League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Tumblr Posts
just watched a film with the mother, it was pretty good, plot was interesting, will never get over “Hello there, freaky darlings”
So Dorian Gray and James Moriarty were the main villains and there’s a guy who’s invisible and walks around wearing only an open trenchcoat and a hat? And one of the characters looks like luke skywalker. All in all, good film would recommend.
There are 3 types of Hydes:

The hulks

The Clark Kents

And the gremlins.
Vampire Mina Harker fencing with swordmaster Dorian Gray, who is immortal?
Gunslinger Tom Sawyer mentored by the Greatest and Whitest Hunter Allan Quartermain?
Captain Nemo casually inventing the car because he needed a diversion from creating the most advanced submarine vessel ever unknown to western civilization at the time? With "call me Ishmael" as his first mate?
A poignant ending with an absolute beast of a call back and sequel hook?
This movie was horribly underrated and I the superior story compared to Allan Moore's comic.
Currently watching for the umpteenth time:

What's the reason the film is superior to the actual comic in your opinion?
The Comic feels like Alan Moore slamming the reader for liking Victorian Era literature or having any semblance of affection for the era the stories reflect and represent. Alan Moore then goes on to crap about modern literature, and all that loathing and self-hate is topped with a generous helping of deliberately ugly art, and torrid sex scenes, that are just a tasteless comic-panel rant about his views on British literature across the ages.
The comic's characters also feel like Alan Moore deliberately twisted them to reflect his own, snake god cult views and base desires, instead of an adaptation that reflects the source material these characters came from. The Invisible Man is, perhaps, the most accurate to his source material. But Alan Moore probably did not need to think very hard.
The movie is Penny Dreadful Avengers, but at its core, it is heroic. All the heroes are in some way bound by horror, but they are still good people who try to deal with the blight they are afflicted by. The good guys embrace their horror traits with a dignity that makes you respect their decisions. The bad guys are so twisted by the horror traits that they have lost all humanity and their actions are driven by that lack of humanity.
There is also a very poignant story arc about the passing of the torch from one empire to the next, which, while probably not historically accurate, is still touching and allows the film to end on a hopeful note. Which I think reflects the Victorian Era to some degree: hope that there can be something better at the end of all the bullshit everyone had to shovel through back then.
Alan Moore's comic is just a mess of hatred and loathing that he is inflicting on the reader. The movie sends a message of encouragement to the audience that there is good even in darkness, and one should not act like a monster though life may force the traits of a monster upon you.
The movie genuinely makes one feel good about yourself and life in general. That is why IMO the movie is superior to the comic.
The Potential of Alice x P(American McGee’s Alice/Lies of P): Romanticism, Healing, and possibly Adventure(WARNING: HEAVY SUBJECTS)

I've been thinking a lot about these two and I'm being reminded of other things from my childhood including a cringe fan fiction concept but now remembering the basic idea along with the recent works I've been reading/listening works such as CS Lewis Ransom Trilogy(currently finishing Out of The Silent Planet) and watching others such as Fritz Lang's Metropolis and looking back to Logan's Run, I think I got an idea for Alice and P(or who I call 'Pietro' which to me sounds like a perfect fusion of Carlo and Pinocchio)
I remember the game Alice Madness Returns and have played it(I still have a physical copy) and remembering while the it is about overcoming one's madness, accepting the past, and moving on, there's another theme that while in my opinion runs secondary, is important. The evils of modernity, notably scientific progress for its own sake and basing morals purely on science.

"I provide a service. In the great and awful metropolis, appetites of all sorts must be gratified"-The Dollmaker
In the game, we see the hideous side of industrialized imperial Britain. Factories with unethical labor, prostitution and pedophilia, reductionist and materialistic thinking while various occult movements among high society. Britain was moving away from its humbler Arthurian and more spiritual roots and towards unrestrained capitalism, imperialism, rationalism and America and most of the west following suit, believing these things were substitutions for morality following with The Enlightenment.
Something the romanticism movements in the West were trying to fight against and CS Lewis and Tolkien were speaking ferverntly against in their works.
Which in turn, ravages Wonderland and only Alice looking back to her fond memories and her family, and yes even the horrendous memories of that terrible night and her days in the asylum, does she overcome her tragedy, heal wonderland, and bring an end to Bumby before anymore harm can be done to others.
Now what recent game has a slightly similar theme in regards to criticism of science and industry and neglect of wisdom and basic nature?
Lies of P

The miracle of Ergo was discovered Geppetto of The Alchemists and combined with robotics launched the city of Krat into a magitek robotic utopia.
But like all Utopias, the secret to its success is ugly, unethical to the uttermost horrendous degree, and not worth it.
But the upper class The Alchemists, began to see themselves as gods and saw themselves justified in what they did to the common folk for the sake of scientific and occult progress. Driven by a kind of thinking which its bitter and rotten fruits are on full display in London in Alice: Madness Returns
P as he learns slowly transforms into a human learns about the simpler things in life, emotion, feelings, art, music, and basic human decency. All without the help of some kind of occult or intellectual knowhow.
Now you ask
"What do Alice, P, and romance between them have to do with all of this?"

Alice and P are individuals who were victims of this cruel ideology, or at least its by-products, and are trying to get out of victimhood and move on.
Now the fan-fiction I am conceptualizing them in a story with a few other individuals. Something akin to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen minus the suck of the movie or the VERY controversial content of the original graphic novels(but what do you expect from Alan Moore.)
Basically, they're recruited by an organization to stop an evil secret society composed of wealthy aristocratic elites obsessed with the occult and unethical scientists from corrupting civilization in pursuit of some kind of transhumanist new age technocratic utopia or something.
But among the subplots of that story is the budding romance between Alice and P aka 'Pietro' helps to convey romanticism vs enlightenment theme.
Though I definitely think their romance should be more accidental, it should happen when they aren't looking for it.
But the main idea came to me when looking up clips of the 1976 movie Logan's Run
Long story short; in a hedonistic utopia which kills its people at age 30 under the guise of 'renewal', a security guard tasked with hunting and killing those who try to escape their fate who are called runners. He soon finds his own time is up and flees with a woman. During their journey, they fall in love and realize the natural order of growing old may not be so bad after all and soon free the rest of the citizens.
Now picture this, Pietro and Alice, a young man and woman after their lives being mired by the byproducts of modernity, come to understand each other, and find solace in each other. Now also healing though a natural bond between man and woman that has existed way longer before any of this hyper-rationalistic and reductionist jargon and gibberish.
Now I am well aware American McGee strictly said romance was not part of Alice's story in American McGee's Alice and Alice Madness was not romance. Same can be said about Pietro. But in this story they've past that point, they're ready to move on.
In fact, that's precisely why I think Alice and Pietro are a good match, because both really don't know much about romance, and discovering it in each other and figuring out how it works makes so much sense.
Now I hear they call Alice asexual, and I don't know I can confirm that with me being straight as an arrow. But I definitely agree her trauma makes it hard for her to fully embrace and that can be said for P as well. But I think the fact they discovering it and learning to appreciate it better than anyone else is a story worth telling.
I'm not trying to fetishize the aforementioned sexuality, but I feel like these two can really fit the bill of "appreciating parts of humanity that other people take for granted"
These two may be inspiration for an original work at least
But anyway, that's my long dumbass ramble why I like these two together so much