his forehead.
“You don’t sing for me often, I didn’t know you had a nice voice,” he was smooth with the diversion, smooth enough that it had her face heating. She stuck her tongue out at John and quickly turned around to place the eggs into the pan; the sudden compliment had her heart stuttering, the breath knocked out of her lungs.
She jumped as a hand crept round and brushed the hair from the left side of her face, it was soon replaced by a pair of soft lips kissing the shell of her ear tentatively, a hand followed suit and delicately placed itself on the curve of her hips. Careful of the bruises from last night's activities, it slithered round the small bulge of her stomach and settled on the other side, only to slowly pull her into his frame.
“Can I please know your favourite song, I wanna know everything about my girl,” his sentence was followed by a shout of laughter. It startled him. He wasn’t expecting that response.
The body between his hands turned around and placed her hand in his hips, she tipped her head backwards so she could see him. That smile turned tenfold as it stretched across the expanse of her glowing face.
“My Girl.” (Y/N) mumbled lazily as she squeezed John, giggling at the confusion that filled his eyes.
“‘I guess you'd say, What can make me feel this way
My girl.’ The song is called My Girl.”
They swayed gently as she sang softly, in bliss wrapped in the arms of her one and only. She could never be more content. More at peace, here with her home.
Her sanctuary.
His bleary eyes looked down at his Dove, glowing in the light that illuminated the sky sporadically.
“‘My girl, my girl, my girl, Talkin' 'bout my girl.”
He sputtered as the tears fell, mixing with the rain that fell onto (Y/N)’s face. His (Y/N). The very one that made him lose control so quickly, he traced the outline of her face as if mapping every minute detail his scattered brain could remember in this moment. He lost control so quickly, and this was the one consequence he didn’t even think to imagine.
“‘I've got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl, I've even got the month of May with my girl’” he remembered the adoration painted on her face the day she sang her song for him, he thought it fitted her well because she was after all his girl.
But he didn’t know how to live without his girl.
But he didn’t want to think of that right now, so he sang her song as he gently swayed them. The only calm in the raging storm. He sang to her lovingly as he held her dead body in the one place she felt at peace.
He gazed lovingly at her face; he lost control so quickly because she drove him mad. Insane. But he loves her no matter what. ‘How am I going to live without you?’ He brought his face closer to hers and gently kissed her still warm lips.
The roar of the thunder brought him back to reality, he hugged her gently as he continued to sing, praying that somewhere, somehow she could still hear him as he sat with her in his hands.
The very same hands that killed her. The very same hands that made her feel safe, that made her feel pleasure, pain, regret. The hands that made her vulnerable and courageous at the same time. The hand that strangled the life out of her here, in her safe space.
“‘Talkin' 'bout my girl.”
But really, there is no better place to die than your sanctuary.
Special Lessons - Five
Pairing: Stepdad!Steve Rogers X Naïve!Innocent!Reader
Summary: Your step-dad has wanted you for a while. And when a conversation leads to you asking for some… special help, he’s more than happy to take full advantage of the situation.
Warnings: Smut, Age Gap (Reader is 19), Language, Older man taking advantage of a younger woman, Oral, Somnophilia, Breeding kink,
Word Count: 3.8K
A/n: hi guys. I’m back and I hope you like part 5 :) Madness will be posted tomorrow!!
Steve Rogers loves his step-daughter.
Steven Grant Rogers is going to Hell because he’s in love with his nineteen-year-old step-daughter.
And with every passing day, every time his cock fills her up with his cum, he falls that much harder. She’s so desperate to please him, doing anything and everything he asks.
He notices when you start being more impatient with your mother. And your mother doesn’t seem to be any happier with you. The two of you have been butting heads more and more lately, since that day when he took you outside.
But that hasn’t made her any more irritated at him. In fact, her stamina has risen and she’s more lovey-dovey with him than she’s been in months. And that only adds to your infuriation with your mother.
“Hey, Princess.” Steve kisses you on the forehead and you smile up at him from your spot at the kitchen counter. “Hey, Daddy! Are we gonna play today?” He chuckles then shrugs, looking at you with admiration. “I love you, baby.” He leans down for a kiss and you meet him halfway, eyes closing as his soft and slightly chapped lips move against yours.
He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth, tongue laving over the supple skin before he pulls away, eyes darkened.
“I’ve got you a few things, baby.” He sets some boxes on the counter in front of you and you look at them curiously. “Go on, open them, Sweetheart.” You open up one of the boxes, giggling as you see a pretty tiara with pink gems in it.
“Because you’re my princess. And you deserve a tiara.” He puts it on your head and you smile up at him. “Beautiful.” He cups your cheeks and kisses your nose, then motions to the other boxes.
You eagerly open the largest one, features going soft at what you see.
Keep reading
touch me wherever | jjk

pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: jungkook needs to touch you and he just can’t hold back anymore
genre: pwp smut oneshot | loss-of-innocence!au, innocent!jungkook x innocent!reader, childhoodfriends!au
wordcount: 2.8k
warnings: explicit smut, dry humping, unhealthy attachment, cumming in his pants, EXTREMELY horny feverishly whiny needy clingy jungkook, nudity, breast play, groping, subtle body worship, inexperience, a lot of begging, some crying, stuttering, coersion/dubcon-ish technically yeah, unrealistic scenario lol, mention of wet dreams, obsessive behavior, praise, assume characters are 18+ but just have no fucking clue what sex is, this is a fucking fever dream idk, cursing, dom!kook, naive clueless reader
a/n: thank you so much for 1000 notes on fuck me forever! to express my gratitude, this is my gift to you, another needy greedy jungkook smut :) i hope you enjoy <3
Boundaries? That’s something you and Jungkook never needed, practically growing up side by side. Both your families were incredibly close, but equally sheltered. They kept the two of you trapped together in a conservative suburban bubble where the world consisted only of what was right in front of your eyes. No questions asked.
As a child, Jungkook had always been addicted to the touch of your skin. He craved the soft warmth you had to offer, clinging to you like velcro, throwing frustrated tantrums whenever the two of you got separated.
His face would get red with rage, fat tears forming in his eyes as his parents dragged him away from your bed once night would fall. He couldn’t sleep without you. Your touch was his safety blanket. He was only able to grow out of it when you leant him your teddy, finding peace in the way it smelled like you.
Growing up, you had quickly understood that Jungkook was a very affectionate person, suffocating you with hugs and tickles whenever you would hang out. You had become used to him feeling you as he pleased, not ever minding the way his nimble fingers would trace across your legs, sliding under your uniform skirt at times. It tickled—you would laugh.
After Jungkook had hit puberty, his clinginess magnified tenfold.
You plagued his dreams constantly, and without realizing it he would rut shamelessly against his pillow, crying out for you softly as heaping spurts of cum would fill his underwear.
He’d wake up, breathless with only you, you, you pounding through his head. His mind was dizzy with the feeling of your skin, he just wanted to touch you. He needed you near, to feel you pressed against him so that he could just—
He didn’t get it. He didn’t understand what was happening to his body in the morning when his thighs would be sticky and sheets stained. Sometimes he would day dream about you in school, only to wake up to the sound of your teasing voice, looking into your eyes as he leaked everywhere under the table.
Jungkook found it horribly embarrassing.
Until one day his older friend Seokjin told him what he was experiencing. They were called wet dreams, and allegedly they were normal. There was nothing wrong with it, but somehow Jungkook felt exposed. Guilty. Dirty.
He didn’t want it to happen, he couldn’t understand why but he ached for you so bad that it hurt. Kneeling down under a cold shower he would beg himself to get a grip, trying his best to act normal. His restraint paid off.
Most of the time.
Currently the two of you were cuddled up in his basement, where you used to play pretend as young children. He’d be the doctor and give you checkups, healing your injuries with the delicate graze of his lips.
It was hopelessly warm, to which you suggested shedding a few layers in order to feel more comfortable on the thick velvet cushions that were almost damp with sweat. Your head nestled in his lap, body in nothing but a bra and a pair of tight shorts that had found their way up your thighs, leaving little to the imagination.
You were talking, he could see your lips move at the edge of his vision but he couldn’t hear you over his steady focus on your cute polkadot bra—so snug and soft that Jungkook wanted to drool. He had noticed that your body had blossomed over time, flesh spilling over the tops of the flimsy fabric. The delicate curves that called out to him. Something rooted deep within him was yearning to get his hands on you.
“Jungkook! Are you okay?” You felt something poking the back of your head, prompting you to squirm in his lap as you attempted to catch his attention.
“Um” Jungkook stammered, unable to find words. He didn’t remember what you were doing there anymore. He barely remembered who he was. All he could understand was that his body was telling him something. Telling him to feel you, more of you, all of you. “S..sorry yeah. I’m good”
“God it is disgusting down here. I’m gonna take this off, one second” He found himself blinking in a daze as you sat up and unclasped your bra, his hips bucking up as it fell with a snap to the floor. Your arms covered your chest to shield you from the sudden exposure, giggling as you turned back towards him.
“Holy shit” Jungkook choked, clenching his fists so tight they were becoming white. “W..what are you doing?” You slid your bottoms off, bending slightly so Jungkook could see your cute cotton panties tucked between your legs.
“It’s so hot, besides it’s just you” Jungkook’s eyes trailed up your legs as you stepped out of the garment, his mouth dry. You took notice of his frazzled state, “Jungkook, are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
His eyes moved down to his own shorts, noticing a bulge in between his legs. He scoot up to you, looking everywhere except your eyes, the painful clench between his thighs almost too overwhelming, his heart felt like it could burst. His desire suffocated him. You were a burning fever, spreading from his head all the way through his chest.
Jungkook cleared his throat, “What? Yeah uh,” You raised your eyebrows at him, but he avoided your gaze. He gulped, swallowing down the heat rising to his cheeks. “I’m just in a little pain you see this?”
Jungkook warily placed your hand over the tent in his shorts. You nodded, lip tucked between your nibbling teeth as you observed with great interest.
His eyes widened as your hand palmed around his cock, fingers trailing across the outline of the prominent bulge. Jungkook felt his breath get knocked out of him as he stumbled towards you. “Wait don’t!”
“What’s wrong?” You let go of him. “I’m so sorry, did that hurt?” He shook his head, only to realize he was now face to face with your perky breasts.
“Looks so soft” He murmured, blinking at you “C..can I...” He opened his palms wide “Looks so squishy, I wanna squish them”
You beat him to it, and he watched with blasted eyes as you caressed your breast mindlessly, flesh peeking through the cracks of your fingers as you gave a nonchalant shrug. “I mean I guess”
Jungkook grabbed at your tits, gripping them and giving them a harsh squeeze, underestimating the force of his strength. You winced as he continued to juggle the flesh in his hands, before pinching your nipples harshly to which you yelped “Ow”
He paused, a worried look on his face as his hands stilled. “That hurt Jungkook” You pouted.
Jungkook inhaled sharply, refocusing his gaze on your sensitive nubs as he gently padded his thumb over the bruised area. The immediate twitch of your body did not go unnoticed by him, and neither did the way you clenched your jaw, almost as though you were holding your breath. A glow arriving on your cheeks as his careful ministrations persisted.
“Does that feel better? M’sorry” Jungkook instinctively wrapped his tongue around your erect nipple, watching you carefully to see how you would react. He noticed you gasp at his actions, a glint in your eye that seemed to stroke the raging ego within him.
Did you feel it too? Were you aching as bad as he was?
“That feels...weird Kook.” The taught tip of his tongue flicked at your eager nub as his lips sloppily engulfed the tender flesh. He sucked harshly, loving the sweet taste of your skin. You found yourself being pushed onto your back, the hopelessly warm couch acting as a landing pad for the soft thunk of your head.
“It hurts” Jungkook panted, licking his lips as a string of saliva kept him attached to your heaving breast “ my pants. When you touch me there, it stopped hurting so much, you know?”
Jungkook licked his lips. He stared at your hardened nipples that were on display. What would happen if I just—
His body jerked forward, shoving his face into your chest, palms squeezing them against his cheeks. He let out a muffled groan, inhaling sharply to the point where his eyes rolled back, intoxicated by your scent. “Y/n, oh Y/n fuck it hurts so bad mmfh—” He cried into you, shaking his head. The soft ends of his dark hair tickling against your sensitive skin.
You looked down at him in shock, tugging his head back “What are you doing?? Jungkook?”
“Ugh, Y/n, just let me” Jungkook whined, his grip on your breasts tightening “No please. A little longer—it helps...I need this” He exhaled, his hot breath sending goosebumps across your skin.
He slowly released you, noticing his nails had left imprints on the sides of your breasts. He looked at you apologetically, caressing the scars with his fingers. You barely realized the delicate whimper that left your lips, but it had Jungkook’s body going rigid, arousal coursing through his veins like a shot.
“You good. It’s so hard for me to be around you I can’t...breathe” He traced his nose up to your shoulder, making you giggle at the ticklish brush of his skin. He arrived at your neck, inhaling deeply as he hovered over you, heat radiating from his body. His hips flinched, signaling him to find some sort of friction.
“Jungkook maybe we should get you to a doctor”
“No!” He pinned your shoulders back, a frightening growl appearing in his voice “Please only you can make it better I swear” You squirmed “It’s your fault anyway” He barked, “You made this happen to me”
You gaped at him, “What? What did I do?” Part of him wanted to tell you. He wanted you to know how much pain you caused him. Every day he’d wake up to you, fall asleep to you. You distracted him, you were taking over his entire mind. All you had to do was let him touch you and it would all feel better, but you were selfish, as if possessing him with your amazing body on his mind wasn’t enough torture.
It was your fault! You did this to him. How could you deny him of help? If you asked him to do anything for you, you knew he would, without hesitation. Did you not feel it too? Why couldn’t you just understand? Weren’t you were supposed to be his friend?
Reluctantly, Jungkook slid off of your body, creating distance between the two of you where he buried his face in his palms.
You could hear his soft cries, and your heart wrenched. You hated it when he cried, it was the most awful feeling in the world. You would do just about anything to make him feel better. To take away all his pain.
You stood up, approaching him carefully as you placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you, eyes glossy with tears, like a puppy. His pout was adorable, but the hurt in his eyes had you feeling guilty.
“Don’t cry Kookie...can I give you a hug?” You knew Jungkook loved your hugs. He had cried in your arms before, and you in his. You felt safe in his embrace, it was a comfort you never wanted to lose.
He nodded furiously, and let his hands fall to his side as you straddled his lap, holding him close to you, chest pressed against his as you stroked his back. Jungkook’s long fingers gripped your hips. He groaned as you adjusted your weight, sitting right where he needed you most. Even you couldn’t help the hot feeling that seized your body.
“You’re just so pretty Y/n...I can’t stop thinking about you” Jungkook’s hand slid up your back, holding you close to him. His face in your neck where you could feel him sniffling. “I need you so bad” He whimpered. “I just wanna be close to you, you know? Don’t you like being close to me?”
You were about to respond, before he harshly thrust up. His forearms kept you locked down tight on him as he pistoned his hips ruthlessly. You tried to move, tried to think but you couldn’t.
“Oh god oh god oh god” Jungkook yelped, his voice loud in your ears “It hurts so bad Y/n please oh gggod, I need you” His hands moved to the sides of you waist, holding you firm as he began to bounce you up and down, drawing his hips up to meet you as he grinded you down on him, the friction unbearably harsh, burning through the both of you.
His mouth hung open, face scrunched with an unbelievable amount of pleasure. Your body was so warm. You were flesh and bones against him, and his mind was going haywire—he humped against you like an animal. It felt so good—it felt so incredibly good.
He had never experienced anything like it. He was about to absolutely lose his mind, the pressure from your beautiful body pressing up against his, pushing him to a point beyond nirvana. He furiously rubbed his crotch into your heat, chasing, faster, he needed more, it felt so good, he needed you so bad that he—
“Jungkook stop it!” You whined into his neck. He slowly came to a halt, sweat forming at his forehead as his heavy breathing echoed through the cluttered basement walls. The fabric of his shorts hopelessly straining, desperate to unleash what he was suppressing inside.
“Whyyy?” He complained, a hint of irritation in his voice “It helps me Y/n, I have to...otherwise it’s gonna keep hurting come onnnn don’t be like this”
“I just...wait...” You licked your lips. Then Jungkook realized. He could see it in your eyes—you felt it too. He didn’t know how he knew but he did. You were responding to every move he made and you loved it. But you were scared, hesitating, unfamiliar with these sensations. It was happening too fast, Jungkook read your body like an open book, you needed comfort. Relief.
“Y/n...I already feel so much better feel so good when I rub against you I feel so” He felt apart before your eyes, dragging you across his crotch in different ways until he found the perfect angle, where he could feel the wet heat of your core right where he needed it most. “Right there! Right there, that...that feels good” Drool trickled at the edge of his lips.
He was mesmerized by the jiggle of your chest as he moved you, you were frail in his hands. So good for him, so sweet—just perfect.
“No I...I need more” He was almost screaming into you. "More Y/n, I need to feel more it’s’s not enough I need”
A low growl escaped him as he lifted you up, ignoring the way you shouted out in surprise. Against the wall he spread your legs out wide, one thigh hooked over his elbow. His hips buckled, accelerating as his cock slammed against your trembling heat, searing against your nerves as he humped you as deep as he possibly could. You winced in pain as your head hit the hard surface behind you.
“Oh my...Jungkook” He could see the arousal in your eyes, and it was that and the needy moan with which his name left your gorgeous lips that sent him spiraling.
“God Y/n...mmm’close...ohhh fuckkk” He came—the fabric beneath you get hot and wet with his sticky cum. He held you close as his entire body twitched in pleasure, your legs wrapping around his waist as he held you up. It was unbelievable, even in his wildest dreams he had never felt such overwhelming bliss, and it was all thanks to you, beautiful, sweet, you.
He released you from his grasp, but you grabbed his waistline, pulling him back to you so you could roll your hips against him. “” You groaned in frustration when your body couldn’t find the same friction it was loving just moments ago.
Jungkook tilted his head at you curiously, watching as you tried to rub your cunt against him, bouncing on the balls of your feet while your fingers dug into his toned shoulders “Y/n stop, it’s gone. The pain is gone, if you keep doing that it’ll hurt” He pushed your hair back behind your ears, the carnal desire gone from his eyes.
You shook your head “But that’s not fair. I need...”
“What do you need hm?” Jungkook brought your face to his, his eyelashes brushing against yours “Tell me and I can try to help you”
“I don’t know! Okay! Jungkook. Just...touch me”
He nodded. “Where?” You looked at him, the look in your eyes was so desperate, so pleading, it had his heart pounding in his chest. His eyes fluttered to your lips. He inched closer to you, finding your gaze again “Where do you want me to touch you Y/n?”
“Wherever” You gasped “Everywhere, I need it I need to feel—” Your words made no sense to you, but Jungkook seemed to understand. He pressed his lips against yours.
“It burns doesn’t it? Tell me where it hurts the most” He commanded breathlessly as his hand cupped your trembling cunt over your drenched panties “Is it here? Can I touch you here? Is that what you want Y/n?” He rubbed his palm against the cotton, making you whine terribly.
“Jungkook..yeah..there feels really” You thrust your hips against him, face dumbed out in utter bliss, “Please touch me Jungkook…touch me wherever you want…but please please don’t ever stop”
thank you so much for reading! let me know what you think ;) masterlist
scenarios: when you get a crush | when he takes your virginity | if he got you pregnant | kink discovery: dacryphilia |
drabbles: tickle me there | touch yourself here
Touch me wherever oc showing jungkook that she can take care of herself because she learned how to masturbate and just does it in front of him 😍
touch yourself here (m) | jjk

summary: now that he's learned how to do it, jungkook wants to teach you how to touch yourself too!
pairing: jungkook x reader
wc: 1k
genre: smut pwp drabble | innocent!jungkook x innocent!reader, loss-of-innocence!au
tw: explicit smut, masturbation, fingering (guided masturbation), voyeurism(?), inexperience, slight awkwardness, first time, slight manipulation i guess, early inklings of a dom!jungkook, assume characters are 18+ but naive
a/n: this is a lil drabble from the touch me wherever au, but can be read as a standalone. dear beautiful anon, ik this is a bit different than your scenario so i hope that is okay. thank you for sending this in <3 i hope you enjoy it ;)

"Do it"
Jungkook large eyes blinked at you expectantly through the reflection of his full-length mirror. He had you sprawled out, your legs wide open as he huddled up besides you on the floor of his bedroom, whispering directions against your shoulder.
"Just trust me. Touch it" His arm extended, reaching between your legs to where your throbbing, exposed cunt waited in anticipation. Jungkook had called you this morning, excited after discovering that he could relieve his own burning cravings of you with his own hands around his flushed cock. He wanted to show you, to see if perhaps you would be able to do the same thing.
The moment you arrived, he pulled you into his room, insisting you get undressed. The night before, when his hand had wiggled its way down his own shorts while reminiscing over your feverish encounter, he appreciated the feeling of skin against burning skin. He wanted you to have the same experience. He could tell you were hesitant as he tugged down your jeans, but he knew you trusted him. You wouldn’t say no. Not to him.
The light brush of his finger over your clit had you squealing. Hushing you softly, he began drawing circles over your tingling core, eyes steady on you through the mirror. He relished the way your eyes went half lidded. The way you bit your lip to suppress the moans that so desperately wanted to escape. The way your bare chest began heaving as your breath quickened. The way you fell apart, weak under his touch.
"See what I'm doing?" You nodded shyly. Jungkook thought you looked so cute, especially as a pout appeared on your lips when he retracted his hand. "Now you try”
You pursed your lips, giving him an uncertain look as you reached down where Jungkook's fingers had just been a moment ago, mimicking his actions.
" little circles..yesss. Exactly. Just like that" Jungkook encouraged you on, watching from the reflection in front of him as you furrowed your brows, poking at your clit.
"It doesn't feel as good" You admitted, "I like it better when you do it"
Jungkook sighed."I know but what if I'm not there to help? I don't want you to be in pain" He clicked his tongue “Think about how it felt. When I touched you. It only works if you think about me”
A wave of faintness washed over you as you continued to gently massage your clit. Your eyes locking with Jungkook’s, which caused a burning glow in your chest. Fingers now gliding seamlessly as the area began to dampen.
"See! Wasn't I right?" Jungkook smiled at you, resting his head on your shoulder as he peered down towards your glistening folds. One hand made it’s way to your back, stroking you comfortingly as you continued "Open them wider—your legs. Maybe it'll feel nicer"
You gulped, obeying his suggestion. Turning to look at him directly, your breath escaped you. His face was so close. You felt your cheeks getting warm. A coil building within you, ready to simply burst into flames. He could tell you were feeling it. He did his best to suppress the smirk that tugged at his lips as you began to get flustered.
A loud gasp left your mouth as the sound of squelching wetness became prominent. You stopped immediately, suddenly feeling embarrassed, but Jungkook grabbed your wrist—shaking his head.
“It’s only me Y/n. Don’t worry. This is good. You feel good, don’t you?”
You nodded reluctantly. Jungkook let his fingers slide over yours, guiding them back to your clit, moving your fingers under his to push them deeper into you. “Try…maybe pressing this?”
"J..jungkook..." You gasped, burying your face in his shoulder as he continued to fill your body with excruciating pleasure. His heart twisted, seeing you curl into him as you inhaled his scent. Unconsciously causing your hips to buck up while he pushed you even further, speeding up your fingers.
"There you go. Just like that" His voice vibrated against you as you whimpered a pathetic yes in response. "I'm gonna let your hand go...then I want you to go faster okay. I promise, you're gonna feel amazing"
"O..okay" You shivered as the warmth of his hand left yours. He instead cupped your face, forcing you to look back in the mirror.
"Go on. Faster Y/n. You're almost there" He urged as you began to flick your fingers at a rapid pace, heavy breaths unable to keep up with how fast your heart was pounding.
"Come on. Keep going. Just like that. Don't stop" Jungkook's voice remained steady as he watched you, ensuring that you didn’t slow down. He loved the look in your eyes, something so dark and beautiful seemed to come from them when you were like this.
It had him itching to reach down in his own pants.
"Jungkook I need to stop!" You cried, your other hand tightly gripping his thigh. He shook his head.
"No. Y/n. I'm telling you okay, just keep going. Just do as I say. Almost there...don't you feel amazing Y/n? Tell me"
Your mouth was dry, thighs beginning to tremble, prompting Jungkook to grab them, keeping them apart as you began whining incessantly.
" feels really good..." Your legs resisted, but Jungkook's firm grip squeezed down, ensuring you couldn't move. Your back arched, hips bucking as you reached your high. "JUNGKOOK" You screamed. Fingers now covered in liquid. You felt something throb deep within you, causing you to twitch all over. A serene wave of pleasure coursed through your every vein. "Ahhh..ahhh..." You groaned, fingers picking up the pace as you stretched the feeling on as long as you could.
Jungkook watched with piqued interest, cock twitching as you reached your high. He gently caressed your thighs as you began to calm down, removing your finger to examine its sticky state.
His lips found yours, tongue sliding into your mouth as he crawled over your lap.
"Now, give me your hand. You're gonna help me do it too"
masterlist | thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed & lmk what you think <3 have an amazing day!
omg for # thinking thots i was originally gonna send this in for 🍨 for your 5k celebration (i actually had a lot of other ideas but i didn’t wanna spam you😭) but i was thinking the thot of pervy dealer rafe × innocent pogue reader tehe

omg he would be perving on her from the second he saw her walk through barry’s door. barry just so happens to like her friend, so he offers her ‘another’ way of paying him, and it ultimately leaves innocent!pogue!reader alone with pervy!dealer!rafe. he’d have her in his lap in no time, his fingers slipping under her skirt as she can’t help but shy away from him and his dirty mouth. “come on, just a taste, baby. i bet you’re sooo sweet..” he’d bury his face in her neck, making her giggle from the ticklish feeling of his hair against her skin. “no way!” she’d shake her head, teasing him as he pretended to hold his chest in pain. “come on, you’re breaking my heart!” she’d press a kiss to his cheek as if to soothe the ache he felt for her in his groin.
Tales From the Modern Incubus Masterlist

(fist part coming in July!)
Summary: Harry is almost as old as time and he's got a lot to say. But right now he's hunting for the perfect female to carry his heir (as he must do every century). When Harry meets Ariel (an alternate version will be available w/ y/n reader), a pastor's daughter, he finds himself strangely obsessed with her in every way but she's a good girl and Harry is definitely not her usual type. Will the handsome demon corrupt sweet Ariel (y/n)?
TFMI Aesthetic

Tropes: demon incubus!harry, pregnancy, good vs evil, innocent!reader
Warnings: SMUT, angst, corruption of "innocence", unprotected sex, anal sex, demonic spells, religious mentions (a lot), manipulation, some non-consensual sexual acts, blasphemy, debauchery, dark humor, unsavory characters - 🛑 - THIS SERIES WILL BE A LITTLE DARK SO YOU MAY NOT ENJOY THIS TYPE OF CONTENT - ⛔️ Harry is a demon here and so there will be some touchy subjects - please don't read if you are sensitive to anything I've listed as a warning or don’t like making fun of Christianity or religion in general as Incubus!Harry makes fun of religion throughout the series ⚠️
Chapter section w/oc (Ariel)
Chapter section alternate w/ y/n (reader)
possessive (b.barnes)
pairing: soft!dark!bucky x fem!reader
fandom: marvel - masterlist here!!
summary: bucky doesn’t share, especially when it comes to you.
word count: 1100
warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, sub!reader (bordering on little but no regression), reader calls bucky daddy, bucky is a prick but also soft

You’ve never been in a more devoted relationship than the one you share with Bucky; sure, you know it’s intense and maybe a little wrong how possessive he is over you, but how could you ever care when he treats you so well? He gives you anything you could possibly want, showering you with affection at all hours of the day and spoiling you with gifts. Not to mention how pleasing he is to look at - six foot five of thick muscle carved by the gods themselves, yet still so caring and gentle. Really, could you have found a better man?
He’s so devoted, in fact, it doesn’t even occur to you when he’s cancelling plans on your behalf and distracting you every time you try to leave the house; not until your friends are complaining that they haven’t seen you in the longest time. He neglects his own friends, always saying that he doesn’t want to even look at anyone but you. You don’t realise the lengths he’ll go to to keep you trapped in his little bubble, locked away from the outside world. Keeping you where it’s just you and him. Forever.
So when you’re all dolled up and ready for a girls’ night with Natasha and Wanda, you know Bucky has an excuse on the tip of his tongue. Unfortunately for him, you’re riled up and already prepared for an argument.
“Bunny…” he calls as you saunter past the bedroom door in search of your favourite pair of heels.
“What, baby?” you answer, fluffing up your hair and making sure your pale lipstick and mascara are pristine. He pads into the bathroom behind you, surprisingly light on his feet for such a huge person, and snakes his arms around your waist, pressing his chest flush to your back. His chin rests in the dip of your shoulder and he kisses your neck, purposely pressing his growing hard-on into your back. The sight of you in the mirror - short black dress hugging every curve and ridge on your body just right, smokey eye makeup accentuating your features and hair styled and billowing around your face - is enough to drive him insane and want to take you over the sink right then and there.
“Bucky, no,” you scold, elbowing him and sliding out of his grip, “You got yourself all worked up on purpose so that I wouldn’t go. Take care of yourself.” Your voice is determined, a steel and grit behind it that he hasn’t heard from you before. He needs to up his game.
“Bun, please,” he moans, “Can’t do it by myself. I need you, angel. Please.”
His breathy whines catch you off guard; Bucky, your towering, terrifying boyfriend that brings grown men to tears, is begging you. He uses your surprise to his advantage, forcing his lips on yours and muffling your protests. By the time you wrench yourself away, your resolve is crumbling and Natasha and Wanda are almost forgotten.
“You can’t do this every time I want to do something fun,” you huff, pushing at his chest indignantly, “‘s not fair, I’m not gonna have any friends left.”
“You have me, don’t you? Or am I not enough for you anymore? You don’t want me anymore, hm?” He pouts, actually pouts, crossing his arms and turning his back to you.
“Bucky, you know that’s not what I meant,” you object, already stepping towards him.
“It’s fine baby, go out. See if I care,” he spits with as much venom as he can muster, the quivering of your bottom lip enough to make his chest ache. This is for your own good, he reminds himself.
“Wait, daddy-,” you whimper, reaching for him again. Your retreat into subspace means he’s already won and he knows that. He smirks to himself, hardening his expression before turning back to face you.
“What are you still doing gaping at me like an idiot, hm? Fuck off, brat.”
Tears well behind your waterline and you grab for him again, only for him to move out of your grasp.
“Stop it,” you murmur quietly, the tears silently spilling over and down your cheeks, “You’re being mean.”
“I am,” he assents, “Because you’re being an entitled brat and you hurt my feelings.” He advances on you slowly. “You think they love you like I do? Huh? No one will ever love you as much as I do!”
“‘m sorry, daddy,” you babble desperately, grabbing his black henley in your fist, “I don’t wanna go, wanna stay here with you.”
“Really?” He cocks an eyebrow skeptically as you cling to his towering frame, crying into his chest; he makes no move to reciprocate, knowing exactly which buttons to press to keep you needing him. To keep you attached and obedient. You’re his and his only and you should know that by now.
“Please, daddy. Don’t be mad. Don’t need anyone but you.” Your voice is muffled through his shirt and your makeup is already ruined, streaks of nude pink lipstick and black mascara smeared down your face. Bucky coos, lifting your chin and forcing you to look at him.
“There’s my good girl,” he praises, thumbing your cheek and spreading more makeup along it, “Where’s my good girl been? Thought I lost you, poppet.”
“I’m sorry,” you sob, guilt gnawing at your chest as he finally hugs you back, “Don’t leave me.” You hear yourself begging and at any other time you’d be mortified. But you’re so deep into your subspace that the only thing your fuzzy, dazed brain wants is daddy.
“Never, bunny. Daddy forgives you, okay? I’m just sad ‘s all.” His brows furrow, and he knows it's cruel to make you feel so awful for something that’s not your fault, but he can’t help but push you to the edge.
“Daddy, wanna make you feel better,” you sniffle, pawing at his chest, “Please, ‘m sorry for bein’ so bad. I feel so stupid.”
“Shh, none of that,” he croons, kissing your forehead; you relish in the feeling of him so close to you, his warmth and familiar scent making you dizzy. You wrap your arms around him; your head only reaches the bottom of his chest but still you press yourself further until you’re hanging off of him. He chuckles, hoisting you into his arms and bouncing you lightly, rasping a low “clever girl” into your ear.
“Love you, daddy. I’m sorry,” you cry.
“Love you too, poppet,” He soothes you with quiet words and touches until you’re pliant in his hold, gazing up at him with so much love and affection. You don’t even realise he’s manipulating you. And he has you right where he wants you.
Brooo 10/10 recommend you to read

in search for a friend
clyde logan x female!reader
summary: finding a real friend can be hard so when you finally found one, you were head over heels but that was until he decided he didn’t want you around anymore.
warnings: 18+, smut, darkish clyde, innocent reader, naive reader, dub-con, stalker-ish behavior, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, jealousy, innocence kink, size kink, public segghs, cunnilingus yeet, angst, insecurities, loss of virginity, bleeding, creeps at the bar, sucky ending, surprise appearance of someone 😏 (im not being sleek bc he’s literally on the mood board thingy i made), i have no idea how bionic arms work, tell me if I missed something
word count: 8.9k
a/n: this is for you, Ora @crappedoutlungs 🥴 thank you for dragging me into the adam driver train 💀
I havent written in a long time so this is going to be rusty. Expect the smut to be cringy ✌🏼🥴

You knew Mellie from the salon. Your mother didn’t really force you to go but she would drag you with her to get a monthly hair day or sometimes, weekly mother and daughter time. It was a bit of a fiddly ritual but you eventually got used to it. You blamed it on your mother missing you at home ever since you got old enough to move out. She always did treat you like her baby girl and accepted that she would never grow out of that phase. You liked having your mom around. It’s not like you had many friends in town. Others may think of you clueless but you know what they say behind your back.
Mellie sometimes lacked a filter when talking to her customers and you were no different from the other customers. It was admirable though. You admired her honesty more than those two-faced people who call themselves a friend. That being said, her lack of filter made you understand why people seemed to be avoiding you in town. It’s not like you were awful, no. You tried your best to be the best version of yourself for people but when Mellie’s words came out of her mouth, you found your whole body warming up in embarrassment.
“People say you think you’re too good for anyone. You’re like this perfect lil girl and I guess everyone just got sick of the innocent thing going on,” You thought you saw Mellie looking almost guilty and concerned but the look was gone with a shrug.
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