Legend Lu - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Is Our Girl In Echoes Of Wisdom The Same As Our Princess Of Legend? It Certainly Seems That Way, As There

Is our girl in Echoes of Wisdom the same as our Princess of Legend? It certainly seems that way, as there are many signs pointing towards it.


just like with Tears of the Kingdom, we'll have to wait and see what the game reveals. Either way, I’m incredibly hyped for this game!

As for this design, I can’t say it's final for certain. But this blue maiden dress of hers is one that’s stuck with me for years.

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7 months ago

hello. so, i’m playing link’s awakening (switch)

(links awakening spoilers below!)

and i thought:

if the chain ever had to play everybody’s games, how would legend react to links awakening?

he definitely wouldnt play it, probably make wind or someone do it..

but when he sees marin for the first time? he breaks down sobbing. the pain and grief is so much, and he just wants to be with her again.

after he calmed down, he would take the controller from whoever, and do everything so fast because he just wants to see her.

that conversation on the beach? when marin says that if she was a seagull, she would fly as far as she could, legend would just. break down again. sobbing.

anyways. i’m at the conversation on the beach with marin and i feel like crying.

someone please write this, or maybe i will-

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6 months ago

is it just me or does anybody else listen to the album The Much Much How How and I by Cosmo Sheldrake and think of Legend? Like, all of his adventures, yes, but specifically Link’s Awakening? (switch)


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8 months ago

I'm sorry, but why does Legend remind me so much of Rachel Maksy on YouTube??? I swear, Rachel Maksy is almost exactly what I think Legend's personality was before Lu and what it probably still is when he's not being snarky or sarcastic xD

Pretty much every single one of her videos is me going, "I can see Legend doing that-"

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8 months ago

I'll Be Here Until You're Okay

Legend was fine when they landed in Skyloft. It'd been ages since Sky had seen Groose or Sun, and he quite literally cried when he saw them again. Sky deserved to see his partners, deserved to see his Loftwing, his home. It was a blissful few days of rest, before they had to leave due to hearing of a group of black blooded monsters nearby.

Legend was fine when they landed in Outset, even with the memories of the waves, the sand, a girl and a dream. Wind had missed his grandma and sister so much, and he'd screamed as soon as they hit the sand. He ran faster than Legend had ever seen him run. Wind had smiled more than he had in a while too, and Legend got really sunburnt and quite miserable.

Legend was fine when they landed in Four's world. It was good to see Four's Grandpa again, to trade stories and fix some of Wild's broken weapons. Four had been excited to see the Minish again, and get a chance to talk to Dot.

They were fine when they landed in Time's. The ranch was quiet and felt almost like home. Malon was kind as always, and they had good places to sleep. Fighting was easier, almost, with the knowledge they'd have an actual bath and mattresses to sleep on when they were done.

Fine in Wild's. Flora had been ecstatic to see her partner again, and Wild relaxed a good bit around her. Seeing Farosh had been a rare treat, and the hot springs Wild had brought them all to were heavenly.

Fine in Twilight's. Ordon was just as quiet as the ranch had been.

Hyrule's. Good to see Hyrule acting confident for once.

Warriors'. The bars were good.

But they were most decidedly not fine once they landed in Wild's again, after only a couple of months away from it. ***

Legend stepped forward out of the portal, Hyrule right behind them. They blinked in the bright sunlight, expecting to see a familiar landmark, the house they shared with Ravio...

When none of that was seen and instead they were greeted by an open field, Legend froze. Why Wild's Hyrule again? Why? Hylia must really hate them if she won't even let them go home. Legend hated her just as much, she never let them rest, not even after all the adventures. No matter how many times Legend did her bidding, she was never satisfied. Legend clenched a fist, angry. They wanted to go home.


Oh, Ravio.

Legend's eyes watered. They let their hand unclench, suddenly gripping the side of their skirt instead. It'd been almost five months since Legend had seen Ravio. Legend bit their lip and didn't notice their name had been called until the entire Chain was watching them with worried expressions. Legend took their hands from their skirt and clasped them together instead, with a sort of finality. "Wild. This is yours, right?" Fuck, Legend's voice broke. Legend took a shuddering breath, watching Wild. Wild nodded, expression sad. Legend nodded stiffly right back, before turning around and beginning to walk, shaking. They didn't care where they went, not right now. If the road didn't lead to home then Legend didn't care.


Legend ignored Warriors, continuing to walk. The longer their mind dwelled on home, on Ravio, the worse they felt. Legend was quite tired of feeling sad already.

Ravio. Legend missed him so much. The space between his teeth, his scarf. Sheerow. His laugh. The feeling of his hands against Legend's. The gentle curve of the back of his neck against Legend's hand. The stumble when they danced together.

Legend hadn't even received a letter from their husband in what, three, four weeks? Almost a month? (Married for tax purposes, Legend always insists. Lies.) What if Ravio was hurt? Worse, what if Ravio was dead? Fuck. The thought alone... Legend choked, giving a soft whine. They brought a hand over their mouth, trying to stifle it. Tried not to cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't-

A soft hand came down on Legend's shoulder, encouraging them to turn. Legend turned, eyes squeezed shut, biting their lip hard to try and make the pain there worse than the pain in their heart. Legend was gently pulled forwards into someone's chest- Time, only Time had that height -and Time's hand came up behind Legend's head to cradle it close. Ravio had always held them the exact same as Legend was being held by Time right now. It hurt.

"I'm sure the next portal we go through will be yours, Legend." Time said quietly. Legend gave a soft sob- the way they were being held, how much they missed Ravio, the soft tone, it was all too much- and that was all it took for them to lose the tiny bit of control they had over their emotions. Legend shakily put their arms around Time, fisting the back of the man's shirt tightly.

"I miss Ravio." Legend whispered, crying harder as soon as Ravio's name was out of their mouth.

"I know, Legend. You'll see him again soon." Time soothed, hugging Legend for an undetermined amount of time. By the time they were done, the rest had set up camp most of the way and Wild was making lunch. Legend sat down next to the fire, close to no one.

Warriors offered Legend whatever Wild had made for lunch. Legend refused, staring into the fire. An apple was put into their hand.

Legend looked at it, and reluctantly took a bite. It wasn't long before Hyrule was pressed to Legend's left side, trying to comfort. The soft tingle of magic against Legend was soothing, even if only a little. Wind quietly came to rest against Legend's other side, small hands fiddling with a seashell. Legend tiredly watched the fire, tuning everything out.

Ravio, Ravio, Ravio. Every heartbeat pressed Ravio's name into Legend's head. If they closed their eyes they could see their home. The place they put their shoes. Where they packed up their gear. The rocking chair. A table with a cup Legend had carved out of wood, when their hands didn't shake. A blanket that Ravio had crocheted, at the end of their shared bed.

Legend hugged themself, bringing a shaky hand to an earring in their ear. Enchanted with both a minor protection charm and a resistance to lightning. Ravio had given them to Legend for an anniversary. Legend took a shuddering breath. Their anniversary had already passed, and Legend didn't even get to spend it with their husband.

That night, Legend slept away from everyone, and poorly. They were grouchy all the way to the nearest stable, and then some. Warriors didn't jab at them even once the entire trip.


A week passed in Wild's world. A week and a half.


Every day, Legend was worse and worse. Everyone was quiet around them, lest they shatter whatever fragile state Legend was in. They cried, and frequently. No further words from Ravio, no reassurance that he was okay.

Three weeks.



They spent a month and a half in Wild's world. When the next portal appeared, everyone cheered. No matter how pretty Wild's world was, blood moons were no fun and neither were the guardians. Legend stepped through the portal first, and even chanced a prayer to Hylia. Another one to Lolia for good measure.

Please, let this one be mine. Let me be home.

They landed in an apple orchard. Legend rubbed their eyes and turned around to help Sky through, then Wind. When everyone was through, Legend put a hand on one of the trees, thumbing an engraving on it. L + R.

Link and Ravio. They'd engraved their initials in every one of these trees, after an escapade with a good bottle of wine.

Legend was home.

Legend started stripping themself of their gear, much to the Chain's surprise. They got their boots off, ignoring the questions, and started pulling on the Pegasus Boots. They started cursing up a storm when they had to untie the left one. As soon as they were on enough to stand, Legend clicked their heels and fucking bolted.

It didn't matter that they ran into a tree on the way there. All that mattered was the man in the purple button up, sleeves rolled up and hands in the garden soil. What mattered was the way he hummed and the way his fingers moved and the wedding band on a cloth beside him. Legend wrenched the boots off their feet as soon as Ravio was in their sight, and yelled for him.

"Rav! Ravio, I'm home!" Legend had tears in their eyes, scrambling to get to Ravio.

"Link?" Ravio's head whipped around, and he dropped whatever he had been trying to plant. He'd barely risen to his feet before Legend barreled into him, hugging almost tight enough to bruise.

"Link-? Oh, honey." Ravio whispered, as Legend started crying hard.

"I missed you, I missed you so much, Rav. I love you. I was so worried when you didn't send any letters, I thought you could've been dead and-" Legend whispered, the rest of the words lost against Ravio's skin, holding so tight as if Ravio would disappear like the girl on the island. Legend wouldn't be able to take it if that happened again.

"Breathe, dear. I missed you too, and I love you just as much. If not more. I was equally worried, since I haven't heard word from you in months." Ravio said softly, and even though his hands were covered in dirt, he brought one of them to cradle the back of Legend's head very firmly. Even though Time had held them like this more than a month ago, it hadn't felt the same.

This was home, and it smelled like lavender and apple soap. The other hand landed on Legend's back. They were still swaying lightly together when the rest of the Chain caught up. Sky flopped down onto the grass, wheezing. After a few moments, both Hyrule and Four joined him.

Legend whined very audibly when Ravio tried pulling away, tightening their grip.

"Link, we've got visitors."

"Don't care. Please, stay, please. Just a little bit longer, Rav. It's been so long. I was so scared." Legend's voice was soft, barely heard, whispered against skin.

Ravio sighed, and kissed Legend on the forehead.

"A little bit longer, then." Ravio sniffled, tightening his hold.

Link's wedding band glittered on their right hand, the only ring that Legend had brought themselves to wear for a while. They'd polished and fiddled with it a little obsessively. Sheerow twittered about, pulling at Legend's hair, nipping at his ear tips, his own little way of saying, "Hello, welcome home, missed you."- no matter how irritating. Sheerow was gently told something by Ravio, and after a moment, Ravio's right hand had the same ring resting on the designated finger.

"You're alright, honeybun. I'm here." Soft, whispered against Legend's cheekbone.

"I'm real."

Legend sobbed, squeezing tight.

Ravio was here, and he was very, very real.


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8 months ago

Legend has a minor case of kleptomania. Its gotten MUCH better but after his first quest he used to steal everything, mainly food and money. But its still a thing, there have been moments where Legend has had to remind himself to give things back, because otherwise he'll steal them.

Its even worse because there have been moments where he's stolen from the other links. Small shit, like snacks but Legend doesn't like that he still does even that. Hates that hes got food and monetary insecurities.

Link was exhausted. Uncle had been gone for weeks and he'd run out of food in the house by now. It wouldn't be long until the house itself was gone too. He didn't know what to do. He pulled Uncle's big jacket over his tiny, thin frame and headed out the door, the snow so thick it immediately came up to his mid-thigh. Link sneezed. Maybe people in town would be kind enough to give him food. XXX People in town were not kind. He'd already been run out of two warm stores for tracking snow and trying to grab things with his tiny hands. Link was hungry. He sobbed to himself quietly, hugging his uncle's jacket around himself to try and stay warm. It'd been soaked by now, not properly doing its job. Link paused. He smelled something. Food. He looked around, wondering if he was finally going crazy. A person bumped into him and cursed, whacking him in the side with a cane. Link paid him no mind, he smelled food.

A warm loaf of bread sat in a windowsill about a foot and a half above Link's eye level. Someone had recently put it there to cool for a few minutes. Link's eyes filled with tears. He didn't want to steal it, stealing was bad, but he'd been caught so many other times and he was starving. Link straightened his shoulders and climbed up the wall a little, a burst of nervous energy helping him get his dirty hands on the loaf. It hurt, but he didn't dare let go. Burning his hands was worth getting the bread. A woman yelled from inside the house, and Link booked it, her shouts quickly fading in the distance.

He had warm bread and a guilty conscience that night.


Months had passed. Almost a year. The house was gone, he lived in the woods. Link had learned that feeling guilty about stealing got you nowhere, it was the stealing that kept you alive. He didn't want to die.

Link's hand moved slowly, reaching for a lady's purse. He could see her wallet poking out of the top, just barely. She was talking with a salesman at the counter, and he was still just small enough that the man behind the counter couldn't properly see him. He touched the wallet, and with the confidence of someone who had nothing to lose, gently pulled it out and stuffed it in his pocket. He swiftly turned around and started looking at jams on the shelf. When the lady turned to find her wallet and couldn't, he took the money out and put it in his bag. A good amount. No one was the wiser when the woman found her wallet in the snow several minutes later, empty.

This is to survive, he reminds himself. He has to do this. XXX Link was Legend now. It'd been years since Uncle had died. He couldn't be stealing things to survive, he didn't need to anymore. They always had food. He could always turn to Zelda after his adventures. She'd always been by his side after a cold, hungry month of people keeping their doors locked and not daring to let any merchandise out of their sights.

But still Legend stole.

He reached for a snack he saw poking out of the side of Wind's pack. Jerky, of some sort. Look at him, stealing from a child younger than him. Legend didn't entertain that thought any further. He got his hands on it and gently took it, making sure not to alert anyone. No one saw him take it, it went into his pack beside the other snacks he'd stored up.

He looked guiltily at those snacks that night. What was he doing, stealing from his brothers? (Were they really his brothers?) He pushed away the guilty thoughts like he'd always done.


The next day he saw Time's pocketbook in clear view, while Wild was making breakfast. That tiny, scared child that still resided in his brain whispered that it would be easy to steal, it was just sitting there. More money meant more food. Always did.

Legend casually went to go sit beside it and slowly reached to take it, deftly opening the clasps with one hand to see inside. He was met with an empty bag looking down, and a disapproving Time when he looked up. Legend froze.

They'd caught him, he'd been seen. Were they upset? Time was definitely upset. Several heads turned to look at him, and he shrunk under their gaze.

"So the thief wasn't Wind after all. Legend. Care to tell me why you've been stealing?" Time asked firmly. His voice wasn't mad, was only concerned and curious. All Legend heard was anger, anger, get out of my store, rat! His ears went back against his head.

Warriors crouched beside Legend. "We've noticed you've been hoarding food. And taking it from others. Time and I enabled it for a little while, thinking it was an easy habit to break if you were given the right amount of food and water and care but... it seems to go deeper than that. We want to help." Legend's lip wobbled. He'd been stealing since the age of eight, of course he wasn't going to break the habit that easy. He was only sixteen. Why was he stealing from these people? He had a home, back in his Hyrule. Had income from the crown. Had food, that these heroes across time provided. What point was there to steal? The guilt came back, harder than before.

He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He just signed "Hard" and squeezed his eyes shut. He could talk about it, but not now. Not when he was being crushed by his own emotions. "Take your time, Legend. We're here when you want to talk. And we can figure it out together."


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7 months ago


Might as well, since I'm having trouble finding my own fics haha


✰ You Don't Have To Be A Hero To Save The World (Wind-Centric)

✰ I'll Be Here Until You're Okay (Legend-Centric)

✰ Kleptomaniac Legend (Legend-Centric) ✧ Too Much Thinking Is Bad For My Health (Warriors-Centric) ✧ ✰ Part One ✰ Part Two ✰ Part Three ✰ The Blood We Shed, It Never Dries (Mask and Warriors-centric)

✧ She Is Fiction, She's A Curse, She's A Pretty Thing On A High, High Shelf (Warriors and Legend-centric) ✰ Part One

✰ I Left My Body Lying Somewhere In The Sands Of Time (Time-Centric)

∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ And here is my AO3 if you prefer it!

It will be edited as I make more, and there's crumbs if you scroll, but these are the fully fleshed fics (and the single ask I really enjoyed how it came out, haha)

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6 months ago

She Is Fiction, She's A Curse, She's A Pretty Thing On A High, High Shelf

It was surprisingly calm in camp today, Warriors thought with a small smile. He was eating a handful of almonds and cashews that Time had handed him. Wars looked up, about to ask Time for a handful of walnuts as well, before that calm was shattered.

Wind, shrieking happily, some sort of argument on his tongue that Wars couldn't make out. Legend, her hat gone and hair down, an ice rod in her hands. Pink ring glittering in the firelight.

"I'll fucking freeze you with my ice rod, Sailor! Don't try me, your kneecaps will go first!"

Wind laughs again- ah, that's what they're fighting over, Legend's hat. Warriors laughs, and gets his walnuts. Wind ducked under Sky's arm, and between Wild and Hyrule.

"I'll leave ye on an island!" Whatever else he said was lost to giggles and a child's joy. Warriors set his nuts aside.

"Ah, Wind! What's an island?" Warriors asks, his voice clearly teasing. Wind pauses just enough, seemingly insulted, for Legend to snatch her hat back. Her voice goes sour as she responds with; "Something I don't enjoy, anymore."

Wind looks at her, confused. Wars tried to uplift the conversation from it's sudden, dark turn with a half of a story.

"I knew a girl from an island once, in the war. Long blue dress, bright red hair. Always had a hibiscus in it-"

It does the opposite of it's intent.

Legend's eyes go wide, as if she'd just seen a ghost.

"You. WHAT." Her voice is soft, laced with unknown hurt and something resembling fear. She's rigid now, eyes searching Warriors' for any kind of lie.

"She was a nice girl, really good on the battlefield-" Wars tries to amend, fix whatever mistake he'd unknowingly made.

Legend seems to freak out a little, her eyes holding unshed tears. She suddenly grips Warriors by the collar of his shirt, not caring about the sudden rigidity and anxiety Warriors began to show.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU KNEW HER." Legend screams, her voice breaking in the middle. She swears again, softly, and thumbs off the pink ring, not caring where it fell. They usually didn't show such lack of care for their things. It's quickly replaced with a blue one, and Legend is back in Warriors' face and space, his voice raised again.


"I-I just knew her from the war. What's the big deal? She just came through the portal and joined us. Then she went home." Warriors' voice shook, as he spoke. still stiff and uncomfortable.

Wild frowns at Legend, crossing their arms. They hadn't caught nearly any of the conversation and was trying to piece the story together. "Leg, what's wrong? You're so fuckin' loud, like, the Gorons on Death Mountain can probably hear you."

Legend glares harshly at Wild.

"WARRIORS KNEW MARIN, THAT'S WHAT!" His voice cracks terribly, and one of the tears fall.

"Why are you yelling at me about it?" Warriors asked, his fingers starting to tremble. Legend was raising his voice higher and higher, and it was making Warriors' ears go back. Legend's ears were down and back clearly very upset and no one knew what for.

"You don't understand." Legend's voice breaks in a way that sounds final, like his voice isn't coming back to the same snark it usually possesses. It stays trembly and upset. Vulnerable. His breath catches on what suspiciously sounds like a sob.

"Maybe explain it then!" Wild says, with a good deal of sarcasm. Warriors responded at the same time with a soft, "I don't."

Twilight came into the clearing, surprised at the shouting, he'd been out patrolling. Just to make sure they were completely safe, having a couple people injured. Hyrule, who was passed out cold due to heavy magic exhaustion. He still smelled like blood. And Sky, who had a broken shoulder. He refused to rest it and broke it worse.

Wind was vaguely talking about a bird friend he had, who was a girl, and who could fly but she looked like him, almost human. He was leaned up against Four now, nearly dozing as he told his stories. Time watched, not intervening. His boys could work out their own troubles. He didn't need to get involved. Everyone else around didn't dare add onto the conversation, in fear of being yelled at by Legend or making everything worse.

"I leave for five damn minutes, and now 'vryone is yellin'." Twilight says with no fondness, moving to Wild.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU KNOW HER AND YOU SHOULDN'T KNOW HER BECAUSE SHE WASN'T FUCKING REAL." Legend's voice has a rasp to it, from the shouting.

"I... I don't know what to tell you? She went home." Wars whispered.

Wild frowned. "Well, that's a little scary. She wasn't real?"

Legend looked down at his feet, hands losing their steel grip on Warriors' tunic very suddenly. Legend began to wring his wrists. "She wasn't real." His voice was very, very small. He sounded so heartbroken. Almost like a child, who'd lost something so important to them. Fuck, Legend was only what, seventeen? Eighteen? Twenty at most? He was still a kid. Still young enough to be one.

"I'm c-confused." Wars said, moving back from Legend's touch just fast enough to be worrying. He started rubbing the side of his neck.

"She wasn't real. She was a dream, she isn't real. Wasn't." Legend whispered, almost to himself. Warriors murmured something about Marin summoning a fish.

Twilight whispered to Wild, not quite catching the whole plot of the argument. "So why, pray tell, 're they arguin' now? All 'm gettin' is that they're fightin' over some... fish?"

"I don't really know." Wild responded, watching Legend pull at his own hair and try desperately not to cry. "Wars was talking about someone that appeared from a portal in the war, and apparently Legend knew her? But she was a dream?"

"Ahh, okay. So they're fightin' over a girl."

Wars broke the silence between himself and Legend. It was a rather large mistake, on his behalf. "So I'm guessing you d-don't have a good history with Miss Marin?"

Legend turned. His eyes were wide, soft around the edges with hurt. He gripped Warriors again, this time by the shoulders. "A GOOD HISTORY??" He shouted, making Warriors flinch harshly. "A GOOD HISTORY????? WARRIORS, I WAS IN A DREAM FOR OVER A YEAR OF MY LIFE, AND FELL IN LOVE WITH HER. AND THEN I WOKE UP. AND SHE WAS NEVER REAL." Legend choked on a sob, beginning to finally cry out loud. His hands softened on Warriors' shoulders, and Warriors quickly pushed them off. He couldn't take the touch of his brother right now, not like this. Legend nearly fell over. He didn't care.

Wind frowned from his spot and paused his story. He whispered a small, "Oh."

Wild looked less mad now. "That's..." Legend cut him off. "I don't fucking understand, Wars. Help me understand. Is she still out there? Could I see her again?" He was pleading now, not screaming. One of his legs shook hard enough to nearly send him to the ground.

"Legend. Leg- Link. Look at me." Warriors said, trying to hide his own discomfort for Legend's benefit. "I didn't know that. How could I have?"

Legend threw up his hands.

Wild tried to butt into the conversation with his own dream experience. "So… uh… you also sort of had something happen like that too? Where something happened and it's not supposed to be real?" Legend didn't call him out for butting in like he would usually do. He shrugged.

"Yeah, if you can call it that." He sounded defeated. Legend rubbed his eyes. Twilight was fed up with all the crying and shouting.

"Hey, Legend. Let's go take a walk, 'kay? We can go get some space. Talk about her if you want? Or jus' walk." He offered his hand.

"Yeah. Yeah, I could take a walk." Legend whispers, as if he's parroting someone. He hugs himself, knees shaking as he presses himself to Twilight's side. Twilight slings an arm over him, hugging his frame. He usually gave off such high energy, such power, conviction, confidence. Now he just looked small. Sad, defeated, upset, and destroyed. Wars had built up hope so fast and so quick just to break it down with a wrecking ball.

"Alright. C'mon, I've got you. Shh." Twilight whispered, as Legend began to sob in earnest. He led him away from the clearing.

Warriors watched with wide eyes, rattled from both the trauma dump from his brother and the yelling that had been right in his face.

Warriors had never seen Legend cry.



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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Just finished my first work in this fandom and decided to post it here just in case someone might be interested

Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Linked Universe - Fandom, The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Summary:

For Legend, there was the him from before the quests and the him of now. He wasn't sure when he had changed, and he constantly tried to forget the why. After years of running Hylia's errands, Legend figures that the old him, the child that hadn't so much as heard the title of Legend, was dead.

But thankfully, his brothers know better.

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2 years ago

I like to think that legend hides very long and messy hair in that weird little blue hat of his

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2 years ago

Legend and Midna the ultimate sassy duo

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1 year ago

Can we please just bring apple farmer Legend back

And then put it all in one specific tag like apple farmer Legend

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2 years ago
Legend On Top Of Uh A Thing Dont Know What Its Called And To The Right Is A Picture That I Took For This.
Legend On Top Of Uh A Thing Dont Know What Its Called And To The Right Is A Picture That I Took For This.

Legend on top of uh a thing don’t know what it’s called and to the right is a picture that I took for this.

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1 year ago

The day. Is. Sloooooow.

Might be because they are in the middle of the damn desert and it is. Too hot to function properly. The gargantuan bones offer shade and respite but Goddesses allmighty its is. Too hot.

Wind has been rolling in the sand for five minutes. He claims it’s to get the heat off of him. As far as everybody else is concerned he’s just getting sand all over himself, but are they going to stop him? Warriors is half naked and dying, Twilight is enduring the pain of keeping his pelt on so it doesnt get absolutely riddled with coarse particles, Hyrule is slowly passing out, and Four nearly slammed himself against a rib with his pot of winds. Legend has buried half his body into the sand and Sky is desperately trying to sleep with his face laying down on his shirt. Time has died.

Wild looks at the horrible sight of them from the height of his climate appropriate outfit and thanks Hylia for the Secret Gerudo Club and their voe clothes.

A head rises suddenly: “Sweet Nayru,” Time rasps, “I have three sons.”

Keep reading

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