Legendary Chalice - Tumblr Posts

Now, give it up for everybody's favourite charmer: Ms. Chalice! 💛

Now we have all three of our favourite cups! The dynamic trio everyone! Hope you all like them, I worked very hard to create them! ❤️💙💛

I've been chipping away at Cuphead with @artist-block-alley (my first time playing it, her 11 zillionth time) and I felt compelled to take a crack at messing with their designs just for the fun of it! (Haven't quite finished island 2 yet, no spoilers please!)

I like to draw the Cup Brothers. Oh, and Cagney. I love Cagney

[I might keep posting memes because yall like them sooo ye]
[Also all the templates were found on pinterest]
Oh. My best Hetero Ship (〃゚3゚〃)
Cuphead x Chalice
Au: Adult
Nice time ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

Thanks for watching

🏛️🌅🏺Athena comes🏺 🌅🏛️
Hello, today you see mine second post. And now i draw mine ✨ favourite ✨ Chalice like a Athena.


"Chalice — Greek goddess Athena, which represents wisdom, warfare and courage. She is honest and smart"
MS CHALICE!!!!! \(♡o♡)/


It's kinda bad but oh well
Something from my sketchbook (Some characters from the game Cuphead in my style)

Miss Chalice— is now an adventurer, once a brave warrior

Some sketches from me :

New thoughts about season 3 of The Cuphead Show:
How Cuphead will get to Hell, possible episode plots and more...
Please, bear with me people, I just can't keep it short ! Some of the things I wrote are probably obvious but I still needed to vent.

"Here goes nothing..."
I'll never get over that cliffhanger and the fact the season 2 trailer already showed us a short glimpse from next season (AND I SWEAR THERE HAS TO BE ONE). But thanks to that, we do know Cuphead will manage to summon the "Hellevator" and try to go save Mugman.
The question is: How ?
The most obvious answer would be to say thanks to the pitchfork. Judging by his sculpture of Mont Mugmore (Seriously, Mont Mugmore ?? Can we talk about it ? IT SENDS ME 💀This gesture was so sweet, random and funny at the same time 😭), Cuphead seems to be perfectly able to use it on his own after all. He is even great at it.
Unfortunately, we saw several times The Devil and Henchman could use the Hellevator without it, probably using some dark magic then. So it seems the pitchfork's powers are limited to flying, zapping, destroying and transforming, but not summoning things.
If not the pitchfork, then what ?
Now this is where I get frustrated: I perfectly remember someone shared an intriguing image here on Tumblr a few weeks ago, but I couldn't find it again. This image was a storyboard showing Cuphead drawing occult symbols on the floor with a chalk and the Hellevator appearing in front of him. If this comes from an official source, then it's very likely that Cuphead will perform a magic ritual to descend to Hell.
But who could teach him this ritual ?
As much as I'd like to see Elder Kettle getting involved in Mugman's rescuing mission in one way or another, it feels like Cuphead won't tell him anything. We all saw how the old guy was ready to fight in "Rats all folks" and several other occasions. I can't believe he wouldn't want to jump in the Hellevator with Cuphead to save his adoptive grandson and beat the Devil to a pulp ! Family just means everything to him. And yet, he doesn't appear in this short clip.
Two options: 1. He got kidnapped as well minutes after Mugman, which would then make Cup's nightmare premonitory.
2. Cuphead hides the truth from him, either to protect him or because he doesn't want to make him upset.
In any case, I really don't think the creators will introduce the peashooter weapon from the game in the series. Otherwise, with a power like this, Cuphead would look a lot more confident while entering the elevator, which is clearly not the case in the image above. With his sloppy shoulders and big worried eyes, he looks scared, unsure of himself, vulnerable and all alone.
What about Chalice ?
Maybe Chalice could be the one helping him set the ritual, but I'm not convinced at all. She's been the kind of person to "lay low" (her own words) when things go wrong. Even less than the police or an angry mob, she certainly wouldn't want to deal with the Devil. Unless she remembers how Mugman stood up for her and wants to do the same for him. ATM there's no confirmation she can take the form of the Legendary Chalice or if she has other mystical powers. If she follows Cuphead to hell, it seems she opted for her invisible ghost mode (not cool, Chalice !).
With Elder Kettle out of the big picture and Chalice being a bit unreliable, it's pretty safe to say there's only ONE character in the Inkwell Isles with enough wisdom and knowledge to help our poor boy reach Hell.
"A sage adviser, rumored to know all..."
Quadratus the great and wise !

I don't think there's a better time to ask for his advice than in such a desperate situation. Quadratus HAS to be the one teaching Cuphead the ritual to summon the elevator. He was the one giving the invisible yarn to Mugsy for him to knit the impenetrable sweater that would protect Cuphead from the Devil. The circle would be closed if Quadratus now helped Cuphead to save Mugman from Hell.
And here's the first difficulty Cuphead will face: just like Mugsy said, "[one] gotta make the water fizz so he'll appear."

The first time, the bros used Cuphead's sour fizzy jawbreaker. I'm pretty sure Mugsy then had some fizzy candies left in his pumpkin bucket, but OOPSIE- Cuphead ate them all in a moment of extreme temptation and never replaced what was stolen in the end 😀 (he is SO going to hate himself if it happens)
It can only mean one thing, my lil' buddies...

Consider this: Baroness von Bon Bon decides she'll forgive Cuphead for breaking her laws and allow him to take another fizzy jawbreaker ONLY if he delivers her from her ancient curse ! Remember she said it was "a story for another time". I never played the game, but Djimmy the Great could be involved with his wishes !
What if next season consists of Cuphead's quest to gather important artefacts for the ritual ? Forcing him to encounter more game bosses ? If the season goes like this, it will be an opportunity to develop Cuphead's character by making him realise how much more difficult everything is without his brother by his side and how much he took him for granted. Having no one to watch his back or help him will teach him to be more observant and careful, and how it can be hard and exhausting. Being worried for Mugsy will also make him understand better his brother's own feelings and protectiveness. After calling him "lame and boring" several times in season 2, something has to make him acknowledge how capable, awesome and brave his little bro has been and actually is, despite all his fears and worries. THEY NEED TO RELATE MORE !
Finally, I want to see Cuphead ask Quadratus how Mugman even heard about him in the first place. And I want Quadratus to reveal by some sort of flashbacks that his little brother was so worried about the whole "owing-the-Devil-his-soul" situation he couldn't find sleep and spent nights after nights searching in books to find a solution and protect him. So Cuphead will finally understand how much it affected Mugsy and how much he always cared for him.

We stan this precious little cautious bookworm here 🥺
Mugman has always been there for Cuphead when he needed it, and now it's Cuphead's turn to be there for him as well.
Last little idea: Remember the impenetrable sweater was effective thanks to Cups and Mugs brotherly love ? Well, you know what else has been crafted with love by Mugman ? The tandem bike ! Quadratus may have advised Cuphead to take the tandem bike with him to Hell because it will be useful for both brothers (helping them to reconcile ? To escape from hell through the big gate ?).
If you've read this far, thank you and congrats people ! I didn't think my nonsense could interest anybody. I don't know what to give you as a reward, so have this stupid song:
A Little Christmas story:
Here's an idea I wanted to draw for the beginning of December and thought was cute and wholesome. Chalice's character truly grew in me with season 3 and I love her friendship with the cupbros, especially Mugman.

THE SPARKLY SHOES ARE BACK ! And more than just one pair...
Let's pretend the "Special Delivery" episode took place before christmas so this scene can happen.

My AU Chalice with the Casino Cups Chalice line <3
Inspired by: @whogavemoththerighttohyperfix
Made for: @askcupsandcasinos

Same characters different fonts
(these are not meant to compare the game or the show this is for fun meaninglessness)

This is what happens when you rely on a pair of 11 year old's to bring you back to life.
(Cup and Mugs would argue over the dumbest shit and you cannot change my mind.)
tbh this scene looked a lot funnier in my head but i spent like 6 hours on it so i might as well post it

finished s ranking the cuphead dlc so i drew something to celebrate

i know the show and game continuity dont overlap but id like to think dlc cuphead has a .. Thing regarding having his soul taken over