The Tumblr Blog of Retro Ace, Head of Divine Comedy Productiosn and aspiring storyteller of high-fantasy blended with various genres
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The Potential Of Alice X P(American McGees Alice/Lies Of P): Romanticism, Healing, And Possibly Adventure(WARNING:
The Potential of Alice x P(American McGee’s Alice/Lies of P): Romanticism, Healing, and possibly Adventure(WARNING: HEAVY SUBJECTS)

I've been thinking a lot about these two and I'm being reminded of other things from my childhood including a cringe fan fiction concept but now remembering the basic idea along with the recent works I've been reading/listening works such as CS Lewis Ransom Trilogy(currently finishing Out of The Silent Planet) and watching others such as Fritz Lang's Metropolis and looking back to Logan's Run, I think I got an idea for Alice and P(or who I call 'Pietro' which to me sounds like a perfect fusion of Carlo and Pinocchio)
I remember the game Alice Madness Returns and have played it(I still have a physical copy) and remembering while the it is about overcoming one's madness, accepting the past, and moving on, there's another theme that while in my opinion runs secondary, is important. The evils of modernity, notably scientific progress for its own sake and basing morals purely on science.

"I provide a service. In the great and awful metropolis, appetites of all sorts must be gratified"-The Dollmaker
In the game, we see the hideous side of industrialized imperial Britain. Factories with unethical labor, prostitution and pedophilia, reductionist and materialistic thinking while various occult movements among high society. Britain was moving away from its humbler Arthurian and more spiritual roots and towards unrestrained capitalism, imperialism, rationalism and America and most of the west following suit, believing these things were substitutions for morality following with The Enlightenment.
Something the romanticism movements in the West were trying to fight against and CS Lewis and Tolkien were speaking ferverntly against in their works.
Which in turn, ravages Wonderland and only Alice looking back to her fond memories and her family, and yes even the horrendous memories of that terrible night and her days in the asylum, does she overcome her tragedy, heal wonderland, and bring an end to Bumby before anymore harm can be done to others.
Now what recent game has a slightly similar theme in regards to criticism of science and industry and neglect of wisdom and basic nature?
Lies of P

The miracle of Ergo was discovered Geppetto of The Alchemists and combined with robotics launched the city of Krat into a magitek robotic utopia.
But like all Utopias, the secret to its success is ugly, unethical to the uttermost horrendous degree, and not worth it.
But the upper class The Alchemists, began to see themselves as gods and saw themselves justified in what they did to the common folk for the sake of scientific and occult progress. Driven by a kind of thinking which its bitter and rotten fruits are on full display in London in Alice: Madness Returns
P as he learns slowly transforms into a human learns about the simpler things in life, emotion, feelings, art, music, and basic human decency. All without the help of some kind of occult or intellectual knowhow.
Now you ask
"What do Alice, P, and romance between them have to do with all of this?"

Alice and P are individuals who were victims of this cruel ideology, or at least its by-products, and are trying to get out of victimhood and move on.
Now the fan-fiction I am conceptualizing them in a story with a few other individuals. Something akin to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen minus the suck of the movie or the VERY controversial content of the original graphic novels(but what do you expect from Alan Moore.)
Basically, they're recruited by an organization to stop an evil secret society composed of wealthy aristocratic elites obsessed with the occult and unethical scientists from corrupting civilization in pursuit of some kind of transhumanist new age technocratic utopia or something.
But among the subplots of that story is the budding romance between Alice and P aka 'Pietro' helps to convey romanticism vs enlightenment theme.
Though I definitely think their romance should be more accidental, it should happen when they aren't looking for it.
But the main idea came to me when looking up clips of the 1976 movie Logan's Run
Long story short; in a hedonistic utopia which kills its people at age 30 under the guise of 'renewal', a security guard tasked with hunting and killing those who try to escape their fate who are called runners. He soon finds his own time is up and flees with a woman. During their journey, they fall in love and realize the natural order of growing old may not be so bad after all and soon free the rest of the citizens.
Now picture this, Pietro and Alice, a young man and woman after their lives being mired by the byproducts of modernity, come to understand each other, and find solace in each other. Now also healing though a natural bond between man and woman that has existed way longer before any of this hyper-rationalistic and reductionist jargon and gibberish.
Now I am well aware American McGee strictly said romance was not part of Alice's story in American McGee's Alice and Alice Madness was not romance. Same can be said about Pietro. But in this story they've past that point, they're ready to move on.
In fact, that's precisely why I think Alice and Pietro are a good match, because both really don't know much about romance, and discovering it in each other and figuring out how it works makes so much sense.
Now I hear they call Alice asexual, and I don't know I can confirm that with me being straight as an arrow. But I definitely agree her trauma makes it hard for her to fully embrace and that can be said for P as well. But I think the fact they discovering it and learning to appreciate it better than anyone else is a story worth telling.
I'm not trying to fetishize the aforementioned sexuality, but I feel like these two can really fit the bill of "appreciating parts of humanity that other people take for granted"
These two may be inspiration for an original work at least
But anyway, that's my long dumbass ramble why I like these two together so much
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RWBY Saints of Remnant Notes: Adam Taurus, Surrogate Brother, Liberator, and former slave worker

WARNING: This post contains is a radically reimagined Adam Taurus in a positive light in a heavily reimagined RWBY AU and has cliche and a ship that may turn you off due to Canon, if Canon Adam has given you a permanent bad taste in your mouth, I understand, this is an AU, just please do not come in with bad faith and ignore me instead.
Said AU is connected to The Emperor-Verse
Now following my altered Jack Schnee is Adam Taurus
Now given the whole grievances the RWDE tag as made about him, and looking back on him myself, I'd had figured there were two options for him, at least in my opinion
Either make him anti-villain or initial antagonist turned ally, which I have chosen for the latter. Either way, I threw out him being Blake's ex because I honestly thought it was kinda dumb and melodramatic.
Though FRWBY as I heard has done a good job tweaking that to make it work as well as Adam as a villain.
But I chose to go for something else, Adam being something of a surrogate older brother for Blake instead.
For this specific backstory, Adam is from Mistral, from a small village led by his father, a respectable Huntsman.
Now I'm trying to figure it out but with my Altered SDC and Jacques post, Arthur Gray(Watts) megacorporation GigaWatts Incorporated has outsorced work, and much like the SDC in Canon!RWBY Adam's family worked at one of their factories in the East under poor working conditions which claimed the life of his parents.
Adam much like his Canon counterpart, also worked pretty much as a slave, and his eye injury I chasing between either branding or a factory accident.
Now this draws on Fritz Lang's Metropolis which I feel like doesn't get enough love, and I will use this clip along with Metropolis when I get to post about the not-so-good doctor, his mega-corporation, and the current state of Atlas later.
But basically, Adam was emotionally drained at that point. A zombie of a young man who felt hopeless.
One day in his younger days The White Fang's Eastern Branch attacks the factories. And the one leading the charge was the current White Fang leader, a spider Faunus by the name of Rina Kumokage(first name a placeholder) and her second-in-command Sienna Kahn. Seeing them in action reinvigorated and inspired him and joined them instantly when the two offered a hand.
However, this wouldn't be the liberation that he thought it was, at least not entirely.
Rina's leadership was questionable over in the East while the other branches of the other three corners were busy, Rina seemed to be driven more by politics than the morals of common decency, and had abusive tendencies towards Adam and later on Blake whom she also took under her personal tutelage due to knowing her late father Kuroto(aka Ghira) who was a high ranking member of the White Fang.
But it wasn't all bad, for while Kumokage was a cruel teacher, Kahn on the other hand was the closest thing he had for a mother after losing his parents, and she herself was often downplayed by the current WF leader.
Soon Adam began to realize Rina saw the White Fang as a means for political power, a demagogue exploiting a legitimate cause for mercenary motives. But he wished for no outside help, for reasons I am trying to figure out, but partially the same reasons for Blake of being introverted, not to hurt those close to him.
Now for his allusion, there's always been the argument he was the beast and Blake was the Beauty
But after remembering an analysis post I can't remember where on Tumblr I figured
What if Blake and Adam were both the Beast? like a collective allusion? Which is based on my RWBY collective allusions theory but that's another post for another day.
Adam's individual allusion however is not the Bull Demon King, but Red Boy, with his late parents being The Bull Demon King(his Father) and Princess Iron Fan(his mother), both of their lessons sticking to him. So unlike his canon counterpart while his sanity may had been bent, it wasn't broken.
Now Sun in this AU is the 'Beauty' to Blake's 'Beast' and as for Adam, the ‘Beauty’ to his ‘Beast’ is and hear me out here...
Yang Xiao Long

now I know what you all are thinking...

But here's the idea
Adam as a good guy I would imagine being this grumpy kinda no-nonsense dude and something of a ham(he writes poems in his downtime) and I feel like that would compliment Yang's 'flirty party girl' personality and would play off Black Sun too
Two ships that are similar, yet different, and I just don't mean in a gender bent way.
But not only that, Yang’s role is also to mend the strained brother-sister relationship of Blake and Adam. Adam isn’t obsessed with Blake but was kinda like “Blake, what the hell?” When she left. He’s kinda pissed, but not a flat-out murderous lunatic.
And Yang being an older sibling herself can relate to Adam and talk it out with him, notably all the good things Blake has told Yang about him.
And then of course Yang does try to resort to some spicy flirting, but Adam being taught about earning the blessings of the parents and abstinence, doesn’t reciprocate the same way.
Spoiler alert, Adam is flustered by Yang’s midriff but also know it’s not good for practical purposes in her line of work. Yang notices and tries to tease him further, only for him to tickle her mercilessly to make his point, leading her to make a wardrobe upgrade for “V2”
And I’d be lying if my this was not somewhat influenced by my Catholic faith about modesty and no sex outside of marriage, but I’d think it be kinda cute and funny to ship Yang who’s flirtatious and likes to flaunt it with a very honorable and kinda traditional dude. Expect lots of disappointed pouts from Yang.
Now his altered personality I was inspired by 2 sources
Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender

But also Grimlock in Transformers: Fall of Cyberton which the game is also an influence for my reimagined Arthur Watts

For those not in the know-how, Fall of Cybertron due to it success had become the reboot basis for all G1-esque Transformers stories onward.
In it, Grimlock is the commander of the team and had been captured by Shockwave, who is a scientist, to be painfully experimented on which would turn them into Dinobots. Grimlock, driven by furious vengeance free's his comrades and seeks to destroy Shockwave.
Now Grimlock is still a good guy and believes defending the weak and migh-for-right, but he's bad tempered, stubborn, and headstrong really doesn't see eye-to-eye with Optimus Prime, seeing him as a weak leader and barely accepting him as leader due to the Matrix.
So it's kind of the same principle with Adam, with Watts being the 'Shockwave' to his 'Grimlock', though to be specific, Adam has a vendetta against the one running the factory he and his family worked at. Will get to him in the future.
So yeah, that's my Adam so far.
Remember when I said I was trynna design some fanchilds for fun?

gonna be honest, my AU Cinder Fall, Roman Torchiwick, Neo, Jacques, and Adam would give their canon counterparts an aneurysm lol
Might make Hazel a good guy in my AU who got tricked by Salem and her cult via her public image and might end up shipping him with Elm because stronk giant couple of a soccer mom and a gym dad
Like Elm starts flirting and Hazel first is just grumpy about it
Elm: Hey there, teddy bear~
Hazel: Stop.
Cuz Hazel reminds me of a bear