John Barrowman - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Fic #6

Title: Pain and Warmth

Fandom: Torchwood

Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones

Pairing: Jack/Ianto

Status: complete

Ianto curled up on the couch in Jack's office, his head resting on the Captain's lap. Jack's fingers were running soothingly through his hair. He felt so cozy.

During work hours, they had to be boss and subordinate, but after hours, when it was just them, they could share love and comfort and just relax with each other.

Jack's head was leaned against the back of the couch, his eyes closed, humming softly to a tune Ianto didn't recognize. He felt the most peaceful he had all day- after hunting down a group of rogue weevils terrorizing a bunch of civilians. This is what home felt like -

However, Jack would be damned if he'd admit that to Ianto. He was afraid it would send him running.

A soft voice broke through his thoughts.

"Do you love her, Jack?"

Jack was surprised. "Do I love who?"

"Gwen. Do you love her? I've noticed the way you often excuse her misbehavior, seem the way you look at her, talk to her- hell, I've seen the way you weapons trained her. The same way you trained me. So, Jack, do you love Gwen Cooper?"

Jack stayed quiet for a while, trying to formulate his answer. He didn't love Gwen, but he knew his Welshman would want an explanation for his behaviour.

After a couple of minutes Ianto started to sit up, away from Jack.

The Captain hid all emotions, his mask sliding back into place.

"No, I don't love Gwen."

"Then what was your behavior all about?"

Jack sighed. "Because I'm jealous she can lead a normal life outside work. That she has a boyfriend she can love. I can't ever have that, because of who and how I am."

Ianto looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jack." He left the office, pulling on his jacket and heading out of the Hub. Jack made no move to stop him as a stray tear slid down his cheek.

Ianto walked home. The tears never spilled out of his eyes, he was too numb to cry. After all this time, he thought he could be the boyfriend who loves Jack, maybe one day his husband. But after what Jack said, he was doubting Jack wanted him in his life anymore. If that was the case, he wished the older man would let him go, stop making him feel as if they could be something. No more sex. No more sleeping in each other's beds. No more soft touches. No more flirting. No more hugs. And for Ianto, no more Torchwood. Because now, without Jack, what's left for him is pain, if he stays.

When Jack woke up the next morning, he didn't fancy staying around in the Hub. He got dressed, and took his boat to Flat Holm, intending to spend the day there.

Ianto peeked into Jack's office when delivering the coffee. Strange, the Captain was gone but his coat was still there-

Must be his way of saying he'll be back but didn't want anyone to know where he went or when he's coming back, but probably less than two days as he hated to be without his coat.

Ianto slipped a note into the pocket of the coat, poking out just a tad for it to be noticeable. Jack would hopefully understand when he reads it.

Ianto left work early, needing time alone.

He curled up on his couch, and ended up falling asleep.

Jack got back to the Hub late that night. He noticed the envelope, and took it down with him to his bunker.

He sat on the bed and began to read.

He finished reading, the letter fluttering to the floor.

"Fuck." Jack hid his face in his hands, his shoulders trembling, the only indication that he was crying.

The next morning, when Ianto brought a mug of coffee to Jack's office, the Captain shut the door.

"Sit, please, Ianto. We need to talk."

"Is it related to work?"

"No, it's about us."

"I think you said all there is to say. I should get back to work, Sir."

"Ianto, please -"

"I'll bring you a fresh mug of coffee later."

"I don't want it."


Ianto was buttoning up his coat, heading to the exit when he bumped into Jack.

"Sir, I'd like to go home. It's late."

"It's after hours now, so we can talk first, then you can go home."

"It's been a long day and I'm tired. Let me go."

"We need to talk, Ianto, please-"

Ianto sighed. "Fine. You get ten minutes." He walked with the Captain to his office.

Ianto sat on the opposite side from Jack at his desk, waiting for his the Captain to say something.

"Ianto, you are my boyfriend. I still want you to be. As for what I said- it's because eventually you'll leave me. I don't age. And that often becomes a point of contention in my relationships that I've stayed in long enough to entrust my secret to them. They get upset and jealous, understandably. We work for Torchwood, which means you'll probably be taken from me sooner, you won't even have that chance to get mad that I'm not ageing because you'll be dead. And it's going to be my fault." Jack's voice was barely above a whisper at this point, his tone unsteady. "I want to stay with you forever, but it's not possible. I'd give up my immortality if it meant living out the rest of my mortal life with you -"

Ianto stared at Jack for a few minutes, unsure what to say. He got up after a bit, grabbed Jack's coat, pulled the Captain out of his chair, and helped Jack into his coat. Jack complied out of confusion, but he let Ianto take the lead.

"C'mon twpsyn, it's past time to go home." He practically dragged Jack out of the Hub, holding tight to his hand as they walked to Ianto's flat.

Things weren't completely fixed, but for now, Ianto and Jack were boyfriends, going home together.

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7 years ago

Lo conozco bien

Lo Conozco Bien

Lo espero. Llega un poquito tarde. No lo tiene por costumbre. Antes avisaba; un guiño por le teléfono, una palabra bonita; no necesita más. Ni él ni yo. Me hizo fácil el amor. O eso pensaba. No sabía lo que era, ni siquiera qué debía hacer para amarlo. Durante un tiempo iba a tientas, como evitando sobresaltarlo mucho, que lo hacía: al mínimo contacto apartaba la piel y fruncía los labios…

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6 years ago

Actual love being British

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11 years ago

What. I think my brain just melted from awesome.

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can they not [x]

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11 years ago
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9 months ago
Casual Reminder That This Account Supports John Barrowman #IStandWithJohnBarrowman

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9 months ago

I free handed this with a reference pic in the corner. It looks better than my couple of first attempts but still needs work.

Constructive criticism is requested🙏

I Free Handed This With A Reference Pic In The Corner. It Looks Better Than My Couple Of First Attempts

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8 months ago

YouTube is being a jerkball, so here ya go

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