Nya Smith - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The
Okay Listen. Its Been A Hot Second Since I Last Saw Season 1 So I Have Absolutely No Clue Whether The

okay listen. It´s been a hot second since I last saw season 1 so I have absolutely no clue whether the whole Samurai X thing started before or after they took Lloyd in but for the sake of this comic, let´s pretend that it´s possible that Nya got the Samurai idea from Lloyd because I think it´s cute

The timeline is what I make of it.

Also, I NEED more content of the Lloyd & Nya friendship specifically. Especially bc they must have such a special bond due to them both being left out or at least joining the "main 4" later on. I think even later when they´re both fully integrated in the team that they´re especially close and this never changes. I´m sorry I am so emotional about them, these two mean so much to me AAAAHH

(Also sidenote: if anyone has recommendations for ninjago fanfics with little Lloyd or nice found family dynamics in general, pleeeeaaase drop them in the comments, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER)

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2 years ago
Not Amazing But I Think They're Cute :3
Not Amazing But I Think They're Cute :3
Not Amazing But I Think They're Cute :3
Not Amazing But I Think They're Cute :3
Not Amazing But I Think They're Cute :3

Not amazing but I think they're cute :3

I wanted to draw them in normal clothes :)

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3 years ago

I made some pride ninjas for my friends!

I Made Some Pride Ninjas For My Friends!

For @culturalmochi

I Made Some Pride Ninjas For My Friends!

For @spinchip

I Made Some Pride Ninjas For My Friends!

For @sodasyrup

I Made Some Pride Ninjas For My Friends!

for @sparklis357

I Made Some Pride Ninjas For My Friends!

Aaaaaand this one for me!!

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7 months ago

Imma be real with you guys, I think Lloyd is gonna be a great father when he has a kid one day.

He'd be one of those parents who hover over their children, constantly telling them how much he loves them and that no matter what he's always gonna be by their side. You know, because trauma!

He's in a constant fear that he's gonna be like his father one day; That he's gonna leave his kid to fend for themself in a world that's out to get them.

This fear keeps growing and eventually spills over when his kid accidentally hurts themself.

He finally takes the cue to go and actually fucking talk with someone about his emotions and to talk to his teammates.

Oh, and he would also give candy to his kid. Because he would, don't fight me on this.

(Also, Kai tears up every time he sees Lloyd and his kid because this is the man HE raised, the little gremlin who was stealing candy yesterday. Nya is patting his brother on the back and wiping a tear in the corner of her eye. Jay is full-on sobbing every time he holds Lloyd's kid, Cole is standing behind him, watching him like a hawk so Jay doesn't accidentally drop the poor baby. (He and Kai have battled over who is the best uncle. (Spoiler: it's Zane. )) And Zane is shaking his head and making food for everyone.)

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3 years ago
She Really Is My Angel
She Really Is My Angel
She Really Is My Angel

She really is my angel

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5 months ago

for the first month after nya's sacrifice, storms raged.

buildings were lightning rods. the sound of thunder was commonplace. dark clouds covered the sky as far as the eye could see. nobody died, thank god, but there were close calls.

tests were run. studies were conducted. professionals were called in. even then, nobody knew what was causing such freak weather.

all they knew was that the seas remained untouched.

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10 months ago

Yesssssss, this needs to happen!!!!! Aaaaaaaa

Quick Comic About Nya And Kai After The Fall. I Think Nya Tends To Blame Things On Herself And In Situations
Quick Comic About Nya And Kai After The Fall. I Think Nya Tends To Blame Things On Herself And In Situations

quick comic about nya and kai after the fall. i think nya tends to blame things on herself and in situations where she fails or thinks she’s failed, she tries to hide how much guilt she feels. but kai can always see through her facade

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1 year ago


in honor of pride month im going to say my ninjago pride hc’s :D 

also please stay safe y’all <3

Ima go oldest ninja to youngest ninja :P (hc age, also speaking of hc, please remember that these are all headcanons. i’m only saying i think that these fit the characters. i’m not saying you have to agree, this is just what i think.)

Zane - Agender, Polyamorous, pan, + i think he’d maybe use neos (he/they/ze)

Cole - Gay, polyamorous, cis (he/him)

Kai - Demi boy, omniromantic, asexual, polyamorous (he/they)

Jay - Bigender, bisexual, asexual (he/she)

Nya - Lesbian, demi girl (they/she)

Lloyd - Genderfluid, aroace, biromantic (She/They/He)

ps pixal bc i love/p her sm <33

Pixal - Agender, lesbian (she/her)

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1 year ago

I can’t draw….

but you know what I can do?








i procrastinate so badly omg- i have like 13 fanfic ideas(all lloyd centric lol) but i haven’t started like any of them- :’)

should I do a poll to see which one I should start on 🤔

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1 year ago


Nya's voice at the start sounded like twilight sparkleajndncn such magic of friendship of it

-Ar(yes I'm still using Ar idc >:( )

uhhhhhh honestly like I have a bit to rant abtttt


YAY COLE IS BACKKKK...but where's jay-???

I honestly was hoping to see like garm or harumi bc idk like I wanna know what happened to themmmmm

also tho why is there another elemental master? also tho his thing kinda seems dumb- like idk what it is even but it ust doesnt make sense, I feel like they're adding more things to just add more things. Bc elemental powers are passed on(I don't understand was the new elemental master of wind energy got the power-) like idk also tho idk where I got this from but I thought ppl from ninjago could only geet lemental powers? Why are Just so many other randos getting powers? Maybe the merge messed it up so know people all over call get powers and don't need it from like a parent/passed down??? Idk- it justtttsvdhdhdh idk

also I feel like there wasn't enough lloyd >:(

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1 year ago

Lloyd Garmadon head canons!!

i was thinking of more head canons all day at school bc of asher- lol

-His favorite color is red(bc of Kai lol)

-when he was younger he liked punk/metal music but as he grew older he grew out of it and now likes more indie/soft type of songs

-Darklys never taught him how to read, write, do math, or just basic knowledge

-But what he did learn at darklys was how to pick a lock, pitpoket, and a few other villianish things

-Nya was the first one in the team that lloyd became friends with

-Kai was the last one he became freinds with, and that wasn't until the volcano

-He has a green thumb and can revive any plant from the dead, ANY.

-During the merge he learned how to cook and bake

-Knows how to play the drums and guitar, but he doesn't do it often because it's so loud

-Him and Brad secretly dated for a few months before telling the others

-Ik the FSM said he wouldn't remember, but he does sometimes wonder what would of happened if he went with the FSM at the end of season 10

-He has a love hate relationship with physical touch, he only wants it from people who he trusts or knows personally

-Loves taking walks out in nature, always goes with Zane though

-He doesn't like to be alone, unless he's in a mood. But even then he doesn't entirely wanna be alone but he doesn't wanna be with others either and have to socialize

-He likes it when Brad gives him pet names(or just other ppl- but like Brad gives him more sweet ones)

-He dies over praises, they give him too much life

-Kai teases him about Brad and he gets insanely red(even more so before they got together)

idk if I should make a post for angsty ones... you what? i should :3

also lol I finally figured out how to color texts-

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1 year ago

HEHEHEHEE. poor nya bro

the shit she has to deal with


Nya Dealing With The Guys
Nya Dealing With The Guys

Nya dealing with the guys

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