sweethoneysuckledreams - I Am Now A Member Of The Mile High Club
I Am Now A Member Of The Mile High Club

I just make poor yugioh memes

159 posts

Sweethoneysuckledreams - I Am Now A Member Of The Mile High Club - Tumblr Blog

5 years ago

Hey guys I am trying to work on matchups but it seems that tumblr will not let me post or save any of my submissions or asks. Anyone else have this problem??

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5 years ago

5'1 Long auburn hair Thicc and smol Sensitive, energetic, sweet, a bit stubborn and noisy. Loves to eat, Disney fan loves movies, being lazy, anime, memes and animals. and is a writer and an artist. Suffers from depression and anxiety disorders. Swears a lot.

I pair you with…Joey Wheeler!


* You met Joey at a friendly function (small group hangout, big party, at a bar with friends, whichever is most like you!) and you guys hit it off immediately!

* You two both started off as good friends and slowly morphed into best friends! (Thus making yugi sliiiiightly jealous.. he’ll get over it he’s just glad to have more friends!)

* Ofc yugi and the gang invite you over for movies and popcorn! You always request Disney and everyone moans and groans while the polite Yugi Mutou slides in an old VHS tape of Hercules.

* You volunteered to go make the next batch of popcorn, but little did you know Joey slid into the kitchen with you. He was waiting for the perfect time to get you away from the gang. You turned to him confused as to why he was shaking so much and boom! He asked you out and the rest is history!

* Joey loves the huge height difference (about a 10 inch difference!) and will constantly call you cute nicknames like “short stack” and “peanut” just to rile you up. Joey loves the fact that you’re dummy thicc. He loves all your shapes and curves.

* He also loves your stubbornness despite the fact that it causes you two to get into heated discussions sometimes.

* Joey loves these green outfits on you because they match so well with your hair!


* Joey appreciates and loves your artistic side. He wants to make a date of you showing him how to do some art techniques!

* It’s known that Joey isn’t much of a reader but your writings seem to engulf him into a world hes never known.

*Your favorite thing about Joey is his fun loving and hilarious personality. He always makes it a goal to cheer you up whenever you are down.

* Be careful with this relationship though! You two are both very energetic and emotional. You need to learn how to read signs of when you both need your space.

Song that represents your relationship:

“Something Stupid” by Michael Buble and Reese Witherspoon

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5 years ago

Omfg thank you so much!!! 🥴🥴🤯🤯

Pls draw Strade curb stomping the hell out of me and or whoever you want tHanKs

Pls Draw Strade Curb Stomping The Hell Out Of Me And Or Whoever You Want THanKs
Pls Draw Strade Curb Stomping The Hell Out Of Me And Or Whoever You Want THanKs

Holy shit, can I say really quick that you're so pretty!!! Like 💖💓💗💞💕💖💓💗💞💖💓!! Hope you like the drawing!! 🌺❤️

Pls Draw Strade Curb Stomping The Hell Out Of Me And Or Whoever You Want THanKs

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5 years ago

Me watching everyone slowly come into the healthy and pure Moomin Fandom:

Me Watching Everyone Slowly Come Into The Healthy And Pure Moomin Fandom:

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5 years ago

Kaiba: You know, I blame Bakura for this. And Joey, I blam him too.

Joey: What did I do?

Kaiba: I’m sure you did something.

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6 years ago
6 years ago

“I really hope my latest shitpost doesn’t end up having Discourse on it” - everyone in the Yugioh fandom at some point

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6 years ago

Seto: Mokuba, Mokuba!

Mokuba: Yes Seto?

Seto: Getting kidnapped?

Mokuba: No, Seto.

Seto: Telling lies?

Mokuba: No, Seto.

Seto: Where are you tHEN??

Pegasus: Ha Ha Ha!

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6 years ago


Pegasus: Will you be the Yee to my Haw?

Ishizu: I am begging you to stop.

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6 years ago

Guys I too will not be posting or on tumblr all of tomorrow. I recommend you do the same.

I Wont Be Posting Monday December 17 To Protest The Imposition Of Censorship On Tumblr

I won’t be posting Monday December 17 to protest the imposition of censorship on Tumblr

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6 years ago

Ok so we know Kaiba is Extra™. But could you please write a top 3 of characters who could at least compete with him to steal the crown.

Oh god please don’t take away the only man I love that’s actually a hard one uH

1.) Probably Pharaoh Atem?


3.) maaaaaaaai valeNTIIIINE

These are the top three probably not in any specific order??? I love the sassy powerful characters. They please mE.

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6 years ago
6 years ago

Joey x Reader fics: Savy, cute, funny Yami/Yugi x Reader: Sweet, meaningful, slightly comedic Seto x Reader fics: ALL SIN ALL LUST JFC SETO MOKUBA’S STANDING RIGHT THERE

Joey X Reader Fics: Savy, Cute, Funny Yami/Yugi X Reader: Sweet, Meaningful, Slightly Comedic Seto X

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6 years ago

Yugi: Guys guys! Let’s just take a vote-

Téa: Oooh a secret vote! Everybody close your eyes.

*everyone closes their eyes*

Ishizu: We will not know the results.

Tristan: Well, say your vote out loud.

Seto: We’ll know each other’s voices dork.

Joey: Malik’s got a point.

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6 years ago
6 years ago

Your memes are anything but poor. You’re a godsend giving us content related to the greatest anime and games ever.

All my followers are legit the best. Every single time I post I am barraged with a billion notes no matter what it is about. Y’all truly are godsend for treating me as well as you do. The yugioh fandom can have its discourses at times but I have truly never been mistreated. I will continue to give out a plethora of memes I promise.

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6 years ago

Reading Seto x Reader fics with Mokuba being the wingman is really an eye opener


If any seto x reader fic involves mokuba being setos wingman AND your BFF I’m automatically invested. Don’t look me dead in the eye and tell me Mokuba wouldn’t kill to be just invested in Setos love life.

Reading Seto X Reader Fics With Mokuba Being The Wingman Is Really An Eye Opener

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