Time Variance Authority - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

1914 Freedom's Five (Limited series)

Victorex Prime or the Scarlet Centurion (a Kang variant) is bored of life in the 40th century, having conquered everything there is to conquer. He has now resorted to conquering various eras of the past to alleviate the boredom. He has been trying to conquer earth during the chaos of WWI, identified as a good point in earth's history. Suitably advanced, but no notable superheroes. He has future tech and future fighters and they are mistaken for ‘martians’ by the public.

The Time Variance Authority aren't pruning regularly yet as this is still the time war, though He Who Remains (not named in the show) has worked out the technology. They have to stop the Scarlet Centurion to finally bring about the sacred timeline. They've stopped him twice and he escaped both times. They know if he continues to mess with this timeline then time eaters (demons from outside of time) will eventually consume it anyway. We will see this take effect in Legion later on.

Revonna Renslayer, a time judge, wants to use the new technology to prune the timeline, Kang variant and all. Mobius wants to try something different to see if the timeline can be saved. 

He tips off an obscure superhero team of the period and they take out a ‘martian’ tripod by themselves, proving to Renslayer that there is a possibility to save this timeline. 

Our heroes have to fight alongside the TVA against the invasion whilst simultaneously staving off being pruned by the same group.

The team are called ‘Freedom's Five’ (cringe) and consist of:

The Crimson Cavalier - Jean-Luc Batroc, an antecedent of Batroc the Leaper from CA:TWS. Equally adept at savate, swordsmanship and proto-parkour athleticism (studied under Georges Hérbert at Reims University in France). He was a criminal in peace time but fights for the freedom of France. (Played by David Belle).

Iron Fist - The Orson Randall version. Orson abandoned his post as protector of  the heavenly city of K'un Lun (luckily they replaced him before the city was attacked). Born in K'un Lun to an American father, he is headstrong and brash but also brave and protective of his comrades. He channels the mystical power from his fists into dual-wield pistols, extending the range and accuracy of his power as well as being an expert martial artist. He replaced the Silver Squire in the Squad. (Played by Brandon Lee).

Phantom Eagle - Karl Kaufmann. American born German who fights for the allies. The aceiest of flying aces and skilled at hand to hand combat too. (Played by Dolph Lundgren)

Sir Steel - Ned Chapel, a Yorkshire blacksmith, worked on the Armatage Estate and was bequeathed the enchanted armour Sir Steel. He is a master swordsman and has near invulnerability from his enchanted armour. His sidekick the Silver Squire is currently injured and therefore absent from the team. (Played by Sean Bean)

Union Jack - A young Lord James Montgomery Falsworth. Studied at Reims with Jean-Luc. Equally adept at the proto-parkour style of athleticism. Dead shot with a pistol and skilled at hand to hand combat. Sometimes converses in French with Jean-Luc. (Played by JJ Feild. Though I'm tempted to replace him with an age appropriate Nigel Havers).

TVA characters:

Judge Revonna Renslayer

Agent Mobius M. Mobius

General Dox

Hunter B-15

Hunter C-20

Hunter X-5

Various hunters and agents, maybe some clerical workers back at the TVA.

Other characters:

Lady Falsworth, the fiancée of James who holds a secret (she is Inhuman).

John Falsworth, younger brother of Lord James. Irked at being second in line for the title.

Ursula Frankenstein, John's love interest, has an ulterior motive for being with John. She is close to making a breakthrough in reanimation and is willing to go to whoever will fund her, including Hydra and mysterious cults.

Scarlet Centurion's warriors

Also Military types of the era

In the end they succeed, with TVA having to wipe everyone's memories of future tech and time travel. The government, with limited information, pass it off as a massive German bombing raid.

The Freedom's Five know it wasn't that, but they don't know what it was.

Back at the TVA, Mobius is disappointed that they had to take their victory away from them. Renslayer reminds him that was the only thing that saved them from being pruned.

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3 years ago

Anyone else notice the writing on a TVA barrier/wall that said “SYF” in episode 1x01?

Anyone Else Notice The Writing On A TVA Barrier/wall That Said SYF In Episode 1x01?

Is this an Easter egg about Lady Sif?? What happened to her?

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3 years ago

Well the first episode of of Loki is out and I already want him to burn the time variance authority to the ground

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10 months ago
The 2nd Tag Here Reminded Me [THANK YOU SO MUCH BTW, I LOVE MAKING LOKI VARIANTS @keepmakingtrouuble

The 2nd tag here reminded me [THANK YOU SO MUCH BTW, I LOVE MAKING LOKI VARIANTS @keepmakingtrouuble 💚💚 sorry for the tag it felt weird not to tag you :’} ]

I was thinking about how the TVA works with spider-society, because they can hop between the multiverse. Ofcourse the TVA knows of spider-society but does spider-society [more specifically, Miguel] know of the TVA?

I wonder what the correlation is between Canon events and nexus events? And was Miguel going to a new universe where he could be with his family a nexus event, it had to of been, right? And the universe collapsing would’ve been pruning

With the TVA gone though, or more specifically with nexus events not mattering and branches being fine [thanks tree-ki], that would mean that Miles’s original timeline is fine — his father will be fine !!

[sidenote I’m totally drawing a spider-Loki variant at some point, also I forgot miles’s name while writing this and had to consult my spider-encyclopaedia.]

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1 year ago

This contains spoilers of the finale of Loki Season 2!

I don't know if it has been mentioned before, but .... if you google the Variant Number on Mobius'/Don's file you'll get this.

This Contains Spoilers Of The Finale Of Loki Season 2!

Marvel Database (Link)

Just saying.

Also why is the whole alphabet on his file?

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