Poppies - Tumblr Posts

by euniceohphotography

At the Tower of London red ceramic poppies are being planted to represent every killed soldier in the British Empire. Artist Paul Cummins was inspired by the battlefield accounts of an unknown soldier who died in Flanders. Every poppy is being handmade by team of at least 35 people and each takes around three days to create All flowers are to be sold off. This will raise millions to be split between six charities with links to Armed Forces. (Source & More Information)
eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour
2 minutes of silence to honour their sacrifice
in the face of danger they did not cower
though we may have won, it wasn't worth the price
😍😍 💐💐💐

“ … За Гоголем остается заслуга, что он первый дал русской литературе решительное стремление к содержанию, и притом стремление в столь плодотворном направлении, как критическое“ Н. Г. Чернышевский ( Очерки гоголевского периода русской литературы)

Yesterday’s color, because I’m already playing catch-up. Main hue: Naples Yellow. As per my norm, I use casein paint. These are all on 6"x9" illustration board.

Last year’s cut flowers