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Красные маковые поля Казахстана.
Red poppy fields of Kazakhstan.

Начало мая – прекрасная пора цветения маковых полей на юге и юго-востоке Казахстана. Они радуют глаз всего две недели, в зависимости от погодных условий. Яркие алые поля раскинулись на десятки гектаров , на их площади в большинстве своём, растут самосейки и мак павлиний.
Цветение маков проще всего запечатлеть алматинцам. Поля есть вдоль Капшагайской и Кульджинской трасс. В большом количестве цветы растут в предгорьях Тянь-Шаня, растянувшись вдоль гор, и на полях в сторону Кыргызстана. Важно отметить, что маки каждый год кочуют, поэтому необходимо в сезон цветения проверять в соцсетях актуальную информацию по их местоположению.
The beginning of May is a wonderful time for poppy fields to bloom in the south and southeast of Kazakhstan. They are pleasing to the eye for only two weeks, depending on weather conditions. Bright scarlet fields stretch over tens of hectares, and in their area, for the most part, self-seeding and peacock poppy grow.
The blossoming of poppies is easiest for Almaty residents to capture. There are fields along the Kapshagai and Kuldzha highways. Flowers grow in large numbers in the foothills of the Tien Shan, stretching along the mountains, and in the fields towards Kyrgyzstan. It is important to note that poppies migrate every year, so it is necessary to check social networks for up-to-date information on their location during the flowering season.
/procvetok.com/247327/, https://t.me/+HLoqW4OcT5VjZjM6,

Каинды - 400 метровое озеро в Казахстане, в долине Тянь-Шаня, в 129 км от города Алматы. Оно расположено среди хвойного леса на высоте 1667 метров над уровнем моря. Озеро Каинды образовалось после землетрясения 1911 года, которое вызвало большой оползень, заблокировавший одно из ущелий горного хребта Кунгей Алатау, образовав естественную плотину. Впоследствии, дождевая вода заполнила долину и наполнила озеро.
Озеро славится своей красотой подводного леса. Макушки самых высоких деревьев поднимаются прямо из воды. Средняя глубина составляет 20 метров, а в некоторых местах доходит до 30 метров. Вода в озере настолько холодная (даже летом температура воды не превышает 6 градусов), что могучие сосны по-прежнему остаются полузамороженными на своих местах, даже 100 лет спустя. Благодаря чистой горной воде, можно увидеть глубины озера. Вода в озере пресная, практически не содержит растворенных солей и идентична той воде, которая подвергается многоуровневой очистке в лаборатории.Зимой поверхность озера замерзает и становится прекрасным местом для ловли форели и подлёдного дайвинга.
Этот природный объект внесён в список особо охраняемых природных территорий со статусом природоохранного и научного учреждения, а также входит в Государственный национальный природный парк "Кольсайские озёра".
Kaindy is a 400-meter lake in Kazakhstan, in the Tien Shan Valley, 129 km from the city of Almaty. It is located among a coniferous forest at an altitude of 1667 meters above sea level. Kaindy Lake was formed after the earthquake of 1911, which caused a large landslide that blocked one of the gorges of the Kungei Alatau mountain range, forming a natural dam. Subsequently, rainwater filled the valley and filled the lake.
The lake is famous for its underwater forest beauty. The tops of the tallest trees rise straight out of the water. The average depth is 20 meters, and in some places it reaches up to 30 meters. The water in the lake is so cold (even in summer the water temperature does not exceed 6 degrees) that the mighty pines still remain semi-frozen in their places, even 100 years later. Thanks to the clear mountain water, you can see the depths of the lake. The water in the lake is fresh, contains practically no dissolved salts and is identical to the water that is subjected to multi-level purification in the laboratory.In winter, the surface of the lake freezes and becomes a great place for trout fishing and ice diving.
This natural object is included in the list of specially protected natural territories with the status of an environmental and scientific institution, and is also included in the Kolsai Lakes State National Natural Park.
Источник://discoverynn.ru/blog/kazakhstan/ozero-kaindy-neobychnaya-dostoprimechatelnost-na-yuge-kazakhstana/ , ://newtimes.kz/obshchestvo/155196-podvodnyj-les-ozera-kaindy-udivil-kazahstancev,//tourlenta.com/blog/316-podvodnij-les-na-ozere-kaindi,m.vk.com/wall-222521402_9950,//www.stena.ee /blog /zatoplennyj-les-odno-iz-samyh-krasivyh-mest-kazahstana,//dzen.ru /a/ZOZQ8LxcWxUAPkQe,aveneerdmc.com/ru/inspiration/kaindy.
what random city did spotify tell you has your music taste this year pls add in tags
I hate the world so much I wish it was even slightly fair. I’m so sorry Saltanat. I wish I could punish them all and bring you back to life. Rest in peace beautiful soul.
I don’t have any words left. I can’t think or I’ll break down. countless women went through this… how many more will die? The truth is it will keep going, it won’t stop.
I hate those creatures, I hate them all. I will never date one. I will never share a life with one until this behaviour is eradicated.
Long live Saltanat Nukenova. 💗🕊️

the daughters of winterfell + 🇰🇿:
lyanna stark — läýlim «läýa» rickardqyzy (daughter of rickard)
the name means «night» and «dark-haired beauty». läýlim is a variant of the name layla, which became very popular because of the tragic and forbidden love story «layla and majnun».
sansa stark — saltanat «saltusha» eddardqyzy (daughter of eddard)
in kazakh, the name saltanat means holiday, celebration, magnificence. in arabic/persian, it means «the king's wife» and monarchy, greatness, power, brilliant.
arya stark — aitolqyn «aika» eddardqyzy (daughter of eddard)
in kazakh, the word «ai» means «moon». the moon symbolises beauty, loyalty and eternity. «tolqyn» means «wave». just as the wave is unpredictable, so is the moon is beautiful; as the wave is endless, so is the moon is eternal.

Criminal proceedings against citizens accused of taking part in the protests that rocked Kazakhstan in January 2022 are still ongoing, according to BBC News Russian. More than 5,000 criminal cases were opened in the wake of “Bloody January,” including ones against people who died in the unrest. The targets of these posthumous trials include six people who were killed in Almaty, two who were killed in Kyzylorda, and seven who were killed in Taraz. Kazakhstanis have termed them the “trials of the souls of the dead.”
One of the defendants in question is Shyngys Tastanbekov, who was 34 when he was killed. Investigators alleged that he took part in the protests and that four other suspects who also died during the unrest attacked the president’s residence and the city administration building. All five of them were convicted, and the ruling was upheld by an appeals court in June. The court did not hand down a sentence, citing the defendants’ deaths.
Zhaksylyk Dolda, the lawyer representing Tastanbekov’s family, has denounced the trial as political, citing procedural violations committed during the investigation phase. The prosecution’s “evidence,” for example, included video footage that showed Tastanbekov standing in a crowd. Under Kazakhstan’s Criminal Procedure Code, the prosecutors are required to show the video to the defense in its entirety, but the clips used to convict Tastanbekov had been edited. According to Dolda, nowhere in the video is Tastanbekov seen attacking any buildings or police officers.
Additionally, investigators did not commission any expert analyses of the footage to prove that the person it shows is actually Tastanbekov. The BBC noted that he was initially charged with terrorism and attacking government structures as well but that those charges were ultimately dropped due to a lack of evidence.
Tastanbekov’s relatives do not believe he committed the crimes he was convicted of. According to his sister, Shynar, the prosecution’s evidence is self-contradictory; among other things, some materials say that Tastanbekov was killed on January 5 outside of the president’s residence in Almaty, while others say his body wasn’t found until January 7 and was in a different location. Shynar also said one investigator asked the family to sign a confession statement confirming that Tastanbekov took part in the protests. When they refused, according to Shynar, the investigator threatened them. Shynar maintains that her brother did not participate in any riots or seizures of government buildings but simply attended a peaceful protest to help the other demonstrators “convey the people’s desperation to the authorities.”
In January 2022, the Almaty authorities opened a criminal case over Tastanbekov’s murder, but his death was never investigated, his lawyer told the BBC. According to Dolda, in the first examination of Tastanbekov’s body, a police officer noted that he had a through-and-through gunshot wound and burn marks on his lower leg, but the burn isn’t mentioned in the official forensic report. Dolda believes his client may have died while being tortured, but the court did not take this possibility into account. Kazakhstan’s Prosecutor General has acknowledged that security officials tortured some people who were arrested in connection with the unrest, and a total of 203 criminal cases were opened over alleged instances of torture and abuse of authority. To this day, it’s unclear who fired at protesters.
International human rights organizations have called on the Kazakh authorities to conduct an independent investigation of the January unrest, but Kazakhstan’s president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, has maintained that involving international experts is unnecessary. As of June 2023, only 12 people had been charged in connection with protesters’ death, according to the BBC. According to human rights advocates, more than 40 cases opened over protesters’ deaths have been dismissed or classified.
Seven other people who were killed during the protests have been convicted of participating in mass protests in the city of Taraz. According to journalist Yesdaulet Kyzyrbekuly, none of the suspects’ parents believe the authorities’ account of their childrens’ deaths. One of the people convicted, Andrey Opushiev, was 17 years old when he died. He died from a bullet wound after being shot in the back, and his jaw, teeth, fingers, and left leg were broken. Despite his family’s pleas, the authorities have not investigated his death.

The 5th World Nomad Games, Kazakhstan, 08–13/09/2024.

The 5th World Nomad Games, Kazakhstan, 08–13/09/2024.

Charyn Canyon National Park, Kazakhstan & Grand Canyon National Park, USA
Kinda in love with the idea that different places on other sides of the world can look so similar. Something something universal human experiences

Delving a little deeper into editorial shoots, @galiyaserdali is a model to watch out for ... yes, she looks Asian, Spanish, Latino, & a few other things but this exotic beauty is from #Kazakhstan ... kinda make u wanna go there hunh? Thank Moon for lending me some of your designs for this shoot Designer: @moonzaddy Mua: @galiyaserdali 📸: @artisticchadphotography Model: @galiyaserdali (at NewYork) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxIEuBMvgt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=

Love a Model that can get out of their own head!!! #fashionphotographer #model #creativemakeup #Muang #newarkphotographer #Kazakhstan #blackphotographers Weirdo with camera: me. Model: @galiyaserdali Mua: @dominiquenoelle_ Stylist/photog: @dannihphoto (at West New York, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR7WisuBLk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
Disclaimer: this is in no way a fully comprehensive guide. This is just me trying to put together basics for people who are unfamiliar with Kazakhstan/Kazakhs to start their writing/research.
I am an ethnic Kazakh female, citizen of Kazakhstan, Almaty, bisexual, upper middle class, currently in college in the US. My experience is in no way representative of all kazakhs and Kazakhstan citizens. However, I think it’s pretty close to Otabek’s.
This is really, really long and kinda convoluted, but if you can bear it –– welcome!
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