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The Queen's Gambit: Season Zero
Sehrazat never believed the ancient magical stories of her family and the Millium Fragment they had kept safe for over 3000 years, was just an amulet.
Nothing more.
This all changes the day when she meets Yugi Muto and his unfinished Millennium Puzzle.
Where was Kihana when she needed her?!
Yugi/OC, Yami/OC

So yeah, watched Season 0 on YouTube and the plotbunnies plotted. So have this little Spin-Off Series to Queen's Gambit. It's not canon in the normal Queen's Gambit Universum, but more of an alternative universum.
I'm making Au's of my AU's, that deep I'm now XD
Anyway, enjoy Season Zero with Sehrazat and a very dark Afya :P
Chapter 1
Sehrazat wondered where all had gone wrong in their lives.
Was she dramatic?
Her mother wasn't supposed to teach at Domino University yet! She should have begun teaching there next half year.
However, the Professor, who currently had the job, decided one day after another that he was sick of city life and not only quit his job but also moved into the wilderness of Japan.
So Domino University called desperate her mother, who still taught in Lisabon, if she could come sooner.
Domino in Japan had a special place in her mother's heart, that's where she had met her husband and Sehrazat's late father.
This was the main reason why she wanted to teach there.
So she said yes.
Also started the Faizan and the Schariq's, Kihana (Sehrazat's best friend) family to pack their things for Japan.
Of course, that's when Uncle Djamal had an accident at his work, breaking both his legs.
He couldn't travel like this!
For the first time in 3000 years, the Schariq and Faizan had to go for a while their separate ways.
Sehrazat and her mother Amira would move first to Domino and wait that the Schariq's, Rahila, Djamal, Kihana and little Sadiye, would join them after Djamal was healthy again.
The big house they had decided to move into together, stayed empty and Sehrazat and Amira moved into a flat.
It was so weird.
Sehrazat wasn't used to being really alone with her mother.
Since she could remember, there were Aunty Rahila, Uncle Djamal, Kihana and Sadiye with them.
Let her rephrase it, not weird, it was just plain wrong.
She missed them all so much, the most Kihana.
What should she do without her best friend at a new school?
Or even in life?!
Kihana protected and loved her.
Sehrazat never faced the first day in a new school alone.
Oh dear Isis, she felt like throwing up.
Brushing her mid-length dark blue hair, the Egyptian girl looked into the mirror.
By the Goddess Isis, Domino High School Uniform was an eyesore. Orange Blazer with green skirt and bow.
She may have orange eyes, like Topasz, but still what a colour combination, it didn't make her look good.
Unenthusiastic she made her way to the kitchen where her mother had made her pancakes.
At least something nice.
"Now princess, I know you are nervous since you will be without Kihana.", began Amira, looking at her daughter, who poked her pancakes more than eating them. "So I want to give you this."
Amira placed a little golden box with hieroglyphs all over it before Sehrazat.
The 14-year-old nearly choked on the bit of pancake in her mouth.
"You want to give me the Millenium Fragment?!", yelped Sehrzat, eeying the box. "But...but don't I have to wait for my 15th birthday to inherit it?!"
Her mother signed and caressed her hair: "My little princess, all is so different now. I think the gods will forgive us if I give it to you now. I think you will need its strength."
Oh no, not the magical mambo-jumbo bullshit!
The dark blue-haired girl wanted to protest, yet she saw the worry in her mother's eyes.
For Amira, it wasn't easy either to be away from the Schariq's, from Rahila her best friend.
She should accept how her mother just wanted to protect her extra, now that they were only in two.
"Okay, Mama."
Sehrazat put the box in her backpack.
How bad could it be to carry around a rumoured ancient magical item?
In Domino High School a young and really short boy named Yugi Muto listened to what his classmates were so excited about.
Since he really didn't have any friends, he could only so get the newest gossip, rumours and information.
"Did you hear?", said Anzu Mazaki, a girl who was the closest he had to friend, to Miho Nosaka. "We get a new student!"
"Oh is it a boy or a girl?"
"A girl, and she is so short. It's really adorable!"
"Oh, cute!"
Yugi admitted he got excited.
Maybe...he could make friends with the new girl?
If he managed to talk to her at all.
Soon their teacher enters the classroom with the new girl beside him.
Whispers broke out, about how tiny and beautiful she was. Some even said they never saw someone black so up close.
"Kids, this is your new classmate Faizan Sehrazat-Chan.", introduced Sensei her. "Please welcome her to our class."
Faizan-San made a perfect bow in greeting.
"It's nice meeting you all."
Oh, this was interesting she had a soft British accent.
"Would you like to tell us something about yourself Faizan-Chan?", asked the teacher.
The girl turned bashful and played with her fingers.
"Erm...there is not really much to say. I'm 14 and was born in London, but I'm originally Egyptian and I like games?"
She made it really sound like a question.
Yugi had to agree when nearly to whole class whispered she was cute.
Sehrazat was really, really cute.
Their teacher had mercy on her and told her to sit down beside him.
Beside him!
Happy Yugi raised his hand to show her where to go.
Maybe he really could talk to her!
Faizan-San sat down and he turned with a friendly, hopeful not creepy smile to her.
"Hi I'm Muto Yugi, you can call me Yugi."
When Faizan-San turned to greet him, their eyes met.
Topaz and Amethyst found each other.
And both gasped for breath.
Now that she was up close, Yugi noted how utterly beautiful Sehrazat was.
Not only cute but so beautiful it took your breath away.
And these eyes of brilliant and unique...he had never seen orange topas...nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had similar thoughts crossing her mind.
This Yugi...his eyes reminded her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she knew...even if it was was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Yugi turned red like a tomato, while Sehrzat hid behind her hair.
Both were sweating buckets.
None of them knew what do to now.
Unknown to them Yugi unfished MilleniumPuzzle and Sehrzat Millenium Fragment glowed for a brief second.
It was like the two items wanted to say hello to each other.
Somehow Sehrazat found the courage to crook out to Yugi: "I'm Sehrazat or just Sehra, nice to meet you."
Still, they didn't look at each other.
"Likewise...", mumbled Yugi back.
To their luck, their Homeroom Teacher started the lesson.
They could worry later if they made a complete Buffon before the other.
Finally, it was Lunchtime at Domino High.
Happy Sehrzat got her Bento-Box out and read in her little old family book hieroglyphs.
All Faizan learned from a young age to read the writing of their ancestors.
The classroom was nearly empty beside her, Yugi, who was building a card house and a boy with a basketball.
"Hey Yugi!", called the boy with the basketball out to him.
This in turn made Yugi lose his concentration and his card house fell down.
"Quit playing by yourself.", said Basketball Boy. "And come play basketball with us for a change, will ya?"
"Well, no thanks...The Team I join usually ends up losing...", reminds Yugi bashful.
"That's true."
With that Basketball Boy left and only Yugi and Sehrazat remained in the classroom.
The girl tried to eat and concentrate on her hieroglyphs.
She wouldn't look at the handsome boy and get tongue-tied around him.
Where was Kihana when she needed her?
For away in Spain was the answer.
However, she didn't look, but Sehrazat heard how Yugi talked to himself about how to finally finish something.
A treasure he always carried around with him.
The sunlight hit his treasure and its golden shine made Sehrazat aware of it.
She looked over, gasping shocked.
"You have a Millenium Item with you?!", she shouted.
This suprised Yugi so much that he nearly fall from his chair.
"Huh, what? What are you saying Faizan-Chan?"
Faster than he could look Sehrzat stood at his table, gripping the edge and staring at his treasure.
"I can't believe it! This must be the puzzle!"
"Excuse me Faizan-Chan.", asked Yugi wondering. "Why are you so excited and how do you know it's a puzzle?"
Without a word, Sehrzat took a similar, yet smaller box from her backpack and put it beside his.
"See? I have one too, it's the Millenium Fragment."
Now Yugi was the one who gasped.
Both boxes seemed to be a pair.
The blue-haired beauty nods in agreement.
"I never thought I would find another Millenium Item here in Japan! They are originally from Egypt."
Before they could talk more, a tall blond guy took Yugi's box.
Surprised Sehrazat blinked up at this intruder, while Yugi said his name in question.
"Yugi, whatcha talking about with the cute new girl? Are you boring her?"
"He didn't bore me!", talked Sehrzat, yet Jonouchi ignored her.
Okay, rude!
Grinning he held Yugi's box up and poor Yugi tried to reach it.
"G-Give that back!", begged Yugi.
"You are really rude.", mumbled Sehrzat, she wasn't courageous enough to say it louder.
Without Kihana she had zero courage.
Jonouchi didn't listen to either of them and threw the box away before he caught it.
"Man, caring so much for a box like this...", grumbled Jonoichi. "You know, Yugi...It's that part of you that...well, it really pisses me off. So I'm gonna have to put you through some trainin' so you can be a man and talk to girls right. How about it? Ya want this box back, right? Then come at me with all you got!"
Sehrazat made a face, while Yugi shouted: "I hate fighting and violence!"
Both Jonouchi and Sehrazat hold their ears.
Damn, Yugi could be loud.
"You may not have got any guts but you sure got a freaking loud voice!", pointed Jonouchi out.
"Anyway, just give me back that box!"
"That's right!", said another boy's voice. He was a brunette with really pointed hair. "Knock it off, Jonouchi!"
"Oh did you say something? Honda-Kun, the first year, who wants to make the school a better place by running for Student Council president but ended up rejected and falling to Janitor Patrol!", sassed Jonouchi.
"It's not Janitor Patrol!", corrected Honda angrily. "It's called the Beautification Patrol!"
"Your voice is friggin' loud, too!"
Then Honda started to talk more, but since Jonouchi and Yugi talked over him, Sehrazat didn't get what was going on.
Too many voices at once.
She only saw how Jonouchi opened the box and proclaimed the inside as boring.
Out of nowhere a tall brunette girl took the box from him and walked over to Yugi.
"Masaki!", said Jonouchi and Honda together.
"Anzu!", said Yugi happy.
Ah, was she his friend?
Jealousy raised its ugly head in Sehrazat.
This Anzu was taller than her and a pretty girl too.
Sehrazat had only bigger breasts.
Anzu scolded Jonouchi for taking Yugi's box and didn't back down as Jonouchi started his spiel about making Yugi a man.
Then another girl appeared, with lilac hair and a yellow bow in her hair, and thought Anzu was scolding her.
"Miho-Chan!", called Honda out to her.
This Miho took a few steps back.
"That wasn't directed to you, Miho.", explained Anzu.
"That sure surprised me!", told Miho. "I wanted to eat lunch, but there's still so many people in line..."
Like horny horndogs Honda and Jonouchi stated they would get her something and off they were.
"Those two are hopeless...", summed Anzu perfectly up.
Miho just followed after them.
Sehrazat looked at how Anzu gave Yugi back his box.
"You're sure something.", praised Yugi with a tiny blush. "One word from you and they were scared off, Anzu."
"Guys like that would just get cocky if I didn't tell them off.", she explained. "You need to stand up for yourself once in a while, Yugi."
Oh...she reminds Sehrazat of Kihana...
That's when Anzu saw the other golden box on Yugi's table.
"Is this your too?"
"No, it's Faizan-San."
Anzu smiled friendly at her and Sehrazat felt bad that she had been jealous of her.
"Both your boxes seem to be a pair, that's cute."
The brunette sat down on the table before Yugi, Yugi back in his seat and Sehrazat in hers, so turned that she could talk with the other two.
"We were talking about them before this blond guy showed up.", told Sehrazat.
"Yeah, Jonouchi has the knack to interrupt everybody."
"Jonouchi-Kun is not really that bad of a guy.", said Yugi shy to the girls.
"It's because you think like that you get picked on.", rebuked Anzu. "By the way, what are your boxes, if you don't mind me asking."
"I wanted this to explain to Yugi-Kun before the blond interrupted us.", began Sehrzat and had the attention of the two others. "These are Millennium Items. Mine is called the Fragment and Yugi the Puzzle. There exist 8 of them and they all come from Egypt."
"Wow.", chorused Anzu and Yugi together.
"Do you know more, Sehrazat-Chan?", asked Anzu.
"I only know that the Fragment and Puzzle are supposed to be connected to each other, but the way it is right now, we can't check."
"What do you mean?"
Yugi answered her: "I'll show you, Anzu, if you promise to keep it a secret."
"Sure. I won't tell anyone, so show me, show me!"
Dramatically Yugi opened the box and the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle were shining in gold.
"Wow! It's pretty!", said Anzu and Sehrazat together.
Anzu picked a piece up.
"I understand now, why it's called the Puzzle, these are all puzzle pieces, right?"
Yugi nodded.
"My family runs a game shop. We've got games from various countries. I found this in the corner of a shelf, covered in dust, and I was allowed to keep it."
Then Yugi told how Sehrazat had been right about the Puzzle coming from Egpyty since it was found in a tomb there.
"Here! See these strange hieroglyphs written on the front? I bet they translate to something along these lines...Whoever solves this ouzzle, shall be granted one wish. Yeah right.", laughed Yugi. "That'd be too good to be true! You must be making fun of me with that look..."
Anzu laughed and promised she wouldn't then asked Yugi what he wished for.
Now he was a bit cheeky and said that this was his secret.
"Erm...if I can say something...", shyle Sehrazat raises her hand.
Her two classmates turned curious to her.
"What is it, Sehrazat-Chan?"
"Erm...the box actually says: Ye who solves me shall gain the power and knowledge of darkness."
For a moment, all was still.
"You can read hieropglyps?!", yelled Anzu surprised.
"Family Tradition.", Sehrzat shrugged her shoulder and got bashful. "Everyone has to learn how to write and read them."
"That's so cool.", complimented her Yugi, which made Sehrazat only shyer.
"What does your box say, Sehrazat-Chan?", asked Anzu excitedly.
"Erm...It says: Ye who inherited me shall gain the power and knowledge of darkness. Pretty much the same."
Then she put the two boxes besides each other and pointed at the back.
"To you see this, here is another text. Only when you have both boxes you can read it."
The brunette girl formally jumped in her seat.
"Oh, tell us Sehrazat-Chan!"
"Please.", added Yugi.
"Okay, it says: Alone we are nought, together we are one. Thy great pharaoh and thy great queen shall rise again."
Anzu and Yugi let out surprised sounds.
"So these items belonged to a pharaoh and queen.", summed up Anzu.
Sehrazat nodded.
"Yeah, pretty much the same is told in my family. The Fragment has been with us since 3000 years."
"So long, wow, and you kept it safe, that's impressive.", told her Yugi.
"Meh, I actually believe this is all a scam...some stories around the Millenium Items are just too crazy."
Before either Anzu or Yugi could ask what she meant by that Luchtime was over.
Both owners of Millenium Items put them back in their backpacks and Anzu made her way to her seat, as their other classmates came in.
When it was getting interesting, darn it!
Finally, the school day was over and Sehrazat could walk home.
Well, she would have if she hadn't stopped to watch some buff guys train.
What were they doing in Osiris' name?
And the boss from these buff guys had huge eyebrows.
"Faizan-Chan!", called Yugi out to her and came beside her standing. Damn, he was at least five fingers taller than her. Sehrazat was really tiny. "Are you going home?"
"Yes, Muto-Kun, you too?"
Awkward silence falls over them.
" you need something Muto-Kun?"
"O-Oh...Please call me Yugi!"
"Then call me Sehrazat or Sehra."
"Alright, Sehrazat-Chan I wanted to thank you for showing me your own treasure and reading the hieroglyphs, it's nice to know that my wish could come true."
Well, how he got that from inheriting dark powers Sehrazat would surely not know today, since Big Bushy Browns came over to them.
"Stop you two...You're Muto Yugi-Kun and Faizan Sehrazat-Chan, right?"
"Yes?", they said together and got a bit shy that they said it together.
"I actually have something I'd like to ask you.", said Bushy Eyebrowns. "Are any of you being bullied by any particular students in your class?"
"I just moved here.", answered Sehrazat confused, while Yugi disagreed with Bushy Browns.
"Now wait. People who are bullied often say that they are fine.", counter Bushy Browns. "I've been looking into the matter. But you two can rest at ease, Yugi-Kun and Sehrazat-Chan. Starting today, I, Ushio, shall take responsibility for you as your bodyguard."
"But we are really okay!", told Sehrzat. "Please we don't need your service. Let's go home, Yugi-Kun."
With that both turned towards their homes, not knowing what Ushio already had planned.
"That guy gave me the creeps.", confessed Sehrazat as she walked with Yugi home.
Both lived in the same neighbourhood as they found out.
"Yeah, me too.", agreed Yugi and shuddered.
Together they signed and then looked at each other with little shy smiles.
"Hey Yugi-Kun...shall we walk from now together to school and back?", took Sehrazat all her courage together.
Yugi's brain formally short-circuited.
Did a beautiful girl ask him to walk with her to school?!
"R-Really you want to walk with me?"
"I-I mean we talked a little bit only, but I would love to get to know you..."
"Me too!", shouted Yugi, which made Sehrzat smile pretty and the boy had nearly a heart attack.
"Okay, this is my stop.", told him Sehrazat and pointed at an apartment complex. "I live there."
"A-Alright, I will pick you up then tomorrow."
"Awesome! Till tomorrow Yugi-Kun."
"Bye Sehrazat-Chan."
Waving at each other they turned to their homes.
Not knowing what tomorrow would await them.
The Queen's Gambit: Season Zero Index

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Queen's Gambit: Season Zero
Sehrazat never believed the ancient magical stories of her family and the Millium Fragment they had kept safe for over 3000 years, was just an amulet.
Nothing more.
This all changes the day when she meets Yugi Muto and his unfinished Millennium Puzzle.
Where was Kihana when she needed her?!
Yugi/OC, Yami/OC

Chapter 2
The next day a very nervous and excited Sehrazat waited for Yugi to pick her up on the crossroad which partet their two homes.
In her sweaty palms, she holds a Bento-Box, wrapped in a cute cloth with little Kuribohs on it.
"I hope he likes it.", mumbled Sehrzat unsure. "I hope he doesn't think I'm weird."
Yesterday evening she had called Kihana, to not only tell her how she found another Milliunium Item (Even THE Puzzle!) but also in regards to Yugi.
Sehrazat was...inexperienced in this kind of feeling.
When your stomach was full of butterflies, your knees so weak and you just want to be close to another person, in any way possible.
Yeah, she realised...she had a crush on Yugi.
Kihana had said this was love at first sight and had cooed at her, saying how grown up Sehrazat was now.
In answer, Sehrazat had mumbled some embarrassed words.
Anyway, Kihana had already a relationship behind her, so she was prepared to help Sehrazat with her love life.
Her best friend told her, she should make Yugi a Bento, like in anime!
It seemed also to be a custom in the normal world here in Japan.
Sehrazat had worried that she would come on too strong, but Kihana said from what she told of Yugi and how he reacted towards her, it would go well.
Sehrazat could only hope.
She doesn't want to miss this chance with Yugi!
Never in her life did she want someone like she wanted Yugi!
It was so crazy!
They only met a day ago and talked a bit, however, the dark blue-haired beauty had a feeling she had known Yugi for an eternity.
Love was really crazy.
Signing she looked at her wristwatch.
Yugi would be here any second.
Under no circumstances she would make a complete idiot out of herself.
She could do it!
"Good Morning, Sehrazat-Chan."
Not expecting Yugi to just pop up during her own pep-talk the poor girl jumped nearly two meters in the air and with love made Bento-Box slipped from her hands!
Before she could cry out in sadness and anger, Yugi caught it.
Thank Isis!
"I'm sorry Sehrazat-Chan.", whinend Yugi. Awesome, he scared his crush! Way to go Yugi! "I didn't mean to startle you."
After taking a deep breath to calm herself, the girl answered: "No, no, don't worry Yugi-Kun. I was in thought. It was not your fault."
"If you are sure...I'm again sorry...Here!"
The tri-coloured-haired teen holds the Bento-Box out to her.
"I'm sorry I nearly made you drop your lunch."
Oh, dear Hathor...Sehrazat felt how her ears got hot from embarrassment.
She coughed and shuffled with her feet.
"It''s for you..."
"Erm, what Sehrazat-Chan?"
Oh, damn it!
"I-I made this for you!", said Sehrazat loud and clear, feeling her ears burning hotter. "I hope you enjoy it!"
Stupified Yugi looked from this girl goddess to the bento in his hands and then back to her.
An enormous blush formed on his cheeks.
Did...did he hear right?
"Y-You made this for me?!", he stuttered in disbelief.
The beautiful girl just nodded rapidly.
Yugi's brain formally short-circuited.
A girl, a beautiful and kind girl, made him a bento?
Made HIM a Bento?!
He was...speechless.
This made Sehrazat in turn unsure, seeing Yugi imitating a statue.
"I'm sorry! This was stupid. I will take it back."
"No, please don't!"
Now Sehrazat was looking at Yugi stupified.
Yugi with flaming red cheeks, who was sweating buckets, formally hugged the Bento-Box to himself.
"I was just surprised...I'm really thankful for this Bento-Box. Thank you Sehrazat-Chan!", declared Yugi with a bow.
Relieved the girl said: "Please Yugi-Kun, it was my pleasure you don't have to bow."
"No, I have to. No one ever made me a Bento-Box, I feel honoured."
Both their eyes found each other and suddenly they felt calmer.
Yes, the butterflies were still there, but looking at the other's beautiful, familiar eyes, helped them.
They chuckled and made their way to school.
"Wait...that's Kuriboh on the cloth?! Do you like Duel Monsters, Sehrazat-Chan?!"
"Like it? I adore it! I have my own Deck!"
"No way, me too!"
For the rest of their walk, they talked about Duel Monsters and strategies.
Both of them felt how they grew closer.
It was an amazing feeling.
When they arrived at school, Ushio was waiting for them.
What did he want?
"Yugi-Kun and Sehrazat-Chan, may I have a moment?", asked the big buff guy.
"What do you want us to see, Ushio-San?", wondered Yugi, as they followed him behind the school.
"Just come with me. I bet you two will be delighted."
There were certainly not.
Shocked Yugi and Sehrazat stared at a beat-up Jonouchi and Honda!
Yugi tried to run up to them, while Sehrazat stayed frozen in place scared.
She knew Ushio was bad news.
Where was Kihana?
She needed her best friend!
Ushio stopped Yugi.
"What do you think, Yugi-Kun?"
"What's the meaning of this...?", answered Yugi back with his own question.
"I told you and Sehrazat-Chan. I, Ushio, have become your bodyguard. So I decided to teach these little bullies here a lesson!"
"No way!", shouted Yugi in disbelief. "Ushio-San! This is too much! Are you alright, Jonouchi-Kun?! Honda-Kun?!"
Sehrazat heard how Jonouchi under pain mumbled to Yugi if he was satisfied now and Yugi answered that he never asked for something this cruel.
Then Ushio came between them and showed Yugi away, so he could kick Jonouchi in the stomach.
The only girl whined and started to cry.
This was too much for her.
She wanted to help, but couldn't.
Why was she so such a coward?
Without Kihana she couldn't do anything!
Other than Sehrazat who was paralyzed by her own fears and self-doubts, Yugi courageously stepped before Jonouchi and Honda, spreading his arms.
"Stop this already!", demanded Yugi from Ushio.
"Hey now, Yugi-Kun. Are you protecting them? What a weird guy you are.", stated Ushio. "It's a good chance to pay them back for everything they've done. Punch them! Kick them!"
"There's no way I can do that to my friends!"
Not only was Ushio surprised about this statement, but also Sehrazat and the poor beat-up boys stared in disbelief at Yugi.
Ushio laughed.
"You're a special case, alright...Friends, you call them? These two have been freakin' bullying and using you as an errand boy for a long time, you know!"
"They weren't bullying me...", disagreed Yugi. "Jonouchi-Kun was just teaching me to be a man!"
"God, you're weird, alright. Forget it. By the way, Yugi-Kun and Sehrazat-Chan it's time for you to pay up. My bodyguard fee of 400000 yen!"
What the?!
"400000 Yen?!", gasped Yugi shocked.
With the words, he would wait that they paid him Ushio left them.
Finally, Sehrazat could move again.
"Y-Yugi-Kun, let's help Jonouchi-Kun and Honda-Kun!"
Her crush nodded in agreement, while the two beat-up guys looked at them in disbelief.
The most Jonouchi.
"Why?", he asked. "Why are you helping us?"
"You are my friends."
"I rather have friends than enemies.", added Sehrazat.
Somehow the two short teens managed to help the two taller boys up, so they could walk to the Nurse's Office.
Yugi and Sehrazat wanted to still help them, but Jonouchi said it was okay.
So the two stayed behind and watched them go.
Later, when they were walking back home, Yugi and Sehrazat talked.
"You can't be serious.", said Yugi and shook his head. "You can't pay Ushio alone."
"Yugi, my family is well I can pay him. I don't want him near us again."
They stopped at their crossroad.
"Sehrazat-Chan, please don't pay him...I will think of something.", promised Yugi.
The girl frowned.
"I will still take the money with me, only just in case."
Since both felt the other wouldn't give up, they waved goodbye to each other and got to their homes.
Sehrazat was doing her homework when she saw Yugi running towards school again.
She got a bad feeling in her stomach.
Ready to follow him, she stopped in her tracks as she felt a pull.
The Milliunuim this, she couldn't help him, this showed today...even if she didn't believe the magic powers behind the Milliunium Items...maybe it could still give her courage.
So she took the teardrop-formed amulet with the eye of Horus out of the box and put it on.
At the same time, Yugi put the final piece of the Millennium Puzzle in it.
And both know no more.
She had slept for so long, the world was not what it once was, however thanks to the memory of the girl who awoke her she found HIM.
He was standing proudly, the Eye of Horus, shining on his forehead, ready to punish this Ushio who had tormented their young hosts.
"You wouldn't start without me, would you?", she purred.
He greeted her with a sexy smirk.
"I knew I felt a familiar presence. Welcome my queen."
"My Pharaoh."
The Spirit of the Puzzle took her hand and kissed it, while with her free hand, she caressed his cheek.
Both smiled devilishly and proclaimed: "'s time for a game...!"
Suddenly Ushio found himself bonded on a rope, hanging from a water tower.
"What in the hell?!"
He looked up and saw Yugi and Sehrazat standing side by side on the water tower.
But something was strange about them.
Not only did they wear jewellery he never saw, but both were taller and seemed older.
Yugi's hair was wilder, and his eyes were blood red.
Sehrazat hair reached her bottom and she was more curved than before.
However, both had in common the evil sadistic look they sent him.
"Hey Ushio-San.", greeted Yugi.
"The money you're after is right here.", told Sehrazat, holding an envelope up.
"What?! You mean the money?!", asked Ushio. "Then Yugi really didn't need to go through all that! Now hurry yo and give it to me!"
Sehrazat tutted him and with tape fixed the envelope on the highest point of the Water Tower.
"That' wouldn't be fun.", she proclaimed, wrapping her arms around Yugi's shoulders, while Yugi had an arm around her waist and nodded in agreement.
"What did you say?!"
"Well? Feel up to playing a little game with me?", answered him Yugi with a question.
"A game?!"
"But this will be no ordinary game."
Together the pair grinned even more sadistic and declared together: "It's a Shadow Game."
"Ha! Interesting! I, Ushio, have never lost a game in my life! I accept"
"That's our Ushio-San for you.", said Yugi to Sehrazat, kissing her throat.
She laughed sinfully and showed him a bit away.
"You can later get your prize from me after you defeat him."
With a last cheek kiss to Sehrazat, Yugi jumped down to Ushio, he was tied by the rope as well and put cards in a straight line on the water tower.
The game was simple, they moved up paces by the number of the cards they drew, who reached first Sehrazat, would get the money.
Ushio and Yugi played for a while, till Yugi was nearly beside Sehrazat.
The last draw would proclaim the winner.
Sadly for Ushio, he got the Joker, which was zero points.
He didn't like it one bit and started to move paces without drawing cards anymore.
"Someone is being naughty.", said Sehrazat to Yugi, being back in his embrace.
"If you do that, the consequences will be fierce.", reminded Yugi, gripping Sehrazat's curvy waist tight.
"Shut the hell up, both of you!", shouted Ushio back.
He didn't care anymore for their stupid little game.
He wanted the money!
Ushio reached Yugi and Sehrazat, hitting them, so they fell down together.
"As we thought, it seems you just can't follow rules.", called the two while falling.
"Now fall!", laughed Ushio as he broke the robe.
It seemed like Yugi and Sehrazat fell to their doom.
What did Ushio care?
He had the money!
However, as he opened the envelope he found only a letter with the words 'Cheater' on it.
From under him, Ushio could hear Yugi and Sehrazat calling: "The Door of Darkness has been opened."
Ushio didn't understand how he lost grip, but now he was falling down the water tower.
As he fell, Ushio saw, that Yugi had pierced with his upside-down pyramid the water tower and he and Sehrazat were hanging from it without problems, still in an embrace.
"The Shadow Gamnes bring out a person's true characteristics.", explained Yugi. "You shall be swallowed in darkness by the form of your own greed."
Laughing in triumph Sehrazat and Yugi saw how Ushio was 'eaten' by giant worms.
Of course, it was an illusion, but this scumbag didn't deserve it better.
"My Pharoah, if you don't mind.", began Sehrazat taking her Milliunium Fragment off.
"As you please my queen.", he answered back.
The Milliunuim Fragment turned into a golden whip and Sehrazat swung them both to safety.
"So about my price?", purred Yugi, kissing along her throat.
"My pharaoh you will get it, alright, but we should bring our hosts home."
With a sign, Yugi let go of her.
"Indeed you are right, my queen, let's go."
They took each other hands and walked Yugi and Sehrazat's body to their homes.
"What is it my pharaoh?"
"We need names...can you remember our names, my dear?"
"Sadly not."
"Then how about Yami for me and...-"
"I will be Afya."
"Sounds perfect."
The next day Yugi and Sehrazat walked together to school, none the wiser that they now shared bodies with ancient Egyptian spirits.
No, both wore their Milliunim Items happy.
They didn't know what exactly happened, but Ushio wasn't in school anymore.
Smiling Sehrzat looked at how Jonouchi declared himself a friend of Yugi before he ran off and Yugi after him, with the shoe Jonouchi lost.
The young girl couldn't help but giggle, following after them.
Maybe she could be happy in Domino with such friends!
Meanwhile, in the deeps of the souls of Yugi and Sehrazat, four rooms had formed.
On the left side were two childish, innocent and pure rooms and on the right two dark and mysterious doors with the eye of Horus.
This showed how the Puzzle and Fragment as their host were now connected.
Which was perfect for the two Yami's.
They were in Afya's soul room, a giant Egyptian palace, in her Sleeping Chambers, getting reaccounted with each other.
Naked and spent they lay in each other embrace.
"I missed your warmth.", mumbled Yami into Afya's shoulder kissing it.
Afya, who was buried under him, turned her head so she could kiss him on the mouth.
"We forgot so much...but I'm glad we didn't forget each other."
"I could never forget you.", Yami growled and started to move again.
"You are mine for eternity as I am yours!"
"Ah! Yes, my love!"
Afya let out a soft moan, as she moved with him.
Their physical connection was incredible, they still remember how to pleasure the other.
And they had the whole day to do so.
In the outside world, Yugi and Sehrazat had no idea why they suddenly felt so hot and bothered.
They couldn't even look each other in the eye.
It was so weird.
From somewhere deep in their minds, both swore to hear amused laughter.
So I gave the Millium Fragment a new power. It's not a shield anymore, but it can turn in any weapon. Atem's Mother preferred a shield to protect her, but our Yanara was a warrior queen and used the Fragment in any weapon form she knew about. ^^
Season 0 casual conversations O_o

So I did a thing QwQ

When you try to flirt with your crush but it backfires

Based on this couple incorrect quotes meme:

I am IN LOVE with your artsyle, thank you so much for including my request!! <3 This is such a treat

Finished! Thanks to everyone who suggested a character <3
I wanted to draw them in a more cartoony way with bright colours
Joey/Jounouchi, Kaiba and Isis suggested by @moonogre
Yugi suggested by anon
Atem suggested by @hanase
Yusei suggested by @leafgale
9, Wishshipping, if you still take requests? The boy-os are so soft and cute in your style!

Thank you so much! I’m so sorry for the very late answer, I didn’t notice this ask until today
Here you go 9. Wishshipping for the kiss art challenge!
Kaiba you petty dragon....

the time has come to post this photo everywhere
Hi ! Would you mind doing a NSFW Joey Wheeler x afab gender neutral reader ? :0 (esp a fluff smut-) please !
Oooo my first NSFW ask!! Will do, anon!! <33
So sorry it took some time! I had a bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist asks come in.
Content: GN reader, but with the use of female genitalia
Warnings: Explicit NSFW 18+ content, creampie, overstim, degradation (calling Joey a dog), detailed smutty scenarios
Notes: WRAP THE TOOL, FOOLS!! You can still get pregnant on the pill!! This is fiction, don't let it influence your irl sex life!! + Pride Joey manga panel I got off the internet lolol. BTW HAPPY PRIDE TO ALL MY FELLOW LGBTQ+ MEMBERS!!
Minors DNI. Turn back NOW.

Mmmm okay. So you wanna do the do with Golden Retriever boy, eh?
Good choice ;)
First thing; I can see him being into overstimulation. I don't know why, but I can see it. Especially if he's eating you out.
He loves when you tug at his hair while he eats you out
He also loves when you beg...specifically when he begins to overstimulate you
He's constantly horny, btw
His favorite place to be is between your legs lol
"Oh...Joey- Joey!" You yelped, hands tugging on Joey's blonde locks, his face plastered into your heat.
The lewd squelching noises make your face heat up more in embarrassment, but the way he sucks and licks your clit makes you feel so fucking good.
"Yeah baby? You gonna cum, eh?" Joey lifts his head up, replacing his tongue with his fingers.
You couldn't form coherent sentences, so you resorted to letting out loud moans and bucking your hips back towards his face.
"Heh, can't get enough of me, eh?" Joey teased, then replaced his fingers with his tongue yet again.
That pushed you over the edge. The coil in your lower stomach snapped, Joey quickly putting his mouth over your entrance, sticking his tongue inside to taste every bit of you. After coming down from your high, the pleasure Joey is inflicting on you begins to become unbearable.
"Jo-Joey! C'mon, get...ahh!" You buck your hips and throw your head back as Joey latches onto your clit once more.
"C'mon, I know you got anotha' one in ya!" Joey grins up at you from between your legs.
I can imagine him being a switch as well
When he's all subby, he really likes being praised + degraded. He loves that combo, and backhanded compliments towards him, if he's in that specific mood
He loves when you overstimulate him as well
Remember when I said he's always horny? I mean like, anything gets him going
He's also louder when he's subby hehehehe
"Look at you, a whimpering mess underneath me." You'd say in a sultry tone, hand wrapped firmly around Joey's cock.
You stopped your movements to make him focus on you. The blonde whined, his bare bottom half bucking up towards you to cause friction again. "Nngh...please...!"
"You know, maybe Seto's right. You are a dog."
You'd waited for Joey to utter your mutually agreed safeword, but the way he shuddered under you told you he was in for degrading tonight. You chuckled, now knowing you had a green light. Leaning down to his ear, you began to whisper.
"Whimpering and whining for me...pawing at me all day in front of your friends...don't you think you've humiliated us enough, Wheeler?" You let go of his pulsing cock.
"He-hey! Don't let go...!"
"Answer me first, pup." You demanded.
"Ye-yes...I humiliated you, I-I'm sorry- oh!" Joey's hips twitched as you grabbed his length again.
"Good boy. Now, what is it you want?"
"I...wan' you to ride me..." Joey mumbled.
"I wont move until you speak, boy." You growled in his ear.
"I wan' you to ride me! Right now! Please~!" Joey bucked his hips up, the tip of his length rubbing against your clothed stomach.
"As you wish." You smirked before continuing, making the man moan for you.
Now, if it's praise he wants, he'll make it apparent.
Will especially make you say he's better than Seto if they ran into each other that day
"What do you want?" You asked, pulling off his pants. "Praise or degrading, or both?"
Joey, looking at you with a pout. "Praise, please."
You chuckled and kissed him, gently palming his growing erection through his boxers. "Okay, pretty boy."
Working him with your hands at first, then your mouth, he'd decided he'd had enough foreplay and wanted you on him. Slowly sinking on to him, he'll mumble under his breath, his gaze growing harsh as he watches you sink lower and lower onto his length.
"Joey, baby? What's the matter?" You'd ask in a soft tone once he's all the way in, caressing his cheek.
"Fuckin' Kaiba..." Joey sighs, then looks up at you. "Tell me I'm better than Kaiba."
"Better than Kaiba at what?"
Joey grips your hips and begins to move you up and down. "Better at fucking you than he is."
"O-Oh, is this what this is about? Kaiba insulted you today, didn't he?" You braced your hands on Joey's chest.
"Y-Yeah, baby." Joey grunted, slowly picking up the pace. "Told me he could fuck ya better than I could...that bastard."
You began to moan louder. "Y-You're better than Kaiba...oh..."
His length was hitting every sweet spot you could imagine, dragging along your walls and inflicting delicious pleasure throughout your whole body.
"Yeah...? T-Tell me more...ah..." Joey could feel you begin to tighten around him.
You began to bounce on him more. "Nobody, n-not even Kaiba could - ah! - make me feel as good as you do, Joey...!"
"Only wan' me, right?" Joey sat up, helping you bounce on his lap, panting.
"Ye-yeah! O-Only you!" You whined louder.
Like a switch, Joey began to drift into dom territory. He leaned forward and bit your shoulder, causing you to moan. He then began covering the mark in kisses.
"Gonna ruin ya...for any other man! O-Only me, mine!" Joey began to bounce you faster.
Your moans grew louder and louder, as did his. You held him close and continued telling him how much better he was compared to Kaiba, and soon Joey blindly reached his fingers towards your clit, rubbing in tight circles, making you scream out for him.
"Yeah...yeah, baby!" Joey moans with you. "Tell 'em who you belong to!"
"Joey...! Joey...!"
You throw your head back, and Joey bites the exposed skin, driving you to your climax. Joey groans into your skin as he feels you cum around him, and he looks up at you.
"W-where do you want me to...?"
"In me...please! I'm on the pill..."
And he obeys. He lets out a loud groan of your name, holding you still as he cums inside you. He hides his face in your neck, becoming acutely aware of how sweaty the both of you are, and how shaky your legs have become.
You both stay there for a long while, panting. Once you regain your composure, you begin to grind on Joey.
"Want more...please..."
You then lift yourself up slightly and move back down on his length, causing Joey to hiss through his teeth.
"You want me to stop?" You asked, suddenly stilling your hips.
"No, no baby...keep goin'." He kisses you, and you obey without another word.
Aside from the degradation/praise and overstimulation kink, Joey is pretty vanilla
His favorite position is missionary, it allows him to hold you while he ruts into you, and plus he loves seeing your expression as his cock batters your insides :D
I think I'd be willing to do an NSFW alphabet for Joey...or any of the boys...

I'm a little lazy to do tags, but I'll try to do For now, photoshop ~
✨Thoughts from the shadows✨
Again me! And again with the headcanon wagon! This time, I want to share my thoughts on the games that the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh would play.

I'll start with Yugi and Atem. Based on their specifics and tastes, I think they would like card games, or strategies. They understand them so well that they could easily break into the esports league. Until that time, they had been developing their tactics behind the board games that were in Sugoroku's store.
Games: Hearthstone, StarCraft, Inscryption

Next - Jounouchi and Honda. My guess is that they have been playing games since the days when computer clubs appeared. These are mostly popular games of the present time, where cooperation and teamwork are appreciated. Together they develop tactics, and even know the loopholes in the games. They mostly play shooters.
Games: Call of Duty, Counter Strike, Quake champions, Fortnite

Anzu almost does not play with friends, because of the weak computer. Jonochi or Yugi let her play in the computer club, but she didn't like the genre of games they played. But she had no equal in dancing games. To do this, she goes to an arcade club or plays on Jonochie's console.
Games: DanceDance Revolution, Just dance, Dancerush

Kaiba has a huge potential in strategies. Coming to the computer club, everyone understands one thing: "the master of strategies has come." He has been participating in the esports league for longer than Yuga, and has extensive experience. But every time he goes into a game against him, he loses with a 50/50 chance.
Game: Heart's of Iron, Cilivisation, Red alert, Heroes of might and magic

Ryo plays almost the same game as Yugi and Jonochi. But his personality has a different opinion. Yami Bakura loves games where the atmosphere is gloomy, scary monsters and just moments when the aesthetics of the area puts pressure on you. Re is also not against scary games, but he rarely plays them.
Games: Outlast, Silent Hill, Clocktower, Phasmophobia

This comrade is the very embodiment of cruelty. And he will tell you 1 out of 1000 ways to make the victim scream. Give him games, with an abundance of cruelty, and even dark ones that almost cross the line. He doesn't have a chance to play these games at home, but there's Bakura and his friends, right? He is not allowed into computer clubs because he scares visitors with his laughter and muttering.
Game: Postal 2, Manhunt, Hotline Miami, Dead by Daylight.
I'll stop for now. If you're interested, I'll write the next post with other characters!
And remember: Even if you have a different opinion, it's okay. Everyone has their own headcannons and vision for the characters! It will also be interesting for me to read your suggestions!

Hi this is my formal application to enter the yugioh fandom

the time has come to post this photo everywhere

I've lost the original however, I remember it was a Duolingo meme.
Here's some Spanish slang for you, baby!
So, the word "weá" is widely used by Chileans and they are used on any occasion but normally it is an informal word that usually replaces the word "thing". It is also used to show dislike, and to say that something is wrong or upsetting. It can be used as an insult or celebration as well. “Weas” is the current internet/texting spelling of the word “Huevas” which originally (and still) means testicles. It has had a long development from there to become the extremely versatile, multipurpose expression it is in Chile today. The stress is on the letter “e”. “Weás” on the other hand, with stress on the “a”, is the current spelling of the word “Huevadas” which meaning is closer to “bullshit”.
From the nineties on, the original insult has absorbed a broad spectrum of meanings, from the most insulting to the most endearing, depending on how you say it, when you say it and to whom. I guess that “weón” follows a similar evolution as “fuck” in the US.
It works as a noun, like in a phrase, it also works as a verb in kind of a compound form, and it can be an adjective.
Summarizing: It replaces the word "thing", so it can be used replacing every single noun that exists. It doesn't mean anything wrong but is not a nice way to talk. It is mostly used with people that have the same status or relation. The actual meaning of the word "wea" depends of the context of the situation.
Now, "weon aweonao" is easier to explain. "Weon" can be used to call someone dude, mate, fool, idiot, jerk, or even more offensive terms! The only way to really understand the meaning is to listen to the context in which it is said. "Aweonao" is a vulgarism which means idiot, of few lights, asshole, clumsy, and so on.

I had to take part in that weird meme from @sweepswoop_ on twitter. And these two were perfect.

Was reading a fic where these two were playing chess and, honest to god, I thought this was going to be the outcome

silly silly comic <3 forever a green haired kaiba truther