Wild Lu - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
"Creation, Both Haunted And Holy"

"Creation, both haunted and holy"

for the LU server prompt: Song! (I chose to make a piece heavily inspired by "creature" by Halfβ€’Alive ! That song is so TOTK to me.)

(click for better quality!!)

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9 months ago

Lu timeline

hahahahah fuck you all I've figured it out-

I'm not the first tho' :,)

Alr so, we all know the Linked universe right? (If you don't wtf are you doing, go read it-)

Alr I'm being aggressive lemme just explain.

So the timeline goes like this,





Legend Twilight Wind

Hyrule Spirit



But where do Warriors and Wild go???? Well that's what imma answer according to my own Headcanons and an AO3 story which I give a link to at the end.

Now I know what most of you are thinking (and what some ppl don't know), Warriors isn't exactly canon. Well he is in the Linked Universe so we're giving him a timeline!

Warriors would most likely be after Hyrule, but because of the time traveling, all of the worlds would end up mixing in the end. Wild, meanwhile would be after Warriors! I know what you're all thinking. What about Twilight and Wild's protΓ©gΓ© and mentor relationship??? Well it'll stay the same, so will the fact that in my heart they are blood related.

The story (that I will link at the end) will explain why Wild is after Hyrule, but I want to explain why Warriors is before Wild and after Hyrule as well as to why in Botw, there is a hero with red hair and not blond like Wars.

Buckle up everyone, this is going to be a mouthful.

So in the story, Hyrule was killed and his blood was drained to resurrect Ganon, then another hero comes and seals Ganon. In Botw, there is a story of a red haired hero who sealed Calamity Ganon. What if that hero was Warriors and the red hair was because he uses his firerod during the war which may have caused his hair to look red instead of blond.

I don't know how to explain the Sheikah technology, maybe it was a later addition to the war, y'alls can go wild with the tech but I'm here for the lore. This is where I'll stop, have fun with this peace of info which you'll probably forget Abt in a few hours πŸ‘

Also for Twilight and Wild being so close, I think that the original world was after Hyrule, but because of the merging of worlds, the story ended being of Twilight, Hyrule long since forgotten but the story of how the calamity was created by Hyrule is somewhere really far away or is lost information!

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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6 months ago

so apparently Totk and Botw aren't canon anymore (they aren't apart of the Loz line, like Hyrule Warriors). Idk I haven't done enough research for wether (how do you write that x: )this is true or not, but canon to the timeline or not imma find ways to include Wild wether(how????) Nintendo likes it or not-

Edit: I have been informed that the creators of Botw and Totk have been tight lipped about wether they are cannon or not and that it was just some random person who miss interpreted the message so good news for us, it's probs still canon πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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7 months ago


Might as well, since I'm having trouble finding my own fics haha


✰ You Don't Have To Be A Hero To Save The World (Wind-Centric)

✰ I'll Be Here Until You're Okay (Legend-Centric)

✰ Kleptomaniac Legend (Legend-Centric) ✧ Too Much Thinking Is Bad For My Health (Warriors-Centric) ✧ ✰ Part One ✰ Part Two ✰ Part Three ✰ The Blood We Shed, It Never Dries (Mask and Warriors-centric)

✧ She Is Fiction, She's A Curse, She's A Pretty Thing On A High, High Shelf (Warriors and Legend-centric) ✰ Part One

✰ I Left My Body Lying Somewhere In The Sands Of Time (Time-Centric)

βˆ˜β‚Šβœ§β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€βœ§β‚Šβˆ˜ And here is my AO3 if you prefer it!

It will be edited as I make more, and there's crumbs if you scroll, but these are the fully fleshed fics (and the single ask I really enjoyed how it came out, haha)

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2 years ago

Do any of y'all know that fic on ao3 where wild is king/champion of Hyrule after the events of botw and he travels to another country with some shika and gerudo gourds for a party after another country tried to invade Hyrule but failed so bad that wild literally had to escort them out so they didn't die by monster's?

cus I can't find it and it and it was real good

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4 months ago



I'm working on a spooky season animation. I'll finish the hands later. I'll also be doing parts with Warriors, Four, and Hyrule, yay! :)

(Idk why, but it's abnormally slow on here, I'll try and fix that later)

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4 years ago

K im still working on the pokemon comic, buuuut my brain will NOT stfu, so have this dumb idea:

So let's say that master kohga is an asshole who is abusive to the yiga. Some younger teen yiga want to go see the world for themselves. They don't understand why they are training for a war they already won 100 years ago. Kohga, the bastard that he is, forbids the younger yiga from going and exploring. Then Link shows up, kicks Kohga's ass, and in the process accidentaly adopts a bunch of yiga. Link and his yiga kids agree that the king of hyrule was an ass. His kids may not have met the king but they grew up being told stories of how much of an ass he was by the elder yigas. Eventually Link saves Zelda and the first words the yiga kiddos hear out of her mouth is "goddess, fuck the king. He was an ass." Link's yiga kids start calling Zelda mom after that.

Next dumb thought: this Link being Wild from the linked universe au. The chain plus Wild's kids go through a portal that drops them off in pre calamity Wild's hyrule. Insert Wild, his yiga kids, Time, and Sky going off to throw hands with the king right here.

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1 year ago

The day. Is. Sloooooow.

Might be because they are in the middle of the damn desert and it is. Too hot to function properly. The gargantuan bones offer shade and respite but Goddesses allmighty its is. Too hot.

Wind has been rolling in the sand for five minutes. He claims it’s to get the heat off of him. As far as everybody else is concerned he’s just getting sand all over himself, but are they going to stop him? Warriors is half naked and dying, Twilight is enduring the pain of keeping his pelt on so it doesnt get absolutely riddled with coarse particles, Hyrule is slowly passing out, and Four nearly slammed himself against a rib with his pot of winds. Legend has buried half his body into the sand and Sky is desperately trying to sleep with his face laying down on his shirt. Time has died.

Wild looks at the horrible sight of them from the height of his climate appropriate outfit and thanks Hylia for the Secret Gerudo Club and their voe clothes.

A head rises suddenly: β€œSweet Nayru,” Time rasps, β€œI have three sons.”

Keep reading

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