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Whatever this is - Kuroo Tetsurou

“We get it. You guys are dating. Just admit it!” Yamamoto exasperated, throwing his hand up with a frustrated expression creeping onto his face. He couldn’t understand for his life why their captain and manager wouldn’t just come clean of their team. He just wanted them to declare that they are dating, instead of doing whatever this is.
Both the Captain and manager stood frozen in one corner of the gym the team was to use. Eyes wide as they stared at Yamamoto from their position. Kuroo had his arms slung over your shorter figure, his jacket on you as he folded his much longer sleeves for you, from behind you. The action wasn’t scandalous per se, just two friends standing in each other’s space as if it was second nature to them. It was, but…
“We’re not dating,” you both said, not missing a single second from the end of Yamamoto’s sentence.
“What?” Kuroo yelled, head whipping in your direction in shock?
“We’re not, right?” you whispered, turning your head towards him, double-checking at his disbelief.
“Yeah, but- “
The tip of your ears was leisurely growing red at the curious eyes of the entered team. Shrugging Kuroo off your shoulder, you stepped away from the captain at the voice of Yaku.
“Oi, you can resolve this lover’s argument, later, we’ve got practice”
“Right,” Kuroo whispered, “you. We need to talk. After practice.” He continued, lifting the other hand to fold its sleeve, looking at you with unsure eyes.
“Yeah,” you squeaked, running off as soon as his hands lowered themselves.
Kuroo and you were close. Having met him through Kenma, who you shared classes with. Being paired with Kenma for a project in your first year at Nekoma High meant you would go over to Kenma’s house. Kuroo just had the worst timings bursting through Kenma’s front door while you were over. Kuroo Tetsurou, being himself, would want to befriend this new friend of his best friend. So, along with Kenma, Kuroo convinced you too to join the volleyball club, so you applied for the manager position.
Friendship with Kuroo was easy. Though you were introverted and preferred keeping it to yourself, Kuroo would soon find himself a place in your life. With him, things like ice-cream after practice, his jacket instead of yours, your doodles in his books and you drawing all over him, became natural. Kuroo had taken it upon himself to care for you. While he liked to brush it off as the same Mother hen instincts he had for Kenma and his team, he realized his feelings for you.
The practice ended in a stench filled gym while the guys took the bottle you handed them. Passing Kuroo his bottle, he held your eyes for what felt longer than it should have been. The interaction gained the groaning of the team and all of them together, throwing their dirty towels in your direction.
“Love birds,” Lev giggled, feeling happy about his input in the situation.
“Whatever you say, Kenma, head home without us? We’ll follow later,” Kuroo replied, taking your hand in his, walking towards the gym doors.
“Clean up before you leave,” he yelled from outside the corridor.
“Just tell us you guys are dating,” Yamamoto yells back,
“Young love,” Lev said, shaking his head.
“So, ice cream?” you tried your attempt at a conversation before reaching wherever Kuroo was pulling you along.
“Uh-” taking a few seconds to think he continued, “later actually, we need to talk”
“Talk over ice-cream” you suggested, adding a smile to lure him into your offer.
“Two scoops, if we talk without it,” he said cheekily, poking your cheeks to make you drop the pout growing on your face. Playful biting onto his finger, you asked what he wanted to talk about so badly. Reaching an empty class, he tugged you in. Positioning you on a desk, he sat himself beside you.
“So you wouldn’t date me?” as your head jerked in his direction at that you said,
“Did I miss an inside joke or reference here?” genuinely confused about whatever this was.
“No, you said you weren’t dating me when Yamamoto said we should admit to dating,” He reminded,
“Yeah, but we’re not,” you state the obvious, with a hand movement similar to a shrug as if to say ‘duh’.
“So wouldn’t date me,” he repeated feeling sure of himself ,
“I guess? If that is what you inferred from, I said,” getting up from your place, thinking the conversation was over.
“Why not?” turning to see if he was serious about this, you raised your eyebrows,
“I am being serious. Why won’t you date me? What’s wrong with dating me?”
You couldn’t believe that this conversation was really happening. How in the world were you supposed to answer this question without outing your feelings for the man. This wasn’t the first time somebody had mistaken you guys to be dating. The whole thought of the two of you to be dating while you both denied it, the team would go around saying otherwise.
You couldn’t understand why they would mistake you for dating the captain. Sure, Kuroo made sure that you would wear his jacket more than you ever wore yours. Yes, he would carry around a scrunchie on his wrist for the days you wore your hair down and tied your hair for you. Agreed that he would glare at any guy who got too close to you, but so did the team, right? No.
“Tetsu, you’re all a girl to ask for and you could get any girl you liked, ok? Ice-cream?” you tried getting away for this “talk”
“Then you would date me?” He asked, adamant about having this conversation.
“Dude, do I like-”
“Let’s get ice-cream,” Kuroo said, pushing himself off the table.
“Ok, that worked like a charm,” you sighed internally.
“My treat,” you chirped, ready to pay.
“I’ll pay,” He stated, paying
Sitting at your usual seat in the café, you both made small talk, waiting for your sweet treats. As the familiar server set your dessert on the table, she talked about how you and Kuroo were her favorite couple to serve because it reminded her of her husband. Smiling at the lady, you didn’t bother correcting her as she fondly patted your head. Kuroo sighed to himself at the view. You basically preened into the old lady’s touch, thinking about how you would be around his grandparents. As the lady walked away, Kuroo commented,
“I guess, this is pretty date like, you know, just us”
What seemed like a passing comment, Kuroo hoped, you would realize what he was implying. He hoped you would look at him the same way he looked at you when looked. And so you did, Kuroo’s big brain not picking on the way your ears grew warm at his comment, the way your smile became softer, seeing him smile at the old lady as he made small talk with her while she served.
“Tetsu, uh- chemistry”
“Chemistry? You need help in chemistry,” he guessed.
“yes, yes” you quickly agreed to change the topic.
And that lie found you here, in your room, as he invaded your bed. Maneuvering yourself carefully over his starfish position, you pushed his enormous limbs to make space for yourself.
“MOVE,” you complained, unable to move his tentacles for limbs.
“You do this at my home all the time,” he whined right back at you. “Pretty boyfriend like”
Kuroo was one smart person. He knew what he was doing, you would think. While you thought so, he really did not know what he really was doing. He was pretty offended when you said that you wouldn’t date him while it was petty; he took this pettiness as motivation to pursue you and finally confess his feelings he gained over the two years.
Ignoring his random remark, you went ahead with your plans for the day.
His remarks didn’t stop. He was persistent, so persistent. Carrying your school bag around the school because he was a “gentleman”. Paying for your after-school snacks because “that is how dates in books work”. Bring you random flowers he found around the school campus because “pretty things deserve pretty things”. And honestly, your heart was ready to burst any moment now. Sure, you were really close as friends, but this was something else. It also confused you to no end why he was doing this.
Another day of Kuroo and his antics. He was folding the sleeves of his jacket that you over when,
“This is what a good boyfriend would do, right?”
“Tetsu-” you sighed “if this is about that ‘talk’ I told you already, you can pursue any girl you want and they would date you”
“Then you would date me?”
“Tetsu, you can’t date me because I said I wasn’t dating you when one of friends said otherwise”
“What about me pursuing the girl I want?” Kuroo said, stepping closer to you, tugging his jacket closer to keep you warm from the chilly breeze while you stood outside the gym, talking instead of entering.
“Yeah, you can get her if you want”
“Then…,” he promoted,
“Go get her, what are you waiting for” your heart could really take only so much. Your chest ached, tightening with every passing minute.
“Date me, then”
“Tetsu, I am leaving” you were completely over this conversion. You were growing tired from this “teasing”.
Heavy breathing was the only thing heard in the empty corridor. It was too early for anyone else to be here just yet. That might just be one of the few things you appreciated in that moment because you were FREAKING crying while being confessed to.
Kuroo was done with himself too, at that moment. That wasn’t how he planned it. In fact, he hadn’t planned this at all. The captain had no clue what he was going to do at the end of this “teasing”. He made you cry? HE made you cry. That surely wasn’t how he would have wanted it to go.
Did you really still think he liked someone else? Kuroo really had no clue how to make you even look at him other than as a friend.
Smacking his head gently to get him out of his dazed state, you pushed out your head hand, asking for your sleeve to be folded. Kuroo could only blank shift his gaze from your face to your sleeve clad hand then back at your face. You had an embarrassing smile on your face as you shook your wrist once again to turn his attention from your face.
Pulling you in by your hand, Kuroo landed his lips on yours in a slow kiss. His grip loose as he brings his hands to cup your cheeks, holding you close. Gentle thumbs warming your cheeks in what seems like a slow dance over your cold cheeks. HIs kisses were the softest flutter of butterfly wings against your lips as he moved savored every second of breathing the same air as you. Your fists grabbing on to his neatly tucked shirt, one drowning in his jacket, a reminder of how you found yourself in this situation. Pulling away, one look at your face and Kuroo Tetsurou could finally see the red he caused.
Pressing his forehead to yours, breathing an “I Love You” that left his lips the same way it felt to breathe, without a thought. He could hear the bushes rustle in the background, voices of his teammates fading into one,
“I told whatever this is, just admit it-” before Yamamoto could complete his sentence,
“We’re dating,” you both said, stepping away, while Kuroo slung his arms from behind you and folded your other sleeve as the teammate stood there with their jaws to the ground.
“Young love”
“Lev, no.”

Hope you guys are having a great day. Reblogs are appreciated. I will be taking asks, so feel free to interact.

First batch of requests I did for my followers over on instagram!! I had them request HQ!! Characters with an emoji and this is the result!!
See if you can guess the emojis these characters were requested with 😔😔 But yes!! The Iwa in a veil request was my fave one so I had to draw it first fjsjjdjs;; also bunny costume iwa was originally supposed to be iwa in a flamenco dress but I didn't know if it would be rude to dress him in a culturally significant costume so I changed it;; Someone requested Tooru doing 😝 so I drew my Jock Tooru au with it🥴🥴 Also second drawings is mainly characters I've never drawn before but wanted to try!!! Also just ignore any hands because I gave up on all of them 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩