Loki Season 2 - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

It's ashamed what the MCU did to Wanda because why introduce her being the Scarlet Witch and build up something important about witches and how Wanda is basically their High Priestess then end up killing her off. Because I look at people like Agatha, Loki, and Sylvie and just think it's terrible that Wanda never got to connect with her inner witch and be around other witches who could understand her instead of the Avengers. I know Sylvie doesn't know as much as Loki does but still. It's make me think could Wanda possibly do what Sylvie does with the whole possessing people, because what Wanda does is mind control and Sylvie possesses people with her magic.

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1 year ago

ā€œi am burdened with glorious purposeā€ WELL Iā€™M UNBURDENING YOU. no more sacrificing yourself for the greater good iā€™m more than done with tonyā€™s death, you go and find mobius, reunite with your brother and all of you live happily ever after you got me?

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1 year ago
Nothin' Just Two Pretty Siblings

nothin' just two pretty siblings

i want them to do me

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6 months ago

I keep thinking about loki showing up at mobiusā€™s doorstep in nowhere USA in the jet ski salesman universe and how o.b. was like ā€œoh it took me 19 months to build the new tem pad my wife left meā€ etcā€¦but what if time passed differently than it had in the show and loki actually had 19 months to kill while he waited for o.b. instead of seconds?

please tell me thereā€™s a fic where loki spends 19 months trapped in a jet ski salesman utopia and canā€™t time slip backā€¦and basically becomes mobiusā€™s live in husband and helps him take care of the kidsā€¦.like please tell me thatā€™s been written and if so where can I find it

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1 year ago

Guess who got up at 6:30 to watch Loki

Gonna have to do this for 5 more weeks

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1 year ago

Does this mean that Loki is Yggdrasil

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1 year ago
There Is One Imposter Among Us

There is one imposter among us

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1 year ago




It's Yggdrasil. The world tree from Norse Mythology. The centre of the nine realms, with Midguard (Earth/human realm) at its centre. Loki and the TVA have effectively become the Norns.

Like the Fates of Greek Mythology, three female deities who look after it, sprinkling it with holy water from Urdarbrunn, constantly healing it over and over as it suffers from the constant attacks by the creatures living within the tree. They're Urd (past), Verdandi (present) and Skuld (future).



Info from in The Mythology Book - Big Ideas Simply Explained

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1 year ago

I am filled with love but also hatred at the same time. What have they done to my girlfriend, she's forced to live out eternity keeping the balance of the universe? Simultaneously the coolestt thing and the worst thing ever that could've happened???

i think the loki finale might have made me become a tree hater. every time i see a tree a wave to hatred overcomes me

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1 year ago

Not to be an MCU boot licker but I don't think I'll ever experience media like that again sorry my mind has been blown into pieces I have no idea how to feel HOW did they do that I'm shocked but also GOOD JOB they did it??? WHAT MY GOD WHAT THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

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10 months ago

Iā€™d say Ragnarok Loki is more INFP. Iā€™ll explain why I believe this. Introverted over Extroverted: he doesnā€™t seem to go out of his way to talk with people, nor does he seem to need others to feel much more energized. I know that socialization can help pretty much anyone to feel better, but if anything he just seems tired on the ship at the end of the movie. On a scale o from 1 to 10, 1 being extremely introverted, and 10 being extremely extroverted, Iā€™d have him at a 4, a careful middle leaning toward introversion.

Id Say Ragnarok Loki Is More INFP. Ill Explain Why I Believe This. Introverted Over Extroverted: He Doesnt

Intuition over Sensing: ā€œAlways so perceptive, about everyone but yourselfā€. Heā€™s incredibly skilled at sorcery; his interest in reading, history, culture, would all point to someone artistically inclined or with a creative, intelligent mind. When we get a look at the young female Loki in the Loki series, we see that she is playing with dolls. If her desire to play with fantasy rather than physical activities carries over into the male Loki we all know and love (I would not say her counterpart because all the Loki variants are different in many ways) thatā€™s yet another thing to convince me. I just want to say that if his interests were this impressive and heā€™s really this into knowledge, then a modern earth Loki would understand references from thousands of obscure or popular sources.

Id Say Ragnarok Loki Is More INFP. Ill Explain Why I Believe This. Introverted Over Extroverted: He Doesnt

Feeling over Thinking: that aloof indifference is all his mask. He truly cares about other people, deep down, though he may not show it often. Whether his emotional unavailability is caused by the torture he endured while imprisoned by the Black Order or his apparent childhood trauma, he does have feelings. This isnā€™t to say he wonā€™t hurt peopleā€™s feelings deliberately out of spite (or even grief). The look in his eyes when releasing Valkyrie from his mind-walking hold just seems like heā€™s absorbing all that heā€™s just seen (because surely he went in and tried to see more than that) screams ā€œMy god, I know your pain, I know what itā€™s like to want to give up and throw yourself away due to failure after failure, letting others down when they need you, trying to distance yourself when you know that you can never stop caring.ā€ And maybe thatā€™s just my intuition talking, but I can really feel when other people have felt the same pain I have.

Id Say Ragnarok Loki Is More INFP. Ill Explain Why I Believe This. Introverted Over Extroverted: He Doesnt

Perceiving over Judging: heā€™s impulsive, yes, but this was harder to decide than the others. I actually have a book on MBTI types in children to teenagers. Perceivers like flexibility and spontaneity, they find the rules to be limiting and strict, theyā€™re very curious and impulsive and they love to adapt to things that are usually frustrating to others. Loki exhibits many of those traits, however he also has a few judging traits.

Id Say Ragnarok Loki Is More INFP. Ill Explain Why I Believe This. Introverted Over Extroverted: He Doesnt


Honestly at first I thought he was ENFJ or INFJ.


First, letā€™s make it clear that itā€™s hard to type a character accurately 100%. Unless of course you are the creator of said character or are the character in question.

That being said, Iā€™ve noticed people saying that Loki is an INTP; and that is ridiculous. As an INTP, I just donā€™t see it. He may pretend to be, but heā€™s crazily emotional and very short sighted. If anything Iā€™d say heā€™s an ISFJ. (Iā€™m not going to go into huge detail here, butā€¦)

1. He refuses to listen to what others are saying because heā€™s too blinded by what heā€™s experienced. (S)Ā 

2. Heā€™s fueled by his emotions, he may keep them in check sometimes; but everything stems from how heā€™s feeling what his mood is.Ā 

Ā I am by no means an expert here so refrain from any abuse and such, because Iā€™m not one of those crazy fans etc. Though feel free to discuss your take on it. Ā I just donā€™t think heā€™s an INTP. I suppose you could mistake his F for T because youā€™re comparing him to Thor, which makes him seem more a T; but there are other factors to take into consideration. This is not a black and white subject.Ā 

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1 year ago

Loki Ɨ Mobius

I think they're both versatile in this pairing, but Loki is like his guy's protector. I just don't know how to say it. Did you see the way he looked at X-5 when he was yelling at Mobius? Loki laughs next to Mobius and is really happy with him. I have nothing against Loki x Sylvie, but did you see her look before season two? I won't destroy the fact that this is all because of her.

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1 year ago

This contains spoilers of the finale of Loki Season 2!

I don't know if it has been mentioned before, but .... if you google the Variant Number on Mobius'/Don's file you'll get this.

This Contains Spoilers Of The Finale Of Loki Season 2!

Marvel Database (Link)

Just saying.

Also why is the whole alphabet on his file?

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