Pretty Woman - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Im my own muse. I was born from her rage.

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11 months ago
PRETTY WOMAN1990 | Dir. Garry Marshall
PRETTY WOMAN1990 | Dir. Garry Marshall
PRETTY WOMAN1990 | Dir. Garry Marshall
PRETTY WOMAN1990 | Dir. Garry Marshall
PRETTY WOMAN1990 | Dir. Garry Marshall

PRETTY WOMAN 1990 | dir. Garry Marshall

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4 years ago
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall
Julia Roberts In Pretty Woman (1990) Dir. Garry Marshall

Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (1990) dir. Garry Marshall

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MS CHALICE!!!!! \(♡o♡)/

MS CHALICE!!!!! (o)
MS CHALICE!!!!! (o)
MS CHALICE!!!!! (o)


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6 months ago
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)
Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] Pretty Woman (1990)

Get To Know Me Meme: Movies [3/20] → Pretty Woman (1990)

“I want the fairy tale.”

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4 years ago

It’s so funny that when I see a beautiful woman and I say “She so pretty” my mum ask me “Whould you like to be like her?” all I want to do is answer “No mum I am gay paniking at the moment”

Wow it’s so hard being Pan

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2 years ago

For the woman that you are, ethereal as Aphrodite.

Voice like a singing bird, shining like the wings of a Deity.

Maybe, one day a star like wonder will be named upon you, empress;

And you would look after your beautiful children, with a lovely kiss and a gentle caress.

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4 years ago
'Seni Anlyorum'

'Seni anlıyorum'

Diyen insanlara..,

William Shakespeare

şöyle cevap veriyor


Hiç bir şeyi



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1 year ago
I Tried Something Different Than What I Usually Do,

I tried something different than what I usually do,

Sorry for any inconsistencies,

If anyone has any suggestions on what to draw, please say them

(I’m fairly new on how tumblr works so please be patient :) )

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7 months ago

karma: tell me TOON..why did you do this chart and who are you and what do you do? and what gags do you use so every cog can avoid you at all costs! mr. wildtooth: im a tiger...i know the most rarest species for a toon! but an assassin...i get paid to kill..of course toons dont know this till probably now which yes i did screw myself over and gags i dont really use much but if i had too on the track...lure and trap karma: cool cool! now tell me why do you have a crush on a cog out of all things? mr. wildtooth: isnt [REDACTED] with one? karma: yea...? mr. wildtooth: so then why not you know? if i a relationship can work out with a toon and cog then im gonna test that too see if its actually possible for me anyways karma: you know your gonna have to fight me for [REDACTED]... mr. wildtooth: im pretty sure a pretty woman like herself would not want to date a plant who has the same intentions as [REDACTED]...that and i dont wanna be a #### ###### because i get paid by killing certain...##### and cogs...but that and i dont wanna manipulate her unlike you, you dirty weed... karma: ...i will hunt you down find where you live and put your #### in your own mouth!!... mr. wildtooth: i'd like to see you try mr. weed~ karma: OK BEFORE I LOOSE MY SHIT LETS DO THE LAST COG GUY FOR NOW!!

something im not giving you context for

remember its just a theory a ga- karma: ok stfu we get it its not like you said it 4 fucking times on instagram sheeeesh ok says the plant who surprisingly has crushes anyways this is more of a confession on why the fuck my characters like so and so fyi the characters that my characters mention will in fact be censored!! for uh reasons...ANYWAYS karma: i hope you know your in this too ah fuck- karma: SO LETS START WITH YOU SINCE YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF!! karma: so why do you hate [REDACTED] so much ayy? ...cause from what i've been told by [REDACTED] that [REDACTED] i think likes likes [REDACTED] which uhhhh is why im not gonna kill him BUT I MAY UH arson :] karma: lord you need lessons on how to be a villain OK BUT WHY DO YOU LIKE [REDACTED] HUH?! ARENT YOU LIKE ASEXUAL?! karma: when they look like a badass woman then im into it besides i can fight for her since theres others who love her, also about the asexual thing- i've been questioning the sexuality so you like woman? karma: i am pan congrats ig- but yes i like woman its not like i got divorced by a woman before YOU WERE MARRIED?! karma: yes now shut your trap unless you want to go into detail on [REDACTED]~ HERE ANYWAYS! karma: oh but i bet you want [REDACTED] sooo dead now do you?~ besides he's stealing [REDACTED] from you~ dont you want him dead? to have [REDACTED] do you know how to kill [REDACTED]? he is know karma: i've killed many cogs in my time of course i know how to kill [REDACTED] do you want me to teach you on how to be a villain?~ m-maybe... karma: hmm...tomorrow then maybe- ANYWAYS I WE GOT SO OFF TRACK!! UH UH UH ok Mrs. Wishes wishes: please just call me Wishes ok wishes...why do you hate [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED}? wishes: well you see those three boys look like some trouble and that woman...doesnt look so friendly...all of them remind me of well MY EX HUSBAND karma: sup ### wishes: this is why your luck is ####... karma: uh huh go suck a ##### wishes: *gasp* karma: ok this post is getting too long i suggest a part 2 besides its like 12:36am for you- uh yea ig i will do this tomorrow?

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6 months ago

Woman for a minute

I a m writing here, because I have to write it down somewhere. It can be seen as whining or crying without doing anything for a change. I'm trying, im always trying, but losing weight is a long and hard road, and I still have these little thoughts in my head, and they wont ever leave.

I am a big girl, i have always been a big girl, not just my weight but my height. When my stomach was completely flat, my arms were normal, I was still considered as a big girl, because i'm a wide and tall type. My parents were this type too, i can't help it, i have always been the big girl.

I can lose weight, im capable of losing any weight if want to do it, but i will never be skinny because of my wideness and tallness. Body types and proportions are fucking bullshit. And i know i wont be skinny ever, maybe just more acceptable for the society, but never the pretty girl.

Never the pretty girl, never the gorgeous woman, never somebody other calls beautiful.

I had boyfriends, I had affairs, I had boys and several man in my life, dont get me wrong, some men found me desirable. But i was never the pretty girl.

I never sat in someones lap. I never was the cute, fragile, petite girl, I never was the first love interest. I was never considered as a WOMAN. A feminine woman. I was always considered the big, clumsy one. The one who is loud, because no matter how shy and quiet i was, i was big, and being big is being loud.

If a skinny, petite girl wears her hair in a messy bun, not wearing make up, wearing comfy clothes or eating a big meal, they considered cute. If i would do the same, i would be considered unhygienic, lazy, and a gluttonous pig.

No matter the style im trying in clothes, no matter if I wear skirts and dresses, i would never be considered as a pretty, feminine woman. No matter how much I pay for a hair and nail stylist, no matter how much makeup or cute jewelries I wear, i will never be the pretty girly girl, because i will always be too big for it. I will always be considered as a bro.

And it fucking hurts. I want to be a WOMAN. I want to be FEMININE. I dont wanna look like a caring mother or an old aunt, I wanna be the cute girl, I wanna be the girl men call pretty. I wanna be able sit on a man's lap, or to be on top without the fear of hurting them. I want to be little, small, petite...a girl a man could pick up and carry in his arms. I want to be treated as a woman, not a bro, not a friend like the boys. I never got a flower from a man, i have never been in a proper date. I want to be treated as a woman.

But i wont...I wont ever be the pretty girl.

Not even for a minute.


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