; pfp cred = ﹫lillycrew on Picrew ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ; pfp id: a picrew of a white person with short dark brown hair and headphones, he's smiling brightly and flapping his hands. The background is patterned purple wallpaper, right behind him is a white spiky circle shape framing him. :id end
745 posts
; Me When Someone Judges / Insults How Someone Communicates ( Irl Or Online ):
; me when someone judges / insults how someone communicates ( irl or online ):

; ID: an image of a shaded blue circle with a disappointed face on it, it has pursed frowning lips and lidded eyes staring directly at the camera. :end ID
nucl3ar-caut1on liked this · 8 months ago
hex12345678910 liked this · 8 months ago
animatronicthing liked this · 8 months ago
More Posts from Thatonegaybrit
It costs you literally nothing to leave service dogs the fuck alone.
; sigh. feeling great but why does my wrist not have the ability to bend backwards, it'd make stimming aggressively ( /pos ) much easier. the limitations of my flexibility disappoints me.
; I'm not including xenogenders in this bc I'd be here for years /lhexg /gen, and also not acespec bc bad day so:
; the main arospec micro labels I use are cupioromantic, reciproplatonic ( not feeling and / or reciprocating platonic attraction unless the person in question feels / shows it first ), anovelaean, and romance-favourable, all compiled into usually using arofluix as a broader term !!
; it's kinda like, I have a desire for a platonic relationship, though don't really feel platonic attraction, but only feel that desire when someone else is interested first / crushes ( what's the word for platonic crushes again sob ?? /genq ) only form if said crush wants a platonic relationship first .. I also collect labels and terms because my aro identity is really complicated and I never feel like it's properly described 100% yk ?? Romance-favourable for like, I enjoy acts usually deemed as romantic but don't actually feel said romance lol. And then I'm fluid between the identities and also my aromantic-ness fluctuates in intensity as a basic description !!
; I also use omnilesbian, omnienbylean, and panaesthetic !! Essentially I am attracted to all genders but have a preference for any non-binary / neutral / xenic ppl, and my attraction to women is different from my attraction to men / enby people ( i.e. I like women romantically and sxually / the equivalent to what romantic and sexual attraction would be if I felt it, but I only ( only ) platonically* like men and enbies !! Also my attraction to women js feels very different ig lol ) But also my gender is fluid so that always complicates things lol. And then I feel aesthetic attraction to every gender seemingly without preference so yh !!
; and I also use a lot of gender micro labels but like .. Transmasc, genderfloren ( and xenofluid ) and autigender are the main ones !!
; this has ended up much longer then I thought it'd be but sigh. Excitement to js explain this all, I could probably talk ab it for hours istg it feels like I'm hyperfixated on my queer identity lmao /hj
; *platonically in the sense I want what is described as a platonic relationship w them and feel supposed platonic attraction to them but not actually, and I also struggle to differentiate platonic from romantic and aesthetic due to neurodivergency lol
Greetings queer folks of tumblr! I would like to hear about your microlabels! The most unique ones you have!
It would be most appreciated if you could inform me of them!
Feel free to go into as little or as much detail as you like!
I heard that you're a red fox....

(Just to avoid confusion: I do stuff like this to show appreciation)
; you've heard correctly ... ( I saved almost all of these hsgsgshsvsg. Much appreciated /gen /pos )
; I never even thought much ab it lol .. but I've always said cal-zone-ee or cal-zo-nay interchangeably since I first saw the word
can't believe i accidentally started calzone discourse this has got to be the stupidest shit thats ever happened to me on this website
if someone sends me a death threat over this i will consider my life complete