Not Sure - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

@skyhawkwolf thanks!

Last Song : Pink Funeral - Beach House

Last Movie : Encanto

Currently watching : Phineas and Ferb cause I need serotonin

Gladiator - avatar the last airbender fanfiction its hella good

Craving : yeah it’s been a while since I’ve eaten so my body just wants me to take care of it

@ceejles @demilypyro @elemental-journey @greenmountainwitch @hydro-homies @knitsweateroftears @mercedesbenzodiazepine @princecanary @rejectedprincesses

Just randomly tagged people lol

Tag 9 People Game

Last song: King & Queen of Hearts - David Pomeranz

Last movie: St. Elmo's Fire :)

Currently watching: The Andy Warhol Diaries

Currently reading: Beyond Nothing (Wattpad Story)

Currently craving: Pasta!!

Last thing I searched for writing purposes: "worldbuilding" on YouTube

Thanks for tagging me @gay4utica

My tags:

@blue-eyed-author @catchingbigfish @icy-writes @writing-and-trying @writing-after-midnight @writingdotcoffee

@makaylajade-author @fictionalbullshitter @ihatecoconut

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2 years ago

Just some Fem ShadowPeach AU ideas 🍑🥭

Just Some Fem ShadowPeach AU Ideas

I was in the mood for some fun FemMacaque and FemWukong ideas. I don't have any Aus of them, not my best idea but I thought it was kind of funny.

Here's a little info about it in case anyone was interested

Macaque works for a company it's an office job, just sitting and doing work all day filing papers and answering calls. typical office job stuff.

She was working here way before she met MK. MK's never been to her actual home, the dojo was just the place she works out and trained at so she didn't have to go to an actual gym.

Mac rents a one-bedroom apartment on the very top of a building somewhere, it's cheap cuz it's smaller than other rooms in the building, but she found a closed-off apartment room right next to her built-in kitchen pantry by accident, so she has two apartments to herself. she has the biggest room now in the whole Building. (Yay mac)✨

She couldn't find an apartment anywhere near her job so she uses magic to get to work and uses the bus to get back home.

One day Wukong finds out she has a job while at home being bored when MK didn't have training that day and decides to prank call Some Humans for fun, it so happens it's the office place mac works at, she recognized mac voice and quickly hangs up.

Monkey Queen was immediately suspicious of why she had a job when she can just stay in FFM! that maybe it could be a scheme of some sort (and maybe secretly relieved that she was safe and mac still stayed in the city but would never admit it.) she looks up the company she works at, she calls MK to help her find out what Mac could be scheming.

MK knows she has a job just doesn't know where she works, he doesn't like bothering her too much cuz she looks tired sometimes.

Mk's tired of monkey Queen dragging him to sneak around mac offers monkey Queen a better solution, getting close to Mac by helping Mac out and offering to pick her up after work, bring her some vegetables and fruits from her FFM Mountain to save up some on groceries so on so forth just helping out a mac. She begrudgingly agrees.

Mac doesn't use glamor she uses magical items to glamor up so she doesn't waste too much Magic on it, it's her earrings.

Monkey Queen pulls pranks on their coworkers Mac complains about, how they pile their work on her and leave too early how they're just overly unhelpful and never do their work, and how they just gossip all day long. Just annoying coworkers!

MK suggests to Mac to offer monkey Queen to come around during her lunch break and offer to make her a boxed lunch too and just hang out since she's been so helpful. She decides that she could do that, just as a thank you for everything she's done for her. She hesitantly agrees.

MK and Mei plan to make them get along or become a couple they haven't decided on which one yet.🐲🐵 mischievous matchmakers.


Just Some Fem ShadowPeach AU Ideas
Just Some Fem ShadowPeach AU Ideas
Just Some Fem ShadowPeach AU Ideas
Just Some Fem ShadowPeach AU Ideas
Just Some Fem ShadowPeach AU Ideas

🎵Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious,🎶

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6 months ago

i made art of one of my irl friends wearing a tux and they gave me permission to post it so :3

I Made Art Of One Of My Irl Friends Wearing A Tux And They Gave Me Permission To Post It So :3

also they're leaning on a wall

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1 year ago

Is pebbies the one who leaks ui's state to the public in this au?

hmmmmmmmm that is a good question!! hypothetically there'd be two possibilities: -perhaps pebbles does leak UI's state to the local group, although that would be out of character for him? perhaps something happened between them? i mean at the beginning of the au they're on good terms, even joke around with each other from time to time!! so something would definitely need to happen! -or UI of course accidentally mentions the news themselves? this'll probably prompt everyone to worry and ask a lot of questions, poor UI has no choice but to confirm that they have rot?

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The Potential of Alice x P(American McGee’s Alice/Lies of P): Romanticism, Healing, and possibly Adventure(WARNING: HEAVY SUBJECTS)

The Potential Of Alice X P(American McGees Alice/Lies Of P): Romanticism, Healing, And Possibly Adventure(WARNING:
The Potential Of Alice X P(American McGees Alice/Lies Of P): Romanticism, Healing, And Possibly Adventure(WARNING:

I've been thinking a lot about these two and I'm being reminded of other things from my childhood including a cringe fan fiction concept but now remembering the basic idea along with the recent works I've been reading/listening works such as CS Lewis Ransom Trilogy(currently finishing Out of The Silent Planet) and watching others such as Fritz Lang's Metropolis and looking back to Logan's Run, I think I got an idea for Alice and P(or who I call 'Pietro' which to me sounds like a perfect fusion of Carlo and Pinocchio)

I remember the game Alice Madness Returns and have played it(I still have a physical copy) and remembering while the it is about overcoming one's madness, accepting the past, and moving on, there's another theme that while in my opinion runs secondary, is important. The evils of modernity, notably scientific progress for its own sake and basing morals purely on science.

The Potential Of Alice X P(American McGees Alice/Lies Of P): Romanticism, Healing, And Possibly Adventure(WARNING:

"I provide a service. In the great and awful metropolis, appetites of all sorts must be gratified"-The Dollmaker

In the game, we see the hideous side of industrialized imperial Britain. Factories with unethical labor, prostitution and pedophilia, reductionist and materialistic thinking while various occult movements among high society. Britain was moving away from its humbler Arthurian and more spiritual roots and towards unrestrained capitalism, imperialism, rationalism and America and most of the west following suit, believing these things were substitutions for morality following with The Enlightenment.

Something the romanticism movements in the West were trying to fight against and CS Lewis and Tolkien were speaking ferverntly against in their works.

Which in turn, ravages Wonderland and only Alice looking back to her fond memories and her family, and yes even the horrendous memories of that terrible night and her days in the asylum, does she overcome her tragedy, heal wonderland, and bring an end to Bumby before anymore harm can be done to others.

Now what recent game has a slightly similar theme in regards to criticism of science and industry and neglect of wisdom and basic nature?

Lies of P

The Potential Of Alice X P(American McGees Alice/Lies Of P): Romanticism, Healing, And Possibly Adventure(WARNING:

The miracle of Ergo was discovered Geppetto of The Alchemists and combined with robotics launched the city of Krat into a magitek robotic utopia.

But like all Utopias, the secret to its success is ugly, unethical to the uttermost horrendous degree, and not worth it.

But the upper class The Alchemists, began to see themselves as gods and saw themselves justified in what they did to the common folk for the sake of scientific and occult progress. Driven by a kind of thinking which its bitter and rotten fruits are on full display in London in Alice: Madness Returns

P as he learns slowly transforms into a human learns about the simpler things in life, emotion, feelings, art, music, and basic human decency. All without the help of some kind of occult or intellectual knowhow.

Now you ask

"What do Alice, P, and romance between them have to do with all of this?"

The Potential Of Alice X P(American McGees Alice/Lies Of P): Romanticism, Healing, And Possibly Adventure(WARNING:

Alice and P are individuals who were victims of this cruel ideology, or at least its by-products, and are trying to get out of victimhood and move on.

Now the fan-fiction I am conceptualizing them in a story with a few other individuals. Something akin to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen minus the suck of the movie or the VERY controversial content of the original graphic novels(but what do you expect from Alan Moore.)

Basically, they're recruited by an organization to stop an evil secret society composed of wealthy aristocratic elites obsessed with the occult and unethical scientists from corrupting civilization in pursuit of some kind of transhumanist new age technocratic utopia or something.

But among the subplots of that story is the budding romance between Alice and P aka 'Pietro' helps to convey romanticism vs enlightenment theme.

Though I definitely think their romance should be more accidental, it should happen when they aren't looking for it.

But the main idea came to me when looking up clips of the 1976 movie Logan's Run

Long story short; in a hedonistic utopia which kills its people at age 30 under the guise of 'renewal', a security guard tasked with hunting and killing those who try to escape their fate who are called runners. He soon finds his own time is up and flees with a woman. During their journey, they fall in love and realize the natural order of growing old may not be so bad after all and soon free the rest of the citizens.

Now picture this, Pietro and Alice, a young man and woman after their lives being mired by the byproducts of modernity, come to understand each other, and find solace in each other. Now also healing though a natural bond between man and woman that has existed way longer before any of this hyper-rationalistic and reductionist jargon and gibberish.

Now I am well aware American McGee strictly said romance was not part of Alice's story in American McGee's Alice and Alice Madness was not romance. Same can be said about Pietro. But in this story they've past that point, they're ready to move on.

In fact, that's precisely why I think Alice and Pietro are a good match, because both really don't know much about romance, and discovering it in each other and figuring out how it works makes so much sense.

Now I hear they call Alice asexual, and I don't know I can confirm that with me being straight as an arrow. But I definitely agree her trauma makes it hard for her to fully embrace and that can be said for P as well. But I think the fact they discovering it and learning to appreciate it better than anyone else is a story worth telling.

I'm not trying to fetishize the aforementioned sexuality, but I feel like these two can really fit the bill of "appreciating parts of humanity that other people take for granted"

These two may be inspiration for an original work at least

But anyway, that's my long dumbass ramble why I like these two together so much

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1 year ago

When the zombie apocalypse started, you felt only a sense of sour humor. Like on those nights when you wished you could sleep and never wake up, some cosmic entity heard you, and was taking a kind of sick vengeance.

Your friends laughed and stole liquor out of locked cabinets and took shots in the name of doom.

You went home and turned the tv all the way up and locked every single door twice. It wasn’t enough.

Don’t approach someone if they appear sick, they said. Avoid them and dial 911.

After a week they disabled emergency service lines.

Stay indoors. Only go out when necessary. Keep your distance from one another, they said.

Online, people called it a hoax.

But that footage they showed on the news, people emptied out and filled with some creature that knew only hunger, that snarled and lunged for those around them without hesitation…something in you knew without doubt that it wasn’t fake.

The government gave blinding smiles and sent every army they had. They promised everything would be fine.

Nothing would ever be fine again.

Bullets did nothing. No matter how wounded, those humans that were empty and vicious dragged themself with bloody nails after anything that pumped blood. Those soldiers died and came back, killing their friends and family and comrades.

The government stopped going on tv.

With all your precautions, with every warning you gave your friends who didn’t give a shit anymore, who took this as a sign to give up, with every tip you got from the news, it didn’t save you in the end.

Thousands, millions were dying every day and you…

One week after the start zombie apocalypse, you saw a dog. A pitiful, sick dog that whined at you and gave you mournful eyes, and you froze.

And you stopped.

And you knelt down next to it because you with your fear and your kind heart wanted to be a vet.

Because you, with all of your precaution and all of those warnings forgot everything.

A week and a day after the zombie apocalypse started, you lost control of your own body. You were filled with something so hungry every bone in your body ached.

That’s fine, you thought. I’ll die soon anyways. The people on the news said the host always died. That there wasn’t anything left inside.

Two weeks after the zombie apocalypse starts you realize that the people on the news were wrong.

You start screaming. No one bothers to try and save you.

The creature inside of you has been dragging you across this wretched planet for a month, and you crave death with the same fervor that it craves flesh. The news people, your neighbors, your family, they flee from you.

They cannot hear you begging for them to burn every scrap of you alive.

You wish they would.

Two months after the start of the zombie apocalypse the creature inside of you has run out of things to eat. You are starving. Everything hurts. Your heart is giving out.

At some point, the creature inside you starts to consume your body.

You should be dead by now

It won’t let you die

It eats your vocal cords. Rips them apart with your fingers, tears out your tongue. Peels off your flesh.

The pain consumes every thought until your nerves fry.

You count it as a blessing.

You lose your eyes, your fingers, every piece of you soon after.

You cannot bring yourself to care.

A year after the zombie apocalypse starts, your body gives out. You lie on something that feels like asphalt. The remains of your muscles and tendons and joints and bones twitch as the creature pulls once, twice, again, but you do not move.

You feel it then, as it leaves you lying there. The utter cruelty of it as it leaves you lying on the ground, when it has been the only thing keeping you alive for eleven months.

You have been dying for over a year. You have been dead in your mind for far longer.

You regret every thought you ever had about the zombie apocalypse, about the notion of quick death and reanimation.

You regret the things you didn’t do. The things you did. You can feel your heart, finally, give out.

You wish you could see the sky one more time as you slip into the dark.

But you haven’t had your eyes for a long, long while.

And with one last breath, you die alone on an empty street, with only the uncaring creature that stripped you for parts and murdered you slowly to watch you go.

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3 years ago

I drew this and I love it

I Drew This And I Love It

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2 years ago

they two friends...or boyfriends? idk

They Two Friends...or Boyfriends? Idk

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4 months ago

I think too much…

It's time to stop doing that

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6 months ago

Might make a fanfic about this with a character

Poem that I made in an Activity:

"I thought it was admiration that I felt

Yet in my heart, deeper longing dwelt

A truth so tender, so painfully true"

"It was until high school, I realized it

My quiet loved, in shadows it sits

I chose to love at a distance, afraid to confide

For I'd fear you'd turn away, our friendship denied"

"This bond we cherished, the risk I couldn't take

I thought you were straight and it might break

So in silent adoration, I keep my hearts plea

Loving you quietly, while letting you be free"

"Yet love is a powerful force

That I couldn't keep behind closed doors

This will be our last year together

I couldn't help but take the leap

So here I am to weap

My first love was you, a girl who was near

You were my first love, my adoration and my fear

But I couldn't help but hold you so dear..."

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1 year ago
FNaF Trailer Time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 122 Days Until Other Bonnie Time !!!!! I Cant Wait Im So Excited

FNaF trailer time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 122 days until Other Bonnie time !!!!! I can’t wait I’m so excited aaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a countdown and I'm currently reading the books and and and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just SO EXCITEDDDDD I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY BEST FRIENDS ON THE BIG SCREEN WAAAAHOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!

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1 year ago
I Barely Remember This. Something Was Up With Me And I Would Love To Know What

I barely remember this. Something was up with me and I would love to know what

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4 months ago

by reblogging this post you affirm that your ask box is a trick or treating house this halloween. the porch light is on, there's pumpkins, there's candy. let's all go to each other's blogs and get treats🖤

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