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2 years ago

“Don’t give me that.” James corners him against the wall, his voice rising.  “Merlin, you know I’m so tired of this. Do you see what we do to Severus every day for the way he acts? And you’re just as bad as him.” He pauses. 

Regulus tries to say something but his tongue feels numb and clumsy in his mouth.

“You know what, maybe you’re worse,” James continues quieter, “because you know what you’re doing is wrong but you’re too scared to change.” He shoves Regulus in the chest and he stumbles backwards, his back hitting the wall in a solid thump.

“I’m sorry,” Regulus whispers. “But you know I don’t have a choice.”

“That's the thing,” James hisses, “You do. I keep hoping you’ll understand but I’m realizing that you’re nothing like Sirius, you’ll never be like him. And it’s killing me because I still love you. That’s the worst part about this.” His voice cracks, furious tears cling to his eyelashes. “I love you Regulus and I don’t deserve it. He pulls away, stepping neatly backwards. “This is not what I deserve.”

Regulus stands frozen against the wall as James stalks down the hallway. Love, he thinks numbly, is that what this is?

An excerpt from my new wip: when you go (leave your shadow behind) 

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2 years ago

“Well, you’ve changed,” Harry says simply, he pauses for a second and then flinches slightly as if hit with a sudden thought. “You know, he might not forgive you for leaving Lily. You need to be prepared for that.”

His words hit Regulus like a punch to the gut. Of course James won’t forgive him. He’s always had the privilege of hope, the ability to circumvent regret. And it’s not fair because undoubtedly he’ll fail to recognize the bigger picture. He’ll refuse to believe that everyone he loves is predestined for death. He’ll think that if he can just try harder, and do better, and give more, he’ll receive the happy ending he deserves. It makes Regulus’s blood boil.

“You’re right,” Regulus clenches his jaw.

“So wherever you take him will need to have anti-aperation wards,” Harry tells him calmly, “And you’ll need to take his wand away.”

“You’re not against this?” Regulus asks him, surprised, “You just told me that your dad will hate me for what I’m about to attempt and you’re still telling me to do it?”

“Regulus,” Harry says softly, “I’d rather have one parent someday than no parents at all.” He coughs but it doesn’t cover the crack in his voice, “If things get bad remind him about me. Tell him I need him.”

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