Jjba Dio - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Oomf Made A Mistake Letting Me Use Their Dio Cos Smh
Oomf Made A Mistake Letting Me Use Their Dio Cos Smh

Oomf made a mistake letting me use their dio cos smh

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2 years ago

More jojo stuff!!

Yes I have a problem

Got this little Au with the Jabberwocky Jostars and bandersnatch Brandos, its basically just the jojo characters as silly little nonsense critters and I live for it-

More Jojo Stuff!!
More Jojo Stuff!!

First we got jabberwocky!Josuke happy with himself over his amazing prank he pulled in the photoshoot

More Jojo Stuff!!

Then some doodles of the beloved brothers, Dio and Jonathan (Banderstaches have pointier ears, claws and clawed feets/Talons, longer tail fluff tufts, and horns-, Jabberwockies have longer rounder ears, short tail fluffs, pawed feet and lots of hair)

《 ☆ ☆ ☆ 《♡》 ☆ ☆ ☆ 》

More Jojo Stuff!!
More Jojo Stuff!!

Here is some Pucci × Kira (Its mostly kira crushing on pucci-) with dio very confused as to why his son's weirdo friend keeps growling at him

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2 years ago

Time for some character headcanons!!!

I've been storing these on a discord server for the last few months and now I can drown you all with them.

Josuke + Okuyasu headcanon:

Josuke always claims he is 'waiting for the right one' when asked about dating, describing someone who makes him feel happy to be around them, they get along great, and can fight but still love one another

Not realizing he is exactly describing his relationship w/Oku and exactly how he feels about oku cause he is a silly little aro/ace spec bean bby (Probably demi or gray)

Okuyasu & keicho:

Keicho and Okuyasu are very close to one another due to their experiences in childhood, and while keicho is a bit agressive towards his brother due to not knowing how to cope with his anger he still is very protective of Okuyasu, so anyone threatening Oku receives an immediate death sentence. Be it because they're trying to kill them or someone scolding oku as the brothers don't do well with being shouted at.

Jotaro headcanons:

There are few people jotaro will let make contact with him without a very close connection, example his mom and even then he is adverse to the touch, but one being stands above all the rest. One man can invade his personal space (within reason) beyond all set boundaries and jotaro would give gruff 'yare yare' and carry on.

Who is it?


That man could sit in joots lap and cry into his shoulder while sobbing in French, a move anyone else would be hospitalized for, and jotaro would sigh with a 'good grief' and hold him like a baby so they didn't fall over

Your standard jotaro chart of may I touch:

Jotaro with strangers- NO TOUCH

Jotaro with people he has met - 2 second Hand shake only or death.

Jotaro with friends - you may touch me slightly more then usual.

Jotaro with close friends or family - *a singular 3 second hug is allowed*

Jotaro with polnareff - You are allowed to sit on my lap while we drive in the car and you lay out all over me while sobbing in French about how some girl smacked you for winking at her. No one else.

Polnareff in part 4

Pol:OIII!!! JOJOOO!!! *tackle hugs jotaro hugging and platonically smooching him*

Jotaro: *yare yare daze*

Josuke, conufsed: is- is jotaro dating that guy?? Isnt he married???

Jospeh, a small chortle: no! Haha, jotaro is gay and polnareff is french.

Josuke: I-

Time For Some Character Headcanons!!!

Dio minion headcanons

A lot of dio's entourage is queer in some way. A few being trans as they were attracted to the idea of the vampire powers getting rid of parts and replacing them with more appropriate ones

Vanilla Ice and pucci are two trans men, though Ice came to Dio and had him use his vampiric powers for transiton

Meanwhile pucci had received conventional top surgery.

Dio is rather oblivious to modern medicines and thus doesn't really know what the hell top surgery is

So when showing off his scars and explaining them to some of the other trans folk of Dio's mansion, Dio notices and is livid. Confused and demanding to know who gave him these scars.

Pucci explains his doctor at which dio snaps back with an 'I knew healthcare professionals were evil' followed by silence and a small explanation of top surgery to dio.

I also like the idea Dio doesn't fully realize and understand the concept of trans.

He fully supports his minions in switching around parts and things, cause like same he cut off his adoptive brothers head and graphed his head onto it, shapeshifting is a thing he can use so why not use it?

He just doesn't connect they're trans, he just figures they like using his cool abilities like him lol

The d'arby brothers are from deep down south in Louisiana. Why? Bc I like the idea. I also really like the idea of Terence making Jumbo and other foods for Dio's minions and things.

Hol horse is from texas and is very sweet cowboy man, his family owns a farm :) he has a horse named buttercup and he loves buttercup

Vanilla is from like....Wyoming or some made up state like that. Silly little freak. Like Massachusetts. He is giving Massachusetts. Idk y he just is.

Hol horse is the oblivious supportive uncle. the others are all off waving their pride flags at a pride parade and hol horse is there with his texan flag just happy to be included lol. He also give out hugs when he gets dragged to pride parades, he is happy to be there UvU.

General stand headcanons

Stands have shown being directly connected to their user, some more so then others (I.E. Kira's stand 'sheer heart attack' is shown to directly affect the right hand it is connected to when attacked)

THUS meaning people who's stands damn near directly correlate with their body's, say killer queen or the world, if you were to squish their faces this would effect the user. (In this case kira or dio)

Bc this opens up a whole new range of Partner affection, not to mention the hilarious possibility of scenes like so

*sitting next to killer queen, looks around for kira. Very swiftly swishes the stands face*

*violent footsteps approach*

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2 years ago

Some concept art for a jjba Au/Timeline shift part!!!

Part 4 & 1/2

> Following hol horse on his journey through italy as he searches for his lover of many years and their surprise son(Mista), as he has just received a letter declaring his son and her sudden illness. Thus when running into fellow Ex-Minions of Dio, pucci and vanillia ice he feels a resurgence of bad memories and distrust towards them, but will he learn to trust his fellow ex-minionees?! An au meant as an exploration of this trio's traumas and things to do with dio's manipulation, I plan on designing and throwing in even more of the part 3 minion blorbos soon >:)

Some Concept Art For A Jjba Au/Timeline Shift Part!!!

Hol & pucci designs!! Trying to keep a heart motif :)

Some Concept Art For A Jjba Au/Timeline Shift Part!!!

Nice hol design/full body without his little cape, showing off more of his heart motif (he also has a star shaped scar on his fore head in reference to the events of part 3)

Some Concept Art For A Jjba Au/Timeline Shift Part!!!

Finally a nice Ice design (based off some vanilla ice clothes) and some flowery angst for the three!!! Ice also keeping in tune with the heart motif but this time it's broken hearts (Dios defeat leaving him broken and without a purpose so he now aimlessly follows pucci like a lost dog-). He also has burns referencing his presumed death in part 3 that actually just fugged him up a good bit :)

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2 years ago

Hmmmmmm D'arby


Me and @v01dv0r3 were chatting abt these blorbos on my alt account (@repost-haven).

So uh

They're in my brain now

Hmmmmmm D'arby
Hmmmmmm D'arby
Hmmmmmm D'arby
Hmmmmmm D'arby


Headcanon: D'arby bros are from Louisiana and have a love for food + cooking, terrance especially, thus it physically harms him as dio's sensitive British taste buds can't handle to food so he has to make a "special" order for him when he makes his spicy gumbos and things

Hmmmmmm D'arby
Hmmmmmm D'arby
Hmmmmmm D'arby
Hmmmmmm D'arby


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2 years ago

A quick shit post for the soul

Some quick context: the character presented here in blue is a jojo OC who exists between our world and all of the jojo worlds, like a ghost alley situation so they are very silly and I love them <3 they'll get a ref soon I swear

A Quick Shit Post For The Soul


JO-c: How curious, a new one? Heh, feels like I just got rid of one.

> So tell me little one, what's your name? Surely something TRULY WORTHY-

Jodio: Jodio.

JO-c: . . . Wa?

Jodio: ... jodio. That's my name

JO-c: child. WHO named you???

Jodio: that guy. [Motions off screen]

JO-c: sigh. Of course.

[Image of Dio]

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2 years ago

In love with the mental image of Dio calling up Terence at like 2 in the morning with big crocodile tears and a tub of ice cream in his lap, and at first terence is shocked and concerned only for the first thing to come out of his mouth is 'SNIFF WHY DON'T YOU CALL ME BABY GIRL LIKE RYAN GOSLING' and all emotion just drains from Terence as he realizes Dio is watching the note book or some shit

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2 years ago

Some concept art for a jjba Au/Timeline shift part!!!

Part 4 & 1/2

> Following hol horse on his journey through italy as he searches for his lover of many years and their surprise son(Mista), as he has just received a letter declaring his son and her sudden illness. Thus when running into fellow Ex-Minions of Dio, pucci and vanillia ice he feels a resurgence of bad memories and distrust towards them, but will he learn to trust his fellow ex-minionees?! An au meant as an exploration of this trio's traumas and things to do with dio's manipulation, I plan on designing and throwing in even more of the part 3 minion blorbos soon >:)

Some Concept Art For A Jjba Au/Timeline Shift Part!!!

Hol & pucci designs!! Trying to keep a heart motif :)

Some Concept Art For A Jjba Au/Timeline Shift Part!!!

Nice hol design/full body without his little cape, showing off more of his heart motif (he also has a star shaped scar on his fore head in reference to the events of part 3)

Some Concept Art For A Jjba Au/Timeline Shift Part!!!

Finally a nice Ice design (based off some vanilla ice clothes) and some flowery angst for the three!!! Ice also keeping in tune with the heart motif but this time it's broken hearts (Dios defeat leaving him broken and without a purpose so he now aimlessly follows pucci like a lost dog-). He also has burns referencing his presumed death in part 3 that actually just fugged him up a good bit :)

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2 years ago

Inspired <3

Dio has definitely made the mistake of trying to insult Esidisi or whamu and Santana and that is a mistake-


(Referencing another post I made about kars watching and crying about poor Esidisi's death in the peanut gallery villain expansion)

Dio getting bullied by Kars would be so funny

You've summed up their entire relationship in the Villain House-

just. Dio is acting like his regular assholey self and Kars is having none of it. He could not give less of a shit but the second Dio make it his problem his absolutely curbstomps him in retaliation

almost every interaction between them is Dio trying to fight him and Kars either ignoring him entirely or showing him exactly why he was the only one here who wasn't technically dead

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3 years ago

Akdbxianxysisby MY HEART 🥺💓💓

Somewhere an article read that if Dio survived long enough to know about Giorno he would have killed his mother and step father and taken Gio in, may I please get a small scenario where Dio takes Gio home and a Gio is terrified Dio’s wife won’t like him but she (kind bubbly caring and motherly) immediately throws her arms open and cries “MY BABY BOY!” And won’t stop kissing his face and steals her attention away from Dio whom becomes a pouty baby please and thank you sweetheart!

[ Oh my god please little Gio.  Little Gio and reader as Dio’s wife?  Little Gio with a better childhood?  That is all.  Yes please. ]

Giorno Giovanna did not - or perhaps he could not - remember much of his early life.  The farthest back his mind could reach was to a dark, rainy evening, one where thunder had rumbled so loud it shook the ground as though an earthquake and lightning struck the ground in dizzying patches of heat, bolting down throughout all of Italy as the winds of the Mediterranean pushed the storm onwards, deeper into the country, growing a mile a minute.  He’d been trying to sleep.  With his favorite plush animal, he’d pulled the covers up over his head, trying his hardest not to let the rash sounds overwhelm him but trembling nonetheless, eyes wide open, seeing nothing but black save for the occasional illumination that sparked from the clouds.  Nobody had come to him.  Not his stepfather, nor even his own mother.  As for his real father...well, he’d never met the man.  At least, not until that night, when, as the storm picked up, violently thrashing rain against the windows with such strength it was a wonder they didn’t shatter to pieces, an unfamiliar voice had resounded softly within his ear.  

“You’re alright now, Giorno.”  It was deep, commanding, but with a strange twinge of care just barely noticeable.  As he was still under the covers, now completely and absolutely terrified, clutching at the fabric with desperate hands and wishing he was anywhere else but there, all he could tell was that the man had moved to his bedside by the sound of increasing footfalls.  “Nothing will hurt you.  Not while I, your father, am here.”

And thus began his new life.  His mother and father had gotten lost from work on the way home that night, but Dio - Giorno’s father - had finally returned.  Now he resided with his father in a spacious, expensive home, straight in the middle of a prosperous portion of Naples.  Through their years together, Giorno had learned that his father had been a wealthy lawyer in both England and Japan.  The profession still provided for him now, albeit Giorno rarely ever heard his father talk about his work.  The boy couldn’t ever catch a glimpse of the cases Dio was supposed to be arguing on the television.  But he had learned quickly that although his father did love him, he was even more strict, sometimes seeming domineering or occasionally outright mean with scolding, should his son find himself in places he wasn’t supposed to venture, or performing activities deemed punishable.  Giorno loved Dio.  But he would be lying if he said that he didn’t miss his mother.  So, when one day, his father began speaking of a woman and her captivating beauty, he naturally grew curious.  He asked, over and over, what the woman was like, how his father had met her, how she looked, what she liked, how well the two of them knew one another.  Over time the questions became more and more incessant, with each query resulting in nothing but commands or reprimands from his father.  But equally over time Dio was home less and less.  Sometimes, he would be gone for hours, or a day.  Often he would vanish at night, while Giorno was asleep, but often strayed well into the afternoon.  Giorno grew worried.  What if another storm happened, like the one that had caught his first family, and his father was lost, too?  Who would take care of him then?  This fear only tripled as days turned to weeks.  But finally, upon asking one day, gathering up the courage for a scolding, after managing to catch his father, he had asked where the man was going.

Something about Dio’s nature appeared to have changed, or at least been altered to some degree.  Giorno had always known his father as a logical and focused man, but as of late he had begun to forget things, or seemingly get lost in his own thoughts.  All that Dio replied with was a dismissive, “Go back inside,” before his voice softened and something like - was that a smile? - formed on his lips.  “I’ve a present for you tomorrow.  Don’t make me postpone it.” 

The next day, the two of them spent all cloudy afternoon and evening going shopping.  Giorno felt it was a rather odd present, but nevertheless enjoyed the times where he’d point out something he liked and his father would purchase it for him.  Perhaps these were the gifts?  He was content with the idea that they were as the both of them made their way back to the car, especially as his father let him ride shotgun, but shortly after the car was in action this idea was debunked. 

“[Y/n] is waiting for us at home.  She really wanted to meet you today, Giorno.  After all, she is your new mother.”

Giorno’s eyes flew open in shock.  [Y/n]?  As in, [y/n] [l/n], the woman that his father had always talked about?  That [y/n]?  A-and wait, did he just say she was his new mom?  Despite how hard he bit it back, the question escaped him.  “My - my mom?”

Dio nodded, eyes never leaving the road.  “She only found out about you yesterday, but she said she couldn’t go any longer without meeting you.”

“Go any longer with what?”

“Oh, I mustn’t have told you.  [Y/n] and I are engaged, Giorno.”  He paused for a minute as he saw his son’s jaw drop from the corner of his eye, theorizing the dynamic his beloved son would have with his beloved [y/n].  You’d always been very caring, a kind and intelligent woman who kept herself well put-together, sensible and levelheaded, but the way that your eyes had grown wide as moons albeit far more beautiful, the gasp of surprise escaping your wide-opened mouth, staring in shock at him, breathless for a moment before you’d thrown your arms around him, the greatest smile Dio had ever seen emerging on your face, voice stuck somewhere between absolute surprise and absolute joy, barely able to speak as you begged your heart out to meet the young boy that Dio had just now informed was his son.  In every sense, you were completely overwhelmed.  You would have a little boy running around the house now.  It wasn’t just you and Dio destined to live as a couple, but you, Dio, and Giorno, a true family, undoubtedly inseparably.  In truth Dio hadn’t told you much about his son beyond his name and bits and pieces of his personality.  But now, waiting patiently at your fiancé's house, you nervously touched up your makeup, eyes darting between your face and the door, a smile on your face and a lightness in your chest. Your heart was racing like never before.

So was Giorno’s.  He wasn’t sure if he was afraid or excited, fearful or grateful, anticipating or anxious.  You’d always sounded so nice whenever his father had spoken of you.  But Giorno had never met you.  He wasn’t proper or well-mannered like his father, nor was he as quiet or interested in reading.  In truth he and his father didn’t have all too much in common.  And even then, even if the two of them were similar, would you like him then?  Maybe he would take up all of your time.  He would be a burden to you, getting in the way of everything, nothing but extra baggage in a previously perfect love, only eliciting every possible negative emotion from within your soul?  There wasn’t any way he could conceive it going positively.  He could hardly control himself under normal circumstances, but he knew he’d have much less a tighter grip on his childish behavior or energy when meeting you.  You would hate him.  He knew it.  He would ruin your love for his father.  He would -

“Go inside.”  Dio’s voice broke him into the clear from his thick, foggy thoughts.  Somehow Giorno found himself at the entrance to his house - right in front of the door you were behind - his father motioning to the unlocked door.  If he said something to his dad now, he would worsen everything, not just for you but for his dad, too.  And again that fearful thought crept up again.  If you were gone, and his father was gone, then who would be there for him?

He found himself being practically shoved through the doorway, a strong hand against his back as the two of them entered, only for Giorno to have perhaps a moment to center himself before losing his balance and sight in an instant, slender arms enveloping him.

He was adorable!  You understood Dio’s fear of keeping him from you - not all women were open to single fathers, but, of course, you weren’t one of them - but couldn’t believe the thought that he’d been hiding such a cute little treasure from you.  As you set him down from your spinning hug, you kneeled down to him, taking him in for the first time wholly, as he did the exact same to you.

You - you didn’t hate him?  You hadn’t screamed, or ran?  You had...that was, you’d...he’d gotten a hug from you?  As he regained his balance he found a pretty young woman smiling gleefully, kneeling down to his level and looking you over from head to toe, joy only blooming more and more on your face as you examined his features.  You had the cutest smile he’d ever seen, and as he returned one of his own, still in a stupor, you easily said the same for him.  Look at the way his perfect cheeks budged up as he grinned, eyelashes fanning the frame of his stunning green eyes, small little nose looking oh-so-boopable you could hardly contain your squee, completely and totally oblivious to your soon-to-be-husband, who stood in the doorway, mouth twitching into something like a frown of jealousy.  

You relapsed into hugging Giorno, who, this time, returned your embrace, and as you felt his little arms around your back, you cried, “My baby boy!  Oh, look at you, angel!”  Feeling him laugh lightly against you, you began to barrage his small forehead with kisses, eyes welling with tears that threatened to spill over.  He was precious.  So, so, so incredibly precious, and by god, you were so blessed to have him and Dio in your life.  Oh, how could he have hidden Giorno from you?!  “I love you so much, Giorno.”

“I - I love you too, Miss [y/n] - mom!”  And he did.  You radiated warmth and comfort, and gave the best hugs he’d ever received, and were way more pretty than his dad, and smiled way more often, and rained affection down upon him.  A giant grin emerged on his face.  “I’ll be good, I promise!”

A tear escaped you.  “Oh, Giorno...thank you…” you trailed off after wiping the wetness from your eyes, only to cast a glance up and find Dio, practically pouting, skulking in the corner, like a big baby in time-out, and you laughed, orienting your son so he could see his father.  “...But save some love for your dad, too!”  You leaned in close, face just besides Giorno’s, before continuing in a whisper, “He won’t ever say it, but I think he’s jealous of us.”  

Giorno giggled.  He loved you already, absolutely, completely and totally, and called out, “Dad!  Come get a hug from mom!  She gives the best hugs!”

And as Dio made his way into the picture, lifting his young son upon his arms and settling him atop his shoulder, taller than he could ever dream of, now up in the air of the adults, smiling just like you, the three of you were positive that nothing better existed than being there, together, by each other’s side - a family.

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3 years ago

DIO Psychological Analysis + Relationship Headcanons

DIO Psychological Analysis + Relationship Headcanons

TW: Slightly NSFW

Dio Brando did not have a pleasant life. He was born in the more “underprivileged” parts of England, with insufficient money to keep him and his family at bay. To make matters worse, his father was a thief and an alcoholic who abused his wife and his son. Unfortunately, due to the conditions he was exposed to, Dio was affected in the worst ways possible; children who are abused adopt violent, aggressive, or criminal behavior or other behavioral problems, in addition to drug or alcohol abuse and high-risk sexual behavior. Despite Dio despising everything about his father, he mirrored a lot of his father’s foul behavior, even taking after his habit of drinking.

Dio’s hatred for his father is ignited by Dario’s abuse of his mother. During pregnancy, the bearer of the child shouldn’t be subjected to stressful events or a disorderly environment, and Dario Brando’s treatment was so horrid that poor Mrs. Brando lost her baby, Dio’s sibling. Dio was aware that his father was the reason that something like that happened, and while he watched his mother sob in misery at the loss of her child, he felt the hatred he had in his heart for his father to thrive, growing rapidly like moss in concrete cracks.

Simply hearing his father’s voice was enough to contort his face into a deep scowl, his eyebrows so furrowed that the crease between them remained permanent. Every single sign of his facial expression pointed towards hatred and disgust. He couldn’t believe that he shared blood with this individual.

DIO Psychological Analysis + Relationship Headcanons

Dio actually loved his mother; she was his safe haven while everyone else around him was a pack of ravenous wolves, ready to roll him in the dirt. The only redeeming quality about Dio is the fact that he loved his mother and cared for her; possibly the only humane thing he has ever done. The moment Dio’s mother passed on, he set it as a goal that he will blow out the candlelight of his sad excuse of a father’s soul, and proudly so.

“Devil that you were, you drove mother to an early grave. I’m glad you’re dead, may you burn for your sins. The riches that eluded your grasp? I will claim them in excess. You lacked the cunning to take what you wanted, but I’ll prevail! This Joestar shall be the key! Now burn!”

After being a doormat all his life, Dio was sick of submission. He didn’t crave equality, he wanted to ascend above everybody else; he wanted to be superior. Just equality wasn’t enough. Dio is a brat; if he wants something, he will get it. No matter what. He is ready to do anything to achieve his goals and make himself proud. Dio’s most identifiable characteristics are his unlimited ambition and his desire and love of power. He consistently scheming and aggressively domineering, and has recurrently shown a lack of ethics and empathy.

His smile is asymmetrical, a tell-tale sign for his arrogance and narcissism.

While addressing others, Dio points his index finger, figuratively beating the listener into submission.

Dio stands with his feet wide apart; a posture that displays dominance, telling you that he stands his ground. It’s used as a dominance signal by men because it highlights their genitals, giving them a gallant look. However, he sits with his legs crossed, indicating a feeling of confidence, superiority, and self-assurance.

Dio relishes being in a position of authority and has repeatedly stated how exhilarating it felt to be dominant. Dio never tolerated the idea of somebody surpassing his power or even being equal to him, and was infuriated and profoundly disturbed at the thought several times. If he were to court somebody, he would want them to shower him in praise and idolization. He would want them to know and believe it that he is better than them, that he has authority over them. It fills him with pride being the one in charge of everything that his partner does. He’ll tell you what to wear, how to do your makeup, when to reapply your lipstick – he’ll demand you to wear his favorite colors. With his power, you should expect a lot of frivolous gifts. Clothes custom made to your measurements; the finest satin and silk there is. He wants his pet to look their best, always.

He loves it when you worship Jonathan’s his body. Trail kisses from his neck all the way to his abdomen while he strokes your hair and coos out praise. Narcissistic as ever, he only ever refers to himself as Dio.

“You love Dio, your beloved master, don’t you, little one?”

“My, My… You look absolutely exquisite in the fabric that Dio has gotten you, my darling.”

He is extremely possessive of you. D’arby and Vanilla Ice are forbidden from ever touching you, and he’ll glare daggers at them if they stare for a prolonged period of time. One of the only human things he has done in the one-hundred years of being an immortal being is loving you. Possessively and intensely. Consider yourself extremely lucky that he has kept you alive for so long, as he only views women as objects for sex or food.

Just like when he was a young boy, Dio still has an affinity for reading, as he is found in the library of his mansion at times. He’ll keep you in his arms while he indulges in reading, but only if you caress and stroke his sides. He adores the contrast between your warm body and his cold, lifeless one.

He’ll firmly grip your thighs and slightly dig his nails into them. He loves marking you by scratching on your soft skin or leaving love bites where they can be seen by others. He likes to make the message very clear that you belong to him.

Dio displays his decent side to those who are good to him, so stay good to him. Stay submissive and never go against his word. He knows what’s best for you, and you should be well aware of his insight.

Often, he will ask you philosophical questions and humor himself in meaningful conversations with you. Of course, it’s partially because he wants to show you his educated and intellectual side; a testament that he is the scholar and you are the student. You report to him at all times. He feeds you with knowledge, and in return, you give him all that he expects from a good, obedient pet and follower – the worship he deserves.

He sports the fragrance of Egyptian musk – very pleasing, arousing warm, smoky notes with touches of dampened timber. Though, he is picky about the quality as cheap Egyptian musk tends to be rather pungent.

He frequently orders kindly asks you to light incense in your shared chamber.

Once you stroked his ear with the three beauty marks adorning it before kissing it and wrapping your plump lips around it, suckling gently. He lost control and ravaged you in bed. You weren’t able to walk for days or whimper anything besides his name.

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3 years ago

Bonding with the Brando kids (excluding Giorno) feat. your boyfriend, DIO

You honestly didn’t know what to expect when Dio told you that he had kids, much less three of them. He didn’t wish to scare you off, and you certainly understand it: not every person would be open to a relationship with a single father. Despite that, you decide to reassure Brando and tell him you aren’t just going to run away from him. “Of course you aren’t,” he’d tell you smugly, laughing the confession off, but deep down, you know he appreciates it.

Since then, you are captivated with the idea of actually meeting the three. Dio showed you pictures of them that he carries around in his wallet (god forbid someone laughs at him for being overly sentimental, at least he’s being a good father and not the wreck that Dario was), and you already fell in love with the children from the stories he told you. Brando is still reluctant about you meeting them. It would involve a lot of coaxing until he agrees to invite you to his home for the weekend, reminding himself to make sure the boys are on their best behavior in front of you. Wouldn’t want to make a bad first impression.

Keep reading

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3 years ago
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.
Dio In Red, Gold, Or Green Either Way Hes The Jackass King.

Dio in red, gold, or green either way he’s the jackass king.

- poem by Fandom Wall (who’s fucking about)

This bitch be real simple cuz the art for DIO is immaculate. Thanks for your request guys:

@halite-writes , @tashaack11 , & @dollofchaos

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1 year ago
Anastasia X JJBA
Anastasia X JJBA
Anastasia X JJBA
Anastasia X JJBA

Anastasia x JJBA

I know most of you probably don’t know the movie or just this doesn’t resonate with you that much, but this movie is so much part of me especially in my artist self! Each day I spent on it was so much fun to work even if my eyes hurt, I rewatched scenes for references and that amazing feeling when the nostalgia hits and you are a kid again sitting in front of the screen and being mesmerised by the art and story that you follow only for 1,5 hours, but for you it’s just entering another world!

Sorry for being cheesy, but I can’t help when I’m thinking about any of my childhood favourited :,)

I hope these fake screenshots catch some of your attention and watch it and became as beloved movie as it is for me!❤️❤️

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6 years ago


We sail today Tears drown in the wake of delight There's nothing like this built today You'll never see a finer ship in your life

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6 years ago
I Can Touch The Planets Through The Roof Of My CarYou're Reaching For The Heavens, Only Bark At The StarsNow

I can touch the planets through the roof of my car You're reaching for the heavens, only bark at the stars Now all your hundred thousands best remember my name Sucker punchin' on me, if they got it my way I came to kill 'em, now I've Witness this before my eyes I take a beating, but I I'll never give up

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3 years ago
 JoJo's Villains
 JoJo's Villains
 JoJo's Villains
 JoJo's Villains
 JoJo's Villains
 JoJo's Villains
 JoJo's Villains

✴︎ JoJo's Villains ✴︎

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1 year ago

Big sister figure Doppio being so gentle and caring to any younger children while still experiencing top tier girl rage behind a gentle smile, while the others are just giant buff assholes ready to fuck you up/fuck up the Joestars while still “calm” LMAO

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