Joker Batman - Tumblr Posts
Here is a random “cringe” and “all over the place” story I made like 3 years ago and I’m now just sharing it…I involve some big people in it like my old friends, actors, and myself, I put them in parentheses…almost technically like a crossover…if you don’t want to read this kind of story, I suggest moving on, but if you do, then please, enjoy and leave a like if you did so!
You’ve been warned, this is so so long!

A Heavy Heart.
(Big Movie-like story!)
Rating: PG-13 for….brief violence, brief sensuality and thematic elements!
I couldn’t sleep. Insomnia was taking its toll on me. I looked at my alarm clock with the numbers glowing 4:30. Damn! I have to get up at 6 to go to work. I work at “Sylvie’s Shelf”…a grocery store. I take care of the deliveries that come into the store with the help of my friend Vincent (My old irl friend named Chance). I quickly got myself up and ready for what’s ahead. By the time I was done, it was 5:30! Enough time to say hi to my friends. I just hope they are up and awake already. I called Vincent first…he picked up rather quickly. “Hey Vincent…ready for work?”, There was silence on his end and a sigh. “Everything okay Vincent?”, I continued. Vincent finally spoke into the phone after the few moments of silence. But…it wasn’t him.
“Hello Jessica (me!)…this is Vincent’s mom…I’m sorry but he won’t be coming in to work today…”, I heard her sigh deeply again as she continued. “Vincent…has been in an accident…earlier yesterday….after you two left the store…he sped down the road too fast and got hit by a truck…and that truck was running a red light…and he is now on life support in the hospital…I’m sorry honey…we…can…both visit him after you’re done with your shift…what time do you get off?”, Standing there, I wasn’t sure how to talk to her, as I was still soaking in the information she just told me. I could only stifle out a “5:30…in the evening…” and hung up without hearing her response. I glanced to the clock to see it was 5:45…time to go.
I picked up my keys and hoodie, leaving out the door with my mind feeling frazzled. I was not going to let this incident get in the way of me working…I’ll pretend it never happened. It was a good drive as I pulled into the store parking lot, seeing there were lots of signs posted in the front saying, “Get better Vincent” or “We have faith in you!”. I got out of my car and over to the building. Staring at those signs, I felt a small swell of anger as I tore them all down, making my way inside the store. This was not helping me at all! As I got ready in the lounge, my co-worker, Jason, (Adam Driver who played Kylo Ren on Star Wars), came into the lounge to ask me if I was okay. Since my mind was still frazzled, and I have a small crush on him, I didn’t say anything as I stuffed my hoodie into my locker. Jason walks closer to me to say, “If you wanna talk about it—or if you don’t, I’m right here…”, He slowly takes my hand as I turn to him, feeling him grab my other hand as he gave them both gentle squeezes. I sighed knowing Jason always finds a way to make me feel better.
I nod to him. “Thanks Jason…but I’ll talk when I’m ready…”, Jason nods back and gives me a long hug. Without me expecting, Jason lightly kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks get warm as I chuckled in amusement of this. Jason smiles, chuckling along with me as he gave me one more look before leaving to the warehouse that was set at the back of the store. Our shift doesn’t start until 8:30—and it was only 8! I stayed in the lounge for a little longer before making my way to the warehouse. It felt weird since Vincent wasn’t around. But there was a newbie taking his place for the time being…his name is Jack! (Heath Ledger who played the Joker, from the Batman Trilogy) I see him sitting outside, waiting for the deliveries to arrive I’m guessing. I look over to see Jason walking up to a tall shelf to organize it. As I walk closer to Jack, my heart suddenly races.
I’m not sure why—maybe it’s my ego? I see Jack clear as day as he is wearing shades. But I also noticed the slits at the corners of his mouth. People had been telling me he likes to wear “clown makeup” and had gotten these scars from his early childhood. Deep inside, I felt kind of bad for him. Without warning, I noticed Jack had quickly shifted his attention from the ground to me as he said, “Well heyyy dollface! Are you ready for work?”, I jumped just a little at how he came at me as I got closer to him, leaning myself up against the wall, nodding to his question. “Hopefully it won’t be too hectic…”, I hear Jack scoff. “You never know…”, I smile faintly to his words as he smiles faintly back at me. I was going through my thoughts when I noticed Jack standing and coming over towards me. “Y’know…we could, uh, keep in touch—you and me…”,
My cheeks felt warm as he licked the sides of his mouth, shoving a folded-up card into my hand. I stare at him as he walks over towards Jason to greet him. I look back to my hand and unfolded it to see it was a number written on a Joker Card—found by playing those card games. Is he for real doing this? I get to text Jack? Just me? Of all women in the world, he picks me? I sighed to myself as I stuffed it into my pocket for later. The truck finally arrives as he started unloading the crates that carried fresh produce and meats. Some co-workers who work at the front of the store came in to get those boxes we’ve taken out of the crates. We were finally on break at 2:30…and our break ends at 3:15.
It's not much of a break—but it will have to do! I’m wandering through the warehouse, and I instantly see Jack smoking at the same exact spot from this morning. I went over to him, standing near him against the wall as I asked, “So—got anything you wanna talk of? Are you looking for a new job? Is this one temporary?”, Jack puffed out some smoke before replying, “Well—I plan on moving out of the dumpy city…and to live free and large…”, He gave me his creepy smile before smoking another puff of smoke. I smiled back in a fake way as I sat near him, crossing my legs. I was daydreaming a little when smoke was blew into my face.
I coughed some as I waved my hand around to waft the smoke away. “Hey dollface—I’m talking to you!”, I giggled slightly, with him giggling along with me, knowing he was only joking around. Time must’ve flown as Jason interrupted our little moment, saying we needed to get back to work. After all the deliveries came in, the time was now 4:30 and the trucks have stopped coming in for the day. Yet, it’s a bit early for some reason. I was putting boxes with canned goods inside on a shelf when Jason came over to me, trying to scare me. I didn’t flinch one bit. I sighed and turned to him. “Y’know Jason, you really need to work on that…”, I gave a little chuckle as Jason chuckles along with me. After a few minutes of organizing and stocking a few things, my phone rang. I picked it up to hear it was Vincent’s mom again. “Hey Jessie’, are you almost off of work yet?”, She talks to me like I was her best friend or something…yet I don’t know her very well. I quickly turned to see the wall reading 5:15. “Oh yeah—I’m almost done!”, I quickly replied. “Okay well—I’m here at the hospital…if you are wanting to visit, now’s the time because doctors won’t let visitors see him anymore…”, My heart felt like dropping out. Not see him anymore? Are you kidding? “Alright, I’m on my way…”,
I quickly hang up and shoved my phone into my pocket. Jason was standing there with a sad empathetic look on his face. “I can take you…”, He said lowly. I shook my head at him. “No, I’ll be fine…thanks anyways Jason…”, I go over to him, standing on my tippy toes to give his cheek a light kiss, returning his gesture he gave me from this morning. Jason smiles and hugs me tightly in return. From afar, I could see Jack was nearby and noticed what he had witnessed. Looking jealous, he gathers up his stuff and leaves. I sighed as I released Jason, seeing him give me one last look before walking off to the lounge as I follow, quickly gathering my stuff as well before heading out of the store to the parking lot, with Jason trailing behind me, going to his car. It was sweet of him to take me to the hospital, but I rather go alone. I’m on my way there when my phone rings yet again—but it was only my friend Janet! (My irl friend Britney) “Hey Janet! Um, why are you calling?”, I can hear Janet sigh a little before responding. “I hope you aren’t too busy…I need help with something…”, “Alright, well let me visit the hospital first and I’ll swing by your place when I’m done, alright?”, “Alright..”,
With that, I hung up and arrived at the hospital. I’m walking up to the receptionist to ask where my friend Vincent is. “Oh, he is just down the hall to the left…”, I gave her a thank you and proceeded down the hall. Vincent’s mom was sitting out by the door when she noticed me. “Took you long enough to get here…”, She got up and gave me a light hug, also adding that I could go in. As I did, I see Vincent, laying almost lifeless on the hospital bed. I sat next to him in a chair, gently grabbing onto his limp hand. “I’m sorry Vincent…I should’ve been there…”, “You should have, but there was nothing you could’ve done…”, A voice startles me from behind. I turn to only see a doctor checking out Vincent’s X-rays. “Oh, sorry, I thought I was the only one in the room…”, The doctor only shook his head and made a flinging gesture with his hand. “No, no it’s alright…I’m Doctor Bridgeworth by the way…but you can call me Stanley…”, (Tom Hiddleston who plays Loki). I stand and shake his hand to greet him.
“Will he be okay?”, I ask, sitting back down in my chair. “He’s quite stable for now…but he might have to stay on life support just for a few more days…other than that, he should be fine in a couple of weeks give ‘er take…”, I gave a slow frustrated sigh. Stanley noticed my mood and patted my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. “It will be alright…a couple of weeks go by very fast…”, He gave a wide smile as he left out of the room, on his way to tend to other patients probably. After the visit, I went straight to Janet’s house, wondering what she could possibly want help with. As I entered her house, I saw everything was in disarray! “Janet?”, I tried calling out her name. No answer. I take a look around her living room, seeing her coffee table was flipped over, couch pillows littered onto the floor, her lamp laying on the floor also. “Janet?!”, I yell out her name this time. Still no answer. My heart starts racing. I rush to where her room is but as I just opened the door, a guy wearing clown-like makeup and purple colored attire was standing there with a knife quickly pointed towards me.
He suddenly realized who I was as he lowered it. I realized who he was too—Jack! “Jack? What are you…doing here?”, Jack only giggled to himself as he slowly stalks around Janet’s room. “Well, y’know me…just taking care of some business…”, He licked his lips and walked over to me. “Where is my friend?”, I growled to him, standing in front of him, making sure not to let him walk away without an answer. His eyes flicker on me from head to toe before answering, “She’s in the bathroom…”, He points over my shoulder to a door that was behind me. I quickly go over to open it, finding her tied up and sitting on the toilet seat. I went over and released her from the ropes around her waist and ankles. She hugs me tightly in return. She then stands to take a small handgun that was hidden in the waistband of her pants, pointing it directly to Jack. Jack only shot up his hands in a jokingly manner as he laughs faintly. “Janet! No! He’s okay…he just thought you were a bad guy or something…”, I look to Jack, seeing that he liked my excuse by his lips curling into a smile.
Janet lowered the gun with a sigh. “I’m…NOT having that psychopath be here for the night…make him leave Jessica, please!”, She begs me, giving me a little push on my arm. But I had cut her off, telling her to go fix up her living room a bit. Seeing her walk away, I grab Jack’s hand and led him outside. “Come on Jack! I know you’re better than this…”, Jack only licked his lips in response and giggles. I sighed frustratingly and tried to walk back into the house but Jack grabs me by my arm to stop me. “What’s the matter doll, hmm? I’m just having a little bit of fun…it’s not like I’m causing chaos…”, I only looked at him blankly. Jack inches a little closer to me. “Look, Jessica…as long as nobody is hurting you…I’m not hurting anyone…”, He was caressing my hand that he was still holding. Without myself thinking, I quickly hugged him as I felt him instantly hug back, but I told him to go. “See yah at work doll face!”, He tells me as he skipped into the shadows. I sighed to myself as I go back inside to help Janet with her house.
It took forever but we managed to fix up the living room and some of her room as well. It took as long as midnight had arrived. I was half-asleep on the couch—I could still see and hear my surroundings a little. I watch through my half-opened eyelid, seeing Janet open the door as Jason slowly enters. I could see Janet putting a finger to her lips, signaling Jason to be quiet as she points me to the couch I’m lying on. I only see Jason respond with a nod as he hangs his coat up to dry. Janet walks back to the kitchen as Jason comes over, squatting down in front of me. I squeeze my eyelid back shut as I feel him softly caress my forehead, giving me a light kiss for comfort. After what felt like hours—but I might’ve passed out, I woke up to check my surroundings. All was dark except for a lamp light near my feet. I sat up fully, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I look to the clock on the wall reading 3:45. Nowhere near time to get ready for work. I stand as I make my way to the kitchen. Jason was there drinking on some decaf—but his presence startled me. “Oh, Jason…I thought you were asleep…and yet, you usually sleep on your breaks!”, I sat myself next to him as I hear Jason sigh. “Well, not tonight…”, The feeling of concern swells up inside me as I replied, “Why? What’s wrong?”, Jason sighs again. I got up to hug him around his neck, trying to make him feel more at ease. I feel him hug back, squeezing my arms firmly, having a tight hold of me. After chitchatting and staring contests, we eventually got ready for work as we both drove, following each other to the store. Janet works too but she works as a receptionist in an office building not too far away from where I work.
I got out of my car after I parked as I made my way into the store. As I dropped my things off in the lounge, Jason comes up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. “Jason what are you doing?”, I ask him. Jason gives my cheek a peck as he says, “I don’t know, just felt like doing it…”, I giggled at his response as I gently force his arms off of me, giving him a playful push as he give me a playful push back. As we made our way to the back, Jack was already here, stacking boxes here and there. As soon as Jason walks off to check for the truck’s arrival, I went over to Jack to greet him. “Hey Jack!”, I punch him softly on the shoulder. Jack only grinned and turned to face me. “Hey doll…nice to see you showing up at work…”, I rolled my eyes and quickly hugged him. “Don’t let your boyfriend see this…”, He added. I got out of the hug to notice his voice thickening with light jealousy. “What, are you jealous or something?”, Jack looked embarrassed and turned back to face the boxes he was unpacking. “Jack, it’s okay, you can tell me…”, I tried placing a hand on his shoulder, but he flinched away. “No…no it’s noT…”, He only said that as he walked off to another pile of boxes that needed to be unpacked. Feeling bad, I continued to onward with my shift.
Once the end of the day came, I was busy packing up my things in the lounge when Jack came in. He went over and sat in this chair that was nearby. I suddenly get the courage to say, “I’m sorry Jack…I didn’t mean it that way…”, Jack sat there for a good minute before getting up as he stood near me, closing my locker door for me. “If you were going to be sorry, you should have said it in the first place…”, “Well, I am!”, I quickly hug on him, the second time, as I feel him go stiff for a minute, but he was able to relax into it and hug me back. “D’you wanna come over to my place then? Hmm?”, He had asked me as he was stroking my back in small circles. I was just about to answer him with I heard Jason had barged in to take notice of our little moment. He stands there, his face forming into anger. “Jason! What are you doing here?”, I asked, pushing myself out of Jack’s arms, moving him to the side a little. Jason only grabs his bag and leaves with a huff. I hear Jack giggle to himself as he walks over to his locker. I slumped into the chair Jack was sitting in earlier, feeling confusion swell in my brain. “What’s wrong dollface? Hm?”, I only stared at the floor, not answering him. He takes notice of my silence as he walks over to me, squatting down in front of me. “Doll—it’s all okay…in the end, it wouldn’t matter, Jason will dump you and move on to some other chick…he would then bcome a worthless piece of—“, “I know Jack! I know…”, I only smile faintly at his words, looking up to see him. Jack matches my smile as he caresses my cheek.
Out of nowhere, he kisses me on my forehead and leaves. Well, that caught me off guard! As I’m driving home, my phone rings. I picked it up to hear it was Vincent on the other end! “Vincent! Oh my God, are you okay? I thought you were still on life support!”, Vincent was silent, but he only said, “Meet me at the hospital…”, He then hangs up. This is not like Vincent at all. By the time I got to the hospital, it was 8:15. I got out of my car and rushed to the lobby. As I am, flashbacks of me and Jack appear in my mind out of nowhere for some reason. My heart sinks, feeling like he may be here and holding him hostage like he did with Janet! I booked my way to his room, pushing the door open to find Vincent by himself, sitting up and relaxing, being on his phone. He noticed me having a worried look. “What’s good, Jessica!”, He threw both of his hands, throwing peace signs. I chuckle at that as I rushed over to hug him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”, Vincent hugs me back, rubbing my back in a soft manner. “I’m glad you are too…”,
After the visit, I went home to find my bedroom a mess! Did Jack do this? Was he still mad? I was starting to clean up when Jack appeared from the shadows. “Nah ah ah…I made this mess for a reason…”, I shoved my bag into my closet. “For what? So you can make me change my mind? It’s not working for you!”, Jack inched closer and held my face in his gloved hands, but not too tightly as I struggle in his grasp. “I need you to know somethin’ dollface…”, Without hesitation, he mashed his lips upon mines as I can’t help but quickly melt into. It lasted 6 seconds until he pulled away, with me being released from his grasp. I stand there, feeling confused yet again. “What was that for?”, I asked, with Jack still having his arms around my waist. He didn’t say anything for a few moments as he was staring at my features. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I see that blush on your face…I see the way you look at me…”, I only smile and wrap my arms around his neck to embrace him, feeling him embrace me back. Afterwards, Jack helped me clean up my room before falling asleep on my bed, feeling Jack tuck me in with a kiss to my forehead.
When morning came, I stirred up to find a paper note lying next to me on my nightstand. I sat up and took it reading:
“ ’morning dollface! I had put you to bed last night, I’m guessing you’re already aware—but just to let you know I’m not coming to work today…I got some unfinished business…I’ll see you around though!
-J :) “,
I sighed to myself what Jack had wrote. Today would be the day I’ll have to suffer through without Jack. But at least Jason will be there. IF Jason will be there…it depends. But I eventually got up and ready for work. Just slipping on my jacket, a folded-up card slips out of it. Jack’s number! I quickly pick it up, having this sinking feeling that I should take it with me as I shoved it into my pocket. As I’m driving, I was trying to call Janet, but she wasn’t picking up. She’s been silent for a while. I hope she’s okay! I parked my car in the parking lot and went inside the store. It wasn’t open just yet as the isles were empty and there were no customer cars, just employee cars. I sadly turned to look out of the window to notice but to also notice Jack’s car missing in the lot. I memorized the color of it. A mix of blue and purple with flame design on it. And it was a Camero! I was still looking out of the window when I felt a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Jason. “Oh! Hey! Jason…look…I’m sorry about yesterday…I can explain!”, Jason only smiled and nods, but I can tell Jason was still angry and that something was wrong…with him! Without a word or warning, I got hit on the head by a large book of some kind. I felt myself fall onto the floor out cold.
When I work up, my vision was blurry but cleared up enough for me to see I was being held hostage, in a store warehouse. “Some tactic, huh?”, I said out loud, feeling Jason’s presence was behind me. I writhe around, feeling the ropes tied around my hands and ankles, no using getting out of them. “Nobody and can hear you, nobody and save you…”, Jason’s words flew out of his mouth. Those words were unrecognizable. Nobody? Not even…Jack? Then the idea hits me…I remember Jack giving me his number a few days ago…I still have it on me! If I could just call him to let him know, he’ll come rescue me! I cleared my throat to say, “Can I at LEAST—have my phone call? Please! Before you do anything else?”, Jason walks around me, as if he was trying to read my mind to see if I was calling for help or something. He walked around some more before releasing my restraints. “Only one…”, He told me, handing me my phone. As he left to give me privacy, I pulled out Jack’s number, which was that Joker card and dialed in the numbers. Yet, I had a feeling his number would come in handy at some point. A few rings rang in my ear until I hear him pick up. My heart starts pounding in my chest, as I think Jason might be listening in. “Heyyy dolly doll…I’m kinda busy here at the moment—“, “Jack! Listen to me! I need your help! I need help! Please! I’ve been captured! I…”,
I tried to be quiet as much as I could but before I could get my last sentence out, Jason barged back in and snatched up my phone. He then smashed it into the hard concrete floor. Guess I’m going to have to get a new phone later! “You’re going to regret it!”, He slaps me without warning, but he did it so hard, I collapse to the floor. I tried sitting up, but Jason kicks me back down. I wonder what happened to Jason…what did he do? Was jealousy taking over him? All of a sudden, he knocks me out with one punch…not sure with what.
Jack’s (The Joker) POV:
I quickly got her message. She was in trouble. And I knew that Jason was no good. I shoved my phone back in my coat pocket and rallied up some of my men to go look for her. One came back and told me where she was. She was located in this warehouse—of the store I reluctantly work at. I gathered my mend as we all piled into a truck to leave. As we came upon the store, nobody was there except Jessica’s car and that lying prick’s car. I hopped off the truck and strode inside. My mend searched the store for any signs as I searched for dollface. I went inside the warehouse, and there she was…laying on the floor, out cold. I quickly went over to her and checked her out. Her face had a red spit on it, her breathing was labored…I have to help her in some way and fast.
Back to my POV:
Everything was black, I didn’t know how long I was out, but I woke up and I was in my room. I sat up to take a look around—clean, organized and dark. I slowly stood to my feet, going over to cut on one of my lamps so I could see more better. I was about to sit at my desk when I noticed a sticky note posted on the edge. I picked it to read:
“ I was able to find and save you dollface—don’t worry, you are safe, and Jason is taken care of…I’m not sure for how long…catch you around!
-J “,
I sighed to myself, sinking into my chair more. At least someone has my back! And yet, I never knew Jason was plotting against my back this whole time…I wished someone, or something warned me about him sooner! I took a moment before exiting my room, feeling my eyes were becoming heavy. I entered the living room to see Janet was here along with Vincent as well. They were both chilling on the couch. And they both must’ve heard what happened to me. Janet rushed up to hug me as soon as she noticed me. Vincent noticed me too as he gets up and walks over to me. “Damn! What happened to you Jessie’?”, Vincent questioned me as Janet released me so he could hug on me.
He had let me out of his embrace so I could answer. “It was Jason…he attempted to kill me…I’m sorry…I put you guys through so much drama already…”, Janet shakes her head and grabs me in for a second hug. “No Jessica! We are your friends…we want to help you when you need it…Jason should be the one who’s sorry…”, I only smiled and sighed. As Janet had let go, I asked, “What do you think about Jack then? Can he stay?”, Once I had said those words, Jack appeared out of nowhere and was smiling his creepy smile. But Vincent got freaked out and pulled out his gun he had in his waistband and shoved it in his face. “Nah ah ah! You wouldn’t wanna do that! We wouldn’t want a mess on this floor, now would we?”, Jack was shaking his finger back and forth, doing this habit of licking the sides of his mouth. I quickly reached for Vincent’s gun and snatched it out of his hands, tossing it to the couch. “Vincent! He’s okay…he won’t hurt you…”, Vincent only hissed a swear word, smacking his teeth as he takes his gun from the couch, flopping himself onto it. Janet was silent during the little moment. She then sighed and turned to Jack who was stifling a giggle but turned serious once he noticed her. “I always thought you were a monster and a psycho…but since you are so keen on keeping Jessica happy, don’t mess this up for yourself…but if you try as so much as lay a finger on her, I swear to God…”, “I know—I know…kill me and uh, pulverize me…I get the jist’ dolly…”, He shot up his hands in reassurance, showing a gleaming smile.
Janet only huffs and makes her way outside to the driveway. Vincent does the same. I sighed to myself and flopped onto the couch. “Don’t get yourself rattled up dollface…at least she’s allowing me to be here and not to, uh, kill me…”, I chuckled at how he said that as he sat himself next to me and rubbed on my thighs gently. What was he trying to do? I sat up straight to look into his eyes. He looked into mine. From what I can tell, he did want me around—he was trying to protect me—he wanted me—only me! In a sudden instance, without more thinking, I pulled him by the collar, capturing his lips with mine. He hummed surprisingly into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in. We were interrupted after a moment when Janet had barged in, looking outraged. I quickly got out of Jack’s lap and stood up saying, “Janet! What’s wrong?”, Janet noticed what we were doing but ignored it. “It’s Jason—we just heard word that he’s wreaking havoc at the store…”, It was only 10:30 pm…and things were about to go down.
I looked over to Jack, as he looked like he was ready to fight with someone. I only nod in agreement to leave as we all left to the store. As we got there, several police cars surrounded the building. Luckily, the police weren’t around the entrance, keeping guard, so we allowed ourselves in. We headed down to the warehouse, where there were still no cops around, just destruction! Jason was throwing boxes everywhere, blood stained the floor from him throwing those boxes, getting cuts and splinters. I managed to take a leap of faith and confront him, but a whisper of “Jessica, don’t!” came from Janet’s mouth. I sighed and continued walking over to Jason, who was hunched over against the corner of the wall.
“Jason? I wanna talk…please…”, Jason whips his head around as I saw his face—it was red with tears strolling down his cheeks one by one. “NO! DON’T you even DARE TALK!”, Before I could get a word out, even though I was feeling speechless, Jack quickly got in front of me and held a black rifle-like gun to Jason’s forehead. He probably got that from the storage room. “Time is ticking Jason…are you gonna apologize or do I have to do it for you?”, He clicked the gun against his forehead, loading it. “Jack! Don’t! I can get something out of him, please!”, I begged as I tugged at Jack’s coat. He only flinched me away and kept his gaze on Jason who didn’t look afraid and positioned himself on both of his knees. Without hesitation…BAM! BAM! BAM! Blood spilled out of his head and splattered everywhere. I heard Janet and Vincent gasp from behind. Jason falls lifelessly to the ground, not moving. My eyes were beginning to blur with tears as I buried my face into my hands. Jack drops the gun to the floor and squeezes me into a tight hug. He held me light that for a good minute until I was able to stop crying. The police then came in and dragged both Jason’s body and Jack away.
6 hours later, when Jack was put into prison, I was wanting to stop by for a visit on my way to Janet’s, just so I can see him one last time. They sentenced him to life, but something tells me Jack won’t stick in there long. I was waiting at a table in the visitation room when a buzzer rang, and two doors opened to reveal Jack and two guards behind him. He still had his clown face paint on, but it was a little faded. And his clothes were replaced with an orange jumpsuit. I gasped faintly as I got up to go hug him. Since he was in shackles, I only felt his head snuggle into my neck. The guards evidently broke up our hug and told us we have 5 minutes. I sat across from Jack as he gave me his wide smile. “Miss me, dollface?”, I only nodded and said, “Yeah…it’s weird…but something tells me you’re not gonna last long behind bars, are yah?”, I gave a small smirk towards him. Jack shot one back and shook his head lightly, sinking into his chair. “Don’t worry…I got a plan up my sleeve…and before you know it, I will be with you again…”, He licked the insides of his mouth after saying that. I stifled a chuckle as I repositioned myself in my seat. Jack did the same.
“I only want to ask you one question Jack…hear me out, please…”, Jack went serious. “Alright doll…anything…”, I sucked in a breath and asked the question. “Is it true you protected me cause you…love me?”, I looked down in embarrassment, already regretting the words that came out of my mouth. But in the corner of my eye, I noticed Jack’s lips curling into a smile. “Well, yeah…I guess you could say that…I loved you from the beginning…with my heart…”, I smiled at his words, letting those words seep into my mind. I eventually stood up, having a feeling those 5 minutes were up by the way the guards were looking at us. “Alrighty…I guess I’ll be seeing you Jack…gotta go now and visit a friend…”, Jack stood too with the guards already at his side, taking him away, dragging him to his cell. “Remember dolly doll…I’m getting outta here…even if it takes a heavy heart…”, He called that out over his shoulder as he disappeared behind the doors. I stand there thinking, “A heavy heart? Really? I hope so, cause we got stuff to catch up on after you escape!”, With that, I left the prison and onto the road to Janet’s house, waiting for Jack’s return!
The End!
If you made it to the end, congrats!!! I did not know it was THIS long…it seemed so short typed up on my pad…if you like it, then I thank you…I don’t expect myself to make a part two to this so…hopefully you enjoyed!
JOKER!! silly ahh gay dude, i love him

design is owned by @bepoucorp!!

Scout Salute - by ME

The Clown Princes of Hollywood - by ME

Mad Love - by ME