The Devil - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

A doodle I did just for fun of the devil with pickle legs

A Doodle I Did Just For Fun Of The Devil With Pickle Legs

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1 year ago
Watched A Few Clips From The Cuphead Show And Was Inspired To Draw This: One Of My Favorite Characters

Watched a few clips from the cuphead show and was inspired to draw this: one of my favorite characters from cuphead-The Devil

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3 years ago

The Cuphead Show! Thoughts

I want to preface this by saying the serialized vs non-serialized television debate is a bit ridiculous. Each has different strengths for the type of stories they want to tell and no one is inherently better than the other. I can understand preferring one over the other, that’s fine, in fact I typically prefer serialized television but I don’t think just because something is serialized that it makes it a better show. Now to get on with my actual thoughts.

The Cuphead Show! Thoughts

This show is just bursting with energy and you can see all the love and care put into every frame. Every second I watched it I was amazed that something like this got greenlit, not because it was bad, far from it, but because of how unique it is in our current landscape of animation. I’ve got to once again give netflix props. They’ve been really willing to take risks with the animated shows they produce for their platform and I hope it continues because they’ve been on a real hot streak as of late.

The Cuphead Show! Thoughts

The opening to this show may be the best example of the amount of care and just pure fun the people working on this show infused into it. I had that opening theme stuck in my head right away and I was singing along before long. I have a soft spot for cartoon openings and this has found a place among the countless openings that live rent free in my head.

The Cuphead Show! Thoughts

All that being said I don’t think the leads of the show are as strong as I would like. The side characters steal the show every time they pop up. The Devil, Kind Dice, and Ms. Chalice (when she showed up in the final episode) all stole the show easily when on screen and every time I pressed play and they weren’t there I was a little disappointed, especially when the devil was absent. I couldn’t get enough of him. Everything about the Devil was played up to 11 and that always works well for this kind of character in animation. I easily got lost in the showmanship of the character, the exaggeration. The amount of fun I had with these characters cannot be understated because they really pulled me into the show.

I had a lot of fun with this show. It wasn’t my favorite show all around to be released. It unfortunately dropped on the same day as Vox Machina’s final 3 episodes which distracted from it. I’m impressed with this show nonetheless and the stylization of this show will never cease to pull me in. I look forward to seeing the rest of season 1’s episodes drop later this year and want to see what the animator’s are able to do with what’s on screen next.

The Cuphead Show! Thoughts

I saw the lie about The Cuphead Show being renewed for season 2 which is just a disappointing move especially during #newdeal4animation which is important for all those who work in the industry. The reality is that these episodes were made under a single season order and split in two so they can drop the episodes at different times without having to up the pay they give the workers for another season. This is why we need a new deal for animation.

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Lucio strutting down the stairs just moments after he sold his anal virginity to The Devil for his life back: People of Ve-

The entire fandom:

Lucio Strutting Down The Stairs Just Moments After He Sold His Anal Virginity To The Devil For His Life

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7 years ago

But fuck The Tower. No, seriously. I hate that mo-fo.

Like The Death Card You Should Not Dread The Devil Card.

Like the Death card you should not dread the Devil card.

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Believe in Christ and repent my sins!?

Alas I cannot for I am of the left handed persuasion and all my visually articulated works are guided by Satan himself

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2 years ago

Calling it now, Ryan’s going to win something weird each episode this season, and it’s parts of the professor’s remains or some shit. Or something similar.

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7 years ago
Is It Too Early For Spongebob Jokes? No? Okay
Is It Too Early For Spongebob Jokes? No? Okay
Is It Too Early For Spongebob Jokes? No? Okay
Is It Too Early For Spongebob Jokes? No? Okay

Is it too early for Spongebob jokes? No? Okay

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7 years ago

Vore that devil like mmmmm

luigilover17 - Welcome to fandom hell
luigilover17 - Welcome to fandom hell
luigilover17 - Welcome to fandom hell

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2 years ago
Feels Like I'm Dancing With The Devil Every Day Again

feels like I'm dancing with the devil every day again

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1 year ago

How We See Old Scratch

While John Milton's classic Paradise Lost isn't as read as it used to be, its humanization of the Devil as a character lasts to the modern day and shapes him as a cultural symbol. One example of the modern form of Satan comes from one of the most popular media producers, DC Comics. In making Satan the main character of the poem, Milton gives him humanity and agency that was not before seen. This still is true today with most stories about the Devil being about free will, self direction, and personal power. Satan is also depicted a beautiful and shining, a radically different approach to his appearance that stays in most modern retellings, espicalloy DC. Finally Milton brought sympathy to the devil, opening the door for further developments of the character as a sympathic and likable man. In the modern day, the Devil is more human ad closer to us than the idea of a perfect god, making him a meaningful and dynamic character in modern media. 


Dohal, Gassim H. “Humanizing satan of Milton’s Paradise Lost.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol. 12, no. 5, 2022, pp. 996–1000,

“Lucifer.” DC, 2023, 

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4 years ago

Strike the Cannon, man the Missile, sharpen the knives, hail the arrow

Stricken down into Hell, bodies pile and spill, blood deluges to be spilt, women to whore, boys to take from fathers, daughters stolen from crying mothers

Thy come thy fire, fire burn’ in me

Claws and teeth barred, Death blesses me, skin bone pale and hair night black in the night

Whisper to me, guide my blades, bullets, and bombs

Come I do, the Devil himself

Come I do, a Nightmare unending

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2 years ago

I’m not sure if there’s a god but there is a devil,

And he’s the one who made ants.

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I wanna be that grown-up that calls everyone "babes." like. friend? babes. niece? babes. little boy at her niece's preschool? babes. her client on trial for murder? babes. heck she'll call the devil babes when she dies and become his secretary or smn.

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