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Doctor Who universe characters as John Mulaney quotes (part one):
Twelve in Kill the Moon:


Clara Oswald:

Twelve after Clara asked how long was he in the confession dial:

Ten when someone mentions Rose:

Thirteen to the Master:

John Hart:

Jack Harkness:

Owen Harper:

Donna Noble to Ten:

Doctor Who universe characters/situations as John Mulaney quotes (part three):
Season 2 episode 4, the girl in the fireplace:

RTD and Moffat writing characters vs Chibnall writing characters

Rose in Army of Ghosts:

Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane taking about the Doctor:

Twelve in Dark Water when he said to Clara “Go to hell”

Donna Noble in The Runaway Bride:

Twelve when Clara asks if he found Gallifray:

Eleven when he rigenerated in Twelve

John Hart to the Torchwood team:

Twelveth Doctor:

If anyone has any music video ideas for anything Torchwood related, pls share! I need ideas

i think 13/river/yaz as like jack/john/ianto like 13 has relationships with both like jack whereas yaz is only into the doctor like ianto and river has a relationship with the doctor and just keeps calling yaz eye candy.
Let's go for my yearly listening of EVERY torchwood audio drama