Jar Magic - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

The “I Can Do This!” Motivation bottle.


I made this little bottle for my wife at work, but I’ve decided to post it because I know finals are coming up and I think this could be helpful for those of you who are juggling your finals with the rest of your life! 

All of these things came from my kitchen spice cabinets, so nothing too crazy or difficult to find here!

I made this as something that embodied what is needed to get through the tough days. It isn’t a good luck charm, just something to bring out the best thing already in you.

Each layer is for a different piece of what makes up a good, productive day in my opinion, so here we go!

Sea salt - for protection

Cinnamon - for success & wisdom

Sage - for peace

Caraway seeds - for mental power

Basil - for confidence

Rosemary - for mental clarity

Red Pepper flakes - for energy

I find that saying my intent out loud really helps me to know that it is there, the more I say something out loud, the more I feel like it is true and real, so I focus on saying my intent for each layer out loud, over and over until I really do feel it there. I also find that saying these things out loud, and being sure of them, helps you to realize that there really IS power in your words. You have power to speak these words and really bring life to them because you are stating, whole-heartedly that this rosemary is going to bring mental clarity to your day. Don’t be afraid to spend as much time as you need to on each layer to feel like your intent is there. This helps me, personally. 

Once you’re filled up, put the cork back in, tightly. I would recommend packing these layers in tightly also, so if you care them around in your pocket, they don’t all mix together if you don’t want them to.

After, I sealed my bottle with wax (mine was vanilla scented because it is my wife’s favorite scent and it’s something that really makes her happy) - (also I will make a little post about how I seal up little bottles with wax later on!) and sat with it for quite a while, really focusing the intent into the whole bottle, and what you want for it as a whole. Like before, I sat repeating out loud until I really felt it and believed it with the knowing that my words have power!

I hope this was helpful! 

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8 months ago

“Almost There” Career Success Spell (Disney Inspired)

A spell to bring you success and advancement in your career or job.

Almost There Career Success Spell (Disney Inspired)

You Will Need:




Dried Ginger

Green Candles

Paper and pencil/pen

Jar with a Lid

Cinnamon Incense


Light your cinnamon incense and your candles. Place them nearby as you work.

In the jar add your cinnamon, dried ginger and basil

Take your Aventurine in hand and whisper to it your desires of success and how hard you have worked. think about all the effort you have put into this job and fill the crystal with this energy and drive. Place it into the jar

On your paper write down more of how hard you feel you have worked, all of the effort you have put into the job and what you wish to achieve through success. Fold it up and place it in jar.

Let incense burn to ash (make sure it is fully out) and add it to your jar.

Screw on the lid and then seal it with the wax of the green candles.

Place in your home where you will see it every day. After a stressful day of hard work hold the jar and focus the effort you have put into the day and put it mentally into the jar like you did before. Do not actually open the jar (don’t want to break the spell)

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7 months ago

Sasha’s Emotional Strength Spell (Neopets Inspired)

“In her hometown, a fierce storm ravaged the long-awaited festival, but Sasha danced away, striking hope and inspiration into the hearts of the villagers.” -Neopets Altador Hall of Heroes

A spell to help you endure even the most brutal of emotional times and hold some strength when you need it most. This spell is one best done before hard times hit for it, like many spells, does require focus and energy put into it. 


You Will Need: 

🎵 Tea Leaves/Black Tea (strength, courage, energy)

🎵 Mugwort (strength, courage)

🎵 Mullein (courage)

🎵 Thyme (courage, determination)

🎵 Rosemary (mental protection, emotional strength)

🎵 Celery Seeds (mental strength, focus)

🎵 Sesame Seeds (hope)

🎵 Rose Quartz (emotional strength, hope)

🎵 Clear Quartz (energy, power, hope, focus)

🎵 Red Candle (small)

🎵 Jar or Tightly Closing Container

🎵 A Playlist of Songs that Make You Feel Powerful and Courageous

Set Up:

To set up this spell clean and clear an area, cleanse it as needed to prevent energy contamination. Make sure your playlist is set up and ready to play whether it’s through headphones or over some speakers from a phone or computer. If needed, put it on loop to ensure it plays the whole duration. Make sure you set up proper fire safety for this spell does require burning a candle down and over the container so make sure if needed there is wax paper or newspaper to catch any loose drips and that you aren’t working over carpet. Tie back all loose hair and roll up sleeves, due to motions that will take place near the flame. 


The Spell:

🎵 Turn on your playlist, if using speakers be courteous to any neighbors or roommates you may have and try not to have it too loud (especially late at night - don’t be that person)

🎵 Set up the jar or bottle you will be using and add in your herbs. The more herbs the stronger it is - though if it is a smaller container be sure to keep it from overflowing.

🎵 Once your herbs are layered in as desired add in your gemstones or shards

🎵 Screw the lid on tightly and place your candle on top, make sure as it burns it is able to melt over the lid of the container to seal it. Light it 

🎵 Once lit focus on the music playing and the energy it gives you, hold your hands to either side of the jar or container and focus that energy from the music through your body into the jar. Focus like this until wax is well melted from the candle on the jar lid and until you feel satisfied

🎵 If needed blow out or snuff out flame

🎵 Store somewhere safe but nearby. In times of dire trouble take far in hands or arms, hold it close without damaging or risking break to it and feel the energy from it enter you once more.

**spell is from my personal grimoire. Like what I post? Want to support me or buy me a delicious coffee? Feel free to check out my Ko-Fi Page!

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7 months ago

Pathfinder Inspired Spell: Itching Curse

A curse to use on someone who is getting under your skin no matter how many times you have told them to leave you alone. This is more for creeps and people who are pursuing you in an uncomfortable manner that it gives you the creepy crawlies when they are around. 

You will Need:

Gloves (working or gardening)

Stinging Nettle (fresh or dried)

Poppet of your choosing or a picture of the target

A jar that screws tightly shut

Green candle and a means to light it


Place your candle and light it to let it burn as you work.

Place your poppet into the jar, glue it in if you desire your can leave it free.

With your gloves on, add a very generous amount of chopped, powdered or fresh nettle into the jar. Do not fill it completely but add quite a bit. Half full should be good.

Screw on your lid and make sure it is tight.

“Under my skin you have gotten, The negative feelings you have given me shall not be forgotten, You will squirm, itch and scratch, your discomfort to mine will match, May you feel the stinging nettles, until my own annoyances have settled.”

Shake your jar very roughly, putting in your frustrations and thinking about all the discomfort and itching this person has caused you. Put that into this jar as you shake it. 

Finally pour green wax from your candle atop the jar to seal it.

Shake the jar vigorously after the person has done something that you are uncomfortable with and does not stop when you ask them to. 

To break curse once person has stopped or learned their lesson, unseal it or break it.

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7 months ago

“Powder Snow” Spell Jar (Pokemon Inspired)

A spell jar to remove one’s own romantic feelings for an ex or a toxic lover.

Powder Snow Spell Jar (Pokemon Inspired)

You Will Need:

❅ Jar or bottle with lid ❅ White Glitter ❅ Salt ❅ Dried White Rose Petals ❅ Ground Charcoal (artist) ❅ Garnet Chips ❅ Clear Quartz ❅ White Piece of Paper and Pen


❅ On your piece of paper write down all of the reasons why you wish to remove your romantic feelings towards the other person. Write down the pain they have caused you and your wishes to be set free. Be sure to write this person’s name on the paper too. Set to the side

❅ In a bowl mix your salt, dried rose petals, glitter and charcoal (small amount). Stir counter-clockwise to banish these feelings for this person, visualize them freezing up into ice crystals and blowing away and out of your life.

❅ Carefully pour mixture into your jar and place your garnet chips and clear quartz on top

❅ Tear up your paper from the first step into tiny shreds. Put all of your desire to rid yourself of these emotions as you rip and tear them

❅ Add the small torn pieces into your jar and close it and seal it as you see fit.

❅ Keep somewhere at room temperature and close to where you frequent. Whenever you feel these feelings rearing up again, hold the jar and take deep breaths focusing on your desires to banish them from you. Use the energy of the jar for this.

Note: to break spell unseal jar and dispose of contents (properly)

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