Kh Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hi! Once again the Riku brain rot has consumed my entire being, so here's some headcanons I've created (not in any particular order).


He's Handy! He can fix almost anything. He loves tinkering with his Gummi Ship!

His favorite food is grilled fish! White fish specifically, like flounder, sea bass, tilapia, etc. And he has a taste for savory treats, which combats Sora's sweet tooth.

He comes from a loving home. He loves his parents, a lot and they love him. However, his biological mother passed away when he was 7ish (after BBS, but before Kairi arrived). His father became emotionally unavailable for a while, until he met Riku's stepmom. She filled her motherly role over Riku and he thanks her for it. He loves his step mom!!!

His dad taught him a variety of things like: self defense, how to fix common things, fishing, basic survival skills, and the basics of building

He moved out after KH2, and got his own place. The reason why is because after everything he's been through he needs his own space to brood about how small everything is. Albeit sad, his father approved and has the land lady check up on him every so often 🥺 Riku helps outs his elderly land lady and pays rent on TIME! He's a responsible boy 😊

Riku isn't all into fashion but he can DRESS. He loves a good "urban/street wear" look, and fucks heavy with grunge. He appreciates the chains and skull designs that come with "punk" fashion but doesn't think he can pull it off

Riku doesn't spend a needless amount of time on his looks. He has gel for his hair, a skin care routine, and a nighttime ritual to keep his hygiene up. He's very much a pretty boy in our eyes, but that's just his genes. He does the bare minimum to keep himself looking presentable

Speaking of his looks, he surprisingly gets his good genes from his dad. The muscles, the hair, the jaw line, all from his old man. His father was most definitely a looker back in the day! That being said, Riku has his mother's smile and her eyes. He also carries her temperament with him.

Along with tinkering being a hobby of his, he likes video games too! But he's not a complete shut in video game nerd. Riku LOVES the outdoors. The wilderness calls him like he's a feral animal !!! He likes camping, and fishing! He's the main guy on the islands you'd go to for some handy survival tips. He knows a good amount of edible plants, fungi, berries, leaves, and etcetera to eat if he ever got stranded. He has one or two books on that kind of stuff but he doesn't read it anymore.

After the events of KH2, Riku didn't go back to highschool. Instead he got a GED (or KH equivalent) online and started taking community college courses. He's doing it to make his dearly departed mother proud.

To add on to that, Riku is a fast learner. He's quite intellectual when it comes to mathematics, some history, and biology but please don't ask him why the author made the curtains blue 😭 the boy is emotionally stunted. He is NOT using critical thinking when it comes down to poetry or thick prose. He has some emotional intelligence but compared to Sora, he might as well have the emotional capacity of a brick wall 😭

Alright! That's all I have for now (it's 5am, I should be sleeping) if I have any more I'll post em lol

XOXO Mx. Jade 💕

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4 years ago

Random kh headcanons of mine

Every character is bisexual, fight me

Sora, Riku, and Kairi are tan from living in the islands.

Namine secretly wants to go goth

Isa, Namine, and Ienzo become a trio after kh3

Xion and Olette like to prank the boys often

Hayner raps

Roxas learns to rap from Hayner

Roxas and Hayner then proceed to write diss tracks (oh no)

Ventus has autism

Isa has insomnia

Aqua can sing, really well

Xion and Namine are weebs

Xion, Kairi, and Olette have struggle matches with eachother

Namine makes her own clothes

Terra is actually really good at sculpting

Dilan is a poc (nomura give us some diversity damn you)

Lea can not cook for his life

Riku also has insomnia

Sora makes high pitched squeaky noises when he sneezes

Pence is really good at video games

Twilight town trio teaches everyone what memes are (oh boi)

Skuld likes to draw but she’s not all that good at it

Gula is trans

Strelitzia has severe anxiety, Lauriam would often give her stress balls or anything soft to grip onto to help with her panic attacks

Strelitzia(nameless star theory) and Namine talked in the final world. They’re best friends now (Strelitzia is gonna give her brother an ass whoopin for what he did to Nami)

Invi is Asian

Elrena has anger issues but has learned how to control them

Aight that’s all it’s 4 in the morning and I had impulses to write this

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1 year ago

Kingdom Hearts x New Princesses 👑

Kingdom Hearts X New Princesses
Kingdom Hearts X New Princesses

Okay! This next KH4 post is about the new princesses of heart! Now I know there were alot of princesses in the last few games, although most of them were from the classic Renaissance movies. But since KH3 we learned that there are some new princesses joining the games! So here is my list of who might be the new 7 Hearts in KH4!

· · ♡ · · Characters · · ♡ · ·

🐻 Merida : Okay this one is more for me lol, since I think Merida is really cool! But since KH is diving into more Pixar worlds and movies, it would kind of make sense to put her in KH4. The way I think the KH gang(s) might meet Merida is if they happen to see her at the archery contest first. They see the contest happening and how amazing she is at archery. So, after the contest, they decide to head into town and ask around. Maybe to ask for information about Sora, or perhaps Kairi feels a connection coming from the castle. Since what I've gathered from the games is that Kairi still is a PoH? But anywho, Merida runs away, and boom! Movie plot happens!

I can feel this kind of route going similar to the Tangled world, where the gang gets separated from Merida for a little bit. But then they run into Mama Bear Elenor and find out what happened. I feel like having the player saving everyone from Mord'u when Merida finds the castle ruins would be an intersting fight, or maybe there would be a mini-game where you have to help Merida catch fish in the river. Although I can see the main point of this plotline being where the player has to help change Merida's mom back. With either Mord'u or even King Fergus as a boss fight near the end.

🌊 Moana : Okay this one I've seen everywhere, and I can see why this would make a cool world in KH! Moana is a really popular princess and she has such a cool story that I feel would fit Kingdom Hearts really well! I can imagine going similar to POTC world, where the gang ends up in the middle of the ocean. Although maybe instead of finding an island or finding Moana, they accidently arrive at the Realm of Monsters tower and fall in. Soon after, they find Maui and Moana and you have to fight Tamatoa. I can imagine that being a pretty crazy fight.

As for mini-games and special mechanics added to this world, one has to be sailing. That's the main mode of transport so maybe it can be similar to the Pirates of the Carribean world, but instead of a ship you have to maneuver Moana's boat. As well as take a look at the correct constellations in the sky so can move in the right direction. Kinda of like a "find-the-clue" game except with a starry sky! Although, as another boss fight, or maybe even a mini-boss, you have to outrun the Kakamora who are throwing coconuts or little arrow thingies at you.

🪶 Pocahontas : This one I’m kinda excited for too! Seeing as, in my opinion, Pocahontas is super underrated. Plus, it'd be cool seeing Sora and the gang dressed up like formal English men/women arriving on the ship! Although, since I don’t want a repeat of Moana or Jack Sparrow’s world maybe instead of arriving on a ship, they just kind of show up in the forest? Or by the camp and get mistaken for some do the crew mates? 😅 I feel that would make sense but it would also be cooler so have everyone meet Pocahontas first.

However, it would be interesting to get another forestry area or exploring along the rivers would be cool. I think it's been awhile since we had once other than Winnie the Pooh; I know we had Arendelle and Corona but I mean a world that's all vegetation! Such as the Deep Jungle or the Enchanted Domain, those ones were so amazing looking! Plus they looked like larger terrains so I feel like there's more to explore. Although, if we further look into mini-games for this world, I'm not really sure? Especially since the Pocahontas plot is a little more serious than most Disney Princess movies.

🍬 Vanellope : Okay this prompt won't be too long, but this one I feel is just a guess as well? I saw a video on YouTube saying that since Wreck-It-Ralph was a supporting summon in KH3, we might see Game Central Station at some point. And I can agree with it that would be awesome! But for some reason I feel it's kind of a stretch to have Vanellope be a Princess of Heart?? I think?

🐸 Tiana: This one I have to put on here and I can almost guarantee Tiana is going to be in the next KH game! She's one of the last princesses to get a classic 2D movie, so it would be so magical to explore New Orleans and the Bayou! Plus, even though this setting takes place in modern day-ish America, it still has the colorful atmosphere that fits the Kingdom Hearts vibe perfectly! Plus, it would be funny to see the main cast as animals again like in the Lion King. Not necessarily frogs but other woodland or swampy critters!

Now I feel most of this section of the game would be navigation as well since Tiana and her friends have to get through the swamp in the movie. But I feel entering the Mardi-Gras would be pretty fun, maybe even at the end for dancing like in Rapunzel's world! Although, unfortunately that's all I can think of at the moment...

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9 months ago

Hello everyone! 👋🏽 I’m sorry it’s been awhile since I posted, but I figured I should make a heads up about things too! So, there has been a few personal matters going on lately, but I should be back to posting soon. Likely by next week or a bit later, but so far I’m only working on smaller ones for now.

Thank you for being patient & have a good day! 🙏💕

Hello Everyone! Im Sorry Its Been Awhile Since I Posted, But I Figured I Should Make A Heads Up About

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