Japanese Translator - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Radio Station 12HITS! Wonderful Octave Nikaido Yamato 2/14 English Translation

Radio Station 12HITS! Wonderful Octave Nikaido Yamato 2/14 English Translation

Hello there! Finally I finished one of my to-do-lists...

I purchased Yamato Nikaido’s Radio Station earlier February and I totally love the drama track! So I decided to translate this to share with everyone else!

Please buy the original CD to support the franchise!

Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1seOp-w7CE7VnbUTrfM3sPNVj_RnUShgZGsGdpD23hwU/edit?usp=sharing



Reblogs are fine, and please credit me in case of reposting!

Also, please ask for permission in case you would like to use my translations, thank you!

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5 years ago

Radio Station 12HITS! Wonderful Octave Rokuya Nagi 6/20 English Translation

Radio Station 12HITS! Wonderful Octave Rokuya Nagi 6/20 English Translation

Hi and I'm finally done with my other to-do list. After this I'll get back to my other requests.

This is my English translation of Nagi's Radio Station.

Please buy the original CD to support the franchise!


Radio Station 12HITS Rokuya Nagi Translation
Google Docs
Radio Station 12HITS! Wonderful Octave Rokuya Nagi 6/20 Eng Translation Translation by karapposan (Tumblr) Translator Notes: I’ll break th



Reblogs are fine, but please ask permission in case you want to use my translations and credit me, thank you!

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5 years ago

ToGF Drama CD Translation

I just found that someone has already uploaded the translation of Tales of Graces F Anthology Drama CD 2012 Summer, albeit only 4 parts by DaidairoGS

I think I'll do the other parts instead after I'm done with my other to-do list.

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