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9 months ago

; a reminder to all the " I wanna look like this / get this haircut / do my makeup like this / wtv but I'll be judged !! " people that life ends. Uh not to scare you but you're actually not immortal and will die and unless you like find the secret to cure cancer on your way out no one is going to remember you after a while. And yes, people will probably hate you for expressing yourself in the moment because people like that are essentially always going to exist, and they're all going to have different opinions and try to pick apart everything about you and squash you into what they want.

; Don't. Listen. To. Them.

; wear what you want, use makeup how you want, cut your hair how you want, walk how you want, whatever. If you're not hurting ( and by hurting I do NOT mean cracking their fragile opinion in half by being slightly different ) anyone then it's literally okay. It's fine. It's more than fine, just do it. Ignoring people is hard I get that, but once you stop taking their rude close-minded opinion into consideration life suddenly seems so much better. So much freeer. It'll take time but by the universe itself is it worth it.

; so yeah, friendly reminder that life ends and I'd rather have it end w me looking like one of Remy's fucked up pasta recipes mixed with green paint and a garbage can while I live my freest and happiest life than like .. Be sad and have my last thought be " is my makeup off ?? Do I look weird ? What if years from now my grandchildren think I look weird ?? " or whatever, my only thought in that moment should be ow and that's final.

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8 months ago

; I was listening to my spotify on shuffle and in my head it was two cats smacking each other, one saying " IT'S QUEEN, WE WILL ROCK YOU. THAT'S OBVIOUSLY THE CLAP !! " and anothe saying " YEAH BUT IT SOUNDS WEIRD !! IT'S DIFFERENT MAN !! " and then a giant cucumber lands on them like " TOAD. " so yeah it was a cover of we will rock you by Toad and I think my heart js got divorced from the rest of my body

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8 months ago

; an artistic reinterpretation bc it'll only then get the proper message across ( sorry this is C- quality my hamster keeps summersaulting in her cage )

; An Artistic Reinterpretation Bc It'll Only Then Get The Proper Message Across ( Sorry This Is C- Quality

; I was listening to my spotify on shuffle and in my head it was two cats smacking each other, one saying " IT'S QUEEN, WE WILL ROCK YOU. THAT'S OBVIOUSLY THE CLAP !! " and anothe saying " YEAH BUT IT SOUNDS WEIRD !! IT'S DIFFERENT MAN !! " and then a giant cucumber lands on them like " TOAD. " so yeah it was a cover of we will rock you by Toad and I think my heart js got divorced from the rest of my body

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