Joonbugg!irl - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
What The Fuck Is Going On?

What the fuck is going on?

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2 years ago

I know this is not revolutionary bc people have already been doing it, but I’m really thinking about buying a streaming ticket for Las Vegas. I didn’t purchase one for LA or Seoul for one reason or another, but I think I’m finally in a place where I can get one for Las Vegas. It’s not a money problem, btw, please don’t think of a struggle in that sense. I’m just excited and it feels kinda surreal so I felt like saying something. I’ve never been to any music concert ever, let alone BTS, and even though I won’t be able to be in Vegas, I’m glad I have this opportunity 😊

Off topic: I kept wanting to write LV instead of Las Vegas, but because they are Louis Vuitton ambassadors whenever I see LV, I don’t see the city, I see the brand. My brain gets confused like “why are they having a Louis Vuitton concert?”

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2 years ago

Gardening Update #2

I noticed one yesterday and then this morning…

Gardening Update #2

🤩 Basil Sprouts 🤩 !!!!

I’ve grown slightly impatient and worried because the Bok Choy sprouted so fast, it feels like it’s taking too long for the other sprouts. But it’s only just been over a week so… I must work on my patients a bit.

Gardening Update #2

The Bok choys are doing well. They’re about 2 inches tall now and I have to turn them everyday bc they’re thirsty bitches for that sun. Whores, they love it 😛 I’m going to have to thin them out a bit so they can develop better, but I’m waiting a few more day so they have a bit more strength.

I took these pictures before I watered them btw. They’re well hydrated now 😊

I also wanted to show you my airplane plant

Gardening Update #2

Idk if that’s what it’s actually called but that’s what my family always called it. This was a gift from my grandma because she has one that she’s had forever and it’s huge. They’re really easy to grow and replant. This one was outside last summer, but it got eaten off my rabbits or ground squirrels or something 😔 it also got pretty beat up by a derecho 2 years ago 😔 but as you can see, it’s grown back from literally nothing and it’s doing very well 🙂 It’ll go back outside when the weather is right, but it literally snowed here yesterday so it’ll still be a while.

Thank you for coming to my presentation. I’ll be back with more exciting news. Take care now 💜😊

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2 years ago

When the “new post” on your dashboard is your own post you just posted:

When The New Post On Your Dashboard Is Your Own Post You Just Posted:

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2 years ago

Honestly, how are you doing? I’ve never seen anybody ask you before and I wanted reach out 💜

Thank you for reaching out, I really appreciate it 😊 Please, don’t feel the need to check on me all the time tho. Me and my blog are just a molecule compared to the people around me, that’s why nobody asked. But it’s okay I promise.

Honestly… these days Mono has been hitting pretty close to home. The mixtape.. not the kissing disease (lmao). I’ve lost some of my interest and enthusiasm. Keeping up with everything: Vlives, tweets, announcements, whatever it may be (not just with bts stuff) I have little enthusiasm to do so. It’s bit discouraging when it comes to bts bc I do love them so much, it feels like I’m cheating them out or something. Awhile ago I mentioned that I was medicated and to be brutally honest, if I wasn’t at this very moment, I would’ve probably ended up in the hospital again. I’m very fortunate that it’s working very well with me. I’m just living on the mediocre side of life really. I’ve definitely been in worse places though so I’m am grateful for where I am rn.

Thank you again for asking 💜 I hope you’re taking care of yourself and doing well.

Other randoms:

I have a question for anybody who is willing to answer: when you buy an online PTD ticket, do you have to validate the ticket right away or do you wait till the concert day? I understand the instruction, but I also like real testimonies. Please help if you’re willing.

I applied for a job over a week ago and I still haven’t heard anything, so I’m a little worried.

I recently put more research and effort into my skincare and I have to say, I’m glowing 🤩

I have a lot of stuff that I want to say and explain, but I don’t want to make another blog to say it and this blog doesn’t feel like the right place. At the moment, I just keep it too myself.

Only bc I got some anon chats (not nice ones), Yes, I’m a 19 year old that smokes weed occasionally, suck my ass 🤨 I know what I’m doing, I wasn’t born yesterday 🤡 clowns. I will be celebrating 4/20 thank you very much.

Idk what’s been up with my header. It keeps moving on it’s own and it’s glitches from my pov. Idk what’s wrong with it.

Here’s my dog: Lucian

Honestly, How Are You Doing? Ive Never Seen Anybody Ask You Before And I Wanted Reach Out

He’s a sweetie pie and I love him with all my heart. He’s a little of the chubby side of life, but that’s okay because he’s so soft and squishy 😊 I brush his teeth everyday bc he had a big stinky mouth and when you punch him (in a playful manner, I don’t hit my dog 🤨) he punches back.

This blog and my posts feel like a nuisance these days as well.

I have a gardening update coming soon

🌱🌾🍄🪷🪴 cute plants

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2 years ago

What’s something you do that annoys other people?!

I don’t eat candy or sweets very often, but when I do, I put the empty candy wrappers back in the bag full of candies. When somebody else reaches into the bag they find my empty wrappers.

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2 years ago

Would you be willing to do a face reveal someday? 🥺 I want to see you glowing skin.

Funny story: I actually posted a few pictures of myself a while ago, but then I felt shy so I deleted them off the post. It was up for a little bit before I did that so idk how many people actually saw them, but yeah.

I almost did an Army Selca Day on Tuesday, but I know that’s typically a Twitter tradition so, again, I felt shy and didn’t post anything. I have Twitter but I don’t do anything on it so it’s kinda pointless to put it over there.

I’m definitely want to tho and I think about it from time to time. I took some good picture on my birthday that I’ve thought about sharing. We’ll see what happens, but I have a feeling I’ll get around to it soon 😊

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2 years ago
PTD: Las Vegas
PTD: Las Vegas

PTD: Las Vegas 💜🧡💜

I also did some purple make up so I thought I’d show you. It looks more pink on camera but that’s okay. I’m so excited!!!! 😊

PTD: Las Vegas

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2 years ago

POV: You’re me, and you live in tornado alley and the rotation was less than a mile from you, literally up the road, but you’re busy cutting potatoes for dinner.

POV: Youre Me, And You Live In Tornado Alley And The Rotation Was Less Than A Mile From You, Literally
POV: Youre Me, And You Live In Tornado Alley And The Rotation Was Less Than A Mile From You, Literally

Lolz, lmao, funny, haha.

It’s only funny because I live here and I recognize that 😔, but I felt like pestering y’all tonight with something completely random. In all seriousness, I’m okay, nothing serious happened. It was moving really fast and was out of my area within a few minutes. I’m used to it so I just brush it off and laugh about it at this point 😅

Also gardening update coming soon 👀👀👀

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2 years ago


If anybody’s still around I have some announcements. I know I keep telling y’all to wait for this and wait for that, and I apologize if I’ve lost your trust, but I really do have good intentions behind my words.


First: I do have a garden update coming tomorrow 🙂 I’ve gotten some good interactions with those so I’ll keep putting them out for you.

Second: a face reveal is coming, again 😅 I get insecure and it’s really no excuse but sorry about that.

Third: I’ve had a very slow start to it, but I’m working on a BTS/Army related painting. (Fun fact - I fancy acrylic paint and I’d say I’m pretty decent) It was something that I wanted to start back in January but I wasn’t in a good place. I’ve been in the process of interviewing for an entry-level department at a company, yesterday I had a second round interview, and now I have to wait a good 2 to 3 weeks to find out if I got the job or not. I’ve found some new motivation to paint again and I have a lot of time on my hands. I don’t know how long it’ll take me to finish it, but I’ll show it off when it’s done.

Thank you if you’re still around and if nobody is then that’s okay too. Hope you take care.


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2 years ago

Guys, this isn’t BTS related at all.

I’m just tryna clean my house today bc it’s 90 boiling degrees outside and I started making lunch. All the sudden my dog jumped up from the couch staring up into the corner of the room.

There’s a big fat bumble bee flying around the god damn living room. Trying to invade, causing a scene, making my old fat dog run around and shit 🤨 I couldn’t hear it bc I had music playing on the tv ☹️ my ramen was tryna boil over ☹️☹️ tryna text my mom and Siri was changing “bee” to random fucking words 🤨☹️☹️

I’m not scared of bees, per se, I just prefer to watch them from afar bc my toes have been stung multiple times before. So obviously, I lost my shit a bit when there was one in my living room and I had no clue what to do. I also have no clue how it got in. Logically, it teleported through the god damn wall, of course 💀

It was flying near a window, but I couldn’t open it bc there was a bunch of wasps on the other side 😤 so I vacuumed that sucker up and it’s buzzing around in the vacuum now 😐

I got soggy ramen and leeks for lunch

🤩 Bon Appetite 🤩

How’s your day going? 😊

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2 years ago

I graduated high school a year ago today 🙂 crazy

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2 years ago


I’m afraid I’m going to be gone for a little bit. I just haven’t been feeling well these days and being around is a huge effort. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but hopefully only for a week or so. It’s quite pathetic, but that’s the way it goes, I guess.

That being said, I’ll probably have a garden update in a couple days and I may have a painting that Im excited to show you soon, but that’s about it.

I’ll be back. If you have the patients, please wait for me 💜💜💜 Take care now

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2 years ago

Me: having a stressful day with a MRI appointment and getting sick from anxiety 🥲

My Proof album: ✨Surprise! 🤩😘🥳, Hope you enjoy!

Me: Having A Stressful Day With A MRI Appointment And Getting Sick From Anxiety
Me: Having A Stressful Day With A MRI Appointment And Getting Sick From Anxiety

It’s like a reward 🥲🥹

They always know how to make me feel better even if they aren’t trying ☹️🥹

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2 years ago
Fun Fact: Currently Waiting To Pick Somebody Up In The Car, So I Thought Id Tell You About This Picture.

Fun Fact: Currently waiting to pick somebody up in the car, so I thought I’d tell you about this picture.

When I bought my army ring (it’s just a silver band with Army🤍 engraved on one side and Jan 3, 2021 on the other) it was the first time I’d encountered fan-made pcs. I knew it was fake, but I thought it was so sweet that the seller sent it with the ring. Getting extras in packages wasn’t something I wasn’t used to either, so the fact that it was a real thing that happens, was so cool to me. It was so precious and bc it wasn’t real, I carried it in the back of my phone case. On New Year’s Eve, I upgraded my phone and don’t have a clear case anymore so now I carry it in my wallet. It got a little beat up when I carried it around in my other phone case, but I still think it’s so precious and sweet, so I keep carrying it 💜

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2 years ago


Entered physical therapy today, as one with hip problems does, and guess what was playing on the radio, guess…

Make it right 😛 the originally version too.

Pleasantly surprised and made my heart flutter 😊

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2 years ago

Me: Makes the conscious decision to put effort into learning German bc I’ve always wanted to go and I want to move there an probably never come back, It’s a relatively easy country to move to and I could also be bilingual…

*😀 Full-Metal  Alchemist 😀*

Also me: Is unconsciously learning Korean with the copious amounts of Korean content I consume and tries to translate daily things with truly no desire to move to a relatively hard country to move to…

*👹 Full-Metal Alchemist 👹*

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2 years ago
I Cant Describe It But This Genre Of Taehyung
I Cant Describe It But This Genre Of Taehyung
I Cant Describe It But This Genre Of Taehyung
I Cant Describe It But This Genre Of Taehyung

I can’t describe it… but ✨this✨ genre of Taehyung

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2 years ago
Damn, I Forgot I Ordered This Back In January I Unintentionally Gifted Myself, I Didnt Think That Was

Damn, I forgot I ordered this… back in January✨ I unintentionally gifted myself, I didn’t think that was possible, lolz

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2 years ago

I went Namjooning today 😚 Wanna see?

I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?
I Went Namjooning Today Wanna See?

10/10 highly recommend namjooning 😊

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